Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Pentagon’s Bow to Islamic Extremism

Raymond Ibrahim   “Caving to pressure from Muslim groups, the Pentagon has relaxed uniform rules to allow Islamic beards, turbans and hijabs. It’s a major win for political correctness and
 a big loss for military unit cohesion,” said a recent report.
"This new relaxation of rules for Muslims comes at a time when the FBI is tracking more than 100 suspected jihadi-infiltrators of the U.S. military.  Just last month, Craig Benedict Baxam, a former Army soldier and convert to Islam, was sentenced to seven years in prison due to his al-Qaeda/jihadi activities.   Also last month, Mozaffar Khazaee, an Iranian-American working for the Defense Department, was arrested for sending secret documents to America’s enemy, Iran."
"But it’s worse than that; for not only will it attract “more Muslims,” it will attract precisely the wrong kinds of Muslims, AKA, “Islamists,” “radicals,” etc."

ISRAEL: More Arab Muslim terrorists caught infiltrating Itamar

"Remember Itamar? Coming up on the 3rd anniversary of the Fogel family massacre, the IDF caught 4 armed Arabs trying to infiltrate into the town of Itamar.
Jewish Press   "On Friday night four terrorists were caught trying to infiltrate into the town of Itamar, in the Shomron. An IDF lookout saw four suspicious figures approaching the town and sent out a unit to search for the suspects. The IDF caught three of the infiltrators who immediately surrendered, while a fourth tried to run away and was also caught. 
"The terrorists were armed with knives, and equipment for breaking into homes. They were brought in for interrogation. In another month it is the anniversary of the 2011 Fogel family massacre, when residents of Awarta infiltrated into Itamar with knives, and killed most of the family members on a Friday night."

Alan Caruba: Liberal Media in Free Fall

"An enduring memory of my late Father is of him sitting in his chair by the fireplace reading The New York Times. As far as he was concerned, he was receiving the most accurate news of the nation and the world. Despite the many Pulitzer Prizes it has received over the years, he wasn’t.
"One of them went to Walter Duranty in 1932, a reporter who was an apologist for the Soviet Union’s Stalinist regime. History revealed that he failed to accurately report on the 1932-1933 famine that killed countless thousands in the Ukraine where collective farming had been imposed. In November 2003 the Pulitzer Board, decided not to revoke the prize. In its review of the 13 articles, the Board “concluded that there was not clear and convincing evidence of deliberate deceptions, the relevant standard in this case.” The Board extended its sympathy to Ukrainians."

... He did this whitewashing most prominently in the case of the Ukrainian Holodomor: the forced starvation of between 1.2 and 12 million ethnic Ukrainians, depending on whose estimates you believe. In other words, a lot of people. Duranty called that genocide “an exaggeration and malignant propaganda” in the newspaper of record. He also covered up the show trial of the British engineers who were tortured into falsely confessing that they were trying to sabotage Stalin’s Five-Year Plan …  and similar events … all the time excusing those Soviet misdeeds with what became his personal mantra: “You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.' ”

"This year too we are pleased to announce a new award for lifetime, that is repeated, achievement in mendacious journalism – The Rather.  This is in honor of former CBS anchorman Dan Rather, who famously lied on 60 Minutes about forged papers supposedly tarnishing President George W. Bush’s National Guard service.  Rather’s prevarications were responsible in part of the formation and naming of the Media formerly known as Pajamas, now PJ Media."

Saturday, February 15, 2014

US Needs to Get Real on Troubled Turkey

Caroline Glick; Why Turkey is gone for good   "Last Thursday, two Turkish businessmen stopped for lunch in a fish restaurant during a business trip to Edirne in the Babaeski region.
"At some point during their meal, the restaurant owner figured out that they were Jews.

"Rather than show them the hospitality Turkey is renowned for, he said he won’t serve Jews, and began cursing them and the Torah. He then took a long knife off the counter and threatened to kill them.

