Sunday, August 1, 2010

The elite's bogus appeal to 'authority'

American Thinker "In the book Intellectuals and Society, Thomas Sowell exposes the "intellectual" ruling class who, as National Review put it, "Exalt themselves by denigrating our society - and are working to destroy it."
"The fabrication of this worldview, i.e., that liberals are the smartest, best and the brightest, and above reproach, has been the underlying template for how we are to view our world. Just ask any liberal."

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Taliban Spokesman says They Will Hunt Down and Kill Afghan Informants Outed in WikiLeaks Documents

Gateway Pundit "And it’s not just Julian Assange who will have blood on his hands because of this leak. A Wall Street Journal article yesterday reported that Investigators found concrete evidence that PFC. Bradley Manning was the source of the leak."

Blog Posts on Pfc Bradley Manning

Jihad = to purify........[the World of the Jewish People]

Atlas Shrugs "As you may recall, earlier this year Obama’s top adviser on counter-terrorism, John Brennan, had this to say on the definition of Jihad:
Counterterror Adviser John Brennan Defends Jihad as 'Legitimate Tenet of Islam ..."Nor do we describe our enemy as 'jihadists' or 'Islamists' because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one's community ..."
"to purify oneself or one's purify a community in Islam is to get rid of or totally subjugate non Muslims."

Taxes: A Defining Issue

Wall Street Journal  "In another corner of the world, wealth is rising from the emerging economies of the east—China, India, Korea and the rest—posing America's greatest economic challenge in anyone's lifetime. Do the American people want to throw in the towel, or do they want to compete? If the latter, the public sector has to give way to the private sector.
"One or the other. It's time to choose." DANIEL HENNINGER


From Astute Blogger :
Communist ANSWER Coalition Spearheads Immigration Protests in Phoenix — Special Forum Edition, 'Moments With Fidel'   "Griff Jenkins interviews Michael Prysner at the clip below. Folks will remember Prysner as the Iraq war veteran and "Winter Soldier" who leads a program of resistance and revolution against the United States. Turns out that A.N.S.W.E.R. cadres were out in full force for the Phoenix protests against SB 1070."

Protesters Raise Mexican Flag Outside Phoenix Jailhouse "Greywolfe said...
"Yeah, saw that earlier. Also, like the Che flag that they were flying next to it. Lets you know exactly where they're coming from, doesn't it?"
Immigration Law Protesters Interrupt Mets Game "Two men carrying Mexican flags in protest of Arizona's immigration law ran into the outfield during the seventh inning of the New York Mets' game against the Arizona Diamondbacks on Friday night at Citi Field. "

Arizona immigration law appeal set for November "Lawyers for Arizona and Governor Jan Brewer had asked the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco on Thursday to lift an injunction blocking the most intrusive parts of the law, known as SB 1070, asking for the appeal to be handled quickly.
"But the court denied the state's request to expedite the appeal and set a hearing for the week of November 1."

CNBC's 'Clarification' of Bush Tax Cuts Still Ignores Their Across-the-Board Nature (Updated)

Newsbusters "It is simply not true that ending the Bush tax cuts for those earning over $250,000 will only affect "the wealthiest Americans." Doing so will instead extract more money from people who happen to be the "highest-earning Americans" starting next year, regardless of whether they have previously accumulated a great deal of wealth or are saddled with a mountain of debt to the point of having a negative net worth."
Expiration of Bush Tax Cuts Would Cost Families Thousands in 2011, Study Shows  "Millions of families will be faced with thousands of dollars in tax increases if the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire at the end of the year, according to estimates from the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation."

Friday, July 30, 2010

Questions for ‘The New York Times’

Jerusalem Post  "Among unresolved matters is one evidently too hot for editors to handle. It concerns Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner’s statements on MSNBC revealing a strikingly jaundiced view of Israelis generally. He claimed in a March 8 broadcast that unfavorable views of Barack Obama on the part of the Israeli electorate reflected not just dismay over the policies of the president, but also [here it comes... wait for it....] collective public “prejudice” and “racism.”  ANDREA LEVIN (Emphasis added)

The Quiet Education Overhaul

Heritage "Duncan certainly got the quiet part right. Since his Administration came into office, President Obama has quietly been reworking the country’s education system, doing an end-run around normal legislative procedure. With the U.S. Department of Education’s (DOE) funding doubled thanks to the so-called “stimulus,” the Administration has little need or incentive to bother negotiating its education agenda through Congress. Instead, the DOE is using that windfall of funding and power to stage a significant overhaul of local schools; dangling grant money before cash-strapped states on the condition they adopt key pieces of the Obama education agenda. And this is all happening without public consideration..."

Pampered Populists

Victor Davis Hanson "It's surreal to see President Obama play the class-warfare card against the Republicans while on his way to vacation on the tony Maine coast, and even more interesting to note that now gone are the days when the media used to caricature Bush I ("Poppy") for boating in the summer off the preppie-sounding Kennebunkport. The truth is that the real big money and the lifestyles that go with it are now firmly liberal Democratic."

Court upholds expulsion of student from public university for Christian beliefs

Mark Hemingway "A few weeks ago we saw a University of Illinois professor who was fired after a student complained that he was teaching Catholic doctrine on homosexuality in a course titled, appropriately enough, “Introduction to Catholicism and Modern Catholic Thought.”
"Now a court has upheld the expulsion of a Christian student at a public university in Michigan over her personal beliefs on homosexuality:" Via Beltway Confidential

The Amnesty Memo and the term, "Deferred Action"

National Review "According to an internal U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services memo going the rounds of Capitol Hill and obtained by National Review, the agency is considering ways in which it could enact “meaningful immigration reform absent legislative action” — that is, without the consent of the American  people through a vote in Congress."

USCIS Draft Memo Leaked Discussing Ways to ByPass Congress on Amnesty "The National Review article claims that the USCIS is thinking about using “Deferred Action”. The Definition of Deferred Action according to the USCIS is:"
“an exercise of prosecutorial discretion not to pursue removal from the U.S. of a particular individual for a specific period of time.”