Thursday, April 4, 2019

Tucker’s Show CRUSHES CNN’s Complete Prime Time Cabal – CNN Reacts

Instead of looking for ways to win back more market share, or win back the public’s trust, CNN looked for ways to sabotage their competitors, using the help of totalitarian partisan hacks at Mediaite with a history of bullying advertisers connected to anybody that isn’t Left of Lenin.

Clash Daily  "Tucker isn’t just ‘beating’ the competition, he’s beating them like a rented mule.
"And we love it.
"It couldn’t happen to a more pathetic pack of petulant punks.
"In normal business practices, you would evaluate your product and your market and see if changes need to be made. But CNN isn’t subject to ‘normal’ business practices are they?"Naw. They serve a higher call, they’re Agents of Change, don’t you know! Part of the #Resistance!
"Helter Stelter came up with excuses for why Fox was winning the ratings battle in such a terribly lopsided fashion:
I am now open to the idea that Brian Stelter is trolling ALL of us. He literally said there hasn't been much news this week and that's why ratings are down.
"He thinks that last week was a “Slow news week.” Sorry to break it to ya, but the only thing ‘slow’ during last week’s news cycle where the paid employees of CNN and MSNBC.
"No, it’s not that Anderson Cooper is about as inspiring as plain white rice, or that Lemon can hardly finish a sentence without saying the word ‘racist’.
"It’s not that you’ve had stories proven wrong again and again and again. Or that you guys had probably-headed-for-prison Michael Avenatti as a regular guest and the Mueller Probe came up empty. No, it’s a ‘slow news week’." . . .

 Another case of CNN's hard-hitting journalism and speaking nonsense to power:
CNN Reporter Asks Obama: Are GOP Candidates "Uninformed, Out Of Touch, Or Irresponsible?".   Wait for the "It's not who we are"'s coming.

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