Monday, April 18, 2016

HBO edits "Confirmation" to favor Anita Hill

"I'd rather see a documentary about sexual harassment and the American public mind in the 1990s, beginning with the you-just-don't-get-it scolding that was delivered over the high-tech-lynched body of Clarence Thomas followed by the it's-just-sex championing of the Democratic Party hero Bill Clinton. That was one hell of a transition."

Althouse  "Despite a surface appearance of fairness, “Confirmation” makes clear how it wants the hearings to be remembered: Ms. Hill told the whole truth and Mr. Thomas was thus a desperate, if compelling, liar. Her supporters were noble; his Republican backers were scheming character assassins.
"This is consistent with how the media conveyed the story at the time and, especially, in the years hence. Yet immediately after millions of people witnessed the hours of televised testimony, polls showed that Americans by a margin of more than 2 to 1 found Judge Thomas more believable than Ms. Hill. Viewers of “Confirmation” were deprived of several aspects of the story that might have made them, too, skeptical of Ms. Hill. The most-salient of many examples....
"Go to the link for the details.

"I haven't watched the show. I'd have to force myself. I remember the original quite clearly and don't feel any urge to watch actors endeavoring to seem like the real people or to worry about how HBO is trying to manipulate us in the direction I would assume they'd manipulate us. For me, there's no entertainment value and no educational value. I'd rather see a documentary about sexual harassment and the American public mind in the 1990s, beginning with the you-just-don't-get-it scolding that was delivered over the high-tech-lynched body of Clarence Thomas followed by the it's-just-sex championing of the Democratic Party hero Bill Clinton. That was one hell of a transition."
Emphasis added, TD

Comment to this post:   "I think that it was back in the day when the seriousness of the accusation was more important than the facts behind it. And, most importantly, before so many of Thomas' accusers running interference for President Clinton, who really did sexually assault women, up to, and including possibly, raping them, as well as committing workplace sexual misconduct. Thomas was tarred for what, at worse, if it had been true, would have been a bad sexual joke, and probably wouldn't have made the papers if it had happened after Lewinsi's(sp) Blue Dress. " 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

About your personal GPS:

Hate Your GPS's Voice? Garmin Lets You Record Your Own
. . . "The free download (for PC only) lets users record their own voice directions and load them onto compatible Garmin nüvi devices (Here's the list; all but the nüvi 300 and 600 series are supported.) Garmin says the process of recording directions and loading onto a device takes roughly 30 minutes.
"Voice commands can be recorded for any of Garmin's standard instructions, such as "Enter Roundabout" and "Make a U-turn." Users can also share customized voices with each other, which I bet would make for some great pranks -- "Turn left! No, wait, turn right! Actually, you'd better just turn around. I'm lost. Sigh.' " . . .
How GPS voice-over recording works.   "Bob Dylan, one-time voice of a generation, is allegedly mulling offers to become the voice of satellite navigational devices. The default for GPS audio is anonymous and generic, but celebrities like Dennis Hopper and Mr. T have recorded alternative tracks. How do such voice-overs—which contain a seemingly infinite number of specific directions—actually get recorded?" . . .

On the same subject:
Find and Install Fun New In-car GPS Voices  "You can now put Homer Simpson of The Simpsons in charge of your personal navigation and safety, thanks to a new deal he has inked with GPS maker TomTom. The authentic Homer's voice will not only provide precision directions, but will comment on your driving ("You are a genius!") and embellish with a cackle. Hear some voice samples, and buy and install Homer's voice via TomTom's Homer page.
"No telling what will happen without Marge along to be the voice of reason." . . .
Imagine instead of hearing "Recalculating", you hear:

Veiled Betrayal: Respect Muslim Women, But Don't Sell Them Out.

"But some very brave westernized Muslim girls and women have also paid a high price for their decision to dress Western-style. They've been threatened with death, battered, imprisoned at home, rushed into forced marriages, escorted to and from school — and have been the victims of honor killings."
Phyllis Chesler   "The stewardesses of Air France are outraged and have just refused to don headscarves when they fly into Tehran, as the mullahs have demanded.

"Viva La France!

"The French stewardesses have more dignity, more sobriety, and more self-respect than many American and European women do, beginning with trendsetting celebrities, female diplomats and first ladies, who have all donned headscarves, (hijab), face masks, (niqab), or full burqas when visiting Muslim countries — and as carefree fashion statements.

