Sunday, October 2, 2011

On the road...

Tunnel Dweller and wife leave Plano, Texas Monday for Portage, Indiana to visit with our younger son and help him with some demolition and remodelling. Posting will be a bit more sketchy till we return, but we will attempt to make our presence known every day somehow. As always, your visits and comments are most welcome.

Will Mainstream American Islam Condemn Pastor Nadarkhani’s ‘Apostasy’ Death Sentence?

Big Peace  "The quintessence of a contemporary Shiite pronouncement on apostasy in Islam (which cites Khomeini’s treatise extensively) appearing in Kayhan International, March 1986, stated openly"
In Islam, apostasy is a flagrant sin and guilt for which certain punishments have been specified in Shari’a (Islamic law). Apostasy means, to renounce the religion or a religious principle after accepting it. In other words, one’s departure from Islam to atheism is called apostasy. A person who abandons Islam and adopts atheism is called an apostate . . …Apostasy is the escape from the pattern of creation and nature and that is why the word “voluntary” has been adopted for such an apostate…Can the penalty of escaping from the path and pattern of nature and creation be anything other than annihilation? This is the same thing that has been crystallized in the penal code of Islam. The anti-apostasy punishments of Islam are proper laws to rescue mankind from falling into the cesspool of treason, betrayal, and disloyalty and to remind the human being of his ideological commitments.
Youcef Nadarkhani and His Wife Fatemah Pasindedah

..."At each hearing he was commanded to recant and each time he refused. Two hearings were held after the verbal determination was made by the judges. There is a serious concern that he could be executed at any time because according to Sharia Law you are to be given three days to recant if you are an apostate. He was commanded to recant three straight days after the judges made their determination. The attorney’s for pastor Youcef are stating that, by law, the written verdict must be delivered within seven days. "....
During one hearing he was told to recant and he responded, “You ask me to recant. Recant means to return. What do you wish me to return to? The blasphemy that I was in before Christ?” The judges responded, “To the religion of your ancestors, Islam.” Youcef replied, “I cannot.”

Eleanor Clift: President Sent ObamaCare to Supreme Court Because He's Afraid He Won't Get Reelected

Newsbusters "Does the Obama-loving Clift think the Supreme Court would be less likely to overturn ObamaCare while its creator was still in office, or does she believe a ruling regardless of the decision would improve the President's reelection chances?
Maybe Clift saw syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer on Fox News's "Special Report" Friday saying that this is a win-win for Obama whichever way the Court rules:
If it is upheld, then it will give something of a boost in public opinion because it will be seen as legitimate. It will help its legitimacy and slightly and at least marginally increase the popularity. If it's struck down, it removes an albatross around Obama's neck. It will be a moot issue.
Is this Clift's thinking?

The comments section also has this: 
"Submitted by bkeyser on Sun, 10/02/2011 - 4:51pm.
"and there's two reasons they're going to the Court now.
1. They were likely to lose on Appeal in the 11th.
2. If this gets dragged out until 2013 and Obama loses in 2012, there will be a Republican-appointed Attorney General who won't defend it. It's either now or never.

Toby Toons picks on Jeneane Garofalo...

... the Tatooed wonder.

"Yes, I know what you are going to say... "Stop giving her attention and she will go away." The problem though, is that she has proven that she will not go away even when ignored. Why would she, she has "Olby" to give her liberal ideas (a.k.a. name calling) a platform."

Shovel Ready

From Bill Pyatt at On The Edge

SHOCKER: Bill Clinton, seemingly preening about himself, takes a devious shot at Obama.

Althouse   This article, "Bill Clinton wants more credit" is topping Drudge under the heading "I want more credit."
But let's see what's really going on here. Midway in the piece, there's this quote:
"I’m telling you this to point out that we need a coherent narrative... The No. 1 rule of effective politics, especially if the people you’re running against have a simple narrative — that government is always the problem, there is no such thing as a good tax or a bad tax cut, there’s no such thing as a good program or a bad program cut, no such thing as a good regulation or a bad deregulation — if you’re going to fight that, your counter has to be rooted in the lives of other people...."
"So... he wants stories and anecdotes, not a countervailing simple message?" More...

Preen verb Regularly used when referring to Presidents Clinton and Obama. (And sometimes Bill O'Reilly.)
1. (of animals, especially birds) to trim or dress (feathers, fur, etc.) with the beak or tongue: The peacock preened itself on the lawn.
2. to dress (oneself) carefully or smartly; primp: The king preened himself in his elaborate ceremonial robes.
3. to pride (oneself) on an achievement, personal quality, etc.: He preened himself on having been graduated with honors.

Roseanne Barr: Behead Bankers, Rich Who Won't Give Up Wealth

RealClearPolitics  "I first would allow the guilty bankers to pay, you know, the ability to pay back anything over $100 million [of] personal wealth because I believe in a maximum wage of $100 million. And if they are unable to live on that amount of that amount then they should, you know, go to the reeducation camps and if that doesn't help, then being beheaded," Barr said with a straight face."
OK, say this is just schtick and she is just doing a "bit". But you cannot convince me that if some evil dictator actually began performing these executions, Barr would protest the killings and hide the victims from the executioners. Just sayin'. TD

The RT logo behind Max Keiser stands for "Russia Today", the program Keiser appears on. He also appears on an Iranian TV show. Where else would you expect to see Roseanne Barr, famous singer?

