Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The oppression of conservatives and suppression of freedom

A Professor Spoke the Truth, He Still Pays the Price  . . . "At the conclusion of his piece, Abrams made an argument that rang true to my more than 20 years of litigation experience — “ideological imbalance, coupled with [administrators’] agenda-setting power, threatens the free and open exchange of ideas.”
"This is exactly right. Administrators draft and enforce speech codes. Administrators are responsible for creating campus kangaroo courts. Administrators kick Christian student groups off campus, and administrators often take the lead in designing campus programming that features overwhelmingly progressive voices. While conservative media often focus their ire on random radical professors, administrators are busy engaging in the overwhelming majority of campus censorship.
"Simply put, Abrams told an important truth. And he’s been punished for it. As our 
Madeleine Kearns reported last November, his office door was vandalized, students called for him to be punished, anonymous individuals falsely accused him of sexual misconduct, and when Abrams urged the college president, Cristle Judd, to take a strong stand in favor of academic freedom, he said that she “asked whether he thought it was appropriate to write op-eds without her permission and further suggested that his article had been hostile toward his colleagues.”

The Left should debate rather than call for boycotts
. . . "This is how [Tucker] Carlson fought back:

The left's main goal, in case you haven't noticed, is controlling what you think.  In order to do that, they have to control the information that you receive.  Google and Facebook and Twitter are fully on board with that.  They are happy to ban unapproved thoughts, and they don't apologize for it.  Same with the other cable channels and virtually every major news outlet in this country.

"Thanks to Carlson for fighting back." . . .

New Petition Threatens Fox with Boycott Unless They Stand With Judge Jeanine Against Omar  . . . "Sunday March 10, 2019 Fox News reprimanded one of their most

popular hosts, Judge Jeanine for expressing her opinion on Ilhan Omar.
"This came after a muslim Fox News producer who regularly attacks conservatives complained about the segment.
"Per DailyCaller, Pirro raised questions about what motivates Rep. Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism. It was a legitimate question given the Muslim Somali-American’s blatant anti-Semitic statements and association with Islamists.
" 'Omar wears a hijab, which, according to the Quran 33:59, tells women to cover so they won’t get molested,” Judge Jeanine said. “Is her adherence to this Islamic doctrine indicative of her adherence to Sharia law, which in itself is antithetical to the United States Constitution?' ” . . .

Enough with boycotts already  . . . "Tucker Carlson is finding that advertisers are abandoning his show because he spoke politically incorrectly about several different groups.  I wish he would publish who is dumping him so I can avoid those products if I want to.  I haven't found such a list yet for the current comments." . . .  Tucker Carlson on Media Matters

Censoring Judge Jeanine
. . . "Pirro then reminded Pelosi and her colleagues of their party’s purported principles -- one of them being a firm intolerance of anti-Semitism. “She’s not getting this anti-Israel sentiment doctrine from the Democrat Party,” Pirro said of Rep. Omar. What, then, Pirro asked, was the source of Omar’s Jew-hatred?" . . .

Rev. Al Sharpton suggested Tuesday that a remark that Bill Clinton made about President Barack Obama may have been racist .

Is It Time for International Women’s Day to Lose Its Victimhood Status?

Veronika Winkels  "This International Women’s Day, I recall how I spent it last year -- meeting one of the sanest men on the planet, Jordan B. Peterson, during his book tour in Melbourne.

"Although Peterson is famous for his appeal to young men who have never been told to make their beds, his clear thinking is a boon to anyone frustrated by the contradictory ideologies of our time. That includes me.
"It strikes me as odd that on the one hand, our society seems to celebrate women at every opportunity. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. But it becomes a confusing thing when said society is also meant to accept, simultaneously, that gender is something wholly irrelevant to our makeup as human beings.

"Suddenly we are told that, as women, we are not so special. In fact, our womanhood is an illusion.

"Most of us can see past these kinds of contradictions in our culture, simply because we know, innately, women are different from men, and that is something to be celebrated.

"Let’s hang onto that word “celebrated”, because too often, when women are the subject, victimhood is the main focus. Women are constantly starring as victims of the male patriarchy, of inequality, of sexual/physical/emotional/abuse. Even the meme “female empowerment” assumes that women have been denied power that is rightfully theirs.

"That is why I have to smile wryly as IWD looms: the voices that dominate its representative body, its showgirls, are never the powerless type; nor are they unassuming, stay-at-home mothers like me, whose power is consumed -- voluntarily -- serving the needs of my family. In fact, one gets the impression that to be quiet, unassuming and a stay-at-home-mum is to betray the movement that has given rise to such gestures as IWD." . . .

