Tuesday, June 26, 2018

It’s On: The Epic Tapper-Ellison Battle Over Farrakhan

Ed Morrisey  "What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? Five minutes of talking-head gold, as this confrontation between CNN’s Jake Tapper and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) demonstrates. Tapper has spent the last several months demanding more accountability from members of Congress who have or had relationships with notorious bigot and anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam. Ellison at one point belonged to NoI, but has insisted lately that he’s never had a relationship or taken a meeting with Farrakhan.

"When Ellison starts talking about the bigotry inherent in the so-called “Muslim ban” executive order upheld by the Supreme Court earlier today, Tapper asks Ellison to explain his own brushes with bigotry and anti-Semitism. That’s when the fur flies and the fun begins:" . . .

. . . "Ellison’s been evasive and deceptive on this for a very long time. Check out the archives of our friends at Power Line for chapter and verse on Ellison’s radicalism and his embrace of Farrakhan until it became inconvenient. Tapper was right to call him out and force him to confront the question, especially as he poses as an opponent of bigotry.
"Why stop at Farrakhan? The Free Beacon’s Brent Scher suggests that if Ellison keeps denying he met with the Nation of Islam leader, Tapper can ask Ellison instead about this meeting from 2008:
Why doesn't anybody ever grill him on why he let the Muslim Brotherhood pay for his trip to Saudi Arabia? And why he met with radicals like Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah on the trip?

Ellison Explodes Over Travel Ban Decision, Lies About It Being ‘Muslim Ban’  "So if it’s a Muslim ban, why does it include Venezuela, and not include most of the Muslim world?"

"Norwegian rapper" curses “the f***ing Jews” during his performance.

Times of Israel

"Leader of Jewish community threatens legal action against *Kaveh Kholardi, who says remark at Oslo concert was 'taken out of context' "

"A Norwegian rapper hired by the City of Oslo to sing at an event intended to celebrate diversity cursed “the f***ing Jews” during his performance.
"In response to the profane statement Friday by Kaveh Kholardi, the leader of the country’s Jewish community has threatened to take legal action against the 23-year-old performer.
"Kholardi wished Muslims “Eid Mubarak,” a greeting in Arabic for the Eid al-Fitr holiday that on Friday marked the end of Ramadan, Dagen reported. He went on to ask if there were Christians present, smiling upon hearing cheers. Then he asked if there were any Jews, adding “f***ing Jews… Just kidding.”
"Christine Thune, a spokeswoman for the Oslo municipality, told the Verdens Gang daily that the organizers had complained to Kholardi. Anne Christine Kroepelin said the whole “point of the event was diversity and inclusion,” and that Kholardi’s apparent expression of anti-Semitism was “exactly the opposite of what the organizers wanted to promote.”
"On June 10, five days before the concert, Kholardi wrote on Twitter: “f***ing Jews are so corrupt.”
"On Facebook, Kholardi wrote following criticism by the Jewish leader, Ervin Kohn, that he is “neither a racist nor anti-Semite,” and that the reference to Jews during the concert was taken out of context” and was only a joke.
"Kohn demanded an apology from Kholardi, threatening a complaint to police for incitement to hate if Kholardi does not comply with the request.
"Kholardi’s Facebook account has become inaccessible following the incident.
*Known in Norway as "Lars Kalberg".

Ex-CIA Chief John Brennan Invokes Watergate – Calls on Republican ‘Heroes’ to Force Trump Out of Office

Gateway Pundit  "Former CIA Director-turned-Twitter-troll John Brennan fired off another ominous tweet to President Trump Tuesday.
"John Brennan predicted the outcome of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe would end up like the Watergate investigation–with an impeachment and or resignation and called on Republican “heroes” to circle the wagons.
Brennan: the man who referred to Jerusalem as "al Quds"
"John Brennan was heavily involved in promoting Hillary’s phony dossier and wants President Trump removed from office.
"The ex-CIA chief invoked Watergate and called on Republicans to circle the wagons and force Trump to resign after Mueller is finished with his investigation.
"Brennan tweeted: When the Special Counsel’s work is done, the Republican Party must have its modern-day equivalents of Watergate heroes—Howard Baker, Elliot Richardson, Bill Ruckleshaus, John Dean—who will put country, fellow citizens, & the law above any one person, including @realDonaldTrump." . . .

