Thursday, November 20, 2014


... "The Downing Street memo consisted of minutes from a July 2002 meeting of British labor, defense and intelligence officials during the run-up to the Iraq War, in which the MI6 head, Richard Dearlove, reportedly said that "Bush wanted to remove Saddam Hussein, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.' " ...

..."You don't pay a half-million dollars to someone who is only peripherally involved in making policy. (Unless we're talking about Obama himself.)

    "There was no tape of Bush and Blair running around saying: Trust this guy -- the memo writer is our guide! But that's what Obama, Nancy Pelosi, then-Sen. John Kerry and other Democrats said about Gruber. 
  -- Kerry on Oct. 1, 2009: "(Gruber) has been our guide on a lot of this ..."

    -- Pelosi on Nov. 5, 2009: "Our bill brings down rates -- I don't know if you have seen Jonathan Gruber's MIT analysis ..."

    -- Obama's Organizing for Action website, until the tapes surfaced: "Jon Gruber, who helped write Obamacare ..." 
"Gruber had more than a dozen meetings at the White House during the drafting of Obamacare. The Downing Street memo writer had no meetings at the Bush White House. Even the guy he was quoting had only one. "

Militant Group Offers Cash For Location of Officer Darren Wilson, ‘Just Wanna Ask Him a Few Questions’


Mail Online reports:
A group describing itself as a ‘Militant Resistance’ to a ‘corrupt police state’ has offered $5000 for details of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson’s whereabouts, MailOnline can reveal.
Officer Wilson, 28, has been in hiding on paid leave ever since he gunned down unarmed teenager Michael Brown, 18, on 9 August.
Now, in one of a series of incendiary tweets the RbG Black Rebels have stated, ‘We are paying $5k cash for location of Ofc. Darren Wilson. Real $, no joke, no crime we just wana get his photo an ask him a few questions.’
And though the RbG Black Rebels insist this is not a bounty on the officer’s head, the chilling offer is set in the context of a stream of violent online posts boasting of ‘combat experience’, ‘stockpiling’ ammunition, cleaning out gun stores and being #WarReady.
Speaking of militant groups who just want to ask a few questions:
VIDEO: Pack of Criminals Shown Hunting Their Targets in Parking Lot Before Gunning Down White Lawyer With Wife
... “The surveillance videos are chilling,” he said. “On December the 12th, the same car with apparently the same individuals was apparently casing the mall. They actually had a dry run … On December the 15th, the night in question – the videos are even more chilling. It shows that these individuals in the same exact car as three days earlier were on the property.”...

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Americanos; Un Grande Stupido

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

It’s Time For Leftist Gruber Truthers To Give It A Rest    "Jonathan Gruber was a key architect of Obamacare who was intimately involved in the drafting of the legislation.

"That is a fact. It is not arguable. It is not assailable. It is backed up by overwhelming contemporaneous evidence long before Gruber became a controversial figure whose loose lips threatened to sink the Obamacare ship. And the people who pimped Gruber as the all-knowing health care savior who single-handedly built the model that guaranteed a future of health care glory were not Obamacare’s critics. They were its most ardent proponents.

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

The Vindication of John Roberts  "But the Gruber quotation did something else, too, which was to trigger a memory of another, earlier quote (emphasis mine, citation omitted):
In answering that constitutional question [of whether the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate is a tax], this Court follows a functional approach, “[d]isregarding the designation of the exaction, and viewing its substance and application.”
Such an analysis suggests that the shared responsibility payment [i.e.¸ the individual mandate] may for constitutional purposes be considered a tax.
Report: Vermont fires Gruber   ... "Gruber had a $400,000 contract with the state, where he was charged with helping to create a single-payer system. But he has faced fierce criticism over the last two weeks for recently unearthed comments saying the “stupidity of the American voter” and a “lack of transparency” aided ObamaCare’s passage." ...

