Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Can Trump become so unpopular that Democrats take back the House?

WaPo   "It's one of the most controversial things to say on Capitol Hill, sparking looks of shock and disbelief: The House majority is in play this fall." . . .

So far, Obama is winning the war on coal

Hot Air  "Folks, conservatives (and some Democrats) are doing all they can to prevent the implementation of the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan, which could be the death knell for the coal industry; an ambitious agenda that seeks to cut greenhouse gas emission by at least 30 percent by 2030 from 2005 levels. It’s a job killer, which also places fixed-income seniorsand pretty much every state that voted for Mitt Romney in the crosshairs. Oh, and did I mention that energy costs are set to spike if this new regulatory nightmare is enacted, along with Obamacare premiums. It’s a mess, and it’s a war that President Obama is winning so far.
"Sean Hackbarth of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce offered the grisly detailsearlier this month. Yes, some market forces have been at play with coal–and the acceleration of natural gas exploration surely has hurt the industry. But let’s not kid ourselves that Obama’s red tape helped in mending these hits to coal [Bold text indicates Energy Information Administration]:" . . .

Campus Lunacy

Walter E. Williams  . . . "College administrators are short on guts and backbone. But there is a glimmer of hope every now and then. Young Americans for Liberty at Rutgers University invited Breitbart News' technology editor, Milo Yiannopoulos, who is a homosexual, to give a lecture. Yiannopoulos describes his lecture tour as "The Most Dangerous Faggot Tour." His lecture was titled "How the Progressive Left Is Destroying American Education." There were about 400 students who attended his lecture, plus there were protesters who smeared themselves with fake blood. Despite student opposition, Rutgers University President Robert Barchi called on his university to stand up for free speech, saying, "That freedom is fundamental to our university, our society, and our nation." That was also Yiannopoulos' message, namely: "The purpose of university is to interrogate new ideas, discover ourselves, meet new people and explore the world. What it ought to be is a free space without trigger warnings. In my view, anyone who asks for a trigger warning should be expelled. What they've demonstrated is that they are incapable of being exposed to new ideas."
"Then there is Dr. Everett Piper, president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, who bravely told his students, "This is not a day care. It's a university.' " . . .
Walter E. WilliamsAn American economist, commentator, and author of Liberty Versus the Tyranny of Socialism.  More from Walter E. Williams

THANKS, OBAMA AND HILLARY! Escaped Women Describe Their Horrific Lives Under ISIS Rule

Doug Ross Journal   "A group of activists, bloggers, and filmmakers are raising their voices against the propaganda machine of the Islamic State (ISIS) by sharing personal stories of those who have experienced the group’s terror first hand.

"The self-declared caliphate’s recruitment strategy promises a fantastic life under their control to those wanting to serve what they consider to be a noble cause. To counter the fictitious and sensationalist propaganda, the Open Your Eyes movement exposes the reality of life under the Islamic State with the aim of showing potential new recruits they are actually joining a death cult — and that what they are being told is lies.

"Reiterating that ISIS is not the voice of 1.6 billion Muslims — that it is warping the teachings of Islam and perverting the religion they love — the Open Your Eyes movement was launched by British Muslims. Exposing the utter barbarity of the terror group in the hope of reaching those considering making the journey of no return, it lifts the veil on the brutal reality of life under ISIS control. The movement claims ISIS is prolonging the suffering of Muslims throughout the world and says new recruits are little more than pawns on the chessboard of global power games.

"Thanks to those who risked torture and death to recount their suffering, Open Your Eyes is able to share the reality of life in Mosul, Iraq, as well as the stories of Syrian journalists who have escaped torture in their attempt to crush Islamic State propaganda.

