Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Douglas Murray: Students Chanting "Intifada" Clueless To Its Evil

Listen to What They’re Chanting; Reuters  Mindless sheep.

. . .The chanting creates a rhythm that can induce a sort of hypnosis, fusing individuals into a movement. The beat should be no more sophisticated than Bum-bah bum-bah bum-bah bum-bah, as in, “There is only one solution! Intifada, revolution!” To claim that a chant means only what it says is like asserting that a theatrical production is the same as a script." . . .

Can the disgusting scarf people on campus be educated to the point that they become capable of discerning what is naively campus fashionable and what is absolutely evil? Are they not aware of the years of attacks on Israeli homes and families with rockets, bombs, and knives by these murderous people calling themselves "Palestinians"?

Jews have been attacked and massacred en masse for no reason than they are who they are, and were at last given a home for their own in the land that had been theirs since the days of Abraham. Two movies I see as properly connected are, of course, "Schindler's List", coupled with "Exodus", a story of Holocaust victims leaving Europe for the land of their own, first told as given them by God in Genesis 12. 

Over the past century, evil people including Nazis, the Hitlerphile Nazi copycat Mussolini, Muslims, and the so-called Palestinians have burned Jews alive with glee. Jew's desire to live in peace in their land which they made to prosper has been anathema to those people who now include easily influenced American campus sheep chanting phrases they do not understand. The Tunnel Dweller

 J-TV (  Douglas Murray explains to the ignorant students the meaning of their words.

Douglas Murray: Can You Change People's Minds on Israel? "It seems Israel is the only country in the world not allowed to defend itself."

@roisinsherrard3940   "You make a huge difference Douglas , even if it's just sowing a doubtful seed into the mind of a brainwashed Hamasian follower . What an incredible voice for the truth you are . How anyone could be anti Israel and pro Hamas is beyond belief. Haven't the Jews already suffered enough throughout history , can they not be left in peace !!!"

Comments to the top video here:

"This is what intifada really means." @Bettybaminjerusalem

@TmHudsonArt posted:  "Konstantin Kisin here in the Uk attended a pro hamas rally and was also asking young people these questions and about their signs and they had absolutely no idea what any of it meant. One said he'd just bought the sign and another said he was given it. They had no idea what an intifada was or what river, what sea.........but yet had taken time out of their lives to attend a protest promoting it. These people think they are the smartest people. They are a complete and utter joke. Unfortunately, I know even old people who are very strongly pro palestine and anti israel. A friend of mine who is actually retired referred to it as Israhell.....
"She got rather funny with me when she found out I wasn't in the same camp lol. I told her it was silly to fall out over something happening on the oither side of the world and neither of our views was going to change anything over there anyway. I really cannot grasp how she can hold her views but there we go.....I managed to sort of hold onto the friendship for now but this subject has to be avoided at all costs...."

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