Monday, January 27, 2014

Thinking ahead to the State of the Union speech.

image1-Gallery: Obama State of the Union cartoons
You Said A Mouthful  "His major thrust is going to be "income inequality" and all that goes with it - jobs, the economy, education, and a half-century of progressive, overfunded social programs which haven't made a dent in poverty. Actually, he'll skip that last bit because it now seems like the biggest factor in creating upward economic mobility is having a stable family structure - something to which the Left is adamantly opposed."

Forbes; Obama's State Of The Union Address: If You Like Your Income Inequality, You Can Keep It  "President Barack Obama was right when he said, “The long-term unemployed are not lazy. They’re not lacking in motivation. They’re coping with the aftermath of the worst economic crisis in generations.”
"He should know, his policies prolong the situation.
"From a promised minimum wage increase, to destabilization of the health care system,  to an energy policy encapsulated by “Under my plan … electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket,” no part of the Obama vision is about making America freer and richer."

Obama enlists corporations in State of the Union plan to address long-term unemployment   "The wall street journal reported the pledge Monday morning. It commits corporations to boosting the long-term unemployed by ensuring that they are not unfairly treated in companies' advertising or hiring decisions and improving their efforts to hire those out of work for long periods. The pledge does not appear to include any legally binding provisions."
image13-Gallery: Obama State of the Union cartoons

Feeding the RGI ( “Racial Grievance Industry” )

Neal Boortz  "This is an industry operated by and for the benefit of people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.  The simple fact is without racial grievances to promote and to wail over, these people generally cease to exist.
            "The Atlanta Journal Constitution certainly did its part to provide fodder for the RGI over the weekend.  How’s this for a story?  “New Cities Reignite Debate Over Race.” 
            "Really?  As you went about your daily routine in Atlanta and the ‘burbs were you aware that the debate over race had been reignited?  All this time I thought that people were concerned about finding or keeping their jobs, navigating the crevasse-filled landscape of 0bamacare, or how to put aside enough money to retire in the face of today’s confiscatory tax rates."
All this fits the leftist template:
To recognize people as individuals is to deny their all-important group identity.  Group identities are so important to the left – so easy to exploit for political power.  Liberals love groups .. mobs.  Groups don’t think, they just react in mass like lemmings.  Individuals – white or black – think independently and are thus difficult to control or manipulate.

The in-your-face Grammys

Gay Marriages Interrupt Grammys' Universal Reach  " For one night, an awards show understood what it meant to appeal to the masses. And then the 2014 Grammy Awards fired off a culture war missile aimed at those who believe in a traditional definition of marriage."

Same Love: Queen Latifah Officiates Gay Weddings at Grammys  "The stage was set to give the appearance of a church with stained glass windows; however, in the song, Macklemore calls out "right wing conservatives," as "playing God" because they "think its a decision," along with churches who "preach hate" saying "their words aren't anointed."

"Apparently your words are only anointed if you agree with the lefty-gay agenda."

Stars Align for a Gay Marriage Anthem 
  “ 'The fact that a song solely dedicated to the message of marriage equality is climbing the charts and quickly becoming a popular song across the country is a big deal,” said Charlie Joughin, a spokesman for the Human Rights Campaign, the largest gay rights organization. “It’s indicative of a changing attitude.' ”
The song and it's lyrics here.

Green Drought; For the sake of the smelt, California farmland lies fallow.

... "As a direct result of the overwrought concern that a few well-connected interest groups and their political allies have displayed for a fish — and of a federal Endangered Species Act that is in need of serious revision — hundreds of billions of gallons of water that would in other areas have been sent to parched farmland have been diverted away from the Central Valley and deliberately pushed out under the Golden Gate Bridge and into the Pacific Ocean, wasted forever, to the raucous applause of Luddites, misanthropes, and their powerful enablers. The later chapters of “The Decline and Fall of the United States” will make interesting reading." ...

Projections on the State of the Union address Tuesday

If you like Obama's executive orders, you are going to love 2014  "Case in point: Our president plans to rule us - not govern us - by using the vast powers of his office and absolute control of the federal bureaucracy to ram his vision of hope and change down our throats. Done without the approval of Congress and with little challenge from the judiciary.

