Wednesday, September 14, 2011

(UPDATED, 9/19) Michelle Obama whispers to Obama at 911 Event: All this just for the Flag and Shakes her head

 Andrew Klavan: Obama Is Wrong, Not Evil  "But what’s really annoying about silliness of this sort is how distracting it is. The failure of the Obama presidency is a genuinely important event both in history in general and in the history of ideas. It should be explained, discussed, and analyzed seriously — not obscured beneath perfervid speculation or absurd charges. Obama is not a Muslim. He wasn’t born in Timbuktu. He doesn’t rub his hands together when he’s alone and mutter, “The economy is almost destroyed. One more stimulus package should do the trick! Bwahahahaha.”....
"Obama is the president, and as such he should not be exempt from the usual attacks both personal and political that leaders have to suffer. But as far as possible, we need to stick to what matters. We need to explain to one another in detail why his ideas are wrong, why they’re failing, why they’ll fail again the next time someone gets the bright idea to elect one of these leftist clowns to high office.
"We should not waste this important moment on childish slanders."

Did she or didn't she?  Any lip readers out there? What do you read in her facial expression?
 "What did she say about our flag? Prior to Obama running for President, Michelle Obama was an open Pro-Marxist and stated that she did not support the American Flag, our Constitution or America. her past and even current ties into the SEIU, ACORN and the Socialist Party of America are very well documented. We should ask why the major media have refused to cover such disrespect by the First Lady."

Video removed because of objectionable content at end, even after several attempts to find a decent source. We regret the apearance of this content and will attempt to find a reputable link.

After several attempts and test runs, this one from The Constitution Club has run clean.

"Guys, as much as I'm no fan of this couple all you have is just a video, what she says is inaudible. All I saw her lips say was "flag". You'd have to get a lip reading expert making a sworn statement in court, that those were the words uttered by her. If I was to repost this, it'd be a joke, there's nothing there!" 
"What's wrong with this country is the low intelligence of those who are easily persuaded by lies and misinformation. It has been verified* that she said, "I love the way they fold that flag". And their reactions fit appropriately. It's a positive and respectful comment as befits the first couple. The only people who have been truly disrespectful are the Republican leaders who constantly show their prejudice and lie to the people every single day. The comments here are pretty much ridiculous."    *Sources please.
From the comments section to this post

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