Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Russell Brand as...as...the EASTER BUNNY? (Updated)

'Hop' movie premiere: Russell Brand, James Marsden and the Hoff  "Married life sure has turned Russell Brand into a sweet little bunny -- or, wait, maybe that's the work of "Hop," which features Brand as a teenage bunny..."
Just be aware of the hack job this Obamite did on all American voters who did not support Barack Obama and on President Bush.

Russell Brand calls George Bush a ‘retard’ at MTV awards   "Ignoring the renowned patriotism of Americans, Brand told the Hollywood audience they must vote for Barrack Obama “on behalf of the world”, before insinuating that America had lower standards than Britain when it came to picking leaders.
"Some people, I think they’re called racists, say America is not ready for a black president."   Watch this if you can.

Russell Brand upsets MTV audience with sex and politics  "The comedian angered some in attendance by repeatedly joking about the Jonas Brothers, the sons of a pastor, all of whom wear purity rings as a symbol of their vow not to have premarital sex."
American Idol winner Jordin Sparks called Brand a "slut" when she came on stage, prompting Brand to apologise to the boy band." 

The source of Brand's expertise on the subject.

MTV piles on the Palin family; host Russell Brand promotes Obama, bashes America, Bush, and Christians; viewer backlash; transcript added   "Wow. Check out the viewer backlash at the MTV Labs Blog. Looks like Brand also mocked Christian youths who wear promise rings and ridiculed the popular Jonas Brothers band as well. A sample:"... Michelle Malkin

Klavan on the Culture; Celebrities  A minority that seems to genetically underperform: celebrities.

British Columnist Under Investigation For Criticizing Terrorists

Melanie Phillips "...it appears that you can no longer refer to Arab depravity in the slaughter of an Israeli family — including a three month-old baby — as they slept without someone going to the police to get you arrested for racism.
"This is what happened to me. I wrote on my blog about the ‘the moral depravity of the Arabs’ who had murdered Udi and Ruth Fogel and their three children, 11-year-old Yoav, four-year-old Elad and three-month-old Hadas in their home in the Samarian neighbourhood of Itamar, near Nablus, by cutting their throats while most of them were asleep."
"So hurting the feelings of a ‘powerless victim’ group becomes a crime. The giving of offence becomes a criminal offence.
"Accordingly, British police forces have established ‘hate crime’ units to police the giving of offence against a wide range of ‘victim’ groups covering ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or disability.
"Into this Orwellian universe has stepped radical Islam. Muslim activists have exploited the hysteria over ‘Islamophobia’ and racism to represent any criticism of Islam as a hate-crime and thus suppress necessary debate about Islamic extremism."

Mr. Obama's Speech

Obama Leaves Libya Questions Unanswered  "From the outset of operations in Libya, the best option was always “to minimize the commitment of the U.S. military, look after the best interests of Libya’s civilian population, and limit the spread of terrorism and instability throughout the region.” While the president promised last night to pursue such a course—the real challenge now begins—and there are still far too few details of how the White House will deliver on these promises."

Boortz on The Speech " I'm still of the opinion that Libya presented no threat to any vital American interests, and that this is essentially a civil war. That matters not at this point. America is in, let's do the job and get out. And then maybe we can ask questions as to why Barack Obama didn't lend the same level of support to the rebels in Iran that he did to those in Libya. After all, Qaddafi eliminated his nuclear program -- and Iran's is still going strong."

Obama's speech a mix of lies and wishful thinking  "And this brings us to more wishful thinking by Obama. Does he really believe that just because NATO will be in nominal control that the world won't see the US as still being in charge of the operation? And if this thing goes south, who does he think the world will blame? France?"

The Debate Over U.S. Libya Intervention "...So which side is right? Does the president have constitutional authority to authorize U.S. military operations in Libya without congressional approval?
"The short answer is, "Very likely yes, but . . ." "  Council on Foreign Relations

The Libyan Psychodrama/ It’s all about Obama.  "Foreign policy is made from such grim choices, a lesson the more mature President Obama of 2011 would have found challenging to explain to the childlike Candidate Obama of 2008.
"The rest of the President’s address was an exercise in psychodrama, a weird journey through the mind of a narcissist who can’t believe all the nasty things people are saying about him." ....
 "Obama concluded with a clumsy attempt to tie Operation Odyssey Dawn into his perpetual presidential campaign, waxing poetic about “deeply held principles” and how “young people are leading the way.”  Well, young people in Palestine are firing rockets into civilian populations, and slashing Israeli families into bloody shreds while they sleep. " Emphasis added.
 John Hayward is a staff writer for HUMAN EVENTS, and author of the recently published Doctor Zero: Year One.