“ Death is better than this' ”   Also here: The Anti Media

Video: Muslims in NYC Say Sharia Law Supersedes the U.S. Constitution

Creeping Sharia   " . . . many Muslims have no intention of fulfilling their Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America and likely lied when taking it:
Sec. 337. [8 U.S.C. 1448]
(a) A person who has applied for naturalization shall, in order to be and before being admitted to citizenship, take in a public ceremony before the Attorney General or a court with jurisdiction under section 310(b) an oath
(1) to support the Constitution of the United States;
(2) to renounce and abjure absolutely and entirely all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which the applicant was before a subject or citizen;
(3) to support and defend the Constitution and the laws of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
(4) to bear true faith and allegiance to the same;
(5) (A) to bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

On Foreign Policy, Obama’s Crown Has Proved Too Heavy for Him

NRO . . . "A common thread runs through these arguments: The president resents the demands of global leadership. For him, America’s role as the global superpower generates not grave responsibilities but unacceptable burdens. Obama castigates the putative failures of his allies and partners because he seeks to reduce America’s own footprint in the world. For the American-led international order that has prevailed since the Second World War, he wishes to substitute a multipolar international order. 

"The trouble with this approach is that global politics operates by different rules. Nations conduct their affairs not in isolated pockets of activity but as part of a broader equilibrium. Weaker countries, by their nature, gravitate to superpowers to obtain not only military backing but also diplomatic cover on the international stage. The United States, by virtue of its unrivaled strength, can afford to alienate individual countries as circumstances require. For other nations, however, the margin of error is thinner. If rogue regimes conclude that the Leviathan has abandoned its allies, their aggression will increase, and a seemingly localized conflict may emit aftershocks that reverberate far beyond its borders." . . .

I see Obama as the school weakling, anxious to please the bullies to avoid the cost of standing up to them. Obama gives in advance to our adversaries what he knows they will push for. It saves face to give in ahead of time so he will not look like a coward. He began this with giving
up missile defense sites promised to Poland and the Czech Republic.
This was followed by his video plea to the the Iranian government. And for sheer amateurish humiliation, who can forget the "reset button"?

Dave Barry’s 2015 Year in Review

Miami Herald  "Sometimes we are accused — believe it or not — of being overly negative in our annual Year in Review. Critics say we ignore the many positive events in a given year and focus instead on the stupid, the tragic, the evil, the disgusting, the Kardashians.
"OK, critics: We have heard you. This year, instead of dwelling on the negatives, we’re going to start our annual review with a List of the Top 10 Good Things That Happened in 2015. Ready? Here we go:
1. We didn’t hear that much about Honey Boo Boo.2.
"OK, we’ll have to get back to you on Good Things 2 through 10. We apologize, but 2015 had so many negatives that we’re having trouble seeing the positives. It’s like we’re on the Titanic, and it’s tilting at an 85-degree angle with its propellers way up in the air, and we’re dangling over the cold Atlantic trying to tell ourselves: “At least there’s no waiting for the shuffleboard courts!”
. . . 

Read more here:

"In political news, The New York Times runs the following actual headline: “Hillary Clinton to Show More Humor and Heart, Aides Say.” Clinton reportedly will display 17 percent more humor and 23 percent more heart, according to anonymous Clinton aides who were briefed by anonymous Clinton strategists who had direct access to what one source, who asked not to be named, described as “a high-level Clinton confidante.” The source said the Clinton team is also considering having her “directly engage selected voters in banter.' ”
. . . 
"This was the year when the “selfie” epidemic, which was already horrendous, somehow got even worse. Of the 105 billion photographs taken by Americans this year, 104.9 billion consist of a grinning face looming, blimplike, in the foreground, with a tiny image of something — the Grand Canyon, the pope, a 747 crashing — peeking out in the distance behind the person’s left ear." . . .
(Ed: Following cartoons posted by the Tunnel Dweller.)

Read more here:
. . . "But November is not just a time for fear: It is also a time, as Thanksgiving ushers in the holiday season, for all Americans, regardless of ethnicity, religion or political views, to be deeply offended. Nobody is more offended than college students, who stage a series of protests over the racism, sexism, fascism, heteronormism and (trigger warning) insensitive Halloween costumes that constitute the festering hellhole of hurtful things that is the modern American college campus and THERE IS NOTHING FUNNY ABOUT IT.". . . 

Obama Knew About Benghazi Terror Attacks 90 Minutes After They Began… Went to Bed (Video)

The Gateway Pundit   "Barack Obama knew about the Benghazi Consulate terror attacks 90 minutes after they began on 9-11. The attack in Benghazi took place in two waves at the consulate and lasted several hours. Libyan “looters” found the body of Ambassador Chris Stevens hours after the attack began.

