Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Even a teenager can be a liberal

Today's Democrat-- Party: So simple, even a teenager can run it!  . . . "Every word out of the mouths of these teens comes direct from the age-old Democrat anti-gun playbook that was around long before any of these teens were even born.  On one hand, you can excuse these teens being naïve about the longstanding Democrat gun control agenda.  On the other hand, they are mostly products of public schools, where they were taught from pre-school that guns are bad and must be controlled by the government.  In any case, the anti-gun portion of the Democrat playbook is not very complicated; it simply instructs Democrats to lay the blame of every shooting at the feet of the NRA and the Republican Party.  And if you haven't read the latest updated Democrat political playbook, just pick up a public school history or government textbook, and you'll be all caught up.
"It was both funny and scary watching the rallies and listening to the speeches of these teens this weekend.  Funny, because I kept picturing in my mind the teens morphing into either Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer as they were ranting Democrat gun control talking points.  And scary, because they acted and sounded exactly like politically seasoned Democrat hacks." . . .
The March for Their Lies  "History, it is said, is a lie agreed upon, and the so-called March for Our Lives celebrated the lie that easy access to guns and the NRA is placing our schoolchildren's lives in jeopardy.  You did not hear from any speaker – the foul-mouthed activist David Hogg in particular – that neither the march nor the burial of 17 Parkland victims would have been necessary but for the failure of law enforcement agencies to do the jobs assigned to them."

Informant provided FBI evidence Russia aided Iran nuclear program during Obama years

See the source image
Donald Trump and Political Cartoons 2017

Would this be called collusion between Obama and Russia?

The Hill  . . . "William Douglas Campbell told The Hill his evidence included that Russia was intercepting nonpublic copies of international inspection reports on Tehran’s nuclear program and sending equipment, advice and materials to a nuclear facility inside Iran.
"Campbell said Russian nuclear executives were extremely concerned that Moscow’s ongoing assistance to Iran might boomerang on them just as they were winning billions of dollars in new nuclear fuel contracts inside the United States.
“ 'The people I was working with had been briefed by Moscow to keep a very low profile regarding Moscow’s work with Tehran,” Campbell said in an interview. “Moscow was supplying equipment, nuclear equipment, nuclear services to Iran. And Moscow, specifically the leadership in Moscow, were concerned that it would offset the strategy they had here in the United States if the United States understood the close relationship between Moscow and Tehran.” 
"A spokesman for former President Obama did not return multiple requests for comment."
. . . 
"He said he became concerned the United States was providing favorable decisions to the Russian nuclear industry in 2010 and 2011 — clearing the way for Moscow to buy large U.S. uranium assets and to secure billions in nuclear fuel contracts — even as he reported evidence of Moscow’s help to Iran.
“ 'I got no feedback. They took the reports and the reports, I assume, went to specific people assigned to analyze the reports and that was the last I heard of it,” he said." . . .

And of course, this collusion:

CNN On 'Chappaquiddick': It Was Poor Ted Kennedy's 'Darkest Hour.' Twitter Explodes With Outrage.

Weasel Zippers photo
Daily Wire  "On Tuesday, CNN decided to tweet about its coverage of “Chappaquiddick,” the new film revolving around Senator Ted Kennedy and the drowning of Mary Jo Kopechne in the back seat of Kennedy’s car.
"Chappaquiddick" explores one of Sen. Ted Kennedy's darkest hours https://cnn.it/2GdLeUa
"It wasn’t just the tweet that completely ignored the real tragedy of Kopechne’s death while moaning over Kennedy’s poor feelings; even the article it linked to started like this: “Director John Curran was at first hesitant to sign on for ‘Chappaquiddick,’ a film that explores a tragic chapter in the life of Sen. Ted Kennedy.”
"A little history:
"Kennedy and Kopechne had attended a party along with 10 other people July 18, 1969. Half the guests were married men, half were single women in their 20s. Kennedy and Kopechne left the party; Kennedy drove, allegedly with Kopechene in the back seat. He later said at the inquest that he made a wrong turn onto Dike Road, which was an unlit dirt road that led to Dike Bridge.
Cartoon added by TD
. . . "Kennedy’s car dove into the Poucha Pond and rested upside down. Kennedy swam out; Kopechen was trapped. Her body was not recovered until a Fire Department diver got it at 8:45 the next morning. The diver, Capt. John Farrar, said Kopechene had not died quickly; she had slowly suffocated to death. Kennedy did not report the accident to the Edgartown police until 9:45 a.m. the next morning.
"Kennedy later claimed he couldn’t rescue Kopechne because of the "strong and murky current" in which he kept getting "swept away." But at 12:45 a.m., roughly the time of the accident, there was no current." . . . 
 View image on Twitter

