Friday, April 27, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama’s Undiplomacy" (and, I might add, his juvenile presidency)

Victor Davis Hanson   "Most of the criticism of the Obama administration’s foreign policy concerns the failure of “reset diplomacy,” the inability to deal with Iran or North Korea, or the sense that we are ignoring allies and appeasing enemies. 
"All true. But under the radar, there are several developments that are far more disturbing than we seem to realize."
"The problem is not just that Obama has no knowledge of geography, but that he has none either about history or diplomacy."
To the extent that he understands geopolitics, it is of the juvenile multicultural sort, in which hostile nuclear powers, traditional enemies, and troublesome neutrals are either not much worse than or morally equivalent to long-standing allies and friends.
Canada Free Press, 2009:  Do World Leaders Respect Obama?  "The spin from the liberal media in America is that the United States finally has great world leadership in President Obama. However, consistently over time, another picture is emerging from foreign press reports that are not controlled by the American spin machines, of Obama being seen in much less flattering way that does not protray(sic) him as the object of respect from other world leaders.
...." Is Obama building respect for American leadership or ridicule? Are other world leaders really seeing Obama as a true world leader or do they see him as a manipulatable(sic) clown that is always ready to be the first to compromise as he did with the recent lifting of some sanctions on Cuba when there are no guarantees of reciprocal action such as releasing political prisoners. I was always taught that respect is a two-way street."
Obama greets University of Colorado students
Speaking of our juvenile president; Obama dumbs down his speeches for addressing college students "The lack of complexity in President Obama’s recent speeches to college students suggests that they were stump speeches more suited for the presidential campaign than official government business, experts say.
"Obama addressed the coeds at the Universities of North Carolina, Colorado, and Iowa at a sixth grade reading level, according to Flesch-Kincaid reading comprehension difficulty tests conducted by the Washington Free Beacon."  Hat tip to Neal Boortz
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Thursday, April 26, 2012

UPDATED: Some press can do professional journalism if they want to: George Zimmerman- Prelude to a shooting

Reuters  "Zimmerman's maternal grandmother, Cristina, who had lived with the Zimmermans since 1978, worked as a babysitter for years during Zimmerman's childhood. For several years she cared for two African-American girls who ate their meals at the Zimmerman house and went back and forth to school each day with the Zimmerman children.

" "They were part of the household for years, until they were old enough to be on their own," Post said."

"In several of the incidents, witnesses identified the suspects to police as young black men. Twin Lakes is about 50 percent white, with an African-American and Hispanic population of about 20 percent each, roughly similar to the surrounding city of Sanford, according to U.S. Census data.

"One morning in July 2011, a black teenager walked up to Zimmerman's front porch and stole a bicycle, neighbors told Reuters. A police report was taken, though the bicycle was not recovered.

"But it was the August incursion into the home of Olivia Bertalan that really troubled the neighborhood, particularly Zimmerman. Shellie was home most days, taking online courses towards certification as a registered nurse.

"On August 3, Bertalan was at home with her infant son while her husband, Michael, was at work. She watched from a downstairs window, she said, as two black men repeatedly rang her doorbell and then entered through a sliding door at the back of the house..." 
“Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. I’m black, OK?” the woman said, declining to be identified because she anticipated backlash due to her race. She leaned in to look a reporter directly in the eyes. “There were black boys robbing houses in this neighborhood,” she said. “That’s why George was suspicious of Trayvon Martin.”
"Guess she’s a racist too.
...."Who else has to be hurt over this? How much more blood has to be shed? When are we going to stop listening to guys who pay the bills with race-baiting?
"What the hell is wrong with everybody?"

"Hayes was charged with committing a hate crime Wednesday, as well as attempted robbery and aggravated battery. 
"The boy, who is also black, was charged with attempted robbery, the Tribune said.
"Hayes said he and his partner grabbed the man from behind and hit him several times, then grabbed a tree branch and said, “Empty your pockets, white boy,” FOX Chicago reported.
"The pair then threw the man to the ground and hit him in the head several more times before taking off."
Big Journalism reports the press has blood on it's hands  "My guess is that if Hayes is telling the truth about his sinister motives, he's been watching too much CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and ABC. After all, those are the media outlets guilty, in some cases, of outright racial fabrication in their zeal to aid Barack Obama's re-election campaign by falsely attributing racism to Mr. Zimmerman's motives."
"The bottom line is that if Hayes' professed motive for attacking another man is based on lies told over and over and over again by Obama's Media Palace Guards."
Thank you, Al Sharpton. Thank you, Jesse Jackson. Thank you national race-baiters.
UPDATE: Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, NAACP Aren’t Done Exploiting Trayvon Martin Death, Holding Rally In Los Angeles…

One Cool Celebrity President appears in Republican ads

Via Bully Pulpit  Celebrity Obama Crushed By Karl Rove Ad

Operation Hot Mic:

President Reagan lectures Obama on socialism

Don't you prefer your heard-earned dollars go to American industry rather than to this government?