President Trump Can Regain Iranian Freedom and Security that Obama Lost

Aynaz Anni Cyrus and Kaveh Taheri  . . . "The anti-regime protest, called the Green Movement, could have led to regime collapse if the so-called reformists had not betrayed the Iranian people.  The thing that made the reformists' betrayal even worse was that the American president, Barack Obama, also turned his back on those freedom-seeking Iranians.

"Having been recently elected as a Democrat claiming to bring "Hope" and "Change" to America, Barack Hussein Obama remained silent when millions of Iranians took to the streets in June of 2009.  They had hopes of bringing change to their tragic lives under harsh Islamic rule.  But Obama was silent when Iranians demanded freedom from the terrorist regime that has threatened the world, especially America, with death and destruction ever since it seized power in 1979.  Obama was silent when Iranians cried out, "Are you with us, or are you with them?"

"Instead of offering the people any moral support, Obama stayed passive.  His voice could have boosted Iranian peoples' hopes to bring positive change in Iran.  His silence revealed that his favor was with the mullahs.  It was not surprising.

"After all the treachery that Obama brought to the Iranian people over the next eight years, the political ground for Iran changed after 2016, when the new American president took office in the White House." . . .
The writers speak with authority:  Aynaz Anni Cyrus is an Iranian-American human rights activist and founder of Live Up To Freedom.  She is the producer of The Glazov Gang and hosts its feature The Unknown.  Kaveh Taheri (Twitter: @TaheriKaveh), co-founder and chairman of, is a Turkey-based Iranian human rights researcher and journalist who has worked exclusively on the Middle East.  Kaveh, a former political prisoner in Shiraz, was sent to prison for his writings and statements on his websites and weblogs in Iran and fled the country through Turkey to save his life.

Neda Soltan killed by Iranian mullahs guards

Photo:The death of Neda

Why did Obama turn his back on the Iranian people?  . . . "Obama’s obsession with dealing with the mullahs seems to have spilled over into his feckless Syria policy:" . . .

Michael Oren: Obama rejected Iran Green Revolution for nuclear deal   . . . "Among the Iranian provocations ignored by the Obama administration, Oren listed the crackdown on the protesters, the kidnapping of Americans, having their missile boats provocatively approach American destroyers, trying to assassinate him and his Saudi counterpart in downtown Washington, the failure to follow through on a red line Obama imposed on Syrian dictator Bashar Assad using chemical weapons and Iranian-backed Hezbollah smuggling massive amounts of cocaine into the US." . . .

Meet Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Rasputin

"Rasputin reached the pinnacle of his power at the Russian court after 1915. During World War I, Nicholas II . . . went to the troops on the front, leaving Alexandra in charge of Russia’s internal affairs, while Rasputin served as her personal advisor. Rasputin’s influence ranged from the appointment of church officials to the selection of cabinet ministers (often incompetent opportunists), and he occasionally intervened in military matters to Russia’s detriment. Though supporting no particular political group, Rasputin was a strong opponent of anyone opposing the autocracy or himself."

Frank Hawkins (Video)  . . . "In the space of just a few short months, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, with fewer than 16,000 votes in a primary election, went from the role of obscure bartender to perhaps the most famous and powerful freshman member of Congress ever. She instantly became a media darling who drives ratings and Internet clicks. Senior Democrats such as Sen. Ed Markey gush over her and edge in to get their picture taken with her as they appear to hang on her every word.

"Ocasio-Cortez was given a plum seat on the House Financial Services Committee. Her placement on the exclusive House Banking Committee, as well as the appointments of other newbie progressives to top committees was part of a larger deal to re-secure the speakership for Nancy Pelosi ahead of the midterms. Pelosi agreed to 40 percent progressive representation on the five top House committees.

"How could this have happened?  Look behind the curtain. You’ll find her mysterious chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, a well-funded radical left wing activist who, with other veterans of the 2016 Sanders campaign, including “Young Turks” host Cenk Uygur (later purged over past allegedly sexist, racist, pro-rape statements), established a web of campaign organizations and LLC’s, including Justice Democrats and Brand New Congress.  As many as 16 groups were housed in the same office space in Knoxville, TN, with no apparent legally-required “walls of separation.' ” . . .

Bernie Sanders’ Role Model For Successful Socialism Fails: Finland’s Government COLLAPSES Due To Rising Costs of Universal Health Care

FedUp  "For years, Socialist Senator and two-time Democrat presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, has been asking Americans to look away from the horrific nightmare unfolding in the Socialist, oil-rich nation of Venezuela. Look at the Scandinavian countries, he said. “Take a look at Finland,” he said, they’re “the happiest country in the world.”

