Tuesday, June 26, 2018

MSM vs President Trump: CNN's Jim Acosta met with 'Go home, Jim' chants at Trump rally

Weasel Zippers photo
Washington Times  "Jim Acosta got a bit of the Sarah Huckabee Sanders treatment Monday.
"At President Trump’s planned rally in South Carolina, members of the crowd began chanting “Go home, Jim” to the famously combative CNN correspondent.
"According to other videos posted by reporters at the West Columbia arena, chants of “CNN sucks” could also be heard, mimicking a chant in which Mr. Trump orchestrated the crowd at a rally in Minnesota last week.
"One woman, identified as Maria Rojas, began berating Mr. Acosta personally as he stood in the reporters’ section.
"The rally was scheduled to start at 7 p.m."

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