Saturday, February 19, 2011

The View from Wisconsin: 'Our Political Process has been Stopped by a Mob'

Mark Hemingway   "If you want to know just how unruly the union protests are at the state capitol in Madison, check out this eye-opening account from a Wisconsin political insider over at a Milwaukee radio station:"....
On Thursday, legislators were advised to return to their offices and lock their doors. Mobs roamed the halls, banging on the glass of the doors, pounding on the walls. No one could move in the halls or enter or leave the building. The glass of the Supreme Court's entrance was broken. Legislators were genuinely afraid. Our elected representatives were afraid. In our Capitol.

"Can you imagine the wall-to-wall media coverage if Tea Partiers were acting so disrespectfully?"

Wisconsin Madness as Seen by the ‘Little People’

Pajamas Media  "Another friend could only shake his head in disbelief. He wondered why Governor Walker’s “budget repair bill” has triggered so many clearly un-civil protests in the state capitol. As an accountant he understands that the Wisconsin Constitution requires a balanced budget and that union concessions would prevent massive layoffs. With the economy in shambles, isn’t it better to make a few concessions than sacrifice several thousand jobs? “It just kills me that we are expected to make so many sacrifices to pay for these people who don’t care one bit about us,” he added."

Ramirez on Obama, unions

Hot Air  "On Thursday, Obama felt oddly compelled to stick his foot in his mouth in order to attack Scott Walker and the Wisconsin legislature by accusing them of conducting “an assault on unions,” even though in the previous breath, Obama admitted that he didn’t know the details of the issue.   For a man with as much invested in union support as Obama, though, the facts don’t matter much."
Breitbart to NRO: Obama’s Union Involvement ‘Deeply Un-American’  "Turning to the White House, Breitbart calls President Obama’s involvement in union activism “deeply un-American.”
"“What you have is the president of the United States organizing anarchists, public-sector unions in order to intimidate Americans,” he says."

Obama's Louis XV budget

Charles Krauthammer "A more cynical budget is hard to imagine. This one ignores the looming debt crisis, shifts all responsibility for serious budget-cutting to the Republicans - for which Democrats are ready with a two-year, full-artillery demagogic assault - and sets Obama up perfectly for reelection in 2012.
"Obama fancies his happy talk, debt-denial optimism to be Reaganesque. It's more Louis XV. Reagan begat a quarter-century of prosperity; Louis, the deluge.
"Moreover, unlike Obama, Louis had the decency to admit he was forfeiting the future. He never pretended to be winning it. "

A Deformed Mouse of a Budget ...Mr. Obama has left it to the Republicans to tackle entitlements, as everyone with the benefit of a Grade Three education in arithmetic who examines the budget, however cursorily, can see must happen."

Wisconsin: What Big Labor protesters are teaching kids (language warning)

Michelle Malkin  "Thanks to reader Justin Falk for sending along these pictures from the progressive Peace&Love march in Madison, Wisconsin today (language warning). Keep it classy, progs!"
Tolerant progressives at work.

Lara Logan and the Drooling Beast

AOL News
Infidel Bloggers Alliance   "Anti-American Third World national, religious and ethnic groups are at the top of the victim food chain. They out-victim everyone else.
"After them come the Western victims: Racial minorities, women, homosexuals, children and animals.
"Israelis, Jews, Americans, white males and rich people are the predetermined perpetrators. No matter how badly they are victimized, brave reporters will go to heroic lengths to ignore, underplay or explain away their suffering."

If A Mob Yells ‘Jew! Jew!’ In A Cairo Square, Will Any MSM Hear It?  "Such a news blackout is hard to imagine if, for example, a star correspondent had been similarly violated by a mob of tea party-goers at, say, a massive Glenn Beck rally — and particularly if other correspondents had previously suffered unprecedented assaults and threats from the same crowd. A keening outcry would have arisen from the heart of the MSM (mainstream media) against the mob, accompanied by a natural zeal to investigate cultural or other reasons for the brutality."

NBC Equates Madison to Egypt While Ignoring ‘Scott Stalin’ Placard, All Spike Obama’s Role

Newsbusters   "Without ever mentioning the involvement of President Obama’s Organizing for America, reporter John Yang trumpeted from Madison how “tens of thousands of public workers have come here to make their voices heard.” Scolding incivility certainly didn’t interest Yang, who cued up a protester to trash Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker without making any note of the sign he was holding which showed a hammer and sickle below “Scott Stalin.” "

Video: Doctors handing out fake medical excuses at WI union protest

Hot Air  "Via Drudge, one of the more hypocritical moments of the union protests in Madison gets committed to videotape by MacIver Institute. Why hypocritical? Well, imagine what these same teachers would say if their students got doctors to sign notes en masse at the mall to teenagers that play hooky from their classes.  Great lesson these teachers are giving their students, especially the ones they brought in tow to Wisconsin’s capital:"...

Friday, February 18, 2011


Goodbye to All That — 2004-2007

Victor Davis Hanson  "In times to come, the period between the failed campaign of John Kerry and the Democratic control of the Congress, coupled with the beginning of the successful surge, should be known as “The Insane Years.” This was the era in which Guantanamo was a gulag, renditions were the stuff of Hollywood movies, and Bush and Cheney were deemed veritable war criminals. Was it all a dream, those nightmare years of 2004-7?"....
This was the period in which Michael Moore called for US defeat in Iraq and dubbed the Islamists who were killing our own soldiers “Minutemen.”


Boortz  "Just what is it that Scott Walker and the Republicans in the state legislature want of these government sector unions? Well, they want them to put 5.8% of their wages toward their own retirement. Imagine that! Contributing to your own retirement! Oh, the humanity! They also want government employees to cover 12.6% of their health care premiums. This, of course, is an outrageous concept for Democrats. People just should not be responsible for their own health care. That's the employer's job ... or the government. "  Democrats skip townObama gets involved

WI protesters call Gov. Walker a dictator, put crosshairs on his face  "As I noted earlier, the Democrats in the state Senate have now disappeared rather than vote, which also allows the protests to keep spinning up.
"The protests may spin right out of control. Here are a couple of screenshots from a video posted today at They speak for themselves. And there are more in the video."

The cradle of American progressivism might yield the solution to states’ budget woes.  "Gov. Scott Walker is bringing austerity to the intellectual breadbasket of American progressivism, and seeks to break the grip of the public-sector unions in a state that had a large hand in empowering them. His effort could become a national model for recalibrating the relationship of state governments to the unions that are bankrupting them." Rich Lowry.

Wisconsin vs. Big Labor "Welcome to the reckoning. We have met the fiscal apocalypse, and it is smack dab in the middle of the heartland. As Wisconsin goes, so goes the nation. Let us pray it does not go the way of the decrepit welfare states of the European Union."  Michelle Malkin

ABC's One-Sided Take on Wisconsin Protests Includes an Interview With Top Secret, Hidden Democrat  "Correspondent Chris Bury's piece on the protest featured five clips of those protesting the efforts by Republican Governor Scott Walker to make government employees contribute to their retirement plans. He allowed just one in support.
"The reporter narrated, "Last night, more public workers, including these firemen, poured into the capitol. Some families camping out overnight, in a last-ditch effort to protest budget cuts they fear would cripple their union rights.""