Political Cartoons by Dana Summers

‘It’s Staying on My Agenda’: Landrieu Vows Keystone Crusade

"In floor debate, Barbara Boxer said the XL in Keystone stands for “extra lethal": "This is filthy dirty oil."
Michael Ramirez Cartoon
PJ Media  ... "“I’m going to do everything I can to help America become energy independent and to use the assets and the resources that we have and, most importantly, be a partner with our best ally, which is Canada, and our very promising new economic partner in Mexico,” she added.

"Democrats joining Landrieu were Sens. Michael Bennet (Colo.), Tom Carper (Del.), Bob Casey (Pa.), Joe Donnelly (Ind.), Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), Joe Manchin (W.Va.), Claire McCaskill (Mo.), Jon Tester (Mont.), Mark Warner (Va.) and outgoing Sens. Mark Begich (Alaska), Kay Hagan (N.C.), Mark Pryor (Ark.) and John Walsh (Mont.).

"By building the Keystone XL pipeline, Landrieu said America would be standing up to tyrants around the world." ...

Many see rioting as a black entitlement

Report: Alleged Officer Warns Ferguson ‘If You Do Not Have a Gun, Get One’

(Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)
... "The identity of the commenter or their status as a police officer was not confirmed by independent sources. But this comes as the FBI released an intelligence bulletin stating a grand jury decision “will likely be exploited by some individuals to justify threats and attacks against law enforcement and critical infrastructure.' ”
... "Fifty years after the cataclysmic riots of the 1960s, rioting is still regarded as virtually a black entitlement. No one is “bracing,” in press parlance, for white riots or police violence should Officer Wilson be indicted. Nor were there preparations for Asian riots last month in Los Angeles as a jury heard a murder case against a 22-year-old thug from South Central L.A., who, along with an accomplice, had shot two Chinese engineering students attending the University of Southern California in 2012." ...
ferguson looting
"It’s not looting, it’s wealth redistribution, or something."
WH huddles ahead of Ferguson outcome  Via Weasel Zippers, which asks, "What did they think would happen after Holder was allowed to endlessly race bait in Ferguson?"
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
... "If Sharpton is so concerned for how Brown is remembered, it seems like a poor decision to use a man’s funeral service to race bait. At this point it’s to be expected as it serves his own financial needs."... To some degree, Al tried to tamp down the urge to violence, but mostly he spoke of black "victimhood".   (Video)

B2wtSWLIQAAAjDb(Oh, by the way...Just Outside Ferguson, Obama Supporters Trying To Enroll Protesters In Obamacare… )

Communists, anarchists and anti-American radicals of every stripe are converging on Ferguson, and nearby Clayton Missouri.
... "Their fears are well founded, as seasoned protest organizers are currently training activists to close in on and “shut down” the business district of nearby Clayton on the first business day after the grand jury goes public. " 

Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

Slideshow: Landscapes of Battle: The "Great War"

National Review Online

Gateway of Chateau de Soupir in France
Trenches and craters visible in Newfoundland Memorial Park in Beaumont-Hamel, France.
This and other related posts here: The 'Pompeii' of the Western Front

Ferguson: Riots, Race and the Democratic Machine

The Right Planet
Race politics and identity politics are dividing American society, and there is nothing ‘grassroots’ about it. It’s all engineered from the top down. On November 5th, the day after US midterm elections, President Barack Obama met with Ferguson ‘activist’ leaders. It was not part of his daily schedule. He proceeded to tell protesters to, “stay on course”. Did the President mean ‘stay on course for the rioting’? Why is Obama meeting with violent protesters before a preliminary verdict is reached in what could be a protracted legal case?
From 21st Century Wire , which includes these words:
“This time we’re doing it right… This time we’re not burning down our communities. This time we’re going out to Whitey’s suburbs and burning down HIS community. We’re going to make Whitey feel the pain.”
You can also expect equally pathetic, racist rhetoric to be coming from the White Supremacist, or “Aryan Nation” (as if there was such a thing) crowd too.
The US media, the Democratic Party Machine, Al Sharpton, and the Southern Poverty Law Center – will all see the dollar signs, and lap it up – until there is nothing left but ashes. And that will not help Michael Brown, or his family either.
Let the fireworks begin…   Thank you Mr. President!

