Saturday, October 26, 2013

10 things Obamacare won’t tell you

WSJ: MarketWatch   "The health exchanges, central to the law, are also its biggest mystery"
There is significant discussion on each of the listed topics at the link.
1. “You might want to avoid signing up right away.” ....
2. “Yes, some workers are being required to use exchanges — but not these exchanges.” ....
3. “Expect to be confused.”....
4. “Don’t bother asking our staff for recommendations.”....
5. “Blue states do it better.”....,
6. “Abuse our honor system at your peril.”....
7. “You’ll still pay for this, even if you don’t use it.” ....
8. “We’re a magnet for hackers and con artists.”....
9. “You might not be able to keep your doctor.”....
10. “Competition is for the greater good — except when there aren’t any competitors.”....

What passes for leadership in America

A Call To The First 2000 names in the Boston Phone Book, Your Country Needs You Now   "William F. Buckley stated that he would rather be governed by the first 2000 names in the Boston phone book rather than 2000 professors of Harvard. Well Bill, the time is now. We have met the faculty and from the past five years, we believe they should stick to their lounges, worn sport jackets and pony tails, and their pastime of mutual admiration.

"Theory has met reality and theory loses."
Neal Boortz; How to talk to Harry Reid (if you gotta)
      "Now Harry likes to throw around a lot of pretty strong words when he’s talking about Republicans.  You’ve heard him. There’s “hostage takers,” for instance, and “extortionists.”  But for today’s lesson in haggling with Harry we’ll stick to two of his favorites:
  1. The Tea Partiers are “anarchists.”
  2. The people just want the congress to do its job.
            "We would hope that Mitch McConnell would have long ago delivered a good verbal spanking to the hero of the Las Vegas unions, but it hasn’t happened yet … and McConnell doesn’t look or sound like someone you would bet on in a verbal prize fight.  So I’m here to help.  First we will deal with..."

Obamacare opponents reveal deep racism in America!

Sharpton Compares Himself to [Jewish] Holocaust Survivor Elie Wiesel  "Sharpton once complained about the “diamond merchants*” in Crown Heights, suggesting, “All we want to say is what Jesus said: If you offend one of these little ones, you got to pay for it. No compromise, no meetings, no kaffe klatsch, no skinnin' and grinnin'. Pay for your deeds.” He also said in Harlem, “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.' ”  More on this here.
*"Diamond merchant" is of course a derogatory term for Jewish peopleNaturally you knew what Sharpton meant.

Daily Kos: Should the Tea Party Wear Swastikas on Their White Sheets?

No gospel without wrath

La Shawn Barber  "When I read that the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) decided to exclude from its hymnals the song “In Christ Alone” (see video below) because the second verse mentions God’s wrath, I knew it was more evidence of doctrinal slide. The PCUSA, which takes a “progressive” view of Scripture, asked the song’s writers, Keith Getty and Stuart Townend, if the church could change the lyrics from “Till on that cross as Jesus died / The wrath of God was satisfied” to “Till on that cross as Jesus died / The love of God was magnified.” The songwriters refused.

"Why would a denomination want to remove a hymn’s reference to God’s wrath? Mary Louise Bringle, a member of the PCUSA song committee, attempted to explain:"....

La Shawn writes about culture, faith, and politics. Her work has appeared in the Christian Research Journal, Christianity Today, the Washington Examine, and other publications. Visit her blog La Shawn Barber's Corner.

Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate is executive at company that built Obamacare website (UPDATED)

UPDATE: Are the Obamas this 'tone deaf?'   "The Obama White House has a bad case of "tone deafness"  Or, maybe they just don't think that the media will look into these contractual arrangements.
"Wonder if anyone in the media will follow up on this connectionor what about the company's past?"

Daily Caller  "First Lady Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate is a top executive at the company that earned the contract to build the failed Obamacare website.
"Toni Townes-Whitley, Princeton class of ’85, is senior vice president at CGI Federal, which earned the no-bid contract to build the $678 million Obamacare enrollment website at CGI Federal is the U.S. arm of a Canadian company.
"Townes-Whitley and her Princeton classmate Michelle Obamaare both members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni.
Update: "The Daily Caller repeatedly contacted CGI Federal for comment. After publication of this article, the company responded that there would be “nothing coming out of CGI for the record or otherwise today.' ” ...
There’s more. Townes’s boss, George Schindler, was an Obama 2012 campaign donor — but that was after his company won the Obamacare website contract, so obviously there is no quid pro quo.
More on the contract here, but especially this info:
Jeffrey Zients, who was just hired by the Obama administration was a consultant for...wait for it..."Bain & Company, the vulture capitalist outfit that Team Obama worked so hard to make an albatross around the neck of Mitt Romney in the last presidential election. Then again, Barack Obama’s antipathy toward Bain lasted only through Election Day."

Friday, October 25, 2013

Beware of Beautifully Misnamed Laws (Who would oppose “affordable care” and “farm security”?)

Victor Davis Hanson  "Washington has a bad habit of naming laws by what they are not."
"Obamacare does, however, grow government. It increases the federal work force. And clerks in Washington will judge which Americans have too much health care and which have too little — and then even everything out."
"Our next fight is over “comprehensive immigration reform.' ”...."Those convicted of many sorts of crimes may still be eligible for amnesty. Dependence on public assistance will not necessarily be a barrier to citizenship. In other words, the bill will be comprehensively disingenuous."
 "Then, to piggyback on worries over high unemployment, there was the 2013 “Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act” that is still being debated."
.... "It will continue to give profitable farmers more federal money when commodity prices are high and government insolvent. And it will subsidize groceries to a record number of recipients at a time when epidemic obesity, not malnutrition, threatens the health of millions of lower-income Americans. Food choice, not scarcity, is our national challenge.
"Beware of Congress bearing the gifts of beautifully misnamed laws."