"Can he get away with it? Watch him:"
The Phone and Pen President    "Here’s a hint: Pens and phones can’t achieve much when you’ve got nothing to say." 

Government intimidation and Hollywood blacklists

An intimidating team
D'Souza Producer: 'I Never Feared My Govt Until Now'!   " 'I'm a little bit taken aback by the whole thing because he's such a great American," Molen said of D'Souza on Newmax TV's "Steve Malzberg Show." The conservative writer and commentator understands the process in America and how it works, Molen said.

"Molen, who also produced the Academy-award winning "Schindler's List," said he has not spoken to D'Souza since he learned of the indictment, and wouldn't make comments about the specific case until he's learned all the facts."

Did Mockery of Obama Get Dinesh D'Souza Arrested?   "Here we thought Obama's Department of Justice fingered D'Souza for an allegedly illegal campaign contribution. Turns out the catalyst for the arrest and excessive $500,000 bond may actually stem from a tweet.

"Klonsky suggests the arrest is payback for D'Souza's "racist" mockery of President Obama's post-verdict comment in the Trayvon Martin case."  

What if Dinesh D’Souza had waved around a 30-round magazine?
... "It’s hard to see how the criminal prosecution is not political, a result of D’Souza’s 2016: Obama’s America film. That prosecutors have the power to indict doesn’t remove the smell of politics from the case, because in simlar situations the matter is treated civilly.
"This is an issue we have addressed before. What Prof. Glenn Reynolds calls Ham Sandwich Nation, where everyone has broken some law, and prosecutors get to choose who to indict."

Media Not Very Curious about D’Souza Indictment   "There’s nothing new about politically motivated prosecutions. But this particular prosecution seems so petty, so petulant, that only someone schooled in Chicago Way politics would approve it.
"Does that bring anyone to mind? Bueller? Bueller?"

This Is Starting to Look Like a Pattern of Political Moves and Prosecutions   "A pattern indeed, that stretches back to 2010 and the IRS abuse, or 2009 if you include Obama’s joke that he would use the IRS against his opponents.
"Here is one more fact. In 2012, Obama’s campaign deliberately disabled safeguards on its website, allowing it to collect illegal foreign donations. It did accept illegal foreign donations; to what extent is unknown. Those donations, and the campaign staff who disabled the safeguards, were never investigated or prosecuted. The media never showed much interest in investigating, either."

Some perspective on Gov.Huckabeee's remarks, Bill Clinton's history, and the so-called "war on women"

Rand Paul blasts Bill Clinton in response to Democrat “war on women” campaign
"Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) lit up social media yesterday morning with this exchange on Meet the Press with David Gregory.  Paul delighted conservatives with this shot at media double standards and the phony “war on women” pose from Democrats by reminding everyone that their eminence grise* was one of the worst offenders — and they still won’t acknowledge it:"...

"Mike Huckabee only talked about “female libidos” (and got grossly misquoted for it). Bill Clinton actually did something about it."...
*  Somebody who is secretly powerful: somebody who exerts great power or influence secretly or unofficially. Bing dictionary

Rand Paul calls out Democrat 'GOP war on women' hypocrisy   " The Democrats get away with posing as the defenders of women from horrible GOP ogres only because nobody dares to point out that they are the same party which defended, honors, and seeks to perpetuate the political dynasty of a president who seriously abused women on a regular basis. Yes, Bill Clinton, grand old man of the Democratic Party, defiled the Oval Office, taking advantage of a 20 year old intern, and ruined her life."

Media Covered Up Bill Clinton’s 2008 Affair During Hillary’s Presidential Run   "In 2014 because of the media’s protective non-reporting we do not know whether Bill Clinton carried on his affair throughout his wife’s term as secretary of State, whether the national security implications of the affair were raised during her confirmation and whether Bill Clinton has yet learned to not sexually assault women."