"Unfortunately, for Finnish citizens, U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was correct when she once warned, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

"Bernie Sanders, the Socialist who owns three homes and never worked outside of government, frequently uses Scandinavian countries like Sweden, Norway, and Finland as examples of how well socialism or socialist policies work.

"When Bernie Sanders was running for president in 2016, he raved about the success of Finland’s free health care program for its citizens:

. . . "Finland’s aging population is increasing the financial strain on its health care system.
"Reuters reports that other Nordic countries have also grappled with the need to cut costs. Sweden is to gradually raise its retirement age and has opened up parts of the healthcare system to the private sector in a bid to boost efficiency.
"Denmark will gradually increase the retirement age to 73 – the highest in the world – while cutting taxes and unemployment benefits to encourage people to work more.
"Finland’s socialist “Basic Income” program was also a huge fail and an embarrassment to the people like Bernie Sanders who think it’s okay for people who don’t want to work to rely on working citizens to support them." . . .

"Only two years after implementing Finland’s “basic income” program in Finland, the government was forced to pull the plug on the disastrous program.
"The Guardian reports:" . . .

Trans Athletes: The Death Of Women's Sports Fairness Gone Too Far

Testosterone Nation  or try this link.

"To make things clear:  

"A trans woman is a person who was born male (with XY chromosomes) and identifies as female. They're often described as MTF or male-to-female athletes.

  • A trans man is a person who was born female (with XX chromosomes) and identifies as male. They're often referred to as FTM or female-to-male athletes.

"Most sporting federations have no problem allowing trans men to compete as biological men. Why? Because they can affirm their identities, inject testosterone, and play against men who naturally make a lot of testosterone. 
"But things get trickier when trans women, who have XY chromosomes and have gone through puberty before transitioning, want to compete against biological women, who make significantly less testosterone. And even with medical intervention (hormonal modifications and surgery), their physical advantages can't be ignored. 

"It's Not About Politics. It's About Biology.
"Most people don't care how anyone else identifies. If you're trans, most people want you to live your life however you see fit, just as long as it doesn't hurt them.
"But that's the crux of the situation. If a biological woman invests a lot of time preparing for a competition, and then the playing field becomes significantly un-leveled, it does hurt her.
"It hurts her chances of getting a scholarship, earning a title she worked for, turning pro, making it to the Olympics, winning a cash prize, setting a prestigious record, or in certain cases, it may irreparably damage her body, depending on the sport.
"Granted, this is not an easy situation... especially if you're the head of a sports federation. If you don't comply with trans-activism, you run the risk of getting sued and being smeared all over the media as a bigoted organization. Your image will suffer." . . .

Writer Dani Shugert  is the first female editor at T Nation, a published author, figure athlete, and lifetime lifter. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Conservatives Strike Back At Media Matters For Tucker Carlson Hit Job

"MMFA declined to attack MSNBC host Joy Reid, who repeatedly wrote homophobic comments and peddled conspiracy theories on her personal blog in the 2000s. Reid apologized for some of the posts but also claimed with no evidence that some of them were written by hackers." 

Daily Caller  "Conservatives struck back at Media Matters for America (MMFA) late Sunday and early Monday in response the organization’s recent hit job on Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

"Critics of MMFA noted the organization never fully assumed accountability for its president’s own old blog posts — in which he used words like “trannies,” “homos” and degraded “Bangladeshis” — and it never seems to call for the ousting of liberals caught saying similarly dubious things, like Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar and MSNBC host Joy Reid. 

MMFA routinely targets the advertisers of Fox News media hosts and digs through decades of media history in an attempt to get conservative pundits and reporters fired from their jobs.

Donald Trump Jr. told The Daily Caller that MMFA’s selective outrage is “disturbing,” explaining, “The anti-Tucker outrage mob is so clearly acting hypocritically and in bad faith for purely partisan political reasons.”
. . . 
“I think this story goes nowhere because the outrage appears selective,” Concha told the Caller. “If you’re Media Matters, you can’t omit any coverage of Joy Reid and then in the same breath demand Carlson be removed from the air. Anyone looking at this situation objectively can see that.”

"MMFA declined to attack MSNBC host Joy Reid, who repeatedly wrote homophobic comments and peddled conspiracy theories on her personal blog in the 2000s. Reid apologized for some of the posts but also claimed with no evidence that some of them were written by hackers."   (Emphases in the original)

"I thought the NYTimes couldn't get worse, but it has"

Phyllis Chesler

The Times is only one example - and a thoroughly reprehensible one - of the rampant, toxic anti-Semitism sweeping the entire world.