"For example, Madonna, three Kardashian sisters, Rihanna, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry and Nicole Richie have all recently posted photos of themselves in Islamic "drag," either on visits to Dubai, Abu Dhabi or Morocco or just because it suited their fancy. They're posed wearing filmy, long scarves (Katy Perry), heavy black hijab (Kylie Kardashian, Rihanna), niqab or face masks (Madonna), heavy hijab plus abayas (Gomez) and almost full burqas (Kim and Khloe Kardashian).

"Such female celebrities may influence Western girls more than female Western political leaders can. They don't understand that they are "slumming"; they can remove their exotic Islamic garb and pose naked whenever they choose to do so. This isn't possible for Muslim girls and women who are forced to wear the Islamic veil (headscarf, face mask, or full head, face and body covering) and who risk death when they resist.

"Being forced to adopt a colonizing custom that subordinates women; being forced to "pretend" that one is a Muslim when that isn't the case; being made to feel shameful, shameless, if one is naked-faced, is an act of psychological warfare.

"Remember the sole female Navy sailor who was forced to don hijab on board while Iran held American sailors in captivity? It was an outrage, and reminiscent of how Barbary pirates once treated their captured Christian female slaves." . . .

American Silliness April 17th, 2016

Multiculti education guru denounces showing up on time, hard work, and clear language as part of white oppression. . . "Translation: Sign on the far left ideology or get out! Remember that this woman receives larges sums of money from educational administrators, who do the hiring. And grant tenure."
The Political Hat
George Clooney denounces ‘obscene’ big money in politics after hosting Hillary fundraiser where seats at head table sold for $343,400

Gender diverse bathrooms, locker rooms, sports, and more  "In our private moments of honest introspection, we all know how this will end.  So let’s just fast forward to the Full Monty, so to speak, and surrender to the superior intellect and prescient vision of the proud, modern American progressives (AKA: neoprogs) and embrace the inevitable consequences and conclusions.  Here’s but a short list of those:" . . .

Please Help Pay For Lindsay’s $226,000 Student Debt, She’s Just Trying To Help The World…   "Lindsay would like us all to vote for Bernie, so her $226,000 debt would go away. Because she’s just trying to help the world. Wouldn’t you please help?"   Beach Mythology?

Clemson Quickly Ends Students’ Occupation Demanding Safe Spaces And That Speech Be Criminalized
Clemson Swiftly Ends Students"The South Carolina school is famous, of course, because school officials swiftly apologized back in October for serving Mexican food during a food-themed “Maximum Mexican” night in campus cafeterias." 

Campus community hunts for missing vulva  "University of New Mexico students are on the hunt for a vulva costume that has gone missing after being used during SexUality Week last month."

A planned left-right debate at the school was abruptly cancelled at the last-minute based on objections to the “right-wing” views of one participant.

Bill Nye, “The Science Guy,” OK with Jailing Climate Change Deniers

What? So now a transgender or even a man who dresses as a transgender and enters a girl’s bathroom is a “fight for civil rights.” Are you kidding me? This insanity needs to stop!
"States need to stop this insanity now! Businesses shouldn’t be subject to criminal penalties from forbidding transgenders or transsexuals into a woman’s washroom, shower or locker room. This isn’t about discrimination. This is about “local control”. The federal government shouldn’t be holding states “hostage” for such stupidity. What’s next bathrooms for pedophiles?"

To what was Bruce Springsteen referring when he said this?
"To my mind, it's an attempt by people who cannot stand the progress our country has made in recognizing the human rights of all of our citizens to overturn that progress," Springsteen said in a statement."
Answer: "The newly enacted law requires individuals to use bathrooms that correspond to the gender on their birth certificate, and has drawn fierce criticism for excluding legal protections from gay and transgender people." North Carolina has opposed this law.

California clothing manufacturers fleeing minimum wage hike  "A fifteen dollar per hour minimum wage is coming to California, so break out the champagne and let’s get this party started! Unless you work in the apparel manufacturing industry, that is, in which case you may want to start looking for some cheaper drinks since you’ll likely be out of a job soon." . . .

Under the Bus; There is so much wrong with Hillary

Under the Bus
Via Odysseus

Back in my day, it was considered immoral for a president to get divorced.  What about a woman who hangs onto the coattails of a serial harasser of females, Bill, and then asks women to vote for her on the basis of her standing up for women's rights?

