Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Alan Caruba; Can Obama's Foreign Policies Suck Any Worse?

Warning Signs  "There’s an independent watchdog organization called Freedom House that performs a valuable service by surveying the nations of the world to identify those where freedom is still struggling to emerge. In its recent report, “Countries at the Crossroads 2012” it spells out where the trouble spots are and, without intending to, it is also a global map of Obama’s pathetic foreign affairs policies."
"I have never lived in an America that was not a world leader and, following WWII, a superpower. For more than four decades the U.S. faced off against the former Soviet Union until its collapse. The U.S. Navy has kept the sea lanes of the world open. The U.S. has gone to war when it was deemed the only option. "Obama has been the first President since George Washington to assert that “any world order that elevates one nation or group over another will inevitably fail.” A world that looks to the U.S. for leadership has witnessed the failure of Obama’s foreign policy."  (U.S. SOLDIERS URGED NOT TO SHOOT TALIBAN AT NIGHT SO LOCALS CAN SLEEP)

Obama’s foreign initiatives have been failures   ...."In his first year Obama dispatched two letters to Khamenei while keeping his distance from the revolutionary Green movement. He shook hands with Hugo Chavez. He launched a “reset” of relations with Russia’s Vladi­mir Putin and dispatched envoys to reason with Bashar al-Assad in Damascus. He delivered a sweeping address to the Muslim world from Cairo.

"The results have been meager. Khamenei spurned the U.S. outreach. Relations with Putin warmed for a time but now have grown cold again. In Egypt and across the Middle East, the president’s popularity is lower today than when he gave the Cairo address."....

An Incriminating Timeline: Obama Administration and Libya

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

Heritage: "On October 10, the committee will hold a hearing on events in Libya and seek answers from the State Department. Also on October 10, The Heritage Foundation will host a public panel discussion on the events in Libya titled, “Intelligence and Security Failure: Attacks in Benghazi and Across the Middle East Reveal Ongoing Threat of Terrorism.”
"To help our readers follow the path to tragedy on September 11 and its aftermath, below is a chronology of key events:"....Read more...

Yes,The Obama Phone Program is No Joke

"Click Here to learn how to qualify. If you have further questions about the Obama Phone, visit our Obama Phone FAQ."

We the people...

This video is attributed to Oklahoma State University, but they have disavowed it here:
Dear Forum Moderator, 
Regarding the “We the People” video on your website, please remove the reference to Oklahoma State University. The video was not endorsed or sanctioned by Oklahoma State University. Someone has forwarded the video and attached Oklahoma State’s name to their email. As a state-funded institution, it is not appropriate for Oklahoma State University to endorse such a message. If you have questions about this, please call or email me. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Megan Horton
OSU Communications

Related, if you think about it: Fr. George Welzbacher; Are we witnessing the establishment of a “state religion”?
"It would seem that, for the first time in the history of our republic, we are witnessing here in the U.S.A. the establishment of a state religion, a religion so crafted as to delight the heart of a secularist, a religion with clearly defined dogmas, compliance with whose demands is to be enforced with all of the coercive powers at the disposal of the federal government. Here are the dogmas of this new faith."...Read more...

Something important is happening in Massachusetts

American Thinker  "The Senate race between Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren is being shaped by the efforts of a blogger, Professor William Jacobson, of Legal Insurrection. This very high profile race reveals how important the internet has become to political discourse.  Once upon a time, only newspapers could launch inquiries and crusades that determined the fate of powerful politicians, but now a single, intelligent, skilled, and determined individual like Jacobson can take on the might of the liberal establishment in Massachusetts...
"Thanks to the internet, unlike 1992, we can push back on the feints intended to bury stories. And thanks to the tenacious and skilful research of William Jacobson, those implicated in the media manipulation face some accountability, if only public shame, and possibly more.
"The times, they are a changin'."
I also enjoy the bumper stickers Mr. Jacobsen regularly features in his blog:
And his Tony Branco cartoons:

Surprise, Surprise, Hugo Chavez Wins

politics.gather.com  "While the result was closer than in the past, the reelection of Hugo Chavez shouldn't surprise to anyone. After all through his manipulation of the Venezuelan Constitution and the fact he controls all the wealth in the country he is pretty hard to beat. The question arises is if this could happen here in the United States?

"Could the United States be ruled by a "President for Life" if Barack Obama gets re-elected? It could be possible. After all Obama has made a habit of skirting the United States Constitution through executive orders and illegal appointments, why couldn't he do the same with election laws?
"One of the reasons cited in the Time article on the election is:
They'll claim that Chávez's socialist crusade has made so many jobs dependent on el comandante that most Venezuelans felt fearful of employer retribution if they didn't vote for him.    Read more...
 Hat tip to Paul Roy at Conservative Bloggers on Facebook

Obama-Jay Carney congratulates socialist Hugo Chavez on his win in Venezuela Election

Let's look back to when a new, amateur President Obama first ventured into the world of foreign policy with these articles:

What did that 2009 Chavez-Obama handshake say to the world?
"But to some of his critics, the handshake was a sign of American weakness."
Dick Cheney  "accused Obama of taking an apologetic tone about past U.S. policy on his trips to Europe and Latin America."

Obama wins Hugo Chavez endorsement: 'I’d vote for Obama'  This speaks volumes. Let me repeat that once more in red letters:
Benneton ad: popcrunch.com/Benneton
Obama wins Hugo Chavez endorsement: 'I’d vote for Obama'

" "Chavez also said that if Obama could, he'd return the favor. 
  "Obama is a good guy ... I think that if Obama was from Barlovento or some Caracas neighborhood, he'd vote for Chavez."   That he just might do.
Good question: Why does President Obama ham it up with the likes of Hugo Chavez and yet seems afraid to talk to Fox News?