Bill O’Reilly on Socialism and a Shocking New Book

OK, OK, you don't have to like O'Reilly to appreciate the substance of this report. For once he's plugging someone else's book instead of his own.

Noisy Room
..."People need to look at what is happening in our country and if they don’t start caring, they might not like the society their children and grandchildren will be forced to live in. A pervasive and unrelenting statist force is permeating our government at all levels – town, city, state and federal.

"There is a new book about the socialist and communist influences in our government which I would like to see everyone read. It’s called The Enemies Within by Trevor Loudon. The information in the book is both shocking and undeniable, undeniable because it is very well-researched. To give you a glimpse into the book, I will share some of the reasons for the dramatic transformation of California as detailed in the book.

"The state has gone extremely far-left with LA County being most definitively so. How did it happen?"...Read more. 

"[Obama's] views are extreme and he is incapable of adjusting to reality in a pragmatic way.
"It is impossible to know what is in Mr. Obama’s heart but socialism is what he knows.
"President Obama is the son and grandson of Communists. He was mentored by Communist and pedophile, Franklin Marshall Davis who was hand-selected by Barack’s grandfather to guide him.
"In college, Mr. Obama hung out with the Chicanos, Marxist Professors, structural feminists."
"It is government theft of the shareholders’ money, pure and simple, and it’s not the kind of thing that should take place in a Capitalist nation.
"This is not what our nation was founded on and it is not a good place for us to go, or one day we will find that we have no rights or property of our own and we are wards of the State."

Pat Condell: There's no racist like a liberal racist

Youtube  " 'Progressive" used to mean socially enlightened and forward looking. Now it's just another word for a creepy liberal racist."  

Obamacare: we're laughing with it, not at it.

Just in time for Halloween: Health Care Horror Story  "The worms turn in the health care horror story. The president says ObamaCare isn’t just a website. He’s right. The problems go much deeper. Ezra Klein explains here.
131026 health care horror story
"The horror continues with the pitchman-in-chief’s claim that “if you like your doctor and your insurance – you can keep it”. The Daily Caller says more people have had their insurance cancelled than have signed up for ObamaCare. Florida Blue Cross cut 300,00 and Kaiser Permanente whacked 160,000 in California.

Health Care Horror Warranty

"Now along comes Wisconsin Republican Senator Ron Johnson with a new bill to hold the government to its warranty. He calls it the “If You Like Your Health Plan You Can Keep it Act“."  Chip Bok.

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

"Generation Opportunity brings their Creepy ObamaCare Uncle Sam character back for a Halloween-themed video and website makeover.  There’s just no escape from this many-tentacled Big Government terror!"....

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

139175 600 Obamacare Train cartoons

139065 600 Obamacare Salesman cartoons

Iran gives Christians 80 lashes for communion wine as UN blasts human rights record

Many Christians in Iran have been punished for violating theocratic laws as the government cracks down on house churches in the country
Benjamin Weinthal  "The four Christian Iranians sentenced to 80 lashes for violating Iran’s anti-alcohol law have ten days to appeal their verdict.
“ 'The sentences handed down to these members of the Church of Iran effectively criminalize the Christian sacrament of sharing in the Lord’s Supper and constitute an unacceptable infringement on the right to practice faith freely and peaceably,” Mervyn Thomas, chief executive of Christian Solidarity Worldwide, said."


Opponents of transgender rights law say signature-gathering efforts to repeal are “exploding”

SF Gate  "Republican Frank Schubert, the veteran strategist behind Prop. 8, says the signature-gathering effort to repeal a controversial law regarding transgender student services is “exploding” around California.
"The law sponsored by San Francisco Democratic Assemblyman Tom Ammiano and signed by Governor Jerry Brown mandates that schools allow transgender students to use services, including bathrooms and sports teams, with which they sexually identify."

Privacy For All Students

Hat tip to The Andy Caldwell Show in Santa Maria, CA

Obamacare cancellations/ Kirsten Powers update

UPDATE: Twitchy: " ‘Not quite the way they sold it’: Kirsten Powers’ insurance premium skyrockets." 
"Twitchy has brought you the stories of many who have learned that even though they liked their insurance plan, all they got to keep was the cancellation notice and higher premiums. One high-profile person in that group is Fox News political analyst Kirsten Powers, a Democrat who Thursday night told host Megyn Kelly of her own experience with Obamacare. 

The Hill: Conservative think-tank says ObamaCare to raise premiums dramatically for some young women  "The conservative American Action Forum (AAF) found that on average, a 30-year-old woman who does not smoke and buys health insurance on the individual market would see her cheapest available premium increase 193 percent." The Article

KOGO Radio, San Diego: Health insurance cancellation notices soar above Obamacare enrollment rates   "Hundreds of thousands of Americans who purchase their own health insurance have received cancellation notices since August because the plans do not meet Obamacare’s requirements.
"The number of cancellation notices greatly exceed the number of Obamacare enrollees."  NBC News posted:

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama

Illinois Review: Health Insurance companies raise rates, cancel policies as ObamaCare rolls out
 How Will ObamaCare Affect Medicare?  "There have been rumors that the ObamaCare plan will drastically cut payment to doctors by up to 21% and institute harsh draconian control over billing procedures of doctors participating in the Medicare plan. ... These cuts have been in the making long before ObamaCare ever became even a bit of hope but instead were developed in 2002 by the Clinton administration... These cuts have been deferred and as of present situation will continue to be deferred.

If we may digress: Sean Hannity's Call To Obamacare Hotline Gets Employee Fired   "Hannity promised Davis a one year tax-free salary of $26,000, as well as help her to find a new job so that she can continue to support her two children."