Forbes: EPA Official Not Only Touted 'Crucifying' Oil Companies, He Tried It  "The former professor at Southern Methodist University was appointed by President Obama in November 2009."...."Texas Monthly called him one of the 25 most powerful Texans, while the Houston Chronicle said he’s “the most feared environmentalist in the state.” "
...." In recent months a federal judge slapped the EPA, decreeing that the agency was required to actually do some scientific investigation of wells before penalizing the companies that drilled them. Finally in March the EPA withdrew its emergency order and a federal court dismissed the EPA’s case."
...".He ought to resign as well. His comments in the video are proof that facts and science don’t matter to him, that he’s already made up his mind that the industry he has regulatory power over is evil. When you lose faith in the impartiality of regulators every action they take is tainted. He’s the boy who cried wolf."
(Emphasis happily added)

Rick Moran: EPA official compares enforcement to crucifixions  "Spurious enforcement action just to intimidate the industry? That's what this goon seems to be saying. More than proving the EPA's war on fossile fuels, the video shows the arrogance of power little men like this petty bureaucrat exhibit when given responsibility far above their abilities or temperament."
Heritage: Armendariz’s comments, Inhofe said, “give us a rare glimpse of the Obama administration’s true agenda.”  " “It’s one thing to create regulatory certainty and fine or punish a company for breaking the law,” noted Heritage’s Nick Loris in reaction to the video, “but it’s another to target a specific industry and create a regulatory stranglehold on America’s access to affordable and reliable energy.” "

Speaking of abuse of power: Bloomberg; High Court Skeptical of Obama’s Use of Power as Campaign Starts  " “What does sovereignty mean if it does not include the ability to defend your borders?” Justice Antonin Scalia said during the 80-minute session, which ran 20 minutes beyond its scheduled time."

Collins Report: Fresh out of excuses, Int. Sec. Salazar and the media try to invent some new gas price “truths”  "Feeding his dimwitted audience more of what they want to write and say,  Salazar then babbled on about green energy and “staying the course” as the best energy policy. No one  in the supine media questioned why “staying” a course that has given us European type high gas prices isn’t lunacy,  but Salazar knew the media would never be impolitic enough to point that out." 

If Romney's Mormonism Is Fair Game, So Is The Rev. Jeremiah Wright

Larry Elder  "When Obama told Wright of his assistant's plans, Wright acknowledged that he tried to talk her out of moving. Why? Wright said that the boy "won't have a clue about where, or who, he is." Astonishing.
"Wright said this to a biracial man, the product of a black man and a white woman? Wright said that the assistant's son won't know "who he is"? Didn't Obama's mom send a young Barack back to Hawaii to live with his white grandparents in order to get a premium education at the finest prep school in the state?
"All Wright's poor, single mother/assistant wanted was a safer neighborhood where her son would be able to join a band and wear a uniform, an opportunity not afforded at his urban school. Did Obama get up and leave after Wright outed himself as an anti-white racist who did not want the best for the son of his assistant? No. Obama joined his church."
...."But when Obama instinctively sides with the black professor versus a white Cambridge cop doing his job; when Obama injects himself in the Trayvon Martin case, saying, "If I had had a son, he'd look like Trayvon"; when Obama falsely asserts that blacks and whites "receive very different sentences ... for the same crime," one can reasonably ask to what degree is Obama's worldview colored and shaped by Jeremiah Wright -- his angry, hostile anti-Semitic pastor of more than 20 years." Via Lucianne

Larry O'Donnell Again Attacks Romney's Religion "Watch the "progressive" O'Donnell's intolerance on display. Think he's ever treat[ed] the religion of, say, a Muslim candidate in such demeaning terms?" Well, after all it is MSNBC, often promoted on the old "Law and Order" series.

Fox and Friends Examines Rev. Wright ‘Re-emergence,’ ‘Hate-Filled Easter Sermon’ "The Fox & Friends panel then played a clip of Republican strategist Dick Morris who told Sean Hannity last night on Hannity that he “did not believe it was a total coincidence” that Rev. Wright has resurfaced at this particular moment in the 2012 campaign.

