Sunday, May 18, 2014

Free speech on campus, the marketplace of ideas.

140513 campus-speech
... "In April Brandeis University cancelled altogether its offer of an honorary doctorate for Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She writes and speaks about real religious liberty and the real war on women in Muslim countries. She’s also a critic of Islam itself. Condoleeza Rice was driven away from her Rutgers University speech by unhinged faculty members and their poorly informed students accusing her of war crimes. IMF boss Christine Legarde was also disinvited from her speaking engagement at Smith University.

"I’m not equating disinviting Legarde, Rice, or Ali to disinviting Satan. I’m equating academics to nuts.

"In a column about the lack of due process in college, Thomas Sowell discusses “free speech” zones on campus:" Read more...

When free speech is harassed on college campuses   "Three weeks ago, a California professor was ambling across her campus when she saw a teenager holding up a political sign she didn't like. What happened next reveals a larger problem: the steady assault on free speech at universities." ...

When Campus Intolerance Means Free Speech Gets Torn Up and Run Over, Literally
"Being offended is what happens when you have your deepest beliefs challenged. And if you make it through four years of college without having your deepest beliefs challenged, you should demand your money back.

"I have been saying that line in speeches on campus for more than a decade. Even though it often gets a laugh, the idea that students have an overarching “right not to be offended” seems more entrenched on campus than ever."....

Krauthammer: The sound and the fury — and the tweet

Charles Krauthammer  ... " If you do, as in the case of the Obama administration watching Russia’s slow-motion dismemberment of Ukraine, it’s simply embarrassing when the State Department spokeswoman tweets the hashtag #UnitedForUkraine.

... "That is nothing but preening, a visual recapitulation of her boss’s rhetorical fatuousness when he sternly warns that if the rape of this U.S. friend continues, we are prepared to consider standing together with the “international community” to decry such indecorous behavior — or some such.

"When a superpower, with multiple means at its disposal, reverts to rhetorical emptiness and hashtag activism, it has betrayed both its impotence and indifference. But if you’re an individual citizen without power, if you lack access to media, drones or special forces, then hashtagging your solidarity with the aggrieved is a fine gesture and perhaps even more.
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#BringBackOurGirls and the Left’s Empty Moral Outrage

148490 600 Hashtag activism cartoons

downloadBruce S. Thornton   "The outrage over the kidnapping of nearly 300 schoolgirls by the Nigerian jihadist gang Boko Haram reeks of Western hypocrisy and moral idiocy. Boko Haram has for years been slaughtering Christians – up to 2500 this year alone – and burning churches in a classic Islamic jihad against infidels. These depredations apparently weren’t enough to get the group designated a terrorist organization by Hillary Clinton’s State Department. But this indifference to what under international law is a genocide has been indulged as well by our celebrities and the mainstream media, who rarely mention that the group is specifically targeting Christians, and before the girls were kidnapped displayed little interest in the suffering of those Christians. So why this sudden attention?" ...
..."Just forget that none of the tweeting and “outrage” will do anything to get those girls back and punish the perpetrators. But they will distract us for a bit from one of the worst records of foreign policy failure in American history."
... "As the socialist blogger Fredrik deBoer put it:
Online liberalism, as I’ve said many times, is not actually a series of political beliefs and alliances but instead a set of social cues that are adopted to demonstrate one’s class background — economic class, certainly, but more cultural class, the various linguistic and consumptive signals that assure those around you that you’re the right kind of person and which appear to be the only thing that America’s 20-something progressives really care about anymore. ...

Breathtaking Stupidity from the Liberal Press

Hope n' Change
obama, obama jokes, cartoon, humor, stilton jarlsberg, hope and change, hope n' change, conservative, clift, benghazi, stevens, rice, murder, terror, al qaeda
"Just when you think that liberal "journalists" can't grow any more biased or offensive, along comes someone like The Daily Beast's Eleanor Clift ...
"Clift, while discussing Benghazi on a Sunday news talk program, angrily said "I would like to point out that Ambassador Stevens was not murdered. He died of smoke-inhalation in the safe room in that CIA installation!"

"... And you know the thousands of people who died in the World Trade Center? Presumably Clift believes that they weren't murdered by terrorists either - they all just happened to die of natural causes like fire, falling, and being inside collapsing buildings...
"Or maybe she'd like to argue that during the Holocaust, the death camp victims weren't murdered by anyone - they just happened to die because of cyanide gas inhalation." ...
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

“New Hitler ads on Metrobuses stir up controversy”

Pamela Geller   "The picture of Hitler shows him meeting with an anti-Jewish Islamic leader during World War II. Pamela Geller heads the group who bought the ads, and assures that their goal is not to be provocative. “My intent is leapfrog over a media that is not even-handed, that is advancing the propaganda against the Jewish state,” says Pamela. "
afdi islamic jew hatred
... "The ads will stay on 20 buses for four weeks. CAIR says it is considering the possibility of a response ad, and is offering free copies of the Quran in response."

