Monday, January 23, 2017

Mall attendance at the Trump inauguration

American Thinker  "Sean Spicer, Trump’s new press secretary, remonstrated the media yesterday for underreporting the attendance at the inauguration.  The press was affronted, because it is pretty clear that Spicer’s claim of record attendance is absurd.  This can be seen in the following picture comparisons of the Mall for the morning of the Trump inauguration at 11:04 a.m. and for the Obama 2009 inauguration at 11:30 a.m.  The thinness of the crowd for Trump is pretty stark, made even more so by the white tarps put over the grass on the Mall for the first time."

"CNN has released a billion-pixel interactive photograph that the user can both move around and zoom into.  It shows a very different picture from the photograph above.  If you zoom into it, you can see that the crowd in the Mall goes all the way back to the Washington Monument.
"The first picture above is at 11:04am.  The interactive picture is taken during the inaugural speech, about an hour later." . . .
CNN's interactive photo of the Trump Inauguration

Women’s March Sponsored By Communist Party USA Among Others

Noisy Room

"One of the many radical groups who sponsored the anti-Free Market, anti-Trump temper tantrum thinly disguised as a “Women’s March” the day after the inauguration of President Donald Trump was the Communist Party USA, whose organization was unapologetically featured at the Women’s March website as a “partner” of the march.
"While the New York Times asks “what’s next” after the “success of the Women’s March,” but fails to mention the radical nature of the organizers, as usual.
Other associated groups include the Human Rights Campaign (co-founded by accused pedophile Terry "Bean and responsible for the template used to push the ‘bathroom bills’ across America), Planned ParenthoodAmericans for Democratic ActionDemocratic Socialists of AmericaDemosNARALEMILY’s List, and many, many others.
"Highlighted speakers of the Women’s March include Angela Davis, who was a vice presidential candidate for the Communist Party USA (twice) and a founder and long time member of Committees of Correspondence, a splinter group of the Communist Party USA." . . .

The GREY planet: Japanese weather satellite captures true-colour images showing what Earth REALLY looks like without filters or editing

UK Daily Mail  . . . "Earth’s true colour has been revealed in amazing detail by a Japanese weather satellite that could revolutionise forecasting.

"From a distance of 22,240 miles (35,790km), the satellite shows what our planet looks like before any filters or image enhancements are made to the shot. 

"The satellite can see features down to around a third of a mile in size — twice the resolution of similar weather satellites that watch other parts of the globe, and take an entire globe image every minute, and entered service this week.

Academia may now be beyond satire

Twenty years on, one lesson of Sokal’s hoax is that many educators are uneducable. Another is that although wonderful sendups have been written about academia (e.g., Randall Jarrell’s “Pictures from an Institution”), it now might be beyond satire.

George Will  "The Chronicle of Higher Education, which is a window on the sometimes weird world of academia, recently revisited a hilarious intellectual hoax from 20 years ago. Reading the recollections of the perpetrator and of some who swallowed his gibberish is sobering.

" In 1996, Alan Sokal, a New York University physicist and self-described “academic leftist,” composed an essay that was a word salad of solemn academic jargon. He said he strove to be “especially egregious,” by maundering on about “the dialectical emphases” of “catastrophe theory” becoming a “concrete tool of progressive political praxis.” His essay’s gaudy title was: “Transgressing the Boundaries: Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity.”
"He sent it to the left-leaning “cultural studies” journal Social Text, which swooned, perhaps in part because Sokal larded his nonsense with political tropes that are catnip to lettered leftists — “emancipatory mathematics,” “demystify and democratize the production of scientific knowledge,” “the crisis of late-capitalist production relations.” Soon after Social Text published his faux scholarship, Sokal revealed in another journal, Lingua Franca, that it was a parody." . . .
Emphasis mine, TD

Celebrities Call For ‘Total Hollywood Strike’ Until Trump Resigns

"Asked to elaborate on why the group is targeting Hollywood out of all the industries in the country as their bargaining chip, the spokesperson argued that Hollywood “is, simply put, the base of the entire modern American culture. It is the foundation of the country, so to speak, the glue that’s holding it together. And think about what happens when you destroy the foundation of a house. It comes crashing down, right?" . . .

dailynewsposts  "Rosie O’Donnell, Amy Schumer, Miley Cyrus and George Clooney are part of a group of celebrities calling for a total Hollywood strike “until Trump resigns”.