Photos added by TD
"Anti-Semitism has toxically penetrated and infiltrated the world’s every nook and cranny. Blood Libel propaganda is now far more dangerous than it was in Hitler’s time. Today’s barrage of genocidally intentioned propaganda against the Jews is intense, brazen, and increasingly being normalized on university campuses, in national and international government bodies, in the media, and in demonstrations—and in every language on earth 24 hours a day, seven days a week -- courtesy of the internet and the airwaves.
"Nearly twenty years ago, I wrote that that Anti-Zionism was, in part, now the “new” and acceptable anti-Semitism; it’s also what I believed almost fifty years ago, when I first began collecting signatures to oppose the Zionism=Racism resolution at the United Nations. As Daniel Pearl’s father, Judea, has said: “Zionism does not =Racism—Anti-Zionism=Racism.”
"The very Homeland to which Jews returned in flight from persecution in Middle Eastern, Central Asian, and European countries has, in the 21st century, rather diabolically become the excuse for again persecuting Jews both around the world and in Israel.
"Jews have been beaten up, kidnapped, tortured, terrorized, and murdered in Europe; Jewish cemeteries have been vandalized; Nazi graffiti has increasingly appeared on synagogue walls even in the United States, where newly elected officials have engaged in brazen hate speech against the Jews and against Israel.
"Every single day, I read biased articles against Israel and against Jews in the newspaper most revered by its Jewish readers: The New York Times." . . .

Fake Outrage Over Tucker Carlson

So what did Tucker (Referred to by Rush Limbaugh as Chatsworth Osborne Jr.) do? Shame on Fox News if they do not stand up for Tucker Carlson. TD

Media Matters trying to silence Tucker Carlson, but he fights back with epic response
"Because the Left knows that it loses the argument anytime the merits of its policies are discussed, it has weaponized selective outrage in order to silence the most effective voices against it. Sunday night, timed to make headlines and generate Twitter storms as the new week began, Media Matters, the Soros-funded nonprofit whose donors receive tax deductions, launched an attack intended to drive advertisers away from Tucker Carlson’s prime time show on Fox News Channel. Their purported evidence:" . . .
. . . "Last night, Tucker responded in the opening segment of his show, well-worth almost 7 minutes of your time, refusing to play the outrage game, and calling out the effort to silence voices that the Left cannot defeat with fact and reason:"

As you can imagine CNN was happy to cover both Carlson as well as Judge Jeanine Pirro. Naturally CNN's Tucker title was, "Fox News’ Tucker Carlson refuses to apologize for his misogynistic remarks". 

Tucker Carlson: We will never bow to the leftist mob's attempts to silence us, no matter what  . . . "As anyone who has ever been caught in its gears can tell you, the great American outrage machine is a remarkable thing. One day you're having dinner with your family, imagining everything is fine. The next, your phone is exploding with calls from reporters. 
"They read you snippets from a press release written by Democratic Party operatives. They demand to know how you could possibly have said something so awful and offensive, and ask something like, "Do you have a statement on how immoral you are?" It's a bewildering moment, especially when the quotes in question are more than a decade old." . . .

No, Tucker Carlson Shouldn’t Apologize Because We All Know The Left's End Game Here  . . . "Apparently, Media Matters, a left-wing outlet, decided to comb through years of radio clips for some reason in order to execute a hit job against Tucker Carlson. The Left hates him. So, he has to go. He shreds liberal narratives daily on his show on Fox News. And because he has differing opinions—he must be destroyed. This is progressivism in 2019 (via WaPo): . . ."

The Culture of Fake Outrage Comes for Tucker Carlson  "Ideological search-and-destroy missions are worse for America than shock-jock interviews."  
. . . "I don’t like what Tucker said, but here’s what is far, far worse for our nation and our culture than a pundit saying shocking things to a shock jock: the creation and sustainment of an outrage industry that spends millions of dollars (and countless man-hours) in the quest to destroy the lives and careers of the people it dislikes.

"Here’s the way it works. If you’re a conservative or a Republican who attains any kind of prominence at all, then the hunt is on. Media Matters has its rolling list of allegedly bad or silly things I’ve said and written, for example. And the more prominent you are, the more diligent the hunt. People will listen to hundreds of hours of radio shows or podcasts. They’ll watch tapes of cable news until their eyes glaze over. They’ll scan through hundreds of thousands of written words — letting the sum total of the person’s worldview and body of work wash over them — looking for that “gotcha” moment, the word or phrase that proves “the bad man really is bad.' ” . . .

(CNN's) Joan Walsh of The Nation joined the George Soros-funded attack on Tucker Carlson for using the C-word  . . . "She should have stayed on the porch because she defended Samantha Bee for calling Ivanka Trump the C-word on a taped, scripted show that Time-Warner censors approved." 
"That was on the company's TBS channel. Walsh works for Time-Warner's CNN channel." . . .