Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Surprise, Surprise, Hugo Chavez Wins

politics.gather.com  "While the result was closer than in the past, the reelection of Hugo Chavez shouldn't surprise to anyone. After all through his manipulation of the Venezuelan Constitution and the fact he controls all the wealth in the country he is pretty hard to beat. The question arises is if this could happen here in the United States?

"Could the United States be ruled by a "President for Life" if Barack Obama gets re-elected? It could be possible. After all Obama has made a habit of skirting the United States Constitution through executive orders and illegal appointments, why couldn't he do the same with election laws?
"One of the reasons cited in the Time article on the election is:
They'll claim that Chávez's socialist crusade has made so many jobs dependent on el comandante that most Venezuelans felt fearful of employer retribution if they didn't vote for him.    Read more...
 Hat tip to Paul Roy at Conservative Bloggers on Facebook

Obama-Jay Carney congratulates socialist Hugo Chavez on his win in Venezuela Election

Let's look back to when a new, amateur President Obama first ventured into the world of foreign policy with these articles:

What did that 2009 Chavez-Obama handshake say to the world?
"But to some of his critics, the handshake was a sign of American weakness."
Dick Cheney  "accused Obama of taking an apologetic tone about past U.S. policy on his trips to Europe and Latin America."

Obama wins Hugo Chavez endorsement: 'I’d vote for Obama'  This speaks volumes. Let me repeat that once more in red letters:
Benneton ad: popcrunch.com/Benneton
Obama wins Hugo Chavez endorsement: 'I’d vote for Obama'

" "Chavez also said that if Obama could, he'd return the favor. 
  "Obama is a good guy ... I think that if Obama was from Barlovento or some Caracas neighborhood, he'd vote for Chavez."   That he just might do.
Good question: Why does President Obama ham it up with the likes of Hugo Chavez and yet seems afraid to talk to Fox News?

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