"FOX News Special Report said the president knew about the attacks three hours after they began.

"Obama went to bed without knowing the status of the US Ambassador."

Obama Still Pushing Refugees After Brussels Attacks

Legal Insurrection

Obama refugees Brussels

"Despite the attacks in Brussels just days ago, Obama is still pushing for the U.S. to accept thousands of refugees from Syria and other countries.

"In his four minute weekly address which you can watch below, Obama spends the first two and a half minutes talking about the Brussels attack and his efforts to defeat ISIS. He uses the remaining time to argue that if we don’t accept refugees, the terrorists have somehow won.

"ISIS has vowed to infiltrate the refugee population in order to commit further acts of terror and may have already done so in Paris but Obama refuses to let go of this issue.

"Here’s a partial transcript from the FOX News Insider:

Giving America The Bird

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

HopeNChangeCartoons  "Bernie Sanders' supporters, an easily entertained group if there ever was one, were sent into waves of ecstasy when a tiny bird recently alighted on his podium mid-speech, perhaps hoping to enjoy a refreshing bath in his impassioned flecks of flying spittle. Or maybe it was trained by someone not really clear on the whole idea of sending political "tweets."

"In any event, it might as well have been the blue bird of happiness auguring a happy turn of events for Bernie: on Saturday, he kicked the former first lady's formidable rump in caucuses held in Hawaii (the warmest state), Alaska (the coldest state), and Washington (the most presidentially-named state).

"Seriously, he won by absolutely crushing margins - not that Democrat superdelegates will much care. But a little bird told us that Hillary herself might not be too happy about it..."

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, bernie sanders, hillary, bird, speech, huma, bomb vest

Who do we root for: Trump or the liberal media

Will I vote for his candidacy? Yes indeed! Every vote not cast for the Republican is an uncontested vote for the Democrat.

"Hillary Clinton ripped the GOP candidates for going overboard in their rhetoric against ISIS terrorists. You never know. Last weekend, ISIS included a clip of Donald Trump in their recruiting video and since then ISIS recruiting is down forty percent but real estate income is up sixteen percent." Comedian Argus Hamilton

Destroying the libelous claim that “Trump supporters are racist”  . . . "It’s true that the majority of Trump supporters are white men, although a lot of other people support him too.  But about that racist bit?  Let’s dig into that more deeply, because it’s a slander by which Leftists manage to avoid looking at their own appalling racism." . . .
" . . .Translated, what the Democrat is really screaming inside is “I hate blacks.  I think they’re stupid, lazy, uneducable, and that they deserve to die.  Indeed, the only reason I keep them around is because, as LBJ said when he embarked on the whole Great Society welfare program, ‘I’ll have those n****rs voting Democratic for the next 200 years.’”. . . "
Bookworm Room gives us this point which we must consider:
"If the media promotes a Republican candidate, is it doing this because its members think that candidate can win?  (No.  The MSM aggressively promote weak candidates in the primaries.  Ted Cruz has reasonably posited that, if Trump wins the primaries, the MSM will instantly release long-held information that will utterly destroy him.)"
 Trump's popularity continues to sink despite closing in on GOP nomination  "The most recent polls show that Donald Trump's support in the Republican party is inching toward 50%. But overall, his favorability rating makes him potentially the most unpopular major party candidate in history.

"Looking at it another way, the Republican party makes up about 25% of the electorate and Trump is supported by about half of that number. Clearly, the candidate is going to have to garner a huge share of independents while stealing some Democratic voters in order to win the White House." . . .

Lawsuits Piling Up Against Obama EPA


. . . "On March 3, U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts [Ed: Again!] declined to halt an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule regulating mercury emissions from power plants. The rule is currently under review in the Washington, DC Court of Appeals.
"In February, the Supreme Court placed a temporary stay on the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan while an appellate court considers the case. Twenty states fighting against the federal mercury emissions standards hoped the Court would grant a similar stay in their case while EPA worked to finish a cost-benefit analysis mandated by the Supreme Court in June 2015.  
"Supreme Court Considers Property Rights Case
"The Court heard oral arguments on March 30 in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers v. Hawkes, a case that will determine when landowners can challenge a government agency’s judgment that private property contains “wetlands,” which are subject to federal regulations." . . .