“I think that what may be happening here is that there may be a deliberate, orchestrated effort by the Obama White House to promote racial division,” said Morris. He claimed such tensions would drive up African American turnout at the polls in November.
" “I don’t know about that,” said Carlson, sounding a skeptical note."

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ann Coulter: Romney doing the job Republican establishment just won't do

Ann Coulter "If you're not sure how you feel about illegal immigration, ask yourself this: "Do I have a nanny, a maid, a pool boy, a chauffeur, a cook or a business requiring lots of cheap labor that the rest of America will have to subsidize with social services to make up for the wages I'm paying?" Press "1" to answer in English. 
"If the answer is "no," illegal immigration is a bad deal for you. Cheap labor is cheap only for the employer. 
"Today, 70 percent of illegal immigrant households collect government benefits -- as do 57 percent of all immigrant households -- compared to 39 percent of native households.

"You can either pay a little more for tomatoes picked by Americans or you can pay a lot more in welfare to the illegal immigrants who will pick them as well as to generations of their descendants." 

"Among the propositions supported by Hispanics in larger numbers than they typically vote Republican was one making English the official language of Arizona (49 percent). As governor of Massachusetts, Romney pushed English-immersion programs. That's my kind of Hispandering! 
"These are our Latinos -- the ones, as Romney said, who came here for opportunity and freedom. Any race-mongering, welfare-collecting, ethnic-identity rabble-rousers are voting for the Democrat."

Ann Coulter is Legal Affairs Correspondent for HUMAN EVENTS and author of High Crimes and MisdemeanorsSlanderTreasonHow to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must),GodlessIf Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be RepublicansGuilty: Liberal "Victims" and their Assault on America, and Demonic: How The Liberal Mob Is Endangering America.

"I’m convinced that Mitt Romney is not only the best Republican but also the best general election candidate to serve as president for four key reasons.
"First, he has extensive experience making executive decisions. As governor of Massachusetts and in the private sector, Romney had to make tough choices affecting people’s jobs, lives and futures, preparing him for the world’s highest executive office. Obama is a legislator and it shows. Too often he sublets decision making to Congress, with the bad results we saw in the pork-infused trillion-dollar stimulus, the massive mess of the health care law and the regulatory morass of the Dodd-Frank financial reforms."....Hat tip to Solid Principles Blog

It is too late to question Romney's qualifications and if he is a true conservative or not. He is our only hope to get the present liberal demagogue out of the White House and onto the sidelines where he will be just one more Maxine Waters or Bernie Sanders barking at conservatives.
As with Waters and Sanders, Obama will continue to be a demagogue and a thorn in free enterprise America's side, especially on college campi and in union rallies where he finds useful idiots. We hope he at least will be where he cannot so easily become a millstone around all our necks.
But rest assured, like the Clintons, he will never stop coming back, just like the cat in this video: TD

Victor Davis Hanson: When Administrations Implode

Victor Davis Hanson  "The Obama administration over the last month has seemed on the verge of one of these presidential meltdowns."
"The effect of all these unnecessary missteps was to make the Obama administration appear inept — at precisely the time Republicans were unifying around Romney and ending their long, suicidal primary fights. Some polls even showed Romney suddenly ahead in the presidential race.

"So why is the president rashly picking these stupid fights?"

Sen. Marco Rubio's address on U.S. foreign policy

Human Events   "Finally, the nations in the region see Syria as a test of our continued willingness to lead in the Middle East. If we prove unwilling to provide leadership, they will conclude that we are no longer a reliable security partner, and will decide to take matters into their own hands. And that means a regional arms race, the constant threat of armed conflict, and crippling fuel prices here at home due to instability. The most powerful and influential nation in the world cannot ask smaller, more vulnerable nations to take risks while we stand on the sidelines. We have to lead because the rewards for effective leadership are so great."

Video here of Sen. Rubio's remarks

Picking a Veep in a Post-Palin World  Romney may seek competence over flair. "The times have changed. Many senior Republican politicos, including some who were burned by the Palin backlash, are now urging Mitt Romney to consider inside-the-Beltway experience as a plus rather than a minus as he mulls his veep pick. Mild-mannered federal lawmakers with long résumés are in; fiery rising stars are out.

