Thursday, April 7, 2011

How to Tell if Your Neighbor is a Bombmaker

STRATFOR  "Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) released the fifth edition of its English-language jihadist magazine “Inspire” on March 30. AQAP publishes this magazine with the stated intent of radicalizing English-speaking Muslims and encouraging them to engage in jihadist militant activity. Since its inception, Inspire magazine has also advocated the concept that jihadists living in the West should conduct attacks there, rather than traveling to places like Pakistan or Yemen, since such travel can bring them to the attention of the authorities before they can conduct attacks, and AQAP views attacking in the West as “striking at the heart of the unbelievers.”" A tad scary and it lets us know that we are all at war.
How to Tell if Your Neighbor is a Bombmaker is republished with permission of STRATFOR.

When she was with us, my mother would find out our trip plans and invariably send us newspaper clippings about terrible things that had happened to people who did just what we had planned. We all took it with good humor and it is still funny today. This is neither that nor an Archie Bunker-like view. Think of it as more of a what- the-Columbine-shooters'-parents-should-have-known kind of article.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Obama vs. his own words

Ann Coulter: Thanks for Raising My Taxes - What Else Can I Do For You?

Ann Coulter "...The public -- especially the taxpayer -- will always lose.
"That is simply a fact about government jobs that can't be avoided. What doesn't make sense is to implement a system that invites this kind of mutual back-scratching between the Democrats and public sector unions -- to wit, collective bargaining where there is no "management," but only co-conspirators against the taxpayers on both sides of the bargaining table."

Know what a demagogue is?  If you haven't recognized it yet, you'll see plenty of it coming from liberals and Democrats beween now and 2012. Republicans do it as well, but no one has perfected it as an art form as well as the left. Example: Search "Kennedy Bork"
dem·a·gogue –noun
1. a person, especially an orator or political leader, who gains power and popularity by arousing the emotions, passions, and prejudices of the people.
2. (in ancient times) a leader of the people.
–verb (used with object)
3. to treat or manipulate (a political issue) in the manner of a demagogue; obscure or distort with emotionalism, prejudice, etc.
–verb (used without object)
4. to speak or act like a demagogue

ABC Preemptively Hits GOP for 'Steep Price' of Budget Cuts to Avoid a Government Shutdown

Media Research Center "Tapper highlighted liberal finger pointing on a potential shutdown: "Well, from the perspective of Democrats close to the process, I can say that there is a concern that House Speaker John Boehner just simply does not control the Republicans in his caucus."" Hence the term "drive-by media".

Check the MRC Bias Alerts

Victor Davis Hanson: President Obama's Most Amazing Libyan Achievements

Victor Davis Hanson  "Conservatives have complained that opposition — especially in the cases of then-senators Barack Obama and Joe Biden — to George W. Bush’s antiterrorism policies and wars in Afghanistan and Iraq was more partisan than principled. Obama ended that debate by showing that not only can he embrace — or, on occasion, expand — the Bush-Cheney tribunals, preventive detentions, renditions, Predator attacks, intercepts and wiretaps, and Guantanamo Bay, but he can now preemptively attack an Arab oil-exporting country without fear of Hollywood, congressional cutoffs, “General Betray Us”–type ads, Cindy Sheehan on the evening news, or Checkpoint-like novels. In short, Obama has ensured that the antiwar movement will never be quite the same."

NATO planes nowhere to be found as rebels flee Brega

Rick Moran "Who's in charge? A committee comprising NATO, the Arab League, and a few other nations belonging to the coalition. They are the ones making decisions on where to bomb, how to support the rebels. Given that both Turkey and Germany are against air strikes at all, its a wonder any NATO planes get off the ground.
"The world without American leadership. How's it look to you?"

America's exit from Libya ends coalition no-fly zone, campaign
"The United States has quietly withdrawn its air and sea assets from Libya and virtually ended its military intervention against Muammar Qaddafi's armed forces. This action over the weekend exposed NATO and its leading powers Britain and France as badly short of the air and sea capabilities necessary for halting Muammar Qaddafi's military advances, enforcing a no fly zone over the territory he controls or maintaining a sea blockade on Libyan ports."  DEBKAfile

From La Presse, Canada: What “Obama Doctrine?”  "In the hours and days that followed, journalists, experts and politicians searched his comments for a “doctrine” that could be applied to other conflicts, such as those by Presidents Harry Truman, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, among others, that are named after the presidents.
"They all drew a blank — well, almost."

A Clash of Integrities: Moral and Religious Liberty in the Armed Forces

Heritage  "The report of the Pentagon’s Comprehensive Review Working Group and the steps taken to date to implement the repeal do not allay concerns that the religious liberty and free speech rights of these service members and chaplains will be compromised to the detriment of their military careers. Congress therefore has a profound responsibility to monitor the implementation process and to assure not only that these rights are respected, but also that the 2010 repeal law itself is subject to continuing and candid reassessment."

