Friday, September 16, 2011

Lemonade Wars: The State Battles Entrepreneurialism

American Thinker  "Governments are targeting neighborhood lemonade stands throughout the land of the free. The reasons behind these "lemonade raids" are similar no matter their location. Young businessmen and businesswomen, like their mature counterparts, are running afoul of local codes and health ordinances, lacking required permits and licenses, or tripping over bureaucratic red tape. When even the childhood entrepreneur can't escape the overbearing and burdensome tentacles of government's regulatory octopus, what chance has the adult?"

Lemonade stand
"Actually, my name is Bobby. 'Jimmy's Lemonade' is an international franchise." "

A Nightmare That Could Be Worse than 9/11

Doug Ross Journal
The Foundry "An EMP is a high-intensity burst of electromagnetic energy caused by the rapid acceleration of charged particles. Nuclear and non-nuclear weapons or geomagnetic storms can cause an EMP. An EMP would disrupt electronics, transmission distribution centers, fuses, and power lines, sending the United States back to the 19th century."....
"But an EMP could be inflicted without an organized group behind it. With the right equipment, a lone terrorist could cause a blackout of a city—with commercially available equipment."

There is in this article the obligatory "millions will die" statement that I don't know how to react to;  it sounds too progressive-ish, like what Al Gore, or what any liberal with a cause would say. Though perhaps chicken-little-like, I often think about how any country would function in this electronic age if the national power grid went down. The additional links should explain. TD

Iran and the EMP Threat  "We can avoid such catastrophes if we, as responsible citizens of the United States, take action. The SHIELD Act (H.R. 668), currently before the U.S. House, needs to be passed this year. If it isn’t, it could very well be too late to protect the national electric grid.
"The SHIELD Act would empower the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to work with industry and other government departments and agencies to protect the national electric grid from EMP threats. The act would ensure that the United States has enough extra-high-voltage transformers to survive and recover from an EMP event."  Read the SHIELD Act here.

Doug Ross Journal
 Rumsfeld Warns of Iran, N. Korea Electromagnetic Pulse Attack  "“When you have a country like Iran, really a fine country with a proud history, taken over by a very small clique of people who are ideological and radical, you have to worry,” he said. “And we in this country, and other people who value freedom and free nation states, have to recognize that that combination of radical ideology and weapons of mass destruction is a danger.” "

(Updated) Looks like curtains for Romney: Carter endorses him and Obama likes his health plan

Cartoon: Brother Jones
Mitt Romney Gets the Coveted Jimmy Carter Seal of Approval  "First Team Obama praised him endlessly for being the inspiration for Obamacare, then he got a shout-out from the Goracle, and now this:"
"With Jewish voters starting to move away from Obama and to the GOP, this is the kind of hat-tip that will help reel them in… toward Rick Perry’s campaign." Obama on RomneyCare Video.

 Update: Alan Caruba;  Jimmy Carter Redux  "If Obama wasn’t a far-Left liberal, wasn’t getting some extraordinarily bad advice from those he brought into the White House, and wasn’t a raving egomaniac, he might pause and stop playing political games to blame Congress and Republicans for the present economic crisis. If in the name of “social justice” the federal government--Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac--wasn’t in the mortgage business, there would not have been a crisis."

Comprehensive List of Obama Tax Hikes

Americans for Tax Reform   Try this for an example:  Obamacare Codification of the “economic substance doctrine” ... This provision allows the IRS to disallow completely-legal tax deductions and other legal tax-minimizing plans just because the IRS deems that the action lacks “substance” and is merely intended to reduce taxes owed. [Source].
Emphasis added; think of how this can be expanded tax-wide. If you hear the words "deem" and Democrats" in one sentence be prepared to bend over; here it comes again. TD

Late-night comedians discuss taxes
" "The U.S. Senate is considering a bill that would tax Botox. When Botox users heard this, they were horrified. Well, I think they were horrified. It's difficult to tell." --Craig Ferguson"

"Too competent to make fun of"; Letterman Show writer
From 2009:  Letterman writer: Obama 'too competent' to make jokes about  "With unemployment at 8.9%*, a stimulus bill that isn't stimulating anything, a foreign policy that is little more than an apologia, the politicization of national security, and a fumbling, bumbling speechmaker without a teleprompter, one wonders where Scheft is getting the idea that this president is competent in anything except pulling the wool over the eyes of ignorant, gullible liberals."
8.9%; known as the "good old days".

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Democrat Civility: Liberal Protester Assaults GOP Lawmaker

AFL-CIO poster
Big Government   "[Madison, Wisconsin] The incidents of verbal harassment against Republican lawmakers in and around the State Capitol escalated on Wednesday when a well-known protester confronted three GOP representatives and drenched them with beer."

Here is another case of liberal tolerance of dissent

Ann Coulter: So A Comatose Guy Walks Into a Bar

Ann Coulter  "Why are the only two options always a behemoth government program or the guy dies?"
"I would venture to guess that the only children in America who have ever suffered from ... distended bellies, were victims of child abuse -- at the hands of the sort of monsters Williams is so opposed to executing.
"People aren't buying the left's emotional appeals about imaginary victims anymore. The audience member's "Yes!" was a way of laughing in the moderators' faces for trying to pull that crap."

