Monday, February 7, 2011

Egyptian Opposition Says Talks Were 'Positive' But 'Inconclusive'

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty   "Experts on the ground, however, say the Muslim Brotherhood is not the radical group it is often made out to be.
"Elizabeth Arrott, the head of Voice of America's bureau in Cairo, said the group has quieted down in recent years.
""I think that a lot of people, when they immediately hear about the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, think of Hamas and, eventually, Al-Qaeda, which are indeed offshoots of the original organization, which started here in Egypt,” she said. “After, there was a fair amount of violence by members, however, the general group here has turned into much more of a social movement." Could these be the same people who said Obama was a centrist?
And here: Egyptian opposition demands Mubarak step down, parliament removed, fair elections held  Via

Obama: Egyptians Won't Permit a Repressive Government to Fill Mubarak Void  ""What I want is a representative government in Egypt and I have confidence that if Egypt moves in an orderly transition process, they will have a government in Egypt that will work together with us" as partners, Obama said from the White House..." And you can keep your doctor and current health care plan and your taxes won't go up one dime and...
Fox News

California Cap and Trade Tripped Up By Pollution Rhetoric

Heritage  "And this past December, much to the delight of many environmentalists, CARB passed the first carbon cap-and-trade scheme in the United States. Everything looked ready to go … until a San Francisco Superior Court judge issued a ruling, just made public last week, that, if made final, would stop CARB from implementing its plan. The plaintiffs in the suit? The Center on Race, Poverty, and the Environment."
Government of the hippies, by the hippies and for the hippies.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Why the Egyptian Revolution Can Be the Best or Worst Thing to Happen

Raymond Ibrahim  "Therefore, rather than naively assume that this revolution will lead to a democratic Egypt (and so the US should stand by), or cynically assume that this is unquestionably an Islamist revolt that needs to be crushed (by supporting Mubarak and tyranny), the US should simply do whatever needs doing to see that the revolt, in fact, leads to a secular and pluralistic society, which, believe it or not, many Egyptians would welcome.
"The secularists are there. Now is the time to support them. Without Western support, the Muslim Brotherhood will take over Egypt by default. And if that happens, the Middle East will rock like never before in the modern era."

Imam Steps Down From Project Near Ground Zero

NY Times  "Mr. Adhami’s withdrawal comes days after a flurry of statements and clarifications from Park51 and Mr. Abdul Rauf. On a national speaking tour to promote interfaith understanding, Mr. Abdul Rauf last week told the editorial board of The Buffalo News that he would be willing to change the location of the center if another property became available."....
But: "In response to the Buffalo News report, Mr. Gamal on Monday restated his intention to build the 16-story Muslim center at 51 Park Place, a former coat store that he owns."

Robert Ariail on the Muslim Brotherhood

Turmoil in the Middle East; from the Hoover Institution

Hoover Institution  "Hoover fellows comment on the recent events in the Middle East. Will the revolutions beget counterrevolutions and new rounds of repression and revolt?
"The following are links to articles, videos, podcasts, and commentary by Hoover fellows concerning the mayhem in the Middle East."

The Middle East

GOOD GRIEF!!! EPA moving ahead in classifying cow’s milk as oil, wants farmers to have plan for spill containment!

Rightwingnews  "The bill in that prior article was "to urge the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to rescind rules that would require dairy farms to have oil spill prevention plans for milk storage tanks." Looks like the EPA is moving forward anyway. From Thomas Sowell via memeorandum: EPA now to regulate spilled milk — really" Whose idea was it to employ these EPA people full-time? I can't believe the stuff they come up with to justify their eight hours per day.
EPA classifies milk as oil, forcing costly rules on farmers  "But last week environmentalists disagreed at a Senate committee hearing on a resolution from Sen. Wayne Kuipers, R-Holland, calling for the EPA to rescind its ruling.
""The federal Clean Water Act requirements were meant to protect the environment from petroleum-based oils, not milk," he said. "I think it is an example of federal government gone amuck."
"But Gayle Miller, legislative director of Sierra Club Michigan Chapter, said agricultural pollution probably is the nation's most severe chronic problem when it comes to water pollution."

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The University of Kentucky has NOT Removed Holocaust Studies from Its Curriculum  "The eRumor claims that the University of Kentucky has removed the Holocaust from its curriculum because it offended Muslims. "
"The Truth: This is a hoax.  The original email, which started circulating in 2007, claimed that the University of Kentucky had removed the Holocaust from its curriculum.
"The University of Kentucky told that no such decision had been made about removing studies about the Holocaust."

Aladdin Project Seeks End to Holocaust Denial  "The Aladdin Project was founded primarily because of the growing problem of Holocaust denial. Shoah denial has become an especially grave issue in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a struggle that has resulted in untold suffering among both Muslims and Jews."