"The men ran for their lives.
This Turkish paper tells us that Obama likes and supports Erdogan along with his policies:  "Erdogan’s hatred of Jews, his authoritarian mindset and his Islamist ideology informed his decision to transform Turkey into one of the leading sponsors of terrorism. In addition to its massive support for Hamas, beginning in the 2006 First Lebanon War Turkey began providing assistance to Hezbollah.

"Then there is al-Qaida. Turkey has long harbored al-Qaida financiers. And according to IDF Intelligence head Maj.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi, Turkey hosts three al-Qaida bases on its territory that enable terrorists to transit between Europe and Syria."
The upshot of all the aforementioned is that: US Needs to Get Real on Troubled Turkey   "Amid this new policy of positive outreach to its neighbors, the one relationship that suffered was that with Israel. Beginning in 2008 with Turkish anger about not being warned about the imminent Israeli Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, and continuing with a public disagreement between Erdoğan and Israeli President Shimon Peres in 2009, relations worsened until they were officially cut off by Ankara following the attempt by private Turkish ships to run Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip, in which Israeli soldiers killed nine Turks."

The Golden ‘Hillary Papers’ Egg

The Washington Free Beacon’s latest discovery is too much for the mainstream media to bear.
Matthew Continetti   ... What I did not expect was that the media would undergo such a tortured and dramatic breakdown, would struggle so laboriously to acknowledge the scoop while schizophrenically downplaying its importance. That a conservative online newspaper could have understood the significance of the archive, and actually examined its public contents, seemed too much an embarrassment for the staffs of the major newspapers and networks and magazines to bear. By being the first to report on the papers, the Free Beacon exposed the inanity and irrelevance of the mainstream media. We beat them. And they are sore losers." ...

Wendy Davis: Yes, she really said that

American Thinker  "Wendy Davis's quixotic campaign for Texas governor is getting more and more like some awful reality show, where everything goes wrong and the candidate can't help making gaffe after gaffe.

"Wendy's latest jaw dropper: Texas isn't really a red state."
Wendy Davis told the Austin American-Statesman newspaper on Wednesday that "Texas is not really a red state, it's just a non-voting state."

Wendy Davis: On second thought, it’d be impossible to craft an appropriate ban on abortion after 20 weeks  
 "She supports a ban in theory but in practice she wants the state to defer completely to women and their doctors when they invoke the health exceptions to it. In other words, if you say you’re exempt from the law, you are. Boehner should float that idea to Obama the next time he pushes a new assault-weapons ban. Compromise: Republicans will support the ban so long as it’s completely unenforceable. Don’t laugh — that’s basically the Democratic position on border security, no?"

Climate scientists slam Obama science czar’s ‘pseudo-science rambling’ on global warming

Daily Caller    "Two prominent climate scientists disagree. Former NASA scientist Dr. Roy Spencer and University of Colorado climate scientist
Roger Pielke, Jr. slammed Holdren for his “pseudo-science rambling.”
" 'The idea that any of the weather we are seeing is in any significant way due to humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions verges on irrationality,” Spencer wrote in his blog.
"Pielke took to Twitter on Friday to slam Holdren for “zombie science” in the White House." 

Unvetted, untested and unelectable

Another of what Britt Hume calls the "zany candidates" that keep Republicans from beating the Democrats.
Jennifer Rubin  "This morning I note that the GOP has an excellent chance to take the center, provide it doesn’t come up with “wacky, unvetted candidates who emulate the faction of the GOP voters dislike the most.” If Matt Bevin, government shutdown and once TARP supporter, is Exhibit A, then Milton Wolf, a far right-winger who is a cousin of the president, backed by the usual cast of far-right groups is Exhibit B.
"Sen. Pat Roberts’ spokesman Leroy Towns tells Right Turn, “This extremism exhibited by Milton Wolf is one big reason he has little support in Kansas.  His statements reported in Mother Jones are far outside the mainstream of conservative Kansas Republicans, and such comments have no place in any political conversation.” As for the primary this summer he says, “We are confident Republicans will soundly reject him in the August primary.' ”

But...but he's so photogenic
Kansas Sen. Roberts Fires Back at Milton Wolf Supporters   Pat Roberts, "The three-term senator, who revealed to The New York Times earlier this month that he pays rent to stay in the home of two donors when he's in Kansas, released a new ad Friday that included a barbed swipe at the Senate Conservatives Fund, which is backing Wolf, a radiologist who is President Obama's second cousin and a frequent critic of Obamacare. "

Journalism is dead. CNN proves that with their tribute to Joe Stalin (who did "wonderful things" for "social justice").