The EPA Gets Caught in a Big Fat Lie

Warning Signs  "The notion that the Environmental Protection Agency uses “science” to justify their regulations is false, just like most of the claims they issue on various aspects of the nation’s environment. Their favorite scam is to estimate the number of deaths they will prevent with some new draconian regulation.
"The EPA is the American equivalent of the Gestapo, a ruthless enforcement agency with a very Green agenda that is opposed to the use of many beneficial chemicals, every form of energy, and the right of people to be left alone." ....

"The EPA has been short on the truth about all of its claims for four decades and needs to be shut down in order to let a truly science-based agency replace it with strict congressional oversight and limitations.
"The time is long overdue to pull the plug on the Environmental Protection Agency." Alan Caruba. 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Just a reminder: Obama’s jobs bill still has no cosponsors

Hot Air  "We have a federal system, not a parliamentary system, so our legislature doesn’t take votes of no-confidence to force an executive out of power.  But given the high-profile rollout of the AJA by Obama, including his demand for a joint session to escalate pressure for action, the lack of any co-sponsors on these bills is about as close as we’ll get to a vote of no confidence in this executive short of an outright floor-vote failure in the Senate on the bill."
Not even Kucinich? Bernie Sanders? Maxine Waters?

Obama jobs bill filed in the House ‘at the request of the president,’ but with no cosponsors
"Both versions, H.R. 12 and S. 1549 contain the same language and have no co-sponsors.
"“Members have not been asked to co-sponsor the bill. Instead, members have asked that the GOP leadership bring it up so we can address the need for job creation in this country,” a senior Democratic aide told TheDC. “We weren’t chasing co-sponsors.”’ "  The Daily Caller

Google's YouTube Allows Terrorist Supporter To Use Image Of Murdered 4yr old Israeli Child Elad Fogel

JAWA Report  "At approximately 0:48 into this video this user has a image of murdered Fogel child, 4yr old Elad Fogel[<--Link Warning...strong stomach required]"

Defending Obamacare with 'a Soviet-Style Power-Grab’

Mark Hemingway  "It's bad enough that America is devolving into an onerous regulatory state, but impeding those who report on federal agencies and the rules they make is inexcusable. It's hard to conjure a rationale for this that isn't wholly political, given the unending stream of unflattering reports about the impact of Obamacare as HHS struggles to implement it." Via The Weekly Standard
Editorial Cartoon

You've gone soft, you little worms!

Roger Kimball: Has America “Gone Soft”?  "Two points: When, Barack, did you start thinking — or, more to the point, start saying — that America was “a great, great country”? It wasn’t so long ago that you were jetting around the world apologizing for America. What changed your mind? Could it be that your handlers have let you in on the fact that bad-mouthing the country is not a good re-election strategy?
"They’re right about that, you know, but my chief point is the second: Who told you that America had lost its competitive edge “over the last couple of decades”? Whoever it was, you should sack him. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
"Like Koko in the Mikado, I have a little list, and I offer it to you, Barack, free and for nothing, without tax or levy:"...

Stephen Green writes this open letter to the president  "I saw the rise of a new political movement, a new Tea Party. This Tea Party didn’t throw fits. The rest of American didn’t have to endure tantrums as they went out on the streets, Greek-style, to demand more and more largess. No. They assembled peacefully, quietly, and asked you to do less to try and “help” them. That doesn’t seem soft to me, Mr. President.
I watched them endure taunts from your allies, and even from you, Mr. President..."

American Thinker has this.  Plus this Eric Allie cartoon (right).

Byron York: 'Soft' America: What Obama really meant
"Others have argued that Obama's statement revealed a mix of "condescension, incompetence, and narcissism," in the words of columnist Charles Krauthammer.".... "Look at Obama's speeches in the last couple of months, and he has repeatedly scolded audiences for not working hard enough and for not sacrificing enough to achieve the goals he has set for his administration.  He's done it with both supporters and with adversaries."

William Kristol: Bittersoft Liberalism    "It’s liberalism that’s become, unfortunately, bitter and soft. It’s bitter about the American people’s resistance to doing what their liberal betters tell them to do. It’s soft in its understanding of the exigencies and limitations of the real world. Obama is wrong: It’s not America that’s bittersoft. It’s liberalism."

Mark Steyn: ‘Soft’ Nation   "This is a great, great country that got so soft that 53 percent of electors voted for a ludicrously unqualified chief executive who would be regarded as a joke candidate in any serious nation. One should not begrudge a man who seizes his opportunity. But one should certainly hold in contempt those who allow him to seize it on the basis of such flaccid generalities as “hope” and “change”: That’s more than “a little” soft." "  Of course, Mr. Steyn means that in a nice way.