Video: Gowdy throws down gauntlet to media on Benghazi questions

Hot Air     "This video comes from a press conference given by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) earlier this week, but Real Clear Politics picked it up today, and it’s definitely worth a fresh look. As the newly-appointed chair of the select committee investigating Benghazi, Gowdy has bristled at criticisms that all of the questions have already been answered — especially when those criticisms come from national media outlets who have shown remarkably little curiosity about the collapse of American policy in Libya. In his presser, Gowdy challenged the critics to answer the questions his committee will probe — or at least to start asking them:"

Breaking: The “97 Percent Climate Consensus” Canard

Power Line 

"TV watchers will recall the familiar advertising trope of yesteryear in which we were told “4 out of 5 dentists [or doctors] recommend” using fluoride toothpaste, aspirin for headaches, or some such.  We were always left to wonder whether that fifth doctor was a moron or something, never pausing to consider that the fifth doctor might well recommend the same thing, but emphasize something else first (like flossing perhaps, or Tylenol instead of aspirin because of sensitive stomachs, etc).  But Archie Bunker was coming back on the air in 30 seconds, so most of us didn’t follow up on these puzzles.

"Likewise we ought to wonder about the favorite cliché of the Climatistas these days—that “97 percent of scientists ‘believe in’ climate change.' ”...

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Tell me again: why do we hate Israel and express so much admiration for Islam?

1 in 4 dislike Jews, are ignorant of Holocaust     "Despite decades of education and outreach by the Jewish community, a quarter of the globe is anti-Semitic, according to a new report by the Anti-Defamation League.

"ADL polled 50,000 people worldwide and discovered a widespread dislike of Jews and ignorance of the Holocaust.

"The report, released May 13, concluded that the least-anti-Semitic country is Laos, while the Palestinians of Gaza and the West Bank are the most anti-Semitic people group (93 percent).

"Abraham Foxman, ADL national director, said that for the first time, “we have a real sense of how pervasive and persistent anti-Semitism is today around the world.' ”
Western leaders are unwilling to recognize that Islamic jihadists want to subjugate the world and apply Islamic law to everyone, including them, according to several researchers.
Raymond Ibrahim, a researcher, translator and author, said that because Muslim persecution of Christians and others is “grounded in the theology of Islam, very few politicians are willing to address the root source of it.”
“And of course if you cannot ascertain a problem, you cannot fix it,” he said.
He said politicians and others “can speak openly about, say, the persecution of Christians in Korea, because its source is one man, one regime, who can be demonized or lambasted at will.”
“Moreover, if this one man goes, so does the persecution go with him since it is not based on anything intrinsic to North Korean culture,” Ibrahim said, noting the vibrancy of Christianity in South Korea as evidence.

“Persecuted: The Global Assault on Christians” soundly refutes common assumptions about persecution of Christians around the world.
“ 'But because the subjugation and oppression of Christians is actually mandated in Islamic law, and because it is all but anathema for any Western politician to say anything negative about Islam itself, we are in a position where the root source behind the endemic persecution of Christians all around the Islamic world is rarely if ever addressed by Western leaders and authorities, which will only assure that it continues unabated,” he said." ...

Lawmakers urge probe of ObamaCare contractor paying workers to 'do nothing'. Why you do not want government running the economy.

Fox News  Video
"Several lawmakers are calling for an investigation into reports that employees at a center processing applications for health insurance under ObamaCare were paid to do nothing.

"Missouri television station KMOV-TV reported Monday that data entry workers at a Serco Inc. office in Wentzville spent days staring at their computer. The company was awarded up to $1.25 billion to process applications for health insurance through the health care law." ...

E Rumor: Vladimir Putin Describes President Obama-Unproven!

Truth or Fiction
Summary of the eRumor:  A statement allegedly by Russian President Vladimir Putin made about U.S. President Obama has gone viral on the World Wide Web.  The statement was, "Negotiating with Obama is like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon knocks over all the pieces, shits on the board and then struts around like it won the game."

This one has gone viral on the Internet and Social Media in October 2013 but we have not found any evidence that Vladimir Putin said this of Barack Obama.This may be a joke.

  According to a web blog by
Troy Britain, the term "playing chess with a pigeon" dates back to a March 16, 2005 Amazon.Com review comment posted by Scott D. Weitzenhoffer.   Weitzenhoffer posted the comment in the Amazon review section of Eugenie Scott's book Evolution vs. Creationism: An introduction. 

Satanists at Harvard – The devil is in the details

Legal Insurrection  What would we do without MSNBC?

"In the video below, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes attempts to make some moral equivalency between Satanism, Christianity, freedom of speech and freedom of religion. What he fails to understand and neglects to adequately explain to his handful of viewers is that the outrage over the Harvard black mass wasn’t an attempt to squelch the religious rights of Satanists as much as it was recognition of extremely poor taste on Harvard’s part."

"Whether you like the school or not, Harvard is one of the nation’s most prestigious institutions of higher learning and is therefore held to a higher standard. In short, people expect better from Harvard.
As a spiritual entity, Satanism would not exist without Christianity. The very central premise of Satanism is the rejection and mockery of Christianity, which explains why a host on MSNBC would rush to defend it."

Clayton Lockett's war on women

MSNBC paints a worse picture of Republicans than Clayton Lockett. Interviews like this should be classed as campaign donations in kind because, well, they are partners with Biden and Obama.
In case you want to contact the Ed Show on Facebook, go here.  Just give comments with substance in them and not inane remarks like "moronic post" and "delusional". Discuss selected points in the interview that you take issue with or they will not take you seriously.

Ann Coulter  "As described in last week's column, The New York Times and other sanctimonious news outlets censored details about the crime that put Clayton Lockett on death row, the better to generate revulsion at his deserved execution. You might say they buried the facts alive.

"For example, the Times neglected to mention anything about the raping that preceded the murdering, which seems odd for a newspaper so consumed with the "War on Women." (At least Lockett never refused to pay for a woman's birth control pills!) "