Saturday, April 16, 2016

HILLARY IN A SUIT: Top 17 Left-Wing Moments of John Kasich’s Endless Political Career

"Moreover, how can Kasich assert he is the best general election candidate when he agrees with President Obama and Hillary Clinton on every major issue of our time?  He will look like a fool at the debates agreeing to every premise of the Left and ceding over the moral high ground to their most repugnant policies."  
Doug Ross Journal  "As the race between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz becomes more acrimonious, many people are naturally attracted to a fresh alternative. John Kasich has the benefit of being so irrelevant he can’t even win a congressional district, much less a full state.  And precisely because he’s been so irrelevant, few have bothered to expose his true record.

"As we are learning throughout this primary season, the Republican Party is divided and diverse.  But the common denominator between all Republicans is that they want to move in a new direction, far away from the Obama agenda.  What is clear about John Kasich is that far from being a fresh alternative, he is the embodiment of what is fueling everyone’s anger.

"Here are the top 17 times Gov. Kasich’s left-wing tendencies on the most critical issues of our time have been on display: " . . .

Read the disturbing list at the link posted.

Do the math and we have no choice other than Ted Cruz. TD

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kasick is also a strong supporter of Common Core - the Muslim indoctrination of our youth.