Journalism is dead. The mainstream media has lost their ability to be objective regarding Obama.
Journalism is dead. The mainstream media has lost their ability to be objective regarding Obama.
Journalism is dead. The mainstream media has lost their ability to be objective regarding Obama.

Journalism is Dead

"The mainstream media has lost their ability to be objective regarding Obama."

... "Hitler built the autobahn and Stalin developed Sochi into a "resort town for all people." But in order to complete his oh-so lofty socialist goals, such as resort towns for "all people," Stalin starved, murdered, and personally called for the executions of millions of "all people," and not just the upper class intellectuals, industrialists, and wealthy landowners. Millions of peasants were starved to death; their grain stolen to feed the cities and industrialize the "Motherland."
"The day Stalin died in 1953 was the same day millions of Jews were scheduled to be shipped Nazi-style out of their homelands and into the Soviet death camps known as Gulags." ... 
... "Can you imagine CNN writing something like this about Hitler? It's different with Stalin, though, because he was ideologically-correct -- you know, not all bad.
"One thing Stalin always counted on to spread The Revolution was the "blind kittens" in the left-wing Western media sympathetic to his cause and easily flattered and fooled into covering him favorably." ...  

What Do Liberals Say to a Black Conservative?


"How Do Liberals React to a Black Conservative? RNC Trailblazers Event."

Friday, February 14, 2014

Joe Wilson Was Right: Obamacare Recruiting Illegal Aliens To Sign Up

"In 2009, Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) apologized profusely to the White House for shouting, “You lie!” as President Barack Obama told Congress that Obamacare would not cover illegal immigrants. Now it would appear that the White House owes Wilson an apology, as Covered California–the flagship of state Obamacare exchanges–is recruiting illegal (“undocumented”) immigrants to sign up for the program, regardless of their eligibility.
"The Covered California website includes a special page entitled: “No temas si eres indocumentado/a y quieres inscribir a tu familia en un seguro médico” (“Fear not if you are undocumented and want to enroll your family in health insurance”). The website goes on to explain that information shared with Obamacare cannot be shared with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). It does not explicitly warn that illegal aliens are ineligible.

Krauthammer: Obamacare’s war on jobs; Pelosi, Marx, and 'Job Lock'

Krauthammer  "In the ongoing saga of the Affordable Care Act, oddly referred to by Democrats as the law of the land even as it is amended at will by presidential fiat, we are beginning to understand the extent of its war on jobs.
"Nancy Pelosi spoke lyrically about how Obamacare subsidies will allow people to leave unfulfilling jobs to pursue their passions: “Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance.' ”
"Pelosi’s vision is equally idyllic except for one thing: The taxes of the American factory worker — grinding away dutifully at his repetitive mind-numbing job — will be subsidizing the voluntary unemployment of the artiste in search of his muse. A rather paradoxical position for the party that poses as tribune of the working man."

"But doesn’t this undermine the whole idea of universal health coverage? Of course it does, but Obamacare was so structured that it is crushing small business and killing jobs. It creates a major incentive for small businesses to cut back to under 50 employees to avoid the mandate. Your business becomes a 49er by either firing workers or reducing their hours to below 30 a week. Because that doesn’t count as full time, you escape both the employer mandate to buy health insurance and the fine for not doing so."
And these excerpts are only a sample of what Mr. Krauthammer has to say on the subject.   Full article.

Pelosi, Marx, and 'Job Lock'   "Actually, the Pelosiites are pursuing a dream rooted in Karl Marx. The major work in which Marx expounded on what a communist society would look like is titled The German Ideology, written in 1845. Here is a famous passage from it in which Marx expounds on the virutes of liberation from job lock that communism supposedly would provide (courtesy of" ... Read more: