Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Syrial Losers/ Getting Syrious

Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
Ann Coulter   "Americans unsure what to think about President Obama's plans for Syria should remember that all military action undertaken by Democrats for the last half-century has led to utter disaster....."

"Democrats are gung-ho about deploying the U.S. military provided only that it will harm the national security interests of the United States, but vehemently oppose interventions that serve American interests."

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
...."By giving Islamic fanatics their first nation-state, Carter produced the global Islamofacist movement we're still dealing with today."....
...."The Iraq War turned every Middle Eastern despot into President Bush's bitch. But now Obama is their bitch.

"I know you liberals care more about free birth control than geopolitics, but if you keep electing Democrats, you'll be getting fitted for burqas, not IUDs."
   (Emphasis added)

This next writer has had enough with this nation's political leadership and wants to see them out of this government.
Getting Syrious  "And it should be even more painfully obvious that, behind his putative "leadership," our manic lurching to and fro among all manner of unsavory social minefields and dangerous political and international adventurisms will never stop as long as he is on the scene." 
The right course is to demand that the Congress snare this unhappy raptor, and impeach, convict, and remove him from his stupendously powerful official perch before he gets even crankier.  There is no shortage of outrages which more than justify this "unbelievably small" gesture of self-defense. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tunnel Dweller off line till Wednesday evening

We'll be watching for 9-11 stories that crop up, so please do check in. TD

Peggy Noonan: We've never had a speech like this!

WSJ  "A serious foreign-policy intellectual said recently that Putin’s problem is that he’s a Russian leader in search of a Nixon, a U.S. president he can really negotiate with, a stone player who can talk grand strategy and the needs of his nation, someone with whom he can thrash it through and work it out. Instead he has Obama, a self-besotted charismatic who can’t tell the difference between showbiz and strategy, and who enjoys unburdening himself of moral insights to his peers. "
"All this, if it is roughly correct, is going to make the president’s speech tonight quite remarkable. It will be a White House address in which a president argues for an endeavor he is abandoning. It will be a president appealing for public support for an action he intends not to take.

"We’ve never had a presidential speech like that!"
...."Then get ready for the spin job of all spin jobs. It’s already begun: the White House is beginning to repeat that a diplomatic solution only came because the president threatened force. That is going to be followed by something that will grate on Republicans, conservatives, and foreign-policy journalists and professionals. But many Democrats will find it sweet, and some in the political press will go for it, if for no other reason than it’s a new story line." 
"..this White House is full of people who know nothing—really nothing—about history. They’ve only seen movies."

Warning: Obamacare May Be Hazardous to Your Health

Heritage  "The Heritage Foundation, our experts, and our 600,000+ members believe so strongly that Obamacare is bad for your health that we’re putting this message front and center in Times Square.
"Our new billboard in the heart of New York City will be installed this week to get people thinking and to raise awareness about the need to stop Obamacare.
"Why? Because we don’t want to see people lose their health coverage—and the doctors they trust.
"We don’t want to see access to treatments and procedures determined by government boards, putting bureaucrats between doctors and patients."....

Syria has created a whole new art form

"The Obama/Kerry insistence on the insignificance of their proposed attack on Syria reached its logical absurd conclusion yesterday when Kerry described it as “unbelievably small”. What do you do with news that’s already a cartoon? You go to Animal House for “a really futile and stupid gesture”.
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
"The side-slitting must have been too much for Putin. He pounced on Kerry’s “rhetorical point” that Assad could avoid attack by giving up his chemical weapons:
“He could turn over every single bit of his chemical weapons to the international community in the next week — turn it over, all of it without delay and allow the full and total accounting. But he isn’t about to do it, and it can’t be done.”
"By six o’clock Obama was all over the news shows swapping his red line for a life line from Putin."....
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
The Devils We Know (Syrian Civil War)


Can you believe some cartoonist drew this next one?
The above cartoon comes with this text: Obama Suggests Syrian Pres Bashar al-Assad Step Down  "Stocks are plunging (again) today after President Obama’s announcement that he’s officially behind Syrian President Bashar leaving office for good. Bashar’s reign of terror has gripped the country too long, and it looks like Obama is ready to put his money where his mouth is. Stock market volatility today is due to the public perception of fear of the unknown." 

And on first base....

Hat tip to Don Best, Tillamook County, OR

Miley Cyrus to Be Host, Musical Guest on 'SNL'

Big Hollywood  "NBC said Monday that the singer and actress, who did some attention-getting twerking and found new uses for foam fingers during a duet with Robin Thicke on the MTV Video Music Awards last month, will be both host and musical guest of the NBC late-night program on Oct. 5."

Assad is off the US military hook and keeps his chemical weapons. Israel is the loser of this round

DEBKAfile  "Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon have until now patted  themselves on the back for striking a balanced and cautious stance which kept Israel secure in the course of the nearly three-year old Syrian conflict. However, President Barack Obama’s decision to put US military action against Syria on hold - unveiled in six US TV interviews Tuesday, Sept. 10 - leaves Israel exposed to a major threat: Bashar Assad’s chemical warfare capability which is left intact.
"By buying into Moscow’s proposal to place Syria’s chemical arsenal under international oversight (picked up from a possible throwaway comment by US Secretary of State John Kerry), Obama has in fact opened the door to the “Iranian syndrome.' ”

Here is what happens when our allies make plans around US Democrats, especially Obama:
...." It was taken for granted that when the Syrian war reached a point at which the Syrian ruler used his chemical weapons, the US and its allies, including Israel, would deploy special forces for covert operations to destroy them."

Not any more.

Hollywood Conservatives: The Few, The Proud, The Unsilent Minority

Raging Against the Rhetoric   ...." Pop culture references permeate society and as I mentioned earlier today, many folks are far more concerned about twerking than the pending strike in Syria."