. . . "Although Kennedy said he didn’t call for help because he was in shock, Jacoby noted:
Yet he was not too traumatized to return to the barbecue and fetch two close lawyer friends, Joey Gargan and Paul Markham. He was not too traumatized to make more than 16 long-distance phone calls that night to aides and advisers (none of whom tried to get help to Kopechne, either). Despite his "shock," he managed to: return to his motel, complain to the manager about a noisy party, go to sleep, chat with a friend the next morning about the boat race, order two newspapers, meet again with Gargan and Markham and return to Chappaquiddick to call another lawyer from a pay phone -- all before going to the police.
"After the secret inquest, District Judge James Boyle found "probable cause" that Kennedy had driven "negligently" and had engaged in "criminal conduct" that "contributed to the death of Mary Jo Kopechne." But Kennedy was never prosecuted and never tried." . . .
Redux tweeted: 
BREAKING: It was a little bit darker for Mary Jo Kopechne, morons pic.twitter.com/mW5jgbRjhy

Do not let the children lead

Michelle Malkin   "Where are all the grown-ups in times of crisis and grief? Don’t bother searching America’s prestigious law schools.
   "Two adult men, occupying lofty perches as law professors, argued this week that the voting age in the U.S. should be lowered to 16 because some high school survivors of the Parkland, Florida, shooting who want gun control “are proving how important it is to include young people’s voices in political debate.”
   "That was the assertion of University of Kentucky law professor Joshua Douglas on CNN.com. He praised some student leaders at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who’ve been making the rounds on TV, shouting at President Trump, Republicans in Congress and the NRA “to demand change” — which Douglas defines obtusely as “meaningful gun control,” whatever that means.
   "Because these children are apparently doing a better job at broadcasting his own ineffectual political views, Douglas asserts, “we should include them more directly in our democratic process” by enfranchising them now.
    "Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe similarly tweeted, “Teens between 14 and 18 have far better BS detectors, on average, than ‘adults’ 18 and older.” On what basis does distinguished Professor Tribe make such a claim? On a foundation of pure, steaming BS.
   "Undaunted, gun control advocate Tribe urged: “Wouldn’t it be great if the voting age were lowered to 16? Just a pipe dream, I know, but . . . #Children’sCrusade?”
   "This is unadulterated silliness. It’s hashtag hokum from a pair of pandering left-wing profs exploiting a new round of Democratic youth props. I have called this rhetorical fallacy “argumentum ad filium:” If politicians appeal to the children, it’s unassailably good and true." . . .

Monday, March 26, 2018

David Hogging the Spotlight

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

If you can keep a good angry look it's money in the bank.

He’s the Gun Salesman of the Year.

. . . "At least one gun manufacturer has filed for bankruptcy, and the prospects for other manufacturers and sellers have been disappointing. But no more. Out of the tragedy of the Parkland high school shooting, a new hero has emerged to boost gun sales.
"I am speaking, of course, about young David Hogg, the lead spokesperson of the March for Our Lives movement. This kid is pure gold and money in the bank for the gun industry to say nothing of the NRA. If he hadn’t leaped forth from the tragedy of the Parkland massacre, the gun lobby would have had to invent him.
"Of all the pictures run by the media of this week-end’s marches, one stands out. It is of Mr. Hogg wearing a grey coat and dark shirt eerily reminiscent of Mussolini’s ensemble with his raised arm ramrod straight in the air capped by a clenched fist. This as he shouted his demands for more gun control and threats to politicians that, if they take money from the NRA and do its bidding, he and his followers will vote them out of office.
"Wow. What a gift to the NRA and the gun industry. " . . .