A job saved or created!

The Obama Administration, well... Administers

Tale of the Red Tape #19: A More Perfect Union Advantage    "New rules (supposedly) intended to maximize the services of government contractors require such firms to give first preference in hiring to the workers of the company that lost the contract. That is, when a government contract is awarded to a different firm, this new contractor must first offer employment to the workers of the previous contractor before hiring anyone else. As delineated in the Federal Register of August 29, tens of thousands of companies—representing more than $23 billion in government contracting—will be affected.
“The Federal Government’s procurement interests in economy and efficiency are better served when a successor contractor hires the predecessor’s employees.”

"Oh, really?"....
"The rule effectively ensures that a non-unionized contractor cannot replace a unionized one. That’s because any new contractor will be obliged to hire its predecessors’ unionized workers, and thus forced by the “Successorship Doctrine” to bargain with the union(s). Insulating union wages from market competition will also escalate the costs of government contracts."   This is all originating from an Obama executive order.

Regulation # 18 listed in the above article: The government has established an official shepherd job description  I kid you not.

For Washington, D.C., in this day and age, to be micromanaging sheepherding and goatherding—as with the unchecked regulatory impositions on most every aspect of daily life—brings to mind an exhortation of Norman Vincent Peale: “Once we roared like lions for liberty; now we bleat like sheep for security!”
House Set to Rebuke NLRB for Meddling in Boeing’s Expansion Plan   "The federal government does not have the legal authority to prohibit a company from expanding its business or building a new factory in another state. Regrettably, the National Labor Relations Board ... is attempting to do just that. In asserting that the Boeing Company is engaging in unfair labor practices by establishing a new aircraft assembly facility in South Carolina, the NLRB is twisting the law to benefit a special interest—unions—at the expense of the rule of law and the nation’s economy."
The always charming Neal Boortz offers this campaign slogan for Obama: "See that guy over there with more stuff than you? Vote for me and you can have his stuff."  He then provides some empirical evidence on class warfare here.   
I’m sorry but this woman is simply wrong.  She is spouting class warfare rhetoric without any stats to back herself up.  Luckily I do have some stats..... 

The Tale of Two Jobs Plans

Heritage  "Rather than take a stab at making government bigger, Ryan says in a new video that there’s a better path forward–pro-growth tax reform that makes the tax code fairer, competitive, and simpler, all of which will help unleash the creative power of America’s private sector. In an exclusive interview with The Heritage Foundation, Ryan explained why the tax code is so desperately in need of reform:
[The tax code] penalizes all those qualities that make us great and make our economy grow–saving, investing, risk taking. It penalizes those things....

NY Times: Some Democrats Are Balking at Obama’s Jobs Bill

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pass this bill...NOW!

(UPDATED, 9/19) Michelle Obama whispers to Obama at 911 Event: All this just for the Flag and Shakes her head

 Andrew Klavan: Obama Is Wrong, Not Evil  "But what’s really annoying about silliness of this sort is how distracting it is. The failure of the Obama presidency is a genuinely important event both in history in general and in the history of ideas. It should be explained, discussed, and analyzed seriously — not obscured beneath perfervid speculation or absurd charges. Obama is not a Muslim. He wasn’t born in Timbuktu. He doesn’t rub his hands together when he’s alone and mutter, “The economy is almost destroyed. One more stimulus package should do the trick! Bwahahahaha.”....
"Obama is the president, and as such he should not be exempt from the usual attacks both personal and political that leaders have to suffer. But as far as possible, we need to stick to what matters. We need to explain to one another in detail why his ideas are wrong, why they’re failing, why they’ll fail again the next time someone gets the bright idea to elect one of these leftist clowns to high office.
"We should not waste this important moment on childish slanders."

Did she or didn't she?  Any lip readers out there? What do you read in her facial expression?
 "What did she say about our flag? Prior to Obama running for President, Michelle Obama was an open Pro-Marxist and stated that she did not support the American Flag, our Constitution or America. her past and even current ties into the SEIU, ACORN and the Socialist Party of America are very well documented. We should ask why the major media have refused to cover such disrespect by the First Lady."

Video removed because of objectionable content at end, even after several attempts to find a decent source. We regret the apearance of this content and will attempt to find a reputable link.

After several attempts and test runs, this one from The Constitution Club has run clean.

"Guys, as much as I'm no fan of this couple all you have is just a video, what she says is inaudible. All I saw her lips say was "flag". You'd have to get a lip reading expert making a sworn statement in court, that those were the words uttered by her. If I was to repost this, it'd be a joke, there's nothing there!" 
"What's wrong with this country is the low intelligence of those who are easily persuaded by lies and misinformation. It has been verified* that she said, "I love the way they fold that flag". And their reactions fit appropriately. It's a positive and respectful comment as befits the first couple. The only people who have been truly disrespectful are the Republican leaders who constantly show their prejudice and lie to the people every single day. The comments here are pretty much ridiculous."    *Sources please.
From the comments section to this post