Saturday, April 6, 2019

Four Question for Those Who Oppose the Electoral College; What the Electoral College Saves Us From

R. E. Bowse  "Have you heard?  The Electoral College is bad.  Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and others support its abolition.  On March 28, Delaware became the thirteenth state to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) in which members agree to award their electoral votes to the candidate who wins the national popular vote.  The compact goes into effect only when the combined number of electoral votes of member states reaches 270, assuring their candidate victory. Legislation affixing New Mexico to the NPVIC sits on the desk of Governor Michelle Grisham (D). She's expected to sign it, giving the coalition 189 votes."
"The debate surrounding this issue is another example of proponents avoiding the salient points.  I pose the following four questions to those would undo the electoral college system, with the goal of promoting clarity and focusing on the nub of the matter."
  1. If you support the direct democracy of a popular vote system, do you also reject republicanism as our form of government? . . .
  2. If you reject the notion of disproportional representation, do you reject the institution of the U.S. Senate? . . .
  3. Parity between the states was key to ratification.  Does parity not matter anymore? . . .
  4. Is a popular vote system a cure for the disease? . . .
What the Electoral College Saves Us From"The winner of a national office should have nationwide support" . . .
. . . As with all such enthusiasms — expanding the Supreme Court, abolishing the filibuster and the Senate itself, lowering the voting age to 16, letting convicted felons and illegal aliens vote, adding D.C. and Puerto Rico as states, automatic voter registration, abolishing voter ID, etc. — the scarcely concealed argument is that changing the rules will help Democrats and progressives win more.
. . . "Picture a two-candidate election with 2016’s turnout. The Republican wins 54 percent of the vote in 48 states, losing only California, New York, and D.C. That’s a landslide victory, right? But then imagine that the Republican nominee who managed this feat was so unpopular in California, New York, and D.C. that he or she loses all three by a 75 percent–to–25 percent margin. That 451–87 landslide in the Electoral College, built on eight-point wins in 48 states, would also be a popular-vote defeat, with 50.7 percent of the vote for the Democrat to 49.3 percent for the Republican. Out of a total of about 137 million votes, that’s a popular-vote margin of victory of 1.95 million votes for a candidate who was decisively rejected in 48 of the 50 states." . . .

Friday, April 5, 2019

Democrats in 2020: Unelectable Nonentities

Conrad Black

Here are a few of Black's salient points:
. . . "The Gadarene stampede to (and over) the edge of the abyss of all who advocate open borders, 70 percent income taxes, the green terror, socialized medicine, legalized infanticide, reparations to native and African-Americans, packing the Supreme Court, and vacation of the Electoral College, has finally elicited, in a Churchillian expression, a tiny mouse of dissent." . . .
. . . "Nixon told me that neither of them said a word as [McGovern's] speech was delivered in the Mr. Peepers monotone of the nominee, and that when he ended, the president turned to his wife and uttered this reflection: “All our time in politics, we have fought the Democrats of Roosevelt, Truman, Stevenson, Jack, Lyndon, and Hubert; all substantial and formidable men. How did that great party fall into the hands of such jerks?” (The real last word is not suitable to repeat in a family magazine.) . . .
. . . "At least Beto O’Rourke, halfwit though he is, gave it a great try for the U.S. Senate from Texas. Such is the poverty of these Democratic candidates, Mayor Pete is starting to rack up some points as an antidote to the geriatric Sanders-Biden vote, which polls show, pulls about 55 per cent of Democrats." . . .
. . . "The country still seems to like to change parties in the White House every eight years, but the Democrats will have to do better than this farrago of nonsense and nonentities." . . .

Voters believe Hillary colluded

Don Surber  "After two years of the media scream Russian Collusion against President Donald John Trump, the public has its verdict in: Hillary did it.
" 'A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters think Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign is more likely than President Trump’s to have illegally colluded with foreign operatives," Rasmussen reported.
"All that huffing and puffing -- billions of dollars in free media for Hillary and her henchmen on television -- and she still lost.
"The poll showed only 45% still believe in the media's libelous narrative.
You can fool some of the people all the time (45% it turns out) and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all ofthe time.
"Victor Rantala wrote, "The worm is turning in spite of a non-stop, years-long onslaught of lies from the never-Trump media about it all. The tipping point is now -- with the majority finally discerning the truth and slowly more and more rejecting the coordinated MSM disinformation campaign."
"Democracy dies in darkness.
"The media withers in the sunlight of the truth.
"The American political media's influence today is as dead as Hillary's presidential ambitions.
"Only 20 of the nation's 1,300 or so newspapers endorsed Donald Trump.
"He carried the most states any president did in 20 years. He had more Electoral College votes than any Republican in 28 years.
"The power of the press is as strong as a 2-year-old, which is also where its temperament is."