CBS Video Confusing. Hogg Was On Campus. Also: CBS Interview Creates Confusion Over David Hogg’s Location During Shooting

Despite Being Trashed By David Hogg, Rubio Offers Classy Response to Gun March . . .
"I’m going to start off by putting this price tag right here as a reminder for you guys to know how much Marco Rubio took for every student's life in Florida," Parkland survivor David Hogg says at .
"Knowing that the March for Our Lives rally was likely to feature more of the same incendiary language against him, Rubio nonetheless commended the young people for exercising their First Amendment freedoms." . . .
"Rubio, as mentioned in his message, has been hard at work to enact bipartisan legislation that would do much to buoy school safety and schools' communication with law enforcement. The STOP School Violence Act is a first step that is supported by the majority of families who lost a child in the shooting.
"Hogg wouldn't share that with the marchers because he is apparently more interested in attacking Rubio's character." . . ."Kyle Kashuv, one of Hogg's classmates, is one of few students noting Rubio's efforts. He was "pained" to see his classmates tarnish his character over the weekend." . . .
Bataclan Survivor Jesse Hughes Slams David Hogg & Other Leftist Operatives As “Pathetic”, “Disgusting Vile Abusers of the Dead”
"Hughs called the protests an “insult” to the “memory of those who were killed and abused” and an insult to “every lover of liberty”:

As the survivor of a mass shooting I can tell you from first-hand experience that all of you protesting and taking days off from school insult the memory of those who were killed and abuse and insult me and every other lover of liberty by your every action…..Long Live Rock’n’Roll….. and may everyone of these disgusting vile abusers of the dead live as long as possible so they can have the maximum amount of time to endure their shame….and be Cursed….

David Hogg's Next Crusade: Opposing Voter Identification Laws  . . . "Hogg's statement appeared to come out of nowhere. The linked article is an ACLU fact sheet, not a new blog post, or a relevant news story. Hogg simply interrupted his regularly scheduled anti-gun programming to bring you a message from your betters: asking people who already have access to the means to acquire picture identification to show that identification in order to protect the electoral process is a problem.
"After social media users suggested that voter ID laws help to safeguard elections, Hogg was forced to backtrack.

Listen I support the security of our election but not when it uses a system that suppresses the American's vote and voice

On 60 Minutes, Stormy Daniels blew her credibility

Monica Showalter   "It's said a good scandal is one a casual bystander on the street can describe in one sentence.
"Well, we aren't seeing anything like this with the media-pumped Stormy Daniels scandal.  Following her much advertised and much watched 60 Minutesinterview, all one can ask is, what the heck was this really about?
"Anderson Cooper interviewed the porn "star," who took $130,000 in hush money from Donald Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, to conceal a one-night stand the pair had in a hotel several years ago.  OK, it looks as if the hush money didn't work – we all know about the affair.  Big deal.  What's more, we weren't offered much in titillating sexual details in the 60 Minutes interview, which is what a sizable percentage of viewers were looking for.  Cooper seemed most interested in whether a condom was used in the sexual encounter, which kind of gives a whiff as to how exciting this was.  What we really heard was a lot about Stormy Daniels not being truthful about agreements she signed, not wanting to follow those agreements, being in league with left-wing political-machine lawyers (Cooper did have useful revelations there), and throwing out vague, hackneyed boilerplate claims about "threats."  None of this impresses.
"Sixty Minutes seemed to realize this, which is why, in the second half of the interview, the program focused on the hush money as a potential campaign finance violation, citing a #NeverTrump Bush-linked lawyer as an authority on the matter.  Even if there was merit in what he claimed, the penalty for such a violation, based on similar violations from Democrats and how those were resolved, would amount to some sort of small fine.  Color us unimpressed on that, too.
"The obvious problem with this interview is that Daniels kept contradicting herself, and Cooper seemed too naïve to pursue those actual news angles:
"Daniels claimed early on that she wanted to be silent and that since all the news came out, she wanted only to "defend" herself.
"Given that she's a porn actress, it wasn't clear what she wanted to defend." . . .