. . . "All that Hillary has done has a dark underside to it, whether it is the barnacles clinging to failed Hillarycare or the revolution in Libya.
"Hillary failed to fortify Benghazi and lied to the families about the cause of their loved ones' deaths.  She blamed a video rather than al-Qaeda, even though she knew the truth.
"When Hillary said, "What difference at this point does it make?," she was telling us that the administration's lie to the public about the influence of the video was irrelevant because the American people are irrelevant.
"Hillary is a crook with a degenerate legacy that she shares with her pedophilic husband.  Everyone she has touched falls through her fingers like sand.
"Hillary, our potential commander-in-chief, offered us the Russian reset, yet we are in another cold war.  She and that weakling Obama are no match for Putin, and they could be responsible for the end of the world.  It might turn out that weakness rather than strength will be apocalyptic.
"Remember Reagan tearing down the wall.  Hillary and Obama have invited the Muslims and the Russians to step on our faces." . . .

Maureen Dowd: Hillary Is Not Sorry

A plague on both their houses.

NY Times

"It’s hard not to feel sorry for Hillary Clinton. She is hearing ghostly footsteps.
"She’s having her inevitability challenged a second time by a moralising senator with few accomplishments who chides her on her bad judgement on Iraq and special-interest money, breezily rakes in millions in small donations online, draws tens of thousands to rock-star rallies and gets more votes from young women.
"But at least last time, it was a dazzling newcomer who also offered the chance to break a barrier. This time, Hillary is trying to fend off a choleric 74-year-old democratic socialist.
"Some close to the campaign say that those ghostly footsteps have made Hillary restive. The deja vu has exasperated Bill Clinton, who griped to an audience in New York last Friday that young supporters of Bernie Sanders get excited because it sounds good to say,

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Bibles are being removed from Missing Man tributes at VA clinics and military bases. Why?

Todd Starnes  "It really takes a special kind of low-life to desecrate a military display honoring prisoners of war and those missing in action.
"Over the past several months the Military Religious Freedom Foundation has waged a campaign to have Bibles removed from “Missing Man” displays located on federal property. They claim the inclusion of the Bible is a violation of federal law.
"So far at least three VA medical clinics and one Air Force base have complied with the MRFF’s demands to cleanse the displays of the Good Book.
"I have been reporting on this religious cleansing for the past two years – and now a group of conservative organizations is preparing to fight back against the MRFF." . . .
The Christian Post

Inside Panama Papers: Multiple Clinton connections

"Connections come from the more than 40 years Bill and Hillary Clinton have spent in public life"

Read more here:


Canadian mining magnate Frank Giustra, a major donor to the Clinton Foundation, was appointed director of UrAsia Energy Ltd, a British Virgin Islands offshore company in May 2005. In this photo, Giustra speaks alongside former President Bill Clinton during a news conference to announce the Clinton Foundation's launching of a new sustainable development initiative in Latin America in New York on June 21, 2007.

"Hillary Clinton recently blasted the hidden financial dealings exposed in the Panama Papers, but she and her husband have multiple connections with people who have used the besieged law firm Mossack Fonseca to establish offshore entities.
. . . "Clinton has struggled throughout her campaign to show that she can relate to working Americans, while Sanders has cast her as a wealthy out-of-touch Washington insider who hasaccepted hefty paychecks for speeches and received millions of dollars in campaign contributions from those tied to big businesses. Her connection to the Panama Papers, even if indirect, could magnify that perception."
. . . 
"Both Clinton and Sanders have vowed to go after Americans who try to hide their wealth.
"Clinton said she would shut down what she called the private tax system for the wealthy while Sanders has said he would end the trade deal with Panama within six months and investigate U.S. banks, corporations and individuals stashing their cash in Panama to avoid taxes.
“ 'We’re going after all these scams and make sure that everyone pays their fair share here in America,” she said. “I’m going to hold them accountable, and we’re going to have a special effort to track all these resources wherever they might lead.' ”

Read more here:

Read more here:
Read more here:

The Apology Tour of Our Next President

Victor Davis Hanson

"In Havana recently, President Obama talked of the similarities between Cuba and the United States, as if a constitutional republic of some 240 years and a thuggish and murderous communist dictatorship were kindred souls. In Argentina, Obama both tangoed and then apologized for the nth time for his country while abroad, this time supposedly for not opposing the brutal Argentine military dictatorship at the height of the Cold War. He also advised young people that there was not that much difference between communism and capitalism—without giving them a glimpse of his own retirement plans that will make the Obamas fabulously rich by following the hyper-capitalist post-presidential get-rich program of the Clintons.