'SO HURTFUL': Ocasio-Cortez Whines Over Backlash For Using Accent In Front Of Black Audience

Daily Wire

"Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) played the victim card as she complained on Friday about the backlash she faced after she spoke to an audience of predominately black people in an accent — which sparked widespread accusations that her remarks were racist and patronizing.
. . . 
"Ocasio-Cortez's claim that she is "from the Bronx," has also drawn a lot of criticism as it was revealed that she actually grew up in a wealthy suburb north of New York City."

Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, and other defenders of Venezuela socialism are costing Democrats Florida

Final cut? Democrats are blowing it badly on Venezuela - they can kiss Florida and all its electoral votes goodbye for it -- and it's their own darn fault. Proud of yourself, Bernie? Impressed by your own-goal, Sandy? Thanks, Ilhan...
Monica Showalter  "Ever heard of Miami Cubans?  Now it's Miami Venezuelans.
Fox News is reporting that Venezuelans are flocking to the Republican Party not just over President Trump's strong stance against the socialist hellhole in that country, but because the loudest representatives of the Democratic "vanguard," such as Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, are so repulsively for it.  Here's the Fox story:
As the country's problems worsen, Democratic Venezuelan-Americans question whether their party's actions go far enough.  A growing number of exiles say they feel forgotten by a new generation of outspoken, progressive Democrats, leaving them less beholden to a party they had long supported.
Issues that for years were hotly debated in an area of Miami known as "Doral-zuela" due to its vibrant Venezuelan community, have made their way to the ears of some of the most powerful lawmakers in Washington, D.C.
The Venezuelans are angry that, as the country continues to spiral, some Democrats keep calling on the U.S. to pull out of Venezuela and lift all sanctions against the government.
. . .
"Luigi Boria, who moved to the U.S. from Venezuela with his wife and kids in 1989, agrees.  He said he doesn't understand how elected officials could come to his community of exiles, many having experienced socialism first-hand, to tout those policies.
"This is something that's scares me coming from Venezuela ... we need the United States because we love this country. This is a great country. And we came here looking for help ... and we don't want that to get thrown out like what happened in Venezuela," said Boria, the former mayor of Doral, home to the largest concentration of Venezuelans in Miami.

Earl of Taint

Ocasio-Cortez attacks black rising star at Fox News — and face-plants


Thomas Lifson  "The fame resulting from the huge amount of media attention paid to Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has become a dangerous drug for her.  Completely unaware of the limitations of her education and knowledge base, she doesn't hesitate to shoot off her mouth before getting her facts straight.  And she blames Fox News for her rising unfavorability in polling.
"So it was not too surprising that she shot off a tweet criticizing Lawrence Jones, who appears to be being groomed for big things at Fox News, on utterly fatuous grounds.  If you don't recognize his name, I suspect that you will become familiar with him the coming months and years.  Jones, who is African-American, joined Fox News as a contributor at the end of last year and already is being sent out on reporting assignments, which looks to me as though he is being developed for a bigger role than a mere talking head on opinion panels, the usual fate of people with the title "contributor."  His background is impressive, showing initiative and leadership as a conservative since his early years, and going on to head up Campus Reform, a wonderful organization.  He comes across as sincere, smart, and unpretentious.  As you can tell, I am a big fan.
"Ocasio-Cortez is right to fear him.  He eats progressive stupidity for breakfast.
"So when Jones did a live shot at the Mexican border and tweeted about it, Ocasio-Cortez responded with a tweet to her millions of followers, and hat tip to the person who first mocked Jones (on ridiculous grounds).  Here are the tweets (hat tip: The Right Scoop):" . . .

. . . "And here is the devastating response from Jones:

Easy. The agent standing right in front of me RIGHT NOW said, “when you’re with me I’m responsible for your safety. So you’re putting on a vest.”