Media Hogg-tied by a child demogogue

Our culture needs to be fixed.  David Hogg is the poster boy for everything wrong with the leftist indoctrination that has characterized parenting and education for the last forty-plus years.
Patricia McCarthy  "The profane egomaniac whom the left-media are worshiping at the moment, David Hogg, is the poster boy for the ungracious monsters who characterize a portion of Generation Z, those youngsters born from the mid-1990s to mid-2000s.
This is the generation that has been the most seriously indoctrinated with leftist ideology rather than actual education.  Given that fact, it follows that they are the least knowledgeable about the Constitution, let alone the rest of American history: the Revolutionary War, the Founding, the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.  They do not remember 9/11; they know only its aftermath.  They have no memory of what life was like before that day of infamy.  An awareness of terrorism is a sad fact of their lives – if not personally, then on the nightly news from around the world.  At the same time, we are all instructed to respect Islam and are condemned if we utter the truth that terrorism is an Islamic problem.  Young people today are taught to hate Jews and Israel but to love and venerate Muslims.  They are taught to hate men, especially white men, and to revere a host of new gender identifications.  Like the majority of teachers and professors who have indoctrinated Hogg's generation, Hogg feels justified maligning anyone who disagrees with him.  The kid is such a jerk, such a despicable role model, and yet the left media cannot get enough of him.
. . . 
"Hogg is the best public relations voice for the NRA to come along in years.  But he knows nothing about the Constitution, the Second Amendment, or why the latter is so crucial to the American idea.  The kid is like an adolescent Obama: all hat, no cattle.  He is full of bluster and fake rage, a self-promoter on steroids."  

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Is Kamala Harris the likely Democratic nominee in 2020?

Power Line  . . . "Speaking of superdelegates, the Democrats are probably going to sharply reduce their number. Hillary Clinton gave them a bad name last time.

"Add it all up, and the situation looks quite favorable for Harris. She will run as a progressive in the Obama-Sanders mold. Like Obama she has the advantage of being African-American. She may not move African-Americans to the same degree as Obama and Jesse Jackson did, but she should massively outperform Sanders with this cohort.
. . . 
"Finally, Harris will benefit from the decline of anything resembling a Democratic center. As Olsen points out, in 2016 “very liberal” Democrats made up a significantly larger percentage of Democratic primary voters than they did as recently as 2008, while moderate conservative primary voters were outnumbered in virtually every state.
"However, Harris’ path to the nomination is littered with uncertainty, as one would expect this far out. She might have to share the progressive vote with Sanders and/or others. She might have to share the African-American vote with Cory Booker. If Joe Biden runs, it’s conceivable that, given his service to Barack Obama, he could win a decent share of the African-American vote as the establishment candidate.
"Harris might also turn out to be a dud on the campaign trail.
"So if the bet is Kamala Harris vs. the field, I’d take the field. If it’s Harris vs. any single candidate, I’d bet on Harris." . . .

A Message From Parkland You Won’t See In The Establishment Media

Daily Caller  "Andrew Pollack’s daughter was killed in the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Kyle Kashuv is a student there. They both have a message that the media – for some reason – doesn’t seem to want to push.

"Pollack and Kashuv joined The Daily Caller to talk about how making schools safe shouldn’t be focused on enacting new gun control laws.

"On Saturday, thousands of students flooded the streets in Washington, DC to protest for school safety, yet have shut out voices — like Kashuv and Pollack — looking to protect the Second Amendment." . . .

Women’s March Loses Members Due to Leaders’ Ties to Farrakhan

Mary Chastain

"Leaders of the org love the anti-Semitic, homophobic, racist Nation of Islam leader."

. . . "Leader Carmen Perez loves Farrakhan and notorious anti-Semitic, Israel hater Linda Sarsour spoke at one Nation of Islam even in 2015.
Their support has enraged supporters. The New York Post continued:
“If . . . these Women’s March leaders are attending his sermons and cheering him on, they should be called out and removed from their roles immediately,” Brooklyn activist Tali Goldsheft told The Post.
Goldsheft is behind a Change.org petition that calls on Women’s March sponsors to cut ties to “hate” and seeks a purge of the movement’s leadership.
“You feel stabbed in the back. It feels like someone you trust just punched you in the gut . . . I’m really wounded,” said former Women’s March supporter Nisi Jacobs, 49, a Manhattan resident.
Jacobs, who helped draft the Change.org petition to depose Mallory and the rest of the Women’s March leadership, has launched an alternative group, Women’s March For All.
“I’d had enough,” Jacobs said.
"I honestly doubt that this will affect anyone. After all, we have known for the looooongest time that Farrakhan hates Jews, gays, and white people. Professor Jacobson pointed this out in The Washington Times:
“Many progressive Jews have reacted with shock to the Farrakhan adoration from leaders of the Women’s March,” said Cornell Law School professor William A. Jacobson. “That Farrakhan connection, however, has been public and unapologetic for years.”
Even before Mr. Farrakhan gave a shout-out to Ms. Mallory at his Feb. 25 Saviours’ Day speech, the Women’s March had been accused of anti-Semitism through its link to convicted Palestinian terrorist Rasmea Odeh, who has been embraced by Women’s March leader Linda Sarsour.
“Rather than treating the alignment of the Women’s March leaders with a notorious anti-Semite as an aberration, progressive Jews need to ask themselves whether it reflects a deeper anti-Semitism in the progressive world, masquerading as anti-Zionism,” said Mr. Jacobson, who runs the conservative Legal Insurrection blog.