Meanwhile remember:

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

You knew this was coming, didn't you? Hitler finds out Field Marshall Gruber spilled the beans

PowerLine  "In the video below, we catch a glimpse of Hitler’s reaction to the Grubergate videos. I’d love to see Obama’s reaction. It can’t be too far off from what is depicted here.

"I can’t help myself; I think the video is funny as hell. The thing is full of quotable quotes, but I’m picking this one: “Even Ron Fournier knows we think he’s stupid.' ”

Palestinians Celebrate – Hand Out Candy After Synagogue Terror Attack

Palestinians celebrate and hand out candy after a synagogue meat cleaver
 attack in Jerusalem. (INN)
"Palestinians celebrated and handed out candy after terrorists butcher four Jews at a synagogue in Jerusalem.
The families of cousins Uday and Rassan Abu Jamal in Jerusalem’s Jabel Mukabar celebrated wildly on Tuesday, after learning that the two had murdered four Jews and wounded eight others with hatchets, knives and guns in a synagogue in the Har Nof neighborhood.....
... “The attack was a surprise for us, we didn’t expect that it would occur,” claimed Ala’a Abu Jamal. “The two killed (terrorists – ed.) were regular workers and weren’t associated with any organization. One of them was married with three children. Thank Allah, someone who dies as a martyr, that’s a great thing.”
4 JEWS MURDERED IN SYNAGOGUE TERROR ATTACK – Let the Muslim dancing and celebrating begin
See how this artist shows the Jews holding automatic weapons instead of their prayer materials. Does this not suggest the awareness of evil by killing unarmed worshippers?

View image on Twitter
DISGUSTING: Palestinian media now praising todays synagogue terror attack in Jerusalem
 killing 5 & wounding 13.
The worshippers carried these things, not weapons:
jerusalem synagogue attack

In wake of Jerusalem massacre, Spain’s Parliament votes nearly unanimously to recognize Islamic terror state in Gaza
Cartoon: Crazy and crazier

Death Toll Rises to 5 In Jihad Massacre of Jews in Jerusalem Synagogue Attack 

The Party of No – Democrats Vote Down Common Sense Keystone Pipeline

Jim Hoft  "The Keystone Pipeline project was expected to create tens of thousands of high paying jobs in the oil industry. The project itself would create 20,000 construction jobs. And the pipeline would bring oil from Canada and North Dakota to refineries in the United States.
"The proposed project would have extended from Alberta, Canada to Illinois, transporting approximately 400,000 barrels of crude oil per day. Estimated cost is $1.7 billion.

"But Obama rejected the plan in 2011 and 2014.

"Democrats are beholden to the radical green movement – the poor and middle class be damned.

"On Tuesday Democrats voted down the Keystone Pipeline in the US Senate.
The National Journal reported:
Mary Landrieu begged her fellow Democrats to back legislation approving the Keystone XL pipeline, looking for a lifeline in her long-shot bid to keep her Senate seat. But on Tuesday night, she fell one vote short.
The Senate rejected an attempt to get cloture on the measure, with 41 senators (all Democrats or independents) voting to stall the measure.
And here is one of those Democrats

Barbara Boxer: Keystone XL Stands For 'Extra Lethal'
"On Tuesday, Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) took to the Senate floor urging her Democratic colleagues to vote against approving the Keystone XL pipeline, calling it an environmental hazard.

“ 'What does XL stand for? To me it stands for extra lethal, not extra large, but extra lethal,” Boxer said. “This is a serious environmental hazard.'”...
 Liberal ‘hell no’ caucus rises  "The defeat of the Keystone XL pipeline in the Senate marked a major show of muscle for next year’s new hell-no caucus: liberals.

"Liberal Senate Democrats united to block the controversial project, even though their imperiled Democratic colleague Mary Landrieu of Louisiana begged them not to at a Democratic Caucus lunch on Tuesday afternoon."
"Even as they vow to fight Republicans at every turn on issues that fundamentally divide liberals and conservatives, left-leaning Democrats insist that they will not do so seeking retaliation against a Republican minority that stymied their economic, environmental and social priorities for so long with filibusters and delay. Those days, they insist, are gone — leaving liberals to somehow find a balance between fighting for their convictions and not drawing the same charges of obstruction that have dominated Democratic messaging for years."