MSM vs President Trump: CNN's Jim Acosta met with 'Go home, Jim' chants at Trump rally

Weasel Zippers photo
Washington Times  "Jim Acosta got a bit of the Sarah Huckabee Sanders treatment Monday.
"At President Trump’s planned rally in South Carolina, members of the crowd began chanting “Go home, Jim” to the famously combative CNN correspondent.
"According to other videos posted by reporters at the West Columbia arena, chants of “CNN sucks” could also be heard, mimicking a chant in which Mr. Trump orchestrated the crowd at a rally in Minnesota last week.
"One woman, identified as Maria Rojas, began berating Mr. Acosta personally as he stood in the reporters’ section.
"The rally was scheduled to start at 7 p.m."

Put a sign on the door and let us know before we come in


Silvio Canto, Jr."We've been following the story about the Red Hen Restaurant versus White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

"As you know, Sarah and her family were told to leave the restaurant.  It's just the latest example of the left pushing politics in your face, from sports highlights to now having a family dinner.
"What else do you need to understand about Trump Derangement Syndrome?  My guess is that Dr. Krauthammer must be running a panel up in Heaven telling everyone that the left down here is beyond repair.
"The article explains that it may seen as "discrimination" in some jurisdictions in the country.
"Frankly, keep the courts out of this, and let Trump voters do their thing.  
"Here is a memo to business owners looking do a Red Hen: If you do not want to do business with the 62 million of us who voted for Trump, then let us know.  Put a sign on the door, and we will be delighted to take our money to someone else.  
"By late Saturday, the Red Hen's website was down, the reservations phone line disabled, and the voicemail full.  We can be sure that it'll be a while before manager and co-owner Stephanie Wilkinson tries that again.
"It's stupid to play politics with customers.  At the same time, we can play that game, too. "  

It is, after all, in the Democrat DNA:

WATCH: Laura Loomer Confronts Maxine Waters

Big League Politics

"I confronted Rep. Maxine Waters of California regarding her call for Trump administration officials to be harassed in their everyday lives. Does Maxine Waters think this kind of targeted harassment is civil? Does Maxine Waters stand behind her comments, or was it just agitprop for her Resistance friends?

"Many Democrats are disavowing Rep. Maxine Waters for her comments earlier, encouraging people to harass Trump administration officials and Trump supporters in the streets.

"But not all Democrat lawmakers are taking the [same] path and distancing themselves from Waters.

“ 'So yes, if I saw an administrator in, um, out and about, there’s nothing wrong with confronting that person,” said Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) at the very end of a rant on MSNBC…"  Hat tip to John Bledsoe at Moretti Underground 

Hillary's former running mate is on board with Waters :

Scott Adams On Why Republicans Have To Vote This November: “They’re Coming For You Next” (VIDEO)

American Lookout  "Dilbert creator Scott Adams recently made a very important point about the midterms. Trump supporters, conservatives, Republicans, etc. absolutely must vote in the midterms because the left is completely out of control. Today they are attacking public figures with mobs. Tomorrow it could be you.

"Breitbart reports:

Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams does not vote. But for the first time, he said Sunday, he is thinking about it — thanks to the effort by opponents of Donald Trump to ostracize people who support the president.Adams, who predicted Trump would win the 2016 election en route to becoming an influential political writer, was reacting on his daily Periscope broadcast to “conservative” Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin, who defended a Virginia restaurant owner who ejected White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Friday.
“This doesn’t end well,” Adams said, calling her position “anti-free speech,” in the sense that people would no longer feel free to disagree with one another. “If citizens can do what government used to be able to do, which is censor … Free speech is no longer practical. It’s still legal, but no longer practical.”…

“And I’m feeling like the best reason for Republicans to vote is they’re coming for you next. And they’re not hiding it. They’re coming for Trump right now, but they’re making it pretty clear they’re coming for Trump supporters next,” he said."

Monday, June 25, 2018

Red Hen: The slippery slope toward political violence

Red Hen Owner Runs Historic Downtown And They Just Threw Her Under the Bus  "Apparently, Meryl Streep’s cousin, Stephanie Wilkinson, the owner of the Red Hen and a bully who kicked out Sarah Sanders and her family mid-meal, runs all of Downtown Main Street Lexington. She is the Director of the area.
"Unfortunately for her, the officials of historic downtown are very unhappy with her rude, bullying tactics. She’s been thrown under the bus and rightfully so.
"The representatives of historic downtown wrote on Facebook:
We do not condone the actions of Stephanie Wilkinson, owner of the Red Hen Restaurant and Director of Main Street Lexington.The negative impact and nasty backlash towards our little community is downright appalling.Please do not condemn our town for one persons actions.To The People, Mr. President Trump & Secretary Sarah Sanders we sincerely apologize for the poor behavior and decision of ONE PERSON!"If you feel the need to express negative comments, please re-direct them to Stephanie Wilkinson directly. Thank You
"If you are going to avoid her restaurant, she owns a shop called House Mountain Yarn. You might want to avoid that too."