Nothing here
"With that said, there are a few proud patriots in Hollywood that use their stardom for good. One of those such people is James Woods. If you’re not following him on Twitter, you need to be. One, because he’s awesome. Two, because of exchanges like this one."

Nothing here.
Hollywood Won't Touch Syria Crisis  "A number of high-profile Hollywood names on hand for the festival, who’ve been outspoken in the past on U.S. military intervention, have been uncharacteristically quiet on the issue. THR reached out to more than a dozen, including Susan Sarandon, Penn Jillette, Josh Brolin and Tim Robbins, all of whom were unavailable for comment."

On the Russian rescue of Obama

Why is it in Russia's interests to help Obama save face with this plan?
If Obama and Democrats look inept, chances are they will be turned out of office in the next election, and which party do you think Putin would rather deal with?
The Obama Administration has been a godsend to Russia, first by giving up a missile defense intended for our Eastern European allies at no cost to the Russians. Then there was the promise of "flexibility" Obama gave to Medvedev along with turning against the allies who have stood alongside us against the Communists since World War 2, such as the UK and Israel.
Not least is the philosophical kinship Democrats now have with socialist nations and a stronger emotional tie with those nations opposing free enterprise and capitalism.
Putin knows a good thing when he sees it and Americans should be embarrassed.
The Tunnel Dweller

NY Times; Obama Backs Idea for Syria to Cede Control of Arms
"President Obama on Monday tentatively embraced a Russian diplomatic proposal to avert a United States military strike on Syria by having international monitors take control of the Syrian government’s chemical weapons."
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
The Monday Fox All-Star panel discusses this latest break: Video.

Krauthammer’s Take: Russian Proposal a Way to Let Obama ‘Off the Hook’   “ 'They’re going to seize the political opportunity and pretend it’s a real option which it really isn’t,” he said".

Israel Laughs at Obama's 'Face-Saving' Syria Deal
"President Barack Obama switched gears Monday, embracing a Russian-backed proposal to have Syria transfer its chemical weapons stockpile to international control--an idea that emerged from a gaffe earlier in the day by Secretary of State John Kerry. The proposal may allow President Obama to "save face" as defeat looms in Congress for his attack resolution, but Israeli leaders openly scorned the idea of trusting Syria to obey international monitors given that the regime has flouted similar measures on arming Hezbollah."

Pacifists being pacifists: Human Rights Activists Planning Syrian Trip to Forestall U.S. Strike
Where were these people when Syrians were being gassed? What have we heard from them regarding the execution of Syrian soldiers?

Peace In Our Time: Obama Caves to Putin, Assad, Iran
"On Monday, the Obama administration, overcome by its own frantic confusion over a situation of its own making in Syria, fainted into the arms of Russian President Vladimir Putin – and, in the process, appeased the Syrian regime after Bashar al-Assad gassed some 1,429 people in Damascus last month."...
Do not judge Neville Chamberlain too harshly by this comparison with Obama and today's Democrats. At least when Chamberlain realized he had been played by a dictator, he grew a pair and announced a red line at Poland that he really meant. He and his countrymen enforced this red line at tremendous cost to their nation, but then the United Kingdom was not infected with the silliness we see in today's western people. TD
Max Boot; The Long-Term Prospects of the Syria Deal  "This offers the Obama administration an obvious out from what looked to be a losing vote to authorize military action against Bashar Assad. But is it a real out or a mirage?"

Hobby Lobby and “rights” and Obamacare

Legal Insurrection   "Earlier this year, I covered the story of the buycott is support of Hobby Lobby.
"Over 60,000 Americans including myself bought items in support of an important legal case initiated by owner David Green."
"Some of the commentary to Green’s stance show a complete ignorance of free market principles blended with a heady doses of progressive condescension.  This Comment is a perfect example:"
I am sad to hear you don’t care about your employees. You are willing to close your business for this instead of offering your employees health care benefits? Do your employees know you make business decisions based on your religion in that you want to control their life? Don’t you have health care that offers the morning pill/contraception? Is this more because you don’t want your profit margins to be reduce?

.... "It turns out that Hobby Lobby provides generous health care benefits to its employees, including birth control."....

Diary bombshell: RFK Jr.’s secret slams against Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Gov. Cuomo

Via Drudge  "The Post exclusively reported Sunday how Robert F. Kennedy Jr. grappled with what he called his “lust demons” and kept a scorecard of more than two dozen conquests in a secret diary. Below are more sensational details from the journal, in which RFK Jr., a member of the political elite, bashes everyone from then-brother-in-law Andrew Cuomo to the Rev. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson."
“ 'Al Sharpton has done more damage to the black cause than [segregationist Alabama Gov.] George Wallace. He has suffocated the decent black leaders in New York,” he says. “His transparent venal blackmail and extortion schemes taint all black leadership.”
"Rev. Al Sharpton gave Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “the creeps,” he wrote in his diary.
"He goes on to call Sharpton a “buffoon” who has never escaped the “stench” of his advocacy for Tawana Brawley, the black Dutchess County teen who fabricated a story about six white men raping her in 1987."
"He writes that Jesse Jackson has “a desperate and destructive addiction to publicity.”W
"He recalls that Jackson, at labor leader Cesar Chavez’s funeral, pushed “Cesar’s friends and family out of the way to make himself lead pall bearer.”

Kennedy Jr. also blasted Andrew Cuomo and president G.W. Bush, but later groveled over his words about Jackson, Sharpton and Cuomo.

 I have nothing but respect for Governor Cuomo, Rev. Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, all of whom have distinguished themselves as extraordinary national leaders over the past decade.”