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

We Don’t Need Know Education

Mike Adams  "You are (like totally) aware of their presence when you hear a conversation like the following, which occurred last Tuesday right outside my opened office door:"
“I’m just like not real sure what I want to do when I graduate? I like thought I would like major in business but there’s a lot of like math and stuff? Plus, the classes in sociology are like easier and like way more interesting? I just seriously like need to focus on like what I want to do when I get out and stuff?”
Mike Adams is a criminology professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington and author of Feminists Say the Darndest Things: A Politically Incorrect Professor Confronts "Womyn" On Campus

Chairman Ryan’s Budget Resolution Changes America’s Course

Heritage  "But in the end, let’s remember where we are and what Chairman Ryan has accomplished. Last year, neither the House nor the Senate passed a required budget resolution. This year, President Obama proposed a budget that more than doubles the national debt. In the first budget of the new Congress, Chairman Ryan has forged a serious path to fix our nation’s fiscal and economic crisis. The House, the Senate, and the President must now do their part so that we may reclaim our nation’s future."
Economic Analysis of the House Budget Resolution by the Center for Data Analysis.

Rep. Paul Ryan Unveils Budget with $6.2 Trillion in Spending Cuts

Paul Ryan’s Path to Prosperity  "In addition to the run of the mill demagoguery and repeated use of the word “extreme”, I’ve no doubt we will learn tomorrow that Ryan’s road map is the most disastrous thing ever conceived by the mind of man for a host of other reasons. It will be interesting to see if the arguments of Chuck Schumer, Ezra Klein, Paul Krugman and the rest of the usual suspects overlap significantly as they get talking points from the DNC telling them how best to respond."

Let the demagoguery begin:
Nancy Pelosi: Republican Budget Will Force Seniors Into Starvation

Obama Demands Budget Deal 'Or Else'...Tells GOP "Act Like Grownups"

Chicago Trib Religion Blog Thunders From Online Pulpit with Rebuke of Proposed Budget Cuts

The Goldstone Report and Israel’s moral standing; who can give Israel her reputation back? (Updated)

Understanding the Goldstone report Links within this report from the site include these:
What price the Israel witch-hunt now?
Judge Goldstone Disavows His Anti-Israel UN Report, But Accepts No Responsibility For Its Slander
Washington Post  "As Goldstone acknowledges, Israel has looked into every charge of war crimes — incident by incident. Some soldiers have indeed been punished because some awful things happened. But overall, Israel adheres to a morality we all recognize and admire — and that its enemies, Hamas in particular, do not. Those who gleefully embraced the Goldstone report have to ask themselves why. They may hate the answer."
Goldstone: You Cannot Undo a Slander  "No, apparently Goldstone’s conscience troubled him. While that’s progress for him, the retraction cannot possibly correct his shameful contribution to lies, slander, and the moral perversion of the so-called “international community.”"

Goldstone’s Mea Culpa and Israel’s Wars "Essential to restoring that upper hand to Israel is the recognition — which is exactly what the Goldstone Report denied — of the difference between a democratic country defending itself and terrorist organizations using the most cynical means imaginable in fighting it. Whether Israel can now expect more sympathy is something that, according to one veteran Israeli analyst, we may soon find out. Count me pessimistic."

Richard Goldstone and Palestinian statehood  "Israel is being challenged by a political war that escalates every day. But we are not powerless. As we prepare for the Palestinians’ UN gambit in September, we must keep in mind the lessons from the Goldstone affair." Caroline Glick

Goldstone is gone -- but NY Times steps into the anti-Israel breach  "Bronner, however, lumps combatant and non-combatant Palestinian fatalities in one big, exaggerated total so as to hide the fact that the IDF went to extraordinary lengths to spare civilian lives by dropping leaflets and using telephone calls to warn Gazans to say out of combat zones. No other military in the world has shown such solicitude for keeping civilians as safe as possible -- the very opposite of Bronner's false intimation."

Goldstone Recants! Will the Left Follow His Example?  "The Goldstone report was a pivotal moment in the growing effort to delegitimize Israel. What we must now hear are similar apologies from all those groups and individuals, from Human Rights Watch to J Street to mainstream bloggers like Andrew Sullivan and minor Palestinian mouthpieces like Hussein Ibish, that either defended Goldstone’s false allegations or sought to aid  efforts to promote his scandalous charges. There must be an accounting from all of Goldstone’s previous champions. Like Goldstone’s report, their credibility on this issue is finished."

Running Scared of Islam

Bruce Thornton  "Nor are the jihadists impressed by our willingness to betray our own ideals just to save our skin. Rather, they see our indifference to Christianity, the foundational faith of Western civilization, and our groveling hypersensitivity to Muslim feelings as another sign that we are spiritually corrupt hedonists, and that Islam is the superior religion worth killing and dying for, and thus in the end destined to triumph."

Quran Burning   "Nut-job Jones wasn't finished. On March 20th, he held a mock "trial" of the Quran and videotaped a burning ceremony. This video made its way around the Internet, all the way to Afghanistan's President Karzai, whose office issued a statement on the issue. At that point, Afghani Muslim radicals did just exactly what you can expect Muslims to do when they feel their wonderful, serene, peaceful religion has been dissed … they started killing to show how wonderful, serene and peaceful they are."