"Obama also missed the irony that, while he had just warmed up to a present-day Cuban dictatorship with blood on its hands, he then blamed his distant predecessors for warming up to a long-gone Argentine dictatorship with blood on its hands. Argentine General Galtieri and his predecessors, who may have overseen the killing of some 20,000, are long dead; Raul Castro, who may have the blood of about the same number on his hands, is very much alive—and in the back-slapping company of President Obama. So the next chief executive might return to Argentina to apologize to its youth for his predecessor having suggested that capitalism and communism were essentially synonymous—given the 100 million people of the 20th century who were slaughtered by their own communist governments in China, the Soviet Union and Cambodia.

"As his presidency winds down, and there so far appears no positive legacy from it . . . 

HILLARY IN A SUIT: Top 17 Left-Wing Moments of John Kasich’s Endless Political Career

"Moreover, how can Kasich assert he is the best general election candidate when he agrees with President Obama and Hillary Clinton on every major issue of our time?  He will look like a fool at the debates agreeing to every premise of the Left and ceding over the moral high ground to their most repugnant policies."  
Doug Ross Journal  "As the race between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz becomes more acrimonious, many people are naturally attracted to a fresh alternative. John Kasich has the benefit of being so irrelevant he can’t even win a congressional district, much less a full state.  And precisely because he’s been so irrelevant, few have bothered to expose his true record.

"As we are learning throughout this primary season, the Republican Party is divided and diverse.  But the common denominator between all Republicans is that they want to move in a new direction, far away from the Obama agenda.  What is clear about John Kasich is that far from being a fresh alternative, he is the embodiment of what is fueling everyone’s anger.

"Here are the top 17 times Gov. Kasich’s left-wing tendencies on the most critical issues of our time have been on display: " . . .

Read the disturbing list at the link posted.

Do the math and we have no choice other than Ted Cruz. TD

Kasich: I ‘Probably’ Wouldn’t Sign Bill Keeping Men Out of Women’s Restrooms

Illinois Family Action

. . . “Probably not,” Gov. Kasich responded. “I wouldn’t have signed that law from everything I know,” Gov. Kasich said. “I haven’t studied it. But Nathan Deal, the governor of Georgia, vetoed another one.”
"He said, “We are not having this issue in our state about this whole religious liberty.”
"That echoed comments made by Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina, as she said she would oppose a similar piece of legislation pending in her state. She also equated that act, which would bar biological males from using women’s accommodations, with religious liberty concerns.
"However, the bill’s author said his legislation has nothing to do with conscience concerns but is instead intended as a public safety measure.
"Gov. McCrory sounded a similar note after signing the bill, telling local media, “There’s absolutely no connection whatsoever” between this bill and a religious liberty bill like the one Gov. Deal vetoed. “They’re two different issues.”
"Both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders oppose the bill, with Sanders saying last week, “I would do everything I can to overturn these outrageous decisions.” . . .

A Question for Comrade Bernie

American Thinker  . . . "Bernie’s choice reminds me historically of the halcyon days of international communist fraternalism in the 1930s when misguided Americans in the hundreds marched off to join the “Abraham Lincoln” brigades in Spain to fight alongside the communists there. What troubles me, though, is that those deluded idealists of the 1930s were totally clueless as to the track record of the communist Soviet Union with regard to the state-sponsored deaths of millions of its own citizens in the Great Famine and KGB (NKVD)-led purges. But Bernie, you knew of the millions murdered and of the Gulags and yet you still chose to spend your honeymoon in the real world equivalent of Mordor! If he did it today, I could chalk it up to Alzheimer’s, but in 1988? We sleepwalked in 2008 and 2012 through the revelations concerning Barack’s anti-American tendencies. Are we going to repeat our national mistake?
. . . 
"A people do get the government that they deserve! My advice to Bernie in fact is what the hell, it is 2016 in America, so I’d just come out of the closet completely and use “Communist” not “Socialist.” If Americans elected Barack twice and were okay with Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers and Valerie Jarrett, I think they’ll be more than fine with “Communist.” After all, a people ignorant of history will have great fun repeating it!" . . .
By Jim Mullin