Hogg Silent After Pro-Gun Parkland Survivor Challenges Him on Gun-Control

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor
Jeff DawaldatExpose Liberal Media Bias
Conservative Tribune  . . . "But not all of the Parkland students are in favor of strict gun control as a solution to prevent mass shootings, most notably Kyle Kashuv, who instead of calling for ineffective and unconstitutional gun bans spent time speaking with legislators on both sides of the political aisle and helped get school safety legislation passed as part of the recent omnibus spending bill.
"As these two students continue to emerge as leading young figures on both sides of the gun control issue, The Daily Wire reported that libertarianesque classical liberal political pundit Dave Rubin offered to moderate a civil debate on the issue between both of the students, after the idea was suggested by one of his Twitter followers." . . .

"The truth is, such a debate on the gun control issue as proposed is unlikely to happen, as it is highly doubtful that Hogg will accept the offer from Rubin or challenge from Kashuv.
"It had been shown in a previous back-and-forth on Twitter that while Kashuv has taken the time to study and inform himself of what gun laws are already in existence — as well as their effectiveness — Hogg has done little more than regurgitate a variety of liberal talking points and displayed no real knowledge of the issue." . . .

Earl of Taint

Liberals and their media continue to stalk Trump

Waiting for the first photo of Stormy Daniels with Maxine Waters or even Hillary.

Stormy Daniels gets spotlight that Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick never got  . . . "It’s also worth noting that CBS famously passed on interviews in the 1990s and thereafter with Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick – one of whom won a sensational sexual harassment case against former President Clinton and the who accused him of a brutal rape." . . .
Let me suggest to you that the difference is the media’s hatred of Donald Trump and the fact that he won the 2016 presidential election – ironically defeating a woman who helped cover up serious charges by other women victimized by her husband, some of which took place while he was president.
Five Questions That Remain Now That The Stormy Daniels Interview Has Aired   "In her long-awaited 60 Minutes interview, Stormy Daniels talked about the relationship she says she had with Donald Trump a decade before he ran for president — but the questions going forward are, primarily, legal ones about things that happened over the past two years." . . .

Legal Insurrection: The Stormy Daniels story is not about Stormy Daniels  "
It’s about #TheResistance"

. . . "But I did later read the transcript, and some things jumped out at me that led me to watch at the 60 Minutes website.
"If you want to lose 26 minutes of your life that you’ll never get back, head over to the links and watch.
"Some observations, in no particular order.
1. Anderson Cooper did a good job. He asked the right questions about her credibility and that of her lawyer Michael Avennatti (a former Rahm Emanuel oppo researcher and obviously someone seeking to make name for himself as a hero of #TheResistance). Cooper conducted himself as professionally as possible given the subject matter.2. This is not Bill Clinton stuff. No allegation of sexual harassment or assault (Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, etc.), or abusing power over an underling (Lewinsky). It’s not even Al Franken territory of alleged non-consensual sexual touching. According to Daniels, there was a single encounter in 2006 that was completely consensual.3. No minds were changed about Trump as a result of the interview or the story itself. Trump allegedly cheating on a wife is a Casablanca moment. No one actually cares about the story, it’s just political posturing.4. The Stormy Daniels story is not about Stormy Daniels. It’s about removing Trump from office in one of two ways:(a) getting Trump under oath in the hope that he will lie, providing a basis for impeachment should Democrats regain control of the House and Senate, or prosecution.(b) providing material for Special Counsel Robert Mueller to use to try to pressure Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen into turning on Trump.
"It will take time to percolate, but I have zero doubt that this is not about clearing Stormy Daniel’s name, as she claimed, or about righteousness, as Avenatti claimed was his motivation. It’s about #TheResistance.

"As such, this non-story holds danger great for Trump."