EDITORIAL: The president’s speech  "The Nobel Prize-winning man of peace who expanded America's wars; the champion of Muslims who only helps them when it's convenient; and the great global leader who continually emphasizes America's declining influence: What a long strange odyssey the Obama presidency has become."  Via Lucianne

Obama in Libya  "Obama is not a neoconservative democratizer. When he talks about our values of human rights and democracy, he has in mind the progressive vision of a UN-dictated rights regime that constrains and encroaches upon national sovereignty, including our own."

Those Afghan "kill teams": Calling BS On Rolling Stone

Michael Yon
Michael Yon  "This could go on for pages, but Rolling Stone is not worth it, and thrashing them might only build their readership. I’ve found in the past that boycotts work. I led a boycott against one magazine and it went bankrupt. It’s doubtful that Rolling Stone will go bankrupt for its sins, but you can cost them money not by boycotting their magazine, but by boycotting their advertisers. That hurts. Just pick an advertiser whose products you already buy, boycott it, and tell the advertiser why you are not buying their product."

NPR reported this:  "Yesterday, Rolling Stone published new pictures of U.S. Army soldiers posing with the corposes(sp) and mutilated cadavers of Afghans."

Decoding Libya / Sharia can tell us how this story ends.

Andrew C. McCarthy  "We’ve seen this show before. The rebels are not rebels — they are the Libyan mujahideen. Like the Afghan mujahideen, including those that became al-Qaeda and the Taliban, the Libyan mujahideen comprise different groups. What overwhelmingly unites them, besides opposition to Qaddafi, is sharia. The Libyan mujahideen will exploit us but never befriend us. If they succeed, so be it. But we have no vital interest in orchestrating that success, even if it would mean a thug like Qaddafi finally gets his just deserts. If we empower them, we will eventually rue the day."

 Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links    "British Islamists have also backed the rebellion, with the former head of the banned al-Muhajiroun proclaiming that the call for "Islam, the Shariah and jihad from Libya" had "shaken the enemies of Islam and the Muslims more than the tsunami that Allah sent against their friends, the Japanese"."

Monday, March 28, 2011

Obama's Libya speech reverb watch (Updated)

Thomas Lifson  "President Obama prefers conspicuous reverb, giving his voice a god-like quality, so the extent of the reverb will be an indication of his desperation.
"It is a sad commentary on President Obama's pickle that he is once again retreating into campaign mode, requiring the services of an audience to lend authority to his explanation."

 Obama: Okay, if you insist, I’ll explain the war to Americans  "But the country knows we are engaged in a major military action, knows the United States is running the show and knows the president isn’t really focused on foreign OR domestic policy. The president’s reticence has only annoyed the liberal base (which reflexively opposes military action) and made it hard for conservatives to defend his policy."

The World's Greatest Orator is the worst communicator of recent times..   "Obama's indifferent performance in taking the country to war--sorry, to KLAM--can be explained by his indifference to the topic. By all accounts, he followed the lead of Hillary Clinton and her kettle of hawk hens, just as America followed the lead of the French, the British and the Arab League.
"But Obama cared about ObamaCare, and he couldn't sell the public on that either. Has he ever managed to convince anyone of anything of substance?"

Obama’s Meglomania: What He Should Say Tonight About Libya "The Europeans played Obama so easily because they appealed to his guilt instincts.  Obama sincerely believes that under Bush the United States was a Cowboy Empire,  insensitive to the sophisticates in Europe.  He has been all to eager to demonstrate that he’s different and willing to allow them to lead.   What Obama failed to take into account is that Europe has a history of wanting the fruits of military power without actually having military power."

Victor Davis Hanson: Libyan Endgames  "Given the above, and given the fact that this intervention was a bad idea, poorly articulated and not thought out from the very beginning, the best denouement is to get Qaddafi and get him quickly. Let us hope that, whatever the president says, he has advisers who see what must be done."

