Thursday, May 16, 2024

Who are the good guys and who are the bad guys?

"From Wright’s embrace of hatred as a motive force, Obama learned both a positive and a negative lesson. Positive: Hate moves people and can be used to great political advantage. Negative: When you use hate, you must disguise it much better than Jeremiah Wright did." . . .

Ward Sleeper | Facebook

Americans Want Taxpayer Funds Pulled From NPR For Becoming A 'Political Propaganda Machine', Daily Mail Poll Shows   "Voters by a wide margin seek action against National Public Radio (NPR) after a whistleblower last month came forward and accused the station of liberal-biased news coverage, a poll shows.

"Fully 44 percent of respondents to a survey said the broadcaster should lose its taxpayer cashflows over its political leaning.

"Another 26 percent of more than 1,400 US adults said it should keep its government support; and 31 percent said they were not sure.

"NPR was rocked last month when one of its senior editors, Uri Berliner, accused his employer of overly woke news coverage, with a fixation on stories about race and identity." . . .

Make America Hate Again - Obama planted hate. Biden isn’t quite as good at hiding it.-The American Spectator  . . ."Obama painted himself as a uniter. Jews supported him in Illinois. But when word of Pastor Wright’s angry and racially charged rhetoric surfaced in the primary campaign of 2008, many began to doubt Obama’s real stance.

"It was not just that Wright called for God to damn America in one of his most infamous sermons. It was his intense anti-Israel stance and, worse, his association with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who was addicted to using vicious antisemitism as an emotional driver of his leadership. Wright publicly associated himself with Farrakhan, giving wider legitimacy to his Jew hatred in the eyes of Wright’s church and the larger black community. Now, a disciple of Wright was aspiring for the presidency, which would give unheard-oflegitimacy to the Farrakhan brand of Jew hatred with which Wright had unabashedly associated himself.

"Obama got past this crisis not by admitting any wrong at all in his long association with the hateful Wright, or by admitting any wrong on his part. He did not ask for the forgiveness that Americans so easily give to those honest enough to admit their errors. Instead, he cast his preacher under his campaign bus and lectured Americans mildly about American racism." . . .

. . ."The people see the late and half-hearted effort of the suddenly worried Biden crew to re-establish a non-threatening appearance. But Obama’s masterful ability to conceal hate is a rare talent. No one has that level of skill in the Biden bunch, who daily appear more and more empty of moral purpose or diplomatic skill." . . .

Democrats cannot tell who the "Good Guys" are anymore.   "A few weeks ago, a sermon by Reform Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch, the senior rabbi at the Steven Wise Free Synagogue in New York, shocked millions from that city to Tel Aviv. Standing at his pulpit, Hirsch delivered a stern warning to the Democrats.

"Noting that he is someone “who is finely attuned to American Jewish sentiment,” Hirsch told Democratic elected officials: “Do not take American Jews for granted.”

"Hirsch explained, “I have spoken to many American Jews in the past few months who have surprised me with their anxiety about developments in the Democratic Party, and their perception that it is becoming increasingly hostile to Israel, and tolerant of anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism in its own ranks.”

“ 'Be careful,” Hirsch warned. “The results of the upcoming election do not only depend on Michigan.”

"Many dismissed his remarks with a shrug of their shoulders. For decades, Republicans have asked conservative Jews to explain how it is that American Jews vote for Democrat Party candidates even though Republicans are so much more supportive of Israel. The question comes so frequently that most conservative Jews can give the answers in their sleep." . . .

First, most American Jews see themselves first and foremost as Democrats or liberals, not as Jews. They love Israel, but it’s not really a voting issue for them. And second, the Jewish vote doesn’t matter because most American Jews live in deep blue states that will never tilt Republican.

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