The Media Cries Huckabee! If meaning can be so easily misinterpreted, how far must we go to avoid controversy?
"The difference between what Huckabee said and what Huckabee was accused of saying is the difference between the press’s reporting that Joe Biden had told a group of African Americans that the Republican party wanted to “put you all back in chains” and the press’s reporting “Biden to African Americans: I’m going to put you all back in chains.' ”

Imagine Bill Clinton back in the White House with time on his hands   "I’m glad I watched. Rand Paul did a great job at many levels, particularly when Gregory brought up the Big Bubba in the room that no one wants to talk about as relates to Hillary Clinton’s presumptive nomination:  Bill Clinton will be part of a Billary presidency, and we know what that means."

Clinton's Esquire Magazine cover puts "in your face" on a whole new level.

Obama’s Keystone Dithering

Not building the pipeline is harming the environment, but the zealots don’t care.
 John Fund  "Nowhere has President Obama’s legendary indecision been on more vivid display than in his bizarre dithering over the Keystone XL pipeline, which would move crude oil from the oil sands of Alberta, Canada, to Gulf Coast refineries some 1,700 miles to the south. The southern leg of the pipeline, from Oklahoma to the Gulf, began operating last week. But the northern end has been in limbo for five years. Last March Obama assured Senate Republicans that a decision on Keystone would be made before the end of 2013. We are still waiting. One more broken promise. " ...

Increasingly, as North Dakota Republican John Hoeven says, companies are “forced to deliver their product by rail because they don’t have the pipelines.” In the last ten months, there has been an average of one large oil spill a month because of rail accidents. One in Quebec last July killed 47 people and decimated an entire town.
The Edmonton Sun says to Expect more dithering over Keystone pipeline
 "Because of the fiasco caused by the rollout of Obamacare, the president has lost a lot of support among middle-of-the-road voters. Even the moderate wing of his own party has doubts about his leadership abilities."

From the Calgary Herald: Obama dithering again on Keystone   "If there was any doubt about Obama's dithering on the Keystone XL project, Thursday's announcement suggests it's unlikely the pipeline will be approved until the U.S. mid-term elections in November."

Dither definition:    to delay taking action because you are not sure about what to do 
 shiver, tremble  to act nervously or indecisively :  vacillate

Sunday, January 26, 2014

No guns. No way, no how.

Gregory Hicks: Benghazi and the Smearing of Chris Stevens

"Shifting blame to our dead ambassador is wrong on the facts. I know—I was there."
WSJ   "Last week the Senate* Select Committee on Intelligence issued its report on the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya. The report concluded that the attack, which resulted in the murder of four Americans, was "preventable." Some have been suggesting that the blame for this tragedy lies at least partly with Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was killed in the attack. This is untrue: The blame lies entirely with Washington.

"The report states that retired Gen. Carter Ham, then-commander of the U.S. Africa Command (Africom) headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, twice offered to "sustain" the special forces security team in Tripoli and that Chris twice "declined." Since Chris cannot speak, I want to explain the reasons and timing for his responses to Gen. Ham. As the deputy chief of mission, I was kept informed by Chris or was present throughout the process. "  Full article
Via Lucianne

*Remember, the Senate = Democrats. Below: video of Democrat choices for president groveling. 

Rand Paul: Bill Clinton Is A Sexual Predator…

Weasel Zippers
"But he’s a Democrat, so it’s Ok."
Via The Hill:
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Sunday accused former President Bill Clinton of “predatory” sexual behavior, saying he used the Oval Office to take advantage of Monica Lewinsky.
I think, really, the media seems to have given President Clinton a pass on this,” Paul said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “He took advantage of a girl that was 20 years old and an intern in his office. There is no excuse for that and that is predatory behavior and …  we shouldn’t want to associate with people who would take advantage of a young girl in his office.”
In an interview with Vogue magazine, Paul’s wife, Kelley, said Hillary Clinton’s potential presidential run could be derailed by her husband’s “predatory” behavior while in office.
“I would say his behavior was predatory, offensive to women,” she said.
Paul on Sunday said he agreed with his wife.
Full article... 

Is Obamacare Uninsuring the Insured?