TMZ loved this:
What to do when anti-Trump zealots cross the line into violence or even chargeable menacing  Put them on the no-fly list!
. . . Consequently, the recent revelation in releasing names of ICE agents and their families is dangerous.  They simply are doing their job in enforcing the law.  Instead of attacking and vilifying those who honorably served in uniform during the Vietnam years, the left has now found a target for this generation's self-righteous activists.  Taking away the privilege to fly (it is not a right) would be a prudent and safe move to protect the innocents." . . .

One problem will be the ubiquitous leftist lawyers anxious to jump in to defend any and all who attack this nation. Many of them look like this (right):

Dear America, The LEFT Has Declared War On You  . . . "War has been declared, and we can only hope that America responds in the best way she knows how—under God, with Liberty & Justice for all."

Trump wasn't the first victim of Democratic espionage

Don Surber  "Victor Davis Hanson delved into the classics to consider "Hillary’s Hamartia," which was his way of explaining in the context of Ancient Greek Literature her colossal mistake in refusing to accept the reality of 8 November 2016.
"One does not need even a passing knowledge of Greece 2,500 years ago to understand his point.
"But Hanson inadvertently raised a possibility that numbs the mind.
"Had Hillary won, we would never have known about her most recent crimes.
" 'No one would have known or probably cared that the Obama national security team had unmasked the names of U.S. citizens swept up with FISA court surveillance and leaked them to the press. Indeed, a President Clinton would likely have envisioned overzealous careerists who may have broken the law on her behalf as loyalists to be rewarded, rather than as lawbreakers to be referred to federal prosecutors," he wrote.
"That is the answer that asks the question: Was Trump the first victim of Democratic espionage?
"In his piece, he points out the genuine lawlessness of Hillary over the course of 40 years as a public servant, as she gamed the system until her net worth topped eight figures.
" 'From Clinton’s cattle-future imbroglio and the missing Rose Law Firm files to the Uranium One and Clinton Foundation scandals, Clinton for over 40 years has never much worried about the wages of chronic deception and ends-justifying-the-means morality," he wrote." . . .

Steve Scalise Gives Maxine Waters A Civility Lesson After She Calls For Harassing Trump Officials

Weasel Zippers

"If anyone has the right, it’s the man a Bernie Bro tried to assassinate.
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and his staff are responding to calls from Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters of California for protestors to form mobs and harass members of the Trump administration, calling the statements troubling and the complete antithesis of American democracy.
“Civility and respect always prevails over harassment and disrespect,” Scalise, of Louisiana, tweeted Sunday evening.
Waters told a group gathered at a rally in California Sunday that they should continue to harass members of the Trump administration and to make sure Trump officials and supporters know they aren’t welcome “anymore, anywhere.”
“If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” Waters said.

Segregation: Then and Now

American Thinker

Jack Posobiec @JackPosobiecHave they erected Republican drinking fountains yet?

WaPo Editorial Board Comes to Sanders's Defense

Leah Barkoukis  "The Washington Post editorial board came to the defense of White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and other Trump administration officials who have been harassed while dining out in recent days, arguing that they “should be allowed to eat dinner in peace.” 

"The incident with Sanders, in which a restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, asked her to leave, “wasn’t the first time recently that strong political feelings have spilled into what used to be considered the private sphere,” the board writes. “We understand the strength of the feelings, but we don’t think the spilling is a healthy development.” 

"Part of the problem, they argue, is the “never-at-rest social media,” which “have blurred the line between work hours and private time.” 

"Other Trump administration officials have also been heckled while dining out in recent days, including Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who was accosted by socialists while eating at a Mexican restaurant, and White House senior policy advisor Stephen Miller, who was called a “fascist.” 

“ 'Ms. Huckabee, and Ms. Nielsen and Mr. Miller, too, should be allowed to eat dinner in peace,” the board writes. “Those who are insisting that we are in a special moment justifying incivility should think for a moment how many Americans might find their own special moment. How hard is it to imagine, for example, people who strongly believe that abortion is murder deciding that judges or other officials who protect abortion rights should not be able to live peaceably with their families?

“ 'Down that road lies a world in which only the most zealous sign up for public service. That benefits no one." . . .