"A group of liberal Hollywood celebrities are threatening a “massive, all-round Hollywood strike” unless Donald Trump resigns. Describing Hollywood as “the base of the entire modern* American culture“, the group also claims to be speaking on behalf of “all of humanity.”
It’s about time people understood that we’re the ones with the power and that the president is there to serve us, not the other way around“, a spokesperson for the group told The New York Times.“We’re calling for a general strike that would include every single person involved in making motion pictures in Hollywood, starting with the actors and celebrities themselves and encompassing companies in charge of making props, movie memorabilia and even souvenir shops.”
"Spinzon reports: Rosie O’Donnell, Debra Messing, Ed Asner and Michael Shannon are among the dozens of artists, entertainers, and activists who have attached their names to an effort calling for a month-long protest to stop President-elect Donald Trump."
*Lord, please help us!
U2 Announce ‘Strike’ To Protest Trump
Out-of-touch Bono has a history of braindead ideas. In 2015 he told a hearing on combating violent extremism that “we can defeat ISIS with comedy” and advocated sending Amy Schumer and Chris Rock to Syria.
Image may contain: text 

Sunday, January 22, 2017

They're talking impeachment already?

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Confidential David Brock Memo: Defeat Trump Through Impeachment  "A confidential David Brock memo obtained by the Washington Free Beacon lays out the ways the Democratic operative plans to use his numerous organizations to take down President Donald Trump through impeachment.

"Brock is currently at the Turnberry Isle Resort in Aventura, Fla. for a weekend conference with more than 100 major liberal donors. Attendees are mapping out a course to combat the newly sworn-in president.

"According to the private and confidential memo, Brock plans to defeat Trump “through impeachment,” using American Bridge, his liberal super PAC, as the main vehicle to do so.

“ 'No other progressive organization has the resources and assets that American Bridge has amassed over the past several election cycles to hold Trump, his administration, and the politicians accountable,” the 44-page confidential memo states." . . .

Lets hope the rioter's day is coming

Thomas Lifson: Felony charges awaiting hundreds of Inauguration Day violent rioters "For the last 8 years leftist thugs have gotten a pass. Early on in the Obama administration, New Black Panther storm troopers – the label is fitting because they were decked out in ominous uniforms – stood before a polling station, weapons at hand, an obvious effort at voter intimidation that drew no official action from Eric Holder’s Justice Department. In effect, open season was declared by the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, and the message was received by progressives." . . .

. . . "I have my fingers crossed that prosecutors will go after the sponsors, if any, of this violence.  A familiar banner seen at many riots is that of the Revolutionary Communist Party.  Exactly who funds this organization is a mystery.  Using the prospect of a ten-year prison sentences as an inducement, perhaps some of the rioters will name names." . . .

Anti-Trump Protesters Invade Classrooms at Georgetown
. . . "In Professor Arsenault’s class, the protesters were forcibly removed by two teaching assistants, both of whom had prior military experience. The TAs grabbed the protesters and pulled them outside of the auditorium." . . .
"The left keeps claiming this is a special case because of Trump but I’m not buying it. I believe the left would be acting out in this manner no matter which Republican won."
WATCH this fearless, feisty College Republican single-handedly take on anti-Trump protest

. . . "Her colorful attire was matched by her feisty demeanor as the business information management major hollered back at her peers — a solitary figure standing up to a sea of students chanting “f*ck white supremacy” and “not my president.”
"With no one by her side, Rowlands danced and shimmied at the crowd in apparent mockery of the tide of Trump rage. She chanted back, she taunted, she engaged protesters.
“ 'They want to call you ‘racist’ and ‘white supremacist’ but don’t want to talk to you about what makes you a ‘racist,’ what makes you a ‘white supremacist,” Rowlands said as she filmed her interactions with the demonstrators. “And that is why they are going to continue losing.”
"At one point a protester shouted at Rowlands: “He’s not my president!' ” . . .

On the women's marches and their inconsistencies

The Pointless Paranoia of the Women's Marches

. . . "Excuse me if I don't get it. What exactly was motivating them?

