Thursday, April 26, 2012

If Romney's Mormonism Is Fair Game, So Is The Rev. Jeremiah Wright

Larry Elder  "When Obama told Wright of his assistant's plans, Wright acknowledged that he tried to talk her out of moving. Why? Wright said that the boy "won't have a clue about where, or who, he is." Astonishing.
"Wright said this to a biracial man, the product of a black man and a white woman? Wright said that the assistant's son won't know "who he is"? Didn't Obama's mom send a young Barack back to Hawaii to live with his white grandparents in order to get a premium education at the finest prep school in the state?
"All Wright's poor, single mother/assistant wanted was a safer neighborhood where her son would be able to join a band and wear a uniform, an opportunity not afforded at his urban school. Did Obama get up and leave after Wright outed himself as an anti-white racist who did not want the best for the son of his assistant? No. Obama joined his church."
...."But when Obama instinctively sides with the black professor versus a white Cambridge cop doing his job; when Obama injects himself in the Trayvon Martin case, saying, "If I had had a son, he'd look like Trayvon"; when Obama falsely asserts that blacks and whites "receive very different sentences ... for the same crime," one can reasonably ask to what degree is Obama's worldview colored and shaped by Jeremiah Wright -- his angry, hostile anti-Semitic pastor of more than 20 years." Via Lucianne

Larry O'Donnell Again Attacks Romney's Religion "Watch the "progressive" O'Donnell's intolerance on display. Think he's ever treat[ed] the religion of, say, a Muslim candidate in such demeaning terms?" Well, after all it is MSNBC, often promoted on the old "Law and Order" series.

Fox and Friends Examines Rev. Wright ‘Re-emergence,’ ‘Hate-Filled Easter Sermon’ "The Fox & Friends panel then played a clip of Republican strategist Dick Morris who told Sean Hannity last night on Hannity that he “did not believe it was a total coincidence” that Rev. Wright has resurfaced at this particular moment in the 2012 campaign.

“I think that what may be happening here is that there may be a deliberate, orchestrated effort by the Obama White House to promote racial division,” said Morris. He claimed such tensions would drive up African American turnout at the polls in November.
" “I don’t know about that,” said Carlson, sounding a skeptical note."

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