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Are people still taking AOC seriously?

Would we destroy an entire economy on the say-so of this childlike celebrity?

Ocasio-Cortez Claims Trump Admin’s “Deliberate Policy” Is to Cage Kids at Border and Inject Them With Drugs  “Her attempt to distract from her continued use of misleading, overblown statements ended up in her making yet another misleading, overblown statement.”
"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., claimed during an Instagram live video Wednesday that the U.S. has a “deliberate policy” to “cage children at the border and inject them with drugs.”
Ocasio-Cortez’s audacious remarks came during a diatribe about being the “youngest woman to ever be elected to the United States Congress” who has “plenty of time to learn.”

Watch her floor level video at the above link and see what you think of her as a Congress, um, guy, er, lady as well, just as an adult. Was she elected by millennial's? Do college-educated young voters take her seriously?

Democrats Want Reparations? They Should Look First in the Mirror

Part One in a special Stream series on Reparations.
The Stream

"A racist democrat political poster, circa 1869." Emphasis mine, TD

Video: True History of the Democrat Party

"Why are Democratic candidates suddenly talking about reparations? Pretty simple. Donald Trump’s making inroads among black voters. They see their most reliable voting bloc starting to defect. To the Republicans. To Trump. Democrats may like denial, but they can read the headlines:
  • Historic lows in black unemployment.
  • Candace Owens and Blexit.
  • The Walk Away movement.
  • The president delivering on prison reform.
  • Even Kanye West meeting with Trump. 
"With economic opportunities improving for black Americans today, Democrats must turn to the past. Think of that friend of Kamala Harris and the Obama’s, Jussie Smollett. He used a noose in his staged hate crime. A noose! No wonder Chicago’s police chief Eddie Johnson rotates between tears and rage. And Chris Rock has lost all respect for Smollett. They are not alone. Ultimately we will discover that Smollett’s motive wasn’t crass financial gain. It was Democrat political panic.
"Harris, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren have been loudly sounding the reparations cry. 
"You can add Beto O’Rourke to the list. He’s reversed himself on reparations, now saying he would support a billcreating a commission to study reparations. The commission, according to bill sponsor Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee would, “make recommendations concerning any form of apology and compensation to begin the long delayed process of atonement for slavery.”
“ 'Foundational to reparations is the word repair, foundational to repair is the truth,” Beto told Al Sharpton’s National Action Network.
“ 'Truth”? “Long delayed process”? Really?

"On Your Knees, Democrats

"What makes the Democratic Party’s reparations push so stunningly ironic — if not chutzpah of historic proportions?  If there is one organization that should be on its knees attempting to atone for the sin and legacy of slavery, it’s the Democratic Party. Southern Democrats fought the Civil War to defend the institution. Democrats created the KKK and made it the party’s military wing." . . .

Tucker’s Show CRUSHES CNN’s Complete Prime Time Cabal – CNN Reacts

Instead of looking for ways to win back more market share, or win back the public’s trust, CNN looked for ways to sabotage their competitors, using the help of totalitarian partisan hacks at Mediaite with a history of bullying advertisers connected to anybody that isn’t Left of Lenin.

Clash Daily  "Tucker isn’t just ‘beating’ the competition, he’s beating them like a rented mule.
"And we love it.
"It couldn’t happen to a more pathetic pack of petulant punks.
"In normal business practices, you would evaluate your product and your market and see if changes need to be made. But CNN isn’t subject to ‘normal’ business practices are they?"Naw. They serve a higher call, they’re Agents of Change, don’t you know! Part of the #Resistance!
"Helter Stelter came up with excuses for why Fox was winning the ratings battle in such a terribly lopsided fashion:
I am now open to the idea that Brian Stelter is trolling ALL of us. He literally said there hasn't been much news this week and that's why ratings are down.
"He thinks that last week was a “Slow news week.” Sorry to break it to ya, but the only thing ‘slow’ during last week’s news cycle where the paid employees of CNN and MSNBC.
"No, it’s not that Anderson Cooper is about as inspiring as plain white rice, or that Lemon can hardly finish a sentence without saying the word ‘racist’.
"It’s not that you’ve had stories proven wrong again and again and again. Or that you guys had probably-headed-for-prison Michael Avenatti as a regular guest and the Mueller Probe came up empty. No, it’s a ‘slow news week’." . . .

