Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Double Tragedy for Norway

As a Bible - believing Christian who places all hope of salvation in Jesus Christ and on the sufficiency of the atonement He purchased upon the cross, I utterly condemn the murders by this warped man. If his victims were innocent Muslims going about the normal business of a peaceful society, I would condemn these killings just as much.
I hope millions of Christians around the world will condemn this act of terror just as I wish Muslims by the millions would rise up against the barbarity of those who massacre in Mohammed's name. The Tunnel Dweller

Not only has it lost almost one hundred people to a senseless rampage, but legitimate criticism of Islam has been profoundly discredited by association with a murderous lunatic.

"Norway calls itself “the peace country.” For years, the Norwegian government and cultural establishment have striven to communicate to even the most extreme elements of international Islam that they want to be friends. They’ve shown their good faith in a number of ways:"....

Anders Behring Breivik poses
 in a wetsuit with military gear
for an online video.
"I assumed that after this attack, Norwegians would vote in a Progress Party-led government in the next elections. Now it appears that the man who committed all these murders is a former member of the Progress Party and is, indeed, a right-wing extremist xenophobe who harbors (according to Dagbladet) a “violent hatred for Muslims” and multiculturalism, and who targeted the Labor Party youth camp because he blames the ruling Labor Party for the Islamization of Norway. Norway’s political future looks very different now, in short, than it did 24 hours ago.:....

"It is chilling to read my own name in postings by this mass murderer. And it is deeply depressing to see this evil, twisted creature become the face of Islam criticism in Norway. Norwegian television journalists who in the first hours of the crisis were palpably uncomfortable about the prospect of having to talk about Islamic terrorism are now eagerly discussing the dangers of “Islamophobia” and “conservative ideology”."

Can the Left Resist the Temptation to Exploit the Norway Attacks?  "Right-wing fundamentalist Christian. It’s a slam-dunk for the liberal-left; the ultimate caricature of conservative extremism; the bogeyman that had until now existed largely in their imaginations made real.
"As I argued in this piece for Pajamas, two years ago almost to the day, the very term ‘far-right’ is an invention of the liberal-left, employed to discredit the opinions of anyone holding conservative views – just now I actually heard a BBC newsreader describe Breivik as ‘right-wing’ and ‘conservative’ in the same breath."
"Think about it: when was the last time you heard or saw a reference in the mainstream media to the *‘far-left’?"
* Known also as "Obama's base."
Photo of shooter taken from police chopper, victims obscured.  WHAS photo
"Disturbed Oslo mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik was known to be a fan of Winston Churchill so the media is having a heyday.
"In their article on the massacre Reuters used the terms “right-wing” or “far-right” 25 times.
"And the far left is already linking the killer to Sarah Palin and tea party."

Krauthammer to PBS Host: You Manage to Introduce a ‘Hell of a Lot of Bias’

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: I like the way you pose an objective question implying the insanity of a Republican proposal which passed the House. I just want the viewers to understand how this is a fair and balanced program.
PETERSON: Well, we do our best. We don’t have the vast resources of Rupert Murdoch and Fox News, but we do the best we can.
KRAUTHAMMER: I understand, but on a shoestring, you manage to introduce a hell of a lot of bias.
ABC News cheerleading for Obama more than Daily Kos pollster  "“Obama looks to have turned the budget debate to his advantage,” writes ABC pollster Gary Langer. “His position on the deficit is more broadly popular, he’s taking less heat than the GOP for unwillingness to compromise and he’s got a sizable lead in the view that he cares more about protecting the middle class.” "

Saturday, July 23, 2011


mcveigh no christian; worshipped himself;  said
The Freedom Fighter's Journal   "I remain skeptical about Brevik, just as I remain skeptical of the narrative that Timothy McVeigh was a "right wing Christian" terrorist.
 (See Jayna Davis'  extraordinary work debunking the official narrative of McVeigh, a cover-up of dismaying effectiveness in this country.)"

This author contends McVeigh was a Christian, but has to climb pretty far out on the logic limb to make his point.

