Wednesday, February 23, 2011

UN Asks Lefty Hollywood to Write Global Warming Propaganda Into Movie Story Lines…

Weasel Zippers  "Now the beleaguered multi-national agency, fresh from a disappointing round of climate negotiations in Cancun, wants something more concrete: actual story lines in movies, television and social media drawing attention to the dangers of global warming."

Breaking: Obama to abandon DOMA defense

Hot Air  "President Obama has decided that the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional and has asked his Justice Department to stop defending it in court, the administration announced today.
"“The President believes that DOMA is unconstitutional. They are no longer going to be defending the cases in the 1st and 2nd circuits,” a person briefed on the decision said."

Obama Won't Go to Court Over Defense of Marriage Act  Attorney General Eric Holder "said that Obama also concluded that Section 3 of DOMA, which defines “spouse” as a member of the opposite sex, “fails to meet that standard and is therefore unconstitutional. Given that conclusion, the president has instructed the department not to defend the statute in such cases. I fully concur with the president’s determination.”

Government Unions vs American Taxpayers

Heritage  "Conservative governors across the nation should absolutely work to reform the way public-sector unions drain our economy. As Governor Christie told MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ today: “We’re not trying to break the unions, the unions are trying to break the middle class.”"

Civility from the left

Skip Maclure

Wisconsin Unions vs. The Tea Party: A Classic Double Standard  "A story-by-story analysis by the Media Research Center shows the Wisconsin protests are a perfect case study in the media’s longstanding double standard favoring left-wing causes while demonstrating much more hostility to the Tea Party and conservative protest."

Can American Values Radicalize Muslims?

Raymond Ibrahim  "In fact, far from eliminating radicalization, there is reason to believe that Western values can actually exacerbate Islamist tendencies. It is already known that Western concessions to Islam — in the guise of multiculturalism, "cultural sensitivity," political correctness, and self-censorship — only bring out the worst in Islamists. Yet even some of the most prized aspects of Western civilization — personal freedom, rule of law, human dignity — when articulated through an Islamist framework, have the capacity to "radicalize" Muslims."

But That’s What Community Organizers Do

Victor Davis Hanson   "So we should cease being surprised that the president editorializes about extraneous issues while ignoring critical ones, or that the administration is now addressing breast pumps, or that Obama has ignored the findings of his own debt commission, or that he has added 200,000 new federal workers at a time of fiscal insolvency, and on and on.
"You see, that is what community organizers do, now and in the past."

The US and the Revolutions

 Blackfive   "A few thoughts on the revolutions, and how to respond.  Responses are meant to be effective without opening a new ground war, which is a condition that has to be avoided for obvious reasons."....
"We can imagine the heartening effect among the protestors of seeing US warplanes guarding them above. We can also imagine the effect the memory of that sight will have on post-revolutionary Libya."

US warships box in Iranian flotilla, delay Suez passage

USS Enterprise
DEBKAfile  "The Iranian warships found themselves cheek to jowl with a major concentration of America naval might piling up in the Red Sea and Suez and were not sure what would happen if they went forward with their mission to transit the Suez Canal for the Mediterranean for the first time in 30 years on their way to Syria."

Cables show China used debt holdings to press US

Breitbart  "China's clout -- gleaned from its nearly $900 billion stack of US debt -- has been widely commented on in the United States, but sensitive cables show just how much influence Beijing has and how keen Washington is to address its rival's concerns.
"An October 2008 cable, released by WikiLeaks, showed a senior Chinese official linking questions about much-needed Chinese investment to sensitive military sales to Taiwan. "

What Unions Do: How Labor Unions Affect Jobs and the Economy

Heritage  "What do unions do? The AFL-CIO argues that unions offer a pathway to higher wages and prosperity for the middle class. Critics point to the collapse of many highly unionized domestic industries and argue that unions harm the economy. To whom should policymakers listen? What unions do has been studied extensively by economists, and a broad survey of academic studies shows that while unions can sometimes achieve benefits for their members, they harm the overall economy." Hat tip to Neal Boortz, who also contributed this:

And this:


How often does the president of the AFL-CIO speak to somebody in the White House?

How the GOP Can Win the Budget Battle

Wall Street Journal  "Democrats will bewail every domestic program cut. Can Republicans convince the public we can't afford to play this game any longer?" Fred Barnes is executive editor of the Weekly Standard and a commentator on Fox News Channel.

Shutdown: Does GOP have the edge this time?  "It all adds up to this: Republicans have less to fear from a government shutdown now than they did when they endured the blame 15 years ago — at least that’s the thinking in some GOP circles."

It's Crunch Time for Organized Labor .

Former Gov. Ted Strickland (D., Ohio)
speaks to protesters in Columbus.

Heritage  "Gov. Walker and other Republicans say they have no choice as states struggle to cover huge budget gaps. Gov. John Kasich, who is pushing a similar measure in Ohio over heated union opposition, says the moves are not an attack on unions, but an effort "to restore some balance."
""We have finally elected people who are doing what they said they would do," said U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, the newly elected Republican from Wisconsin, who supports efforts to trim labor's powers. "I certainly hope that voters will stand by Gov. Walker when he makes these tough decisions.""