Monday, February 21, 2011

US warships box in Iranian flotilla, delay Suez passage

DEBKAfile  "The repeated delays and contradictory statements about the two Iranian warships' transit of the Suez Canal to the Mediterranean is accounted for by a standoff between the Iranian flotilla and five US warships deployed in recent days at the waterway's southern entrance and along its course, debkafile's sources disclose."

Cairo and Tehran connive to slip Iranian warships through Suez after fake delays  "debkafile reports: Israel has learned that the Iranian cruiser Kharg is carrying long-range missiles for Hizballah which it plans to unload at a Syrian port or Beirut harbor.
"US State Department spokesman P.J Crowley said he was "highly skeptical" of the Syrian claim that the two ships' visit was for training. "If the ships move through the canal, we will evaluate what they actually do. It's not really about the ships. It's about what the ships are carrying, what's their destination, what's the cargo on board, where's it going, to whom and for what benefit," Crowley told a news conference."

Media Silence As Tolerant Left Wishes Death on Governor Scott Walker

Big Journalism "You may remember President Obama’s recent call for civil discourse this past January. Well, it appears that the Left is still very much struggling with the #newtone online. Unless, of course, you consider a persistent stream of steady death threats against Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker a display of etiquette straight from the Emily Post Etipedia of manners."

A reminder to let Wisconsin Republicans known you’ve got their backs  "If you haven’t already sent emails expressing support to Wisconsin Gov. Walker and the Republican Senators, you must. Here are the email addresses:"  From BookwormRoom

Rent a Mob - Wisconsin Protests Intensify  "Today's post is about the Wisconsin Protests that are happening in Madison over Governor Walker's plan to have the Public Sector Unions contribute a little more to their health care and pension. Specifically, The bill, which also bans collective bargaining rights for teachers, requires educators to contribute 5.8 percent to their pensions and 12.6 percent to their health care. Currently, educators pay 0.2 percent for their pensions and 4 to 6 percent of their health care costs." Numerous links on this subject from Common Cents


Astute Blogger  Obama in his own words, speaking to the SEIU. (Video and sound.)

Hezbollah might attack Israeli target to help Iran

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Jerusalem Post  "IDF Northern Command believes regime in Iran may initiate attack if it feels under pressure due to anti-government protests."

Hezbollah chief tells IDF: Watch your heads "Hassan Narallah calls on 'Islamic resistance fighters' to 'be ready for the day when war is forced on Lebanon'; Hezbollah leader who escaped Egyptian prison appears at rally where Nasrallah spoke."   Hat tip to AstuteBlogger

Angry Violent Mob Attacks FOX Reporters in People’s Republic of… California (Video)

Gateway Pundit  "Within moments, however, several people approach from further down the sidewalk. A man in a purple t-shirt shoves Little’s camera away; then a woman in a white button-down sweater is seen in the video screaming at the photojournalist. Little is forced backwards as the woman stomps towards her.
"Three other women hold the lady in the white sweater back, but another runs in from further up the sidewalk, grabs Little’s hair, and throws her to the ground in video captured by ABC 10 News. Lobertini attempts to help his coworker, but appears to get punched by the man in the purple shirt."

Something momentous is happening in the United States right now and Barack Obama doesn't get it.

Neal Boortz  sends us this British tidbit of some significance: American Way: Barack Obama, cult figure of 2008, left behind by new anti-spending zeitgeist "Although you may have read about the Tea Party being a collection of fringe racists and lunatics, their activists in places like Wisconsin were mainly ordinary Americans sick to the back teeth with out-of-control spending.
"Walker’s proposals are relatively modest ones for someone facing a $3.6 billion shortfall. He was elected on a platform of balancing the budget and he’s got to find the money to do that from somewhere.
"Budget crises are brewing in Ohio, New Jersey and a slew of other states."

Diversity Sitcoms?

American Thinker  "Following Katie Couric's lead, comedian Bill Cosby is seriously promoting the idea of a Muslim Cosby show. The 73-year old even gave some suggestions for would-be producers:
"The bottom line: No, the show wouldn't be a perfect solution. But yes, it would be a good idea. Like The Cosby Show, it would have to start off by tiptoeing around people's prejudices by keeping things comfortable and familiar."....
"But instead of a sitcom depicting an upwardly mobile Muslim family how about a comedy involving a Tea Party mom, dad and kids; surely no group has been subjected to more scapegoating and false stereotypes in the past two years than this bunch."

Michelle Obama's big 'sacrifices' on her Vail vacation

Jeannie DeAngelis  "Despite the extravagant entourage, when it comes to frugality Mrs. Obama is a pro. A flight from DC to Colorado is 1,700 miles and takes approximately 3 hours. Although the First Lady usually employs a large Air Force jet to ferry her from vacation spot to vacation spot, this time she answered the call to live within the Obama family means in the following way: To save money, instead of Air Force One, which costs about $100,000 per hour to fly, Michelle chose a less expensive jet."

Gov. Scott Walker Sits Down With Heritage and Answers the Tough Questions

Heritage  "I’ve said all along the protesters have every right to be there, but I’m not going to let tens of thousands overload or overshadow the millions of people in Wisconsin, the taxpayers of the state, who want us to do the right thing and balance the budget,” Gov. Walker told us. Click here to watch the interview
"Fourteen state Senate Democrats fled to Illinois last week, preventing a quorum and blocking passage of Walker’s budget repair bill. But that doesn’t dissuade Gov. Walker. He told Heritage he would prefer to see the stalemate last indefinitely rather than compromise on his principles."

Intelligence Guidance: Protests and Unrest

STRATFOR There has now been some spark of unrest in places as far afield as Cote d’Ivoire and Iran. For the most part, these protests are limited in size and scope, and not all of them are connected. But are some? Are there protests unified by common themes? Are there common forces at work behind the scenes in some cases?
Examine the following countries in particular:
Anti-government protesters demonstrate in  Pearl Square in Manama, Bahrain, on Feb. 20

Bahrain Protesters Camp Out In Square Ahead Of Talks "The tiny gulf state has a majority Shi’a population but is ruled by a Sunni royal family. The Shi’ite population complains it has been discriminated against when it comes to housing and government jobs.However, protesters have been at pains to describe their rebellion as nonsectarian. They have chanted slogans like: "There are no Sunnis or Shi’a, just Bahraini unity."

US Urges Arab Governments to Heed Calls for Change  ""That is what we want to see," continued Clinton. "At the same time, we recognize that this process can be hijacked by both outside and inside elements."As an example, Secretary Clinton pointed to the Iranian revolution of the late 1970s, where the people overthrew the totalitarian Shah and saw a totalitarian theocratic regime come to power in its place. She said the goal is not simply for nations to hold an election in which one autocratic ruler is replaced by another, but rather for a democratic process to take root that yields true representative governments."

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Far Left Loons ISSUE DEATH THREATS Against Gov. Scott Walker

Gateway Pundit   "It Begins…Not only are they carrying Hitler signs, comparing Governor Walker to Mubarak, getting arrested in the capitol building, and sabotaging the tea party rally…The far left is now issuing death threats against Governor Scott Walker."  Video here.

Outrage! CORRUPT MEDIA Refuses to Report on the Left’s Vile Racist-Hitler Signs in Madison

Gateway Pundit   "This Is What Corruption Looks Like…The left held another rally yesterday in Madison, Wisconsin. And, just like the previous protests this past week these far left supporters brought their racist-Hitler-Mubarak Walker signs with them. But, if you thought the media would report on this disgusting hateful display you would be wrong.
"Here are a few examples missed by the state-run media…"
More pictures at the link above.