I prefer the excellent comments to this post such as these:
Well, if he is associated--in any way--with conservative, right-wing politics, then let me do what so-called "moderate muslims" will not: I completely and utterly condemn what this waste of oxygen has done. If I had had a chance I would have done everything in my power to stop him and take him out.

The world has no place for someone who thinks this is the way to handle their "concerns."

While the media is in a hurry to label this guy a right wing extremist, I think it is too early to tell. How many times has the media tried to establish the culprit as right wing and he turns out to be a left winger. Regardless of what he is, he should be removed from the land of the living ASAP. I wish we would institute a policy of removing all records of the existence of this piece of filth. That way he and others like him wouldn't seek fame from committing such an act.

If 5% of all terrorist attacks are not commmitted by Muslims (i.e., if 95% are committed by Muslims), does that "prove" we are wrong to treat Muslims with particular suspicion?

Obama’s Cool Goes Missing—Again!

Voice of Lillpop   "Obama’s ego has long been the “ugly elephant” in the room in solving the debt crisis, but today the elephant seems to have scared off the legendary Obama cool.
"Characteristic of Obama’s pompous arrogance was this paraphrased declaration, “I Told Boehner, Pelosi, Reid, and McConnell to be in my office at 11am tomorrow, and be prepared to tell me what they are going to do.” "

Obama's Two Modes

The way Obama is pictured by the left, meaning how he looks on network news:

The Adult in the Room

Lord, I hate to post this: Mass-murderer said to be right-wing, conservative Christian

Boing Boing  "According to comments attributed to him on various Norwegian right-wing/anti-immigrant forums, he was a fan of an array of white supremacist and anti-Muslim pundits—including some from the US. Assuming it's legit, all of this makes early reports that Muslims were responsible for the attacks all the more regrettable."   Yet, whose fault was it that Muslims were first blamed?
Norway: A Postscript  "Many facts are still unknown, but at this point it appears that a key ingredient in the tragedy was the fact that the killer had the only gun on the island. It is, really, one of the ultimate horror scenarios: hundreds of kids, accompanied by a relative handful of adults, isolated on an island with a crazed killer. The outcome might have been very different if some of those adults had been armed."

Oslo: 91 Dead — Suddenly the shooter is a “Christian fundamentalist” with “anti-Muslim views”"Remarking the obvious: No branch of Christianity calls for violence, contra Islam. The dominant left-stream media has been itching for a Western mass-murderer since 9-11 and every attack subsequent to it. Now they have a suspect with blonde hair — it follows therefore that he must espouse Christianity, which is as stinky an argument as 6 tons of fertilizer."

I cannot say to what extent this man espouses the teachings of Scripture. I only observe that the more one becomes like Jesus Christ, the more peaceful and forgiving he becomes;
 the more one desires to become like Mohammed, the more murderous they are apt to be. TD

Friday, July 22, 2011

Art Laffer Calls Obama ‘Very Poor President’, Expects Defeat in ‘12

Big Government  "Well Arthur Laffer the famed economist who served as economic adviser under Reagan, tells me the Gipper would go after burdensome regulations to stimulate the economy, starting with President Barack Obama’s health care plan.
"Laffer also says Americans should applaud Obama’s life story but reject his policies."

The Very, Very Bad President  "It is nowadays said by many that Barack Obama is the worst president in American history. If this is so, President Obama will have eclipsed a mark that most observers believed would stand unchallenged until the final trumpet: The abysmal record of James Earl “Jimmy” Carter.
"One of the reasons, I believe, that so many younger voters supported Obama in 2008 is that no one under 30 could remember how genuinely awful the Carter presidency was, nor could they recognize the similarities between the unbounded Hope inspired by the vague promises of the Democrats’ 2008 candidate and the tremendous expectations for national redemption that were invested in the 1976 Democratic candidate."

Here is this line from a song in Carter's campaign ad: "Once and for all why not the best?".   Then, of course there was Carter's promise of "Change"


More Mumbais?

Victor Davis Hanson  "If I were the administration, I would send out a memo to cut the ‘worry over the rights of the terrorist’ talk, and quietly send messages that the US is fully prepared, as in the past, to take all full measures to prevent an attack, and would respond with overwhelming force to even a small assault."

