Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Bernie Sanders’ Role Model For Successful Socialism Fails: Finland’s Government COLLAPSES Due To Rising Costs of Universal Health Care

FedUp  "For years, Socialist Senator and two-time Democrat presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, has been asking Americans to look away from the horrific nightmare unfolding in the Socialist, oil-rich nation of Venezuela. Look at the Scandinavian countries, he said. “Take a look at Finland,” he said, they’re “the happiest country in the world.”

"Unfortunately, for Finnish citizens, U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was correct when she once warned, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

"Bernie Sanders, the Socialist who owns three homes and never worked outside of government, frequently uses Scandinavian countries like Sweden, Norway, and Finland as examples of how well socialism or socialist policies work.

"When Bernie Sanders was running for president in 2016, he raved about the success of Finland’s free health care program for its citizens:

. . . "Finland’s aging population is increasing the financial strain on its health care system.
"Reuters reports that other Nordic countries have also grappled with the need to cut costs. Sweden is to gradually raise its retirement age and has opened up parts of the healthcare system to the private sector in a bid to boost efficiency.
"Denmark will gradually increase the retirement age to 73 – the highest in the world – while cutting taxes and unemployment benefits to encourage people to work more.
"Finland’s socialist “Basic Income” program was also a huge fail and an embarrassment to the people like Bernie Sanders who think it’s okay for people who don’t want to work to rely on working citizens to support them." . . .

"Only two years after implementing Finland’s “basic income” program in Finland, the government was forced to pull the plug on the disastrous program.
"The Guardian reports:" . . .

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