"Oh, right, Donald Trump, that vulgar misogynist who bragged about pu**y grabbing (asterisks to dissociate myself from Madonna, even though I'm aging too). I'm going to skip over the obvious - these same women almost all ignored Bill Clinton actually doing (not just mouthing off about)  similar activities in the Oval Office, not to mention on numerous other occasions, some of which we know about and some of which we may not. Further, these women didn't have much to say -- no demonstrations, no marches, maybe a few hashtags -- when radical Islamists of various stripes regularly kidnapped large numbers of women (Nigerians, Yazidis, Kurds, etc., etc.) from their homes and took them as sex slaves, often beheading them after they finished raping them.  Nor did they even pipe up when honor killings were going on in their own backyard." . . .
"Which leads me to a final point -- people who demonstrate all the time should consider they risk morphing into a collective version of the boy who cried wolf.  When there's something really worth protesting, no one believes them anymore."
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

Organizer For DC Women’s March, Linda Sarsour Is Pro Sharia Law with Ties To Hamas  "Approximately 200,000 people participated in a ‘Women’s March’ in D.C. on Saturday. One of the organizers of the march, Linda Sarsour is a Pro-Palestine Muslim activist.  
"She also advocates for Sharia Law in America and has ties to terrorist organization, Hamas.
"Linda Sarsour is very vocal about her support for Palestine and her utter hatred for Israel. She has ties to the terrorist organization, Hamas as the Daily Caller reports:" . . .
Trump on women's marches: I thought we just had an election  "Watched protests yesterday but was under the impression that we just had an election! Why didn't these people vote? Celebs hurt cause badly," he tweeted."

Pro-Life Feminists Are Old-School  . . . "Saturday Night Live tried to make a joke about this feminist icon’s pro-life views, but the joke is really on them: Susan B. Anthony, like many of our great feminist foremothers, really were against abortion. Early feminists opposed abortion because it took human life, because women were pressured by economics and by male partners to do something they didn’t want to do, and because they believed the vital right to control one’s own body could not include the right to destroy someone else’s." . . .

Hillary encourages it.

Passengers cheer as woman berating Trump supporter is kicked off plane

The American Mirror  "An elderly woman demanded a Donald Trump supporter seated next to her be moved, but she quickly found out that’s not how the world works.
"Scott Kotesky, in a window seat, posted video on Saturday showing a woman in the middle seat complaining about him to airline personnel.

Police: Arrested activist featured in Project Veritas inauguration video

“ 'I was thinking of things that would ruin their evening, ruin their outfits and otherwise make it impossible to continue with their plans. So they get nothing accomplished,” a man identified in the video as Scott Green, a leader of the D.C. Anti-Fascist Coalition, said in the undercover video."
Washington Times  "DisruptJ20 protesters dismissed as a joke an undercover Project Veritas video showing activists supposedly planning to shut down Thursday night’s DeploraBall by setting off smoke bombs or the sprinkler system — but D.C. police weren’t buying it.

"The 34-year-old man arrested Thursday night for conspiracy to commit assault at the event was among the activists featured in the undercover video released this week, according to court documents made public on Friday.
"Scott Ryan Charney was one of the three men caught on camera discussing plans to set off fire alarms and spray Butyric acid — an ingredient commonly used in stink bombs — at the National Press Club, where the party for Donald Trump supporters was held Thursday night. In the Project Veritas video, Mr. Charney is identified as Scott Green, the documents state." . . .

Billionaire George Soros has ties to more than 50 ‘partners’ of the Women’s March on Washington

Asra Q. Nomani
"What is the link between one of Hillary Clinton’s largest donors and the Women’s March? Turns out, it’s quite significant"
 Billionaire investor George Soros. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

"In the pre-dawn darkness of today’s presidential inauguration day, I faced a choice, as a lifelong liberal feminist who voted for Donald Trump for president: lace up my pink Nike sneakers to step forward and take the DC Metro into the nation’s capital for the inauguration of America’s new president, or wait and go tomorrow to the after-party, dubbed the “Women’s March on Washington”?
. . . 
"It’s an idea that I, a liberal feminist, would embrace. But I know — and most of America knows — that the organizers of the march haven’t put into their manifesto: the march really isn’t a “women’s march.” It’s a march for women who are anti-Trump. 
. . . 
"The left’s fierce identity politics and its failure on Islamic extremism lost my vote this past election, and so, as the dawn’s first light breaks through the darkness of the morning as I write, I make my decision: I’ll lace up my pink Nikes and head to the inauguration, skipping the “Women’s March” that doesn’t have a place for women like me."
Asra Q. Nomani is a former Wall Street Journal reporter. She can be reached at or on Twitter.


Uses jihadist propaganda to intimidate Trump supporters

Paul Joseph Watson  "Images taken during the violent unrest in Washington DC this week show an anti-Trump Antifa protester displaying a photo of an ISIS flag and an ISIS beheading video on his phone to intimidate Trump supporters.
"The individual who took the photos of the protester sent them to Infowars. He said he was inside the Proper 21 sports bar in northwest Washington on Thursday night when the protester approached the glass window." . .  .