What the Norway Attack Could Mean for Europe

STRATFOR  "The last scenario is that the attack is linked to Norway's involvement in the campaign in Libya. If the Libyan government is somehow connected to the bombing and/or shooting, the rest of Europe will rally behind Norway and increase their efforts in Libya. This scenario would essentially close off the opening in negotiations prompted by a recent move by Paris and other European governments saying they would be open to Moammar Gadhafi's remaining in Libya."
Norwegian media name bombing and shooting suspect  "Norway's national broadcaster NRK has named the suspect in the Oslo bombing and youth camp shooting spree as Anders Behring Breivik.
"NRK and other Norwegian media also posted pictures of the blond and blue-eyed Norwegian. NRK says police searched the 32-year-old's apartment in Oslo overnight." 

The enclosed video is in Norwegian

John PodhoretzEvil in Norway  "The monster and his comrades have the passion to commit their foul deeds. If we respond with dispassion, we are ceding to them part of the animating force that makes us human. If we decide to intellectualize our emotions rather than allow them to influence us, we are turning our back on our responsibility to those whose lives were stripped from them."

Witnesses describe scene of terror at Norway camp    "The man in the police uniform shouted for the campers to come closer. When they did, he killed them.
"The gunman who killed at least 80 people at an island youth camp northwest of Oslo used his disguise to lure in his victims, then shot them twice to make sure they were dead, survivors said in the village of Sundvollen, where they were taken after the massacre."

In this photo taken by Vergard M. Aas, a Norwegian crime reporter who responded to the scene of a mass shooting on Utoya Island, Norway, victims lie near the shoreline approximately one hour after police say a man dressed as a police officer gunned down youths as they ran and even swam for their lives at a camp which was organized by the youth wing of the ruling Labor Party, Friday July 22, 2011. Police say the suspect in this shooting set off a fatal explosion hours earlier in the Norwegian capital of Oslo.

Standing With Israel

Where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried.
"This famous pledge by Ruth, a young Moabite widow, to her Israelite mother-in-law Naomi is such a moving declaration of loyalty that it is frequently cited in marriage ceremonies.
It was also frequently repeated at the three-day ...Christians United for Israel...Summit in Washington D.C. When Glenn Beck, the keynote speaker at the culminating Summit banquet, quoted that biblical pledge of friendship, five thousand Christians leapt to their feet in praise and affirmation, and I, a Jew, a child of Holocaust survivors, was moved to tears by this army of unshakeable friends."

"A Palestinian Authority summer camp for children divided its campers into three groups named after the terrorists Dalal Mughrabi, Salah Khalaf and Abu Ali Mustafa.
"Dalal Mughrabi in 1978 led the most lethal terror attack in Israel's history, in which 37 civilians were killed, 12 of them children."....

"And you think that if they become a state they won't attack us?"  Israel Matzav

Life under liberalism: Dark days for America

Tony Gallardo  "It is reported that 80% of us do not trust government. Keep in mind that the Constitution established a republic in which elective representatives are to be servants of the people and the states, and that the individual citizen is to be treated with respect and dignity. The 80% distrust level tells us that our government is an epic failure. Without trust there is no legitimacy."....
  • Unemployment and under employment are in the high teens. The end of this tragedy is nowhere in sight. Last year over 1 million homes were repossessed. The housing market remains anemic.
  • Billionaires Steve Wynn and Warren Buffet, both originally supporters of Obama, are now blasting his anti-business rhetoric and policies. See here and here.
  • Regulations are strangling the private sector.
  • America's space program, once a source of pride for all Americans and the envy of the world, has for all practical purposes ended.  

Tunnel Dweller's family visits the White House

Pictured: TD's youngest son and his family along with a White House employee
So while our family tours the Oregon Coast to home town Garibaldi, son number two visits Washington, D.C. in the heat. Meanwhile TD's eldest son, Jeff stays home and enhances photographs.
The White House employee pictured had just returned from escorting the Dali Lama, Bibi Netanyahu and the Queen of England past the trash dumpster.