Bosch Fawstin
Israel Memorial Recognizes Non-Jews for Saving Jews During Holocaust  "Many humane and decent people helped Jews during the Holocaust. These individuals acted out of their own deep humanity to aid fellow human beings despite the prevailing attitude towards Jews that ranged from indifference to virulent anti-Semitism. To determine which individuals are eligible from this group of benevolent non-Jews for special recognition as Righteous Among Nations, four specific criteria are used."

Further information: Yad Vashem  "As the Jewish people’s living memorial to the Holocaust, Yad Vashem safeguards the memory of the past and imparts its meaning for future generations. Established in 1953, as the world center for documentation, research, education and commemoration of the Holocaust, Yad Vashem is today a dynamic and vital place of intergenerational and international encounter."

Did Obama agree to expose British nuke secrets in START pact?

Hot Air "Information about every Trident missile the US supplies to Britain will be given to Russia as part of an arms control deal signed by President Barack Obama next week.
"Defence analysts claim the agreement risks undermining Britain’s policy of refusing to confirm the exact size of its nuclear arsenal.

"The fact that the Americans used British nuclear secrets as a bargaining chip also sheds new light on the so-called “special relationship”, which is shown often to be a one-sided affair by US diplomatic communications obtained by the WikiLeaks website."

US agrees to tell Russia Brit nuke secrets  "The century old "Special Relationship" with Great Britain appears dead. Many have speculated why Obama wanted to kill it; revenge for his father's torture and incarceration; hate for a former colonial power; or just as likely, a wish to separate himself from his predecessors.
"The world is a more dangerous place because of this."  Rick Moran, American Thinker.

From the UK Telegraph: WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain's nuclear secrets"The fact that the Americans used British nuclear secrets as a bargaining chip also sheds new light on the so-called “special relationship”, which is shown often to be a one-sided affair by US diplomatic communications obtained by the WikiLeaks website."
The fecklessness of Obama and the Democrats knows no bounds. Mr.Churchill, please forgive us for we know not what we do. I hope.

Backstabbin' the Brits: US agrees to tell Russia UK nuke secrets  "If returning Winston Churchill's bust and giving tacky gifts to Gordon Brown and the Queen weren't enough, the Obama administration has given the UK the ultimate swift kick in the pants. Recent Wikileaks cables shows that the Obama administration gave Russia the serial numbers of the Trident missiles it transfered to the UK as part of the START agreement. The serial numbers can be used to help determine the size of the UK's arsenal."....

"Just think of all those people in the UK who wanted Obama to be president. They felt that Obama could improve America's image around the world. How's that working out for everybody? Something tells me those Bush "Miss Me Yet" billboards will soon be popping up in the UK." 
Source: Another Black Conservative

Obama to Debt and Deficit Reduction Commission: So Long, It’s Been Good To Know You

Big Government  "Efficient and cost-effective budgeting requires a cost conscious governing culture that sees itself as the steward of the public’s funds. When elected officials sitting in Washington and various state capitals have the power to extract and transfer funds from the peoples’ accounts to the government’s account, they have an enormous responsibility to use that power thoughtfully and, always, in the interest of the people who sent them to govern. Frankly, this White House is either tone deaf, or, more likely, intentionally ignoring the message that was delivered in the November 2010 election. Behind all of the flourishes, there still exists only an agenda of spend, tax and borrow the difference."

MEXICAN CARTELS Take Over Texas Homes (video included)

Gateway Pundit  "Is the Mexican drug cartel’s presence increasing here in North Texas? “Absolutely,” says the investigator showing us around. He admits it is ‘scary.’ “They’ll do whatever it takes to get into your neighborhood and hide.”
"“That’s where we are finding the high powered weapons,” says Constable Ben Adamcik, who says he has helped the Dallas Police Department and Drug Enforcement Administration take down 40 of these homes in the last three years. It’s not common for Constables to get involved in this activity, but Adamcik is a former police officer and fighting drugs is his passion. The father and grandfather is determined to protect the children in the neighborhoods he protects.
"But don’t worry. There is no need for concern. Janet Napolitano told us so."

DFW/CBS "What’s behind the closed doors of these house? No one would ever suspect- except maybe Ed Fox, who heads up the Volunteers on Patrol Program for the Prestonwood West Neighborhood."

Revolt of the Egyptians

Powerlineblog  "In his Farewell Address, George Washington reflected on the requisites of free government:"
It is substantially true that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government. The rule, indeed, extends with more or less force to every species of free government. Who that is a sincere friend to it can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric?
Promote then, as an object of primary importance, institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge. In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened.
"In fact, the vast majority of Egyptians has practiced civil disobedience against the Mubarak regime for years. The Mubarak government announced a "complete" ban on genital mutilation in 2007, the second time it has done so - without success, for the Egyptian population ignored the enlightened pronouncements of its government. Do Western liberals cheer at this quiet revolt against Mubarak's authority?"