Friday, May 3, 2024

Jew phobia: "We have lost the battle against insanity. Perhaps we never fought it. Regardless, the world has gone quite mad." Phyllis Chesler

 Surrender in the battle against Jewphobia; a real and present sickness. TD

Phyllis Chesler; Pro-terrorist “protesters” dare to demand that the university they have disrupted give them food and drink.   "We have lost the battle against insanity. Perhaps we never fought it. Regardless, the world has gone quite mad.

"I just witnessed this on the Columbia University campus. A young white female student, draped fashionably in a keffiyeh, stood at a microphone and demanded that the administration provide food and water to the student “protesters” lest they die of dehydration or starvation.

"Yes, she actually said that." . . .

Let's Be Clear on What We Are Witnessing: Terrorists, Not Freedom Fighters . . ."While some may claim that Hamas are freedom fighters because they want Gaza to be independent of Israel, they qualify as terrorists because the methods they use match the definition of terrorism. They intentionally kill civilians. They also use rape and the taking of hostages. Furthermore, the Hamas Covenant calls for the annihilation of Israel and the Jews, which again, does not match the definition of a freedom fighter. The US colonists never had the elimination of Britain and the British as a goal." . . .

Anti-Israel college students want to spew hate with 'amnesty'    . . ."And, though the media has done it’s best to whitewash the ugliness of the protests, most of these demonstrations feature objectively antisemitic messages. Encampments are meant to intimidate fellow students and the administration.

"Most of them are also closed off to pro-Israel counter-protesters. “Pro-Palestine” marches are as pro “free speech” as they are anti war. Which is to say, not at all.

"They want free speech only for themselves, and ceasefires only for Jews. Hamas is welcome to any brutality it likes." . . .

AF Branco- Townhall

Here comes help to understand Biden’s evil approach to the Israel-Hamas war - Andrea Widburg   "We’ve all seen how Biden has been trying to manage Israel’s war against Hamas—and he’s been doing so in a way that hampers Israel’s ability to fight an openly genocidal enemy. The question is why he’s doing this. I know that I have inchoate ideas about Obama’s Iran policy and Biden’s long-standing animosity toward Israel, but Lee Smith drills deeper and comes up with something even more disturbing...and manifestly true.

"The Tablet article is entitled, “Saving Hamas: The Palestinian terror organization refuses to release hostages while clinging to its last stronghold in Rafah. So why is the Biden administration throwing the full weight of the U.S. government at Israel to prevent it from routing Hamas?” The first two paragraphs clearly explain the essay’s premise:

Reports are circulating that the Israelis are planning an operation in Rafah to eliminate the last Hamas stronghold in Gaza. If so, the Netanyahu government will be acting against the very public wishes of the Biden administration, which has spent the last half year moving heaven and earth to save a terrorist organization from destruction." . . . 

. . ."But here’s the kicker: It’s not just hatred for Israel or love for Iran that’s driving the Obama and Biden train. There’s more...but you have to click on over to Tablet to get the stunning denouement."

How many of these people are paid by George Soros and his yokefellows?

Outside Instigators: Nearly Half of Those Arrested at Columbia and CCNY Were Not Students – HotAir   . . ."Lisa Fithian is the author of a 2019 book called “Shut it Down,” a guide to strategic civil disobedience and has worked as a political organizer for decades, supporting political demonstrations across the country, including Occupy Wall Street in 2011; the protests in Ferguson, Mo., that followed the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by the local police in 2014; and the antiracism movement after the death of George Floyd in 2020.

"She has also run workshops for other activists. Unions and activist groups have paid her $300 a day to run demonstrations and teach their members tactics for taking over the streets, according to a 2012 profile in Mother Jones magazine." . . .

Pictured below are Hamas captives about the same age as those on campus wearing Hamas scarves; one fears they may have been murdered by their captors (who may soon be attending class next to your children). How can these campus people support this? I guess those young people will just be written off by the left as "Islamophobes".TD

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