“Who you pick reflects on you, the nominee,” says Sara Fagen, a former White House political director for President George W. Bush. “People will often care more about the judgment of the nominee than the actual pick. The perception was that Sarah Palin wasn’t able to be president. Whether that is fair or unfair, that was the perception. Mitt Romney faces a higher level of scrutiny than previous nominees.” "

Economic Self-Deportation: Mexicans Leaving the U.S., No Longer Just Because of La Migra

Feet in 2 Worlds  "Mexico is bracing for the consequences of the U.S. economic crisis. Among these is an increase in Mexican immigrants going back to their home country — chased away by the lack of jobs north of the U.S.-Mexico border, the general economic downturn, as well as tougher enforcement of immigration laws.
"Antonio García Conejo, an official from the Mexican state of Michoacán, is one of those pointing to a dramatic increase in Mexicans leaving the U.S. and returning home."

Holocaust Remembrance Day in the era of Obama (Updated 4/26)

Wiesel Warns Obama of Evil; Obama Announces Atrocities Prevention Board; "Armed with new bureaucracy, fact sheets, and sanctions, the president gave part stump speech, part remembrance at somber Holocaust memorial event."
Today wasn’t the first time that Wiesel, 83, has called out a president during a joint appearance at the Holocaust memorial. In 1993, he told President Clinton that “we must do something to stop the bloodshed” in Bosnia.Today, Wiesel reminded Obama about the dangers of evil unchallenged.“It could have been prevented,” Wiesel said. “The greatest tragedy in history could have been prevented had the civilized world spoken up, taken measures in 1939, ‘40, ‘41, ‘42. Each time, in Berlin, Goebbels and the others always wanted to see what would be the reaction in Washington and London and Rome, and there was no reaction so they felt they could continue.”
Want to hear what a Ron Paul supporter thinks of this? Here: Obama Promotes Genocide at Holocaust Museum
"I would like to send you a message, President Obama.  Please stop using the term “we” when announcing your plans for further genocidal slaughter in the Middle East.  You see, when you use the term “we”, you are implicating me and a majority of Americans, who oppose the Israeli Zionist conquest of the Middle East for the capture of its wealth. "We want Ron Paul as our president.  We want the dual citizen Israeli Americans removed from our government.  We want our Republic back so that we can reestablish our country as the peace loving nation it was meant to be."God help us to stop the Zionists from slaughtering any more innocents in this world."
Commenter "Jack" posted this comment in the above site and to this date has received no rebuttal:
The ‘Holohoax Industry’, that little piece of ‘history’ that needs laws to protect it from scrutiny. I bet the old jug eared illegal alien earned some brownie points from his Jewish handlers for paying homage to the paper mache props and other nonsense this dump contains.  
"Holohoax" Get that? We can fully expect a Ron Paul endorsement from the Iranians any day now.

UPDATE. : Our MIA president  "And war inches nearer when the leader of the free world opts not to lead. Even if a preoccupied U.S. electorate doesn’t notice, the rest of the world does. They notice when Syrian protesters rise against their terrorist-supporting dictator … and the U.S. does nothing. When Iran thumbs its nose at U.N. sanctions, accelerates its nuclear program and threatens to close the Strait of Hormuz … and the U.S. does nothing. When North Korea reneges on its food-for-peace deal and launches a long-range missile … and the U.S. does nothing.
"America’s adversaries seem to be running wild. And rolling eggs, watching basketball and hitting the links won’t make it go away. Nature abhors a vacuum. And when American leadership is MIA, far uglier and more sinister forces are only too eager to fill the void."

Oh, by the way... Obama sidesteps recognition of Armenian genocide as president — again    However, "I doubt Romney will be any different: Turkey is crucially important right now as an ally with respect to Syria and as a potentially moderating influence on the new Islamist regimes in the Middle East. If you alienate them, you’re weakening your hand in the region at a moment when things are even nuttier and less stable than usual. Orwellian semantics goes a long way in this case. Awful, but there it is."

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Discussion points when talking with a liberal

Your Obama reelection cheat sheet  "I’m going to try to build a little cheat sheet that Nealz Nuze readers can use when then get into the inevitable arguments with voters involved in the national suicide pact to reelect Barack Obama.  For the first portion of the cheat sheet I’m going to rely for the most part on some data gleaned from a column by U.S. News & World Report editor Mort Zuckerman.

"Here are your talking points."
...."OK … that’s a start.  We’ll work on gathering more statistics and expanding this list.  Now you’re not going to get a lot of converts face-to-face, but there’s always the possibility that some Obama myrmidon, when faced with these facts, will have a second thought when they actually walk into a voting booth.  Forward this to all your friends .. especially friends (Remindamom?) who still think Obama is actually good for this country." Neal Boortz
Important Issues

Talking with a Liberal about Politics  "A conservative encounters an elitist liberal. A pleasant conversation ensues. This is that conversation."