Monday, November 17, 2014

Joe Wilson Was Right

American Thinker

..."Widely chastised at the time, Wilson had to feel vindicated this week when a report surfaced that 42 percent of new Medicaid sign-ups were immigrants, legal and otherwise.  This added weight to the recent revelation that most of those newly insured for Obamacare had been insured through Medicaid.

"It has been a good few weeks for Wilson. On November 4, he handily won re-election to Congress from South Carolina’s 2nd congressional district with nearly two thirds of the vote.  A week later, the remarks made by MIT professor and self-styled Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber at a 2013 academic conference sobered up those who preferred to think Obama’s broken health care promises were unfortunate but unforeseen." .. 

Obama Tells Us How Stupid He Thinks We Are

Rush Limbaugh   "OBAMA: 
No.  I -- I did not.  Uhhh, I just heard about this... I -- I get well briefed before I come out here.  Uh, th-th-the fact that some advisor who never worked on our staff, uhh, expressed an opinion that, uhh, I completely disagree with wuh, uhh, in terms of the voters, is no reflection on the actual process that was run. 

... "This is unbelievable.  This little sound bite of 23 seconds may be more jam-packed with lies than any 23-second presidential sound bite I've ever played for you.  "I did not.  I just heard about this just now. I get well briefed. I just heard about this.  The fact that some advisor who never worked on our staff..."  He was in meetings with Obama! Gruber has been bragging about them!"

"Here's Obama talking about all the various scandals he's faced, and they're not identified.  I could go through and tell you after the bite what each one's about, but it doesn't matter.  What you heard him say in Brisbane, "I didn't know about this! I just heard about this! I'm as mad about this as you are. I'm gonna get to the bottom of this," blah, blah.  We've got countless examples.  Here we go...
Quoting below: 
  1. OBAMA, GRUBER, 11/17/14: Uhhh, I just heard about this... [S]ome advisor who never worked on our staff, uhh, expressed an opinion that, uhh, I completely disagree with ...
  2. OBAMA, IRS SCANDAL, 05/13/13: I first learned about it from the same news reports that I think most people learned about this.
  3. OBAMA, IRS SCANDAL, 05/15/13: Americans are right to be angry about it, and I am angry about it.
  4. OBAMA, OBAMACARE ROLLOUT, 10/21/13:  Nobody's madder than me!
  5. OBAMA, FAST & FURIOUS, 10/14/11: I heard on the news about this.
  6. OBAMA, FAST & FURIOUS, 10/18/11: It's very upsetting to me, that somebody showed such bad judgment.
  7. OBAMA, SECRET SERVICE SCANDAL, 04/15/12: If it turns out some of the allegations that have been made in the press are confirmed, then of course I'll be angry.
  8. OBAMA, IRS SCANDAL, 05/13/13:  I've got no patience with it! I will not tolerate it!
  9. OBAMA BP GULF OIL DISASTER, 06/03/10: I am furious at this entire situation.
  10. OBAMA IRS SCANDAL, 05/15/13: We're going to hold the responsible parties accountable.
  11. OBAMA, IRS SCANDAL, 05/16/13: (outdoor/rain noise) I certainly did not know anything about the IG Report before the IG Report had been leaked through the press.
  12. OBAMA, IRS SCANDAL, 05/16/13: (outdoor/rain noise) The minute I found out about it, then my main focus is making sure that we get the thing fixed.
  13. OBAMA, WALL STREET BONUSES, 03/18/09: (aircraft noise) People are right to be angry.  I'm angry!
  14. OBAMA, AIR FORCE ONE BUZZING MANHATTAN, 04/28/09: (camera clicks) It was something, uhh, we found out, uhh, about along with all of you.
  15. OBAMA, VA SCANDAL, 05/21/2014: I will not stand for it, not as commander-in-chief! None of us should.  It is dishonorable, it is disgraceful, and I will not tolerate it. Period. 
Much more in the transcript of Rush's Monday, 11/17/2014