Obama calls Romney a liar so it must be true

NRO; The ‘Romney Lied’ Defense  The real deception is the Obama campaign’s rank caricature of Romney.  "When Obama aides say that the real Romney didn’t show up in Denver, what they really mean is that he failed to live down to their rank caricature of him. The deception, though, isn’t the flesh-and-blood Romney, but the one-dimensional version broadcast far and wide by the Obama campaign. As he showed during an hour and a half of high-pressure television, Romney is a capable and intelligent man who is ready to be president and has a substantial reform agenda. The Obama campaign’s response to his debate victory basically was, “Don’t believe your lying eyes — believe our super PAC ads.” " Rich Lowry.
Do we see something like all this in the Monty Python sketch?

But I digress...

In fact, Harvard economist Martin Feldstein and Princeton economist Harvey Rosen both concede that paying for Romney’s tax cuts would require large tax increases on families making between $100,000 and $200,000.
"But that's not true. Princeton professor Harvey Rosen tells THE WEEKLY STANDARD in an email that the Obama campaign is misrepresenting his paper on Romney's tax plan:"....
"You can check the math that shows Romney's plan is mathematically possible here."
Mary Matalin Tells Krugman 'You're Hardly Credible on Calling Somebody Else a Liar'
"There were serious fireworks on the set of ABC's This Week Sunday."
"In reality, Matalin was likely expressing the sentiments of many on the Right sickened by constant media attacks on Romney since Wednesday's debate depicting everything he said as being a lie."

Unhinged Libs Urinating On Romney-Ryan Yard Signs….

Weasel Zippers     Stay classy, liberals.
Twitchy reports No apologies as yet   "Last week, Twitchy told you about unhinged liberals who are stealing and defacing Romney-Ryan signs. With Election Day nearing and the race tightening, some liberals have decided to up the ante:"

More "progressive" civility: Obama supporters threaten to riot if Romney wins

Is this what Obama meant when he called for a “more civil” tone in U.S. politics?

Monday, October 8, 2012

The debate cartoons just keep coming

Pre-debate cartoon showing quite different expectations for Mr. Obama
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

But later that same day...
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler
....2. Ditch John Kerry;  Many are now speculating that Kerry's apparently lackluster prep may have left the president in danger of experiencing the same outcome as Kerry did in 2004: a loss. Ohio Sen. Rob Portman played the role of President Obama in Romney's prep sessions. Let's just say that in keeping with the sports analogy, Portman deserves a bonus, and Kerry may need to have his contract terminated.
What once was "Hope and Change" is now "Mope and Blame," and this time it's John Kerry under the President's bus.

Rush Limbaugh has this take on Kerry's failure to prepare Obama:
"....And because Kerry wants something, it is said that he went soft on Obama in debate rehearsals, because he didn't want to make Obama mad. Now, if we're dealing with somebody that petulant, if we're dealing with somebody that childish and immature -- which might well be the case. But they're asking us to believe a lot here."...

Reporter Lara Logan brings ominous news from Middle East

Sun-Times Media   Lara Logan "made a passionate case that our government is downplaying the strength of our enemies in Afghanistan and Pakistan, as a rationale of getting us out of the longest war. We have been lulled into believing that the perils are in the past: “You’re not listening to what the people who are fighting you say about this fight. In your arrogance, you think you write the script.”
"Our enemies are writing the story, she suggests, and there’s no happy ending for us.
As a journalist, I was queasy. Reporters should tell the story, not be the story. As an American, I was frightened.
"Logan even called for retribution for the recent terrorist killings of Christopher Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya, and three other officials. The event is a harbinger of our vulnerability, she said. Logan hopes that America will “exact revenge and let the world know that the United States will not be attacked on its own soil. That its ambassadors will not be murdered, and that the United States will not stand by and do nothing about it.”"  (Emphasis added)

US preparing to strike targets tied to Libya embassy attack  I don't see Obama having the cojones to do it, but, as with the debates, lowered expectations are good for this president.
"Obama has a range of options available - including drone strikes, Special Operations raids like the one that killed the al-Qaeda leader; and joint missions with the Libyan authorities - but all carry substantial political, diplomatic and physical risks. Administration officials say no decisions have been made on any potential targets, the Times said."

Obama's media

Covering for Obama's debate performance:  "By the way … the list of excuses for Obama’s performance continues to grow.  We had the “angry black man” excuse and, of course, the altitude.  Now we have the following: John Kerry didn’t properly prep ObamaObama was thrown off by all of Romney’s lies, and Romney used a cheat sheet."

Signs accumulate that liberals are embarrassed by Obama  "President Obama's poor debate performance may have shattered some illusions among his supporters in the liberal media elite. Having invested themselves in the illusion of him as the fulfillment of the liberal dream of shattering glass ceilings and pernicious racial stereotypes, his evident lack of preparation felt like a betrayal to some. They are starting to catch on that they bought into an illusion.  So they are turning on him.
"Witness the shocking empty chair cover on the New Yorker, edited by Obama hagiographer* David Remnick:"

1: biography of saints or venerated persons
2: idealizing or idolizing biography

Hitler finds out Obama blew the debate

From Meemsy   Caution; we regret the need for a strong language advisory

Hat tip to Neal Boortz