 Another case of CNN's hard-hitting journalism and speaking nonsense to power:
CNN Reporter Asks Obama: Are GOP Candidates "Uninformed, Out Of Touch, Or Irresponsible?".   Wait for the "It's not who we are"'s coming.

It’s SAD TO SEE 2020 Dems KISSING Sharpton’s… A--


"If he beckons, they all come — the Democratic presidential field, that is, to bow down and pay homage to Al Sharpton.
"No fewer than 12 members of the 2020 pack will show up this week for the four-day National Action Network convention, where The Rev is holding court.
"That Sharpton — with his decades-long dubious record of racial incitement, demagoguery, corporate shakedowns, tax liens and other fiscal shenanigans — can summon Democrats like lemmings with the snap of his fingers is a deeply depressing sign of how low that party has sunk.
"An added irony: Even as Joe Biden, Kirsten Gillibrand et al. are embarked on “apology tours,” to beg forgiveness for various centrist “blots” on their records, they’re all flocking to pose with someone who has never apologized for a single misdeed.
"Sure, the national media tell us that Sharpton is now “mainstream.” Thank President Barack Obama (who wanted to shunt the Rev. Jesse Jackson to the side) and MSNBC for giving him a national platform.
"But nothing else about Sharpton has changed over the decades (save his weight). As The Post has long reported, corporations have shelled out millions over the years to buy his influence — or, more often, his silence.
"One especially memorable moment: The daughter of Eric Garner, whose death during a confrontation with police sparked Sharpton-led protests, was caught on video acknowledging The Rev is all “about this” — while rubbing her fingers to indicate money.
"Last December, as The Post reported, Sharpton “sold” the rights to his life story to his own charity for $531,000, a deal one tax expert says “makes me want to roll my eyes” because it has “so much potential for funny business.”
"Ever since the Tawana Brawley hoax, Sharpton has been all about just one thing: the glorification and enrichment of Al Sharpton. And that’s what all those candidates are promoting when they show up to kiss his . . . ring.
"The Democrats are Al Sharpton’s party now, and they only have themselves to blame.

Alyssa Milano seeking the cameras again

Recall her publicity shots at the expense of Judge Kavanaugh and, of course, his wife and two daughters?
Admired Hollywood heroine
Deplored by Hollywood

It may be time for CNN to change formats

Silvio Canto, Jr.  "Who remembers Headline News?  It used to be very popular years ago.  As I recall, it was a 30-minute news segment 24 hours a day.
"My suggestion is that CNN should revive that format and drop the opinion shows.  Why?  Because no one is watching its current lineup.
"This is a remarkable story about viewership at CNN:
Tucker Carlson's Fox News show earned more viewers last week than all of CNN's primetime line up combined, reports the Daily Wire's Ryan Saavedra.
This has to be a bitter pill for CNN.  For years now the far-left network has done everything in its power to bring Carlson down. 
By any measure, CNN has conducted what can only be described as a straight up, deliberate demonization campaign.
Cartoon added by TD
CNN has also participated in the effort to have Carlson blacklisted by advertisers due to his right-of-center political beliefs.  Since the fake news outlet cannot beat Carlson in the ratings, it is hoping to drive him off the air through McCarthyism.
"I guess it's Tucker: 1 and CNN: a big zero!
"Let me disclose that I don't get to watch Tucker that often because of other commitments.  I do catch some of his interviews on the website, and he's always struck me as a pretty serious guy.
"These numbers are more about CNN than Tucker.  Sadly, CNN has gone off the rail trying to compete with MSNBC for the leadership of the Trump Derangement Syndrome Club.
"Change format or die.  It's about that simple for CNN."
Ratings for CNN and MSNBC continuing to crash, as viewers migrate to Fox News prime time

Lara Logan calls out CNN anchors Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo: 'Are these opinion shows or news programs?'  "Former CBS News journalist Lara Logan has taken aim at two CNN primetime hosts. Logan, a former “60 Minutes” reporter, criticized Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo for not clearly stating whether they are journalists or “opinion hosts.” “My concern as a journalist is trying to figure out what the facts are and trying to figure out what people are actually representing and what they’re trying to do in the election,” Logan said during “Hannity” on Wednesday night. “As journalists, it seems to me, our job is to do that." . . .