US is sliding into long-term military involvement in Libya "...Instead of a transition “in a few days” to NATO ...which US President Barack Obama will no doubt reiterate when he addresses the nation Tuesday... the United States is sliding deeper day by day into a third war in a Muslim country." DEBKAfile

Iranian Rulers, Believing Pre-Messianic Destruction Is Imminent, Make Film To Prepare Muslims

Pajamas Media "According to the Hadith, in the age of The Coming a revolution takes place in Iran. This is a key sign indicating that the reappearance is near, and serves as the initial preparation in the worldwide movement for The Coming of the last messiah. Based on this belief, the leaders of Iran see it as their duty to prepare the ground for The Coming.
"One of the most important keys to securing the reappearance of the last messiah — as called for in the Hadith — is the annihilation of Israel, and the conquering of Beitol Moghadas (Jerusalem). They state with conviction that Islam will soon conquer the world, and that all infidels will be destroyed.
"The pursuit of nuclear bombs by the radicals ruling Iran is directly connected to this belief: war, chaos, and lawlessness must engulf the world to pave the way for Imam Mahdi’s reappearance."

33 Signs Of Reappearance Of Imam Mahdi 
- Most Of These Signs Have Already Occurred And Others Are In Process. May Allah Protect Us From Hell Fire.
- Please Pray For Reappearance Of Imam.

‘Losing Our Sons’ Breaks Media Silence about Radical Islamic Recruitment in America

Big Peace  "Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT), an interfaith coalition of Christians, Jews, and Muslims today released a trailer for its upcoming documentary about Abdulhakim Mohamed, formerly Carlos Bledsoe, a 23 year-old Baptist-born youth who converted to radical Islam and killed a young Marine in Little Rock, Arkansas."

The Paradox of Tolerance "Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. [...] We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant." - Sir Karl Popper via Americans for Peace & Tolerance

Is Media Matters Breaking the Law?

BELTWAY CONFIDENTIAL    "But in the IRS application for 501(C)(3) tax-exempt educational foundation status, Section VIII, Question I asks the applicant: "Do you support or oppose candidates in political campaigns in any way?" (Emphasis added).Via Big Government
Under Brock's definition of Fox News, it appears he is setting MM on a course of actively opposing all Republican candidates. Brandon Kiser at The Right Sphere blog argues that this new statement of MM's mission means it must change its tax status."
David Brock, MM’s founder

The Egyptian revolution and U.S. policy mistakes make a new Israel-Hamas war inevitable.

Yid with Lid  "If Hamas is confident, it will go to war. With more and better weapons, Hamas will go to war. If it believes that the international environment is permissive--much less supportive!--it will go to war. It's only a matter of timing.
"Second, the Egyptian revolution removed a regime that defined its own and Egypt's national interest as having an anti-Hamas policy." Barry Rubin

Oh well, we can always get oil from Brazil and those countries that hate us.


Neal Boortz  Boortz says riots in the UK are led by anarchists, but riots in the US will be led by labor unions and Democrats.
"Are you starting to get an idea of what the next year is going to look like in this country?  We are going to have one powerful group of people, Democrats, looking to regain lost power; and another powerful group of people, union leaders, working frantically to prevent an erosion of their power.  These two groups of people, Democrats and unions, feed off of one another.  Democrats rely on the unions for financial support and volunteer help during elections, and unions rely on Democrats for political protection.  What very lovely symbiotic relationship we have here!  Just who is that left standing on the outside?  Why that's you!  The taxpayer!  Democrats certainly don't derive any power from taxpaying Americans.  Their power comes from the moocher class who don't pay taxes, government employees, and labor unions. " Emphasis added.

A recent statewide poll in California shows just how much pension scandals involving government workers has shifted the political canvas.. "Marcia Fritz, a Democrat who heads the California Foundation for Fiscal Responsibility, says if the impasse continues there is likely to be a ballot measure put before voters to roll back pension promises. "The taxpayer as well as essential government services are being crushed by unsustainable pension obligations," she told me." John Fund.

FL House OKs bill ending union dues pay deductions "In a blow to public employee unions, the Republican-controlled Florida House passed a bill Friday that would ban payroll deductions of dues and require labor organizations to get individual members' OK before using their payments for political purposes."
