Saturday, May 23, 2020

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany gives reporters another cheerful beatdown

Having given the media an assignment for the long weekend, the redoubtable Kayleigh McEnany closed her folder and walked away. She’s schooling the White House media and, because she’s obviously a good teacher, they might even learn to be actual reporters rather than party hacks.

Andrea Widburg  "Kayleigh McEnany is only 32 and has been the White House press secretary for just six weeks, but she’s already proving herself to be one of the best press secretaries in remembered history. This is impressive considering that, in following Sarah Huckabee, she has had big shoes to fill.
"Over and over, when Democrat party operatives disguised journalists try to catch her with “gotcha” questions, McEnany comes back at them with facts. On Friday, McEnany hit the White House press corp with a homework assignment intended to get them to direct some of their questions to Obama.
"McEnany’s gift is that, like Trump himself, she’s a happy warrior. She’s never unprepared, she’s never angry, and she never has the cornered quality of a trapped rat. No matter what the question, she’s got a sunny answer that throws shade on the angry, smug people assembled in the White House press room. With a few exceptions, these people are neither reporters nor journalists as those terms are understood. Instead, they’re political operatives trying to frame a narrative. McEnany understands this and denies them opportunities.
"For those who were paying attention, McEnany was already showing her chops back in 2016. Ignore the obscene rap music that ends this video and just enjoy the way McEnany handles an enraged leftist:
"Most people, though, are like me and try not to waste time watching CNN. We only figured out that McEnany was something special when she fielded a “gotcha” question about her support for Trump. She threw that issue right back at the dishonest media and their habit of playing “mean girl” politics rather than doing actual reporting:

Friday, May 22, 2020

MSNBC Host: “Silver Lining” of People Dying From Coronavirus is That It Hurts Trump

Life News  "Even for the execrable Nicolle Wallace — Trump-hater extraordinaire and Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferer — this was truly grotesque. Sure, tens of thousands of Americans have died, and the economy is in shambles. But hey, there’s a “silver lining” to all the death and misery: Trump’s alleged “lies” and sins” are hurting him politically.

"As Wallace put it Thursday afternoon on her MSNBC show Deadline: White House, “the things that we’ve been talking about for three years may be finally catching up with him.” Translation: time and again, we’ve tried and failed to destroy Trump. But the virus is our silver bullet, even though tens of thousands of Americans have died!
"Here was her gleeful but repugnant utterance:
[T]here is something both tragic, and pathetic, and ironic about the fact that it took a, you know, color-blind, gender-blind, state-line-blind virus to sort of have all of the President’s sins from his first three years catch up with him. You can’t stand there and lie. You can’t contradict your scientists because they’re the ones that stand at 66 and 68 percent public trust, not you. He’s down at 38 percent. Pence is lower than him. I mean, he needs those people whether he likes what they say or not and I wonder what you think about whether or not there’s some silver lining there, that some of the things that — that we’ve been talking about for three years may be finally catching up with him?
"Note that Wallace posed the question to Ron Klain, the leftist political hack who loves to boast about the great job he ostensibly did as Obama’s “Ebola czar”—as if what he dealt with in the 2014 outbreak of the far-less contagious (though more deadly) virus is anywhere close to what’s going on now.

'I think she's a waste of time': Trump dismisses Nancy Pelosi calling him 'morbidly obese'

USA Today "He's our president and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and his, shall we say, weight group: morbidly obese, they say. So, I think it's not a good idea," she replied.
"Though Trump is obese, by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention standard,
Pelosi is incorrect in labeling him "morbidly obese."
"After last year's physical, the 6-foot-3-inch Trump weighed in at 243 pounds. According to the CDC, that gives him a body mass index of 30.4, which is just over the threshold for what the public health organization labels "obese."
. . .
"The CDC defines three levels of obesity. The highest level, Class 3, is sometimes called "morbid" or "severe” obesity, but that requires a BMI of 40 or greater. 
"The FDA warning regarding hydroxychloroquine does not say obese people are at greater risk from the drug's potentially fatal side effects. It says patients with "health issues such as heart and kidney disease are likely to be at increased risk of these heart problems.' " 

No Matter Who Biden Picks, His Running Mate Will Be A ‘Karen’

Issues & Insights

. . . For those who would complain that our editorial is sexist, we counter that with, one, Biden limited himself when he promised to choose a female running mate, so there are no men to criticize, and, two, there are male Karens out there, they just don’t have a name yet. We suggest Barack.

"We’re still at least a month away from Joe Biden announcing who his running mate will be for the 2020 election. It’s hard to tell which way he’s leaning, but no matter who he chooses, it will be “Karen.”
"Applying “Karen” as a pejorative is not as fresh as it might seem. Some uses of the name to describe a spiteful, unpleasant woman go back maybe as far as three decades. But the name has been more widely used as a cultural meme in recent months.
"With apologies to those named Karen but aren’t “Karens,” a “Karen” in 2020 is, “an entitled, obnoxious, middle-aged white woman,” says Wikipedia says a Karen “displays aggressive behavior when she is obstructed from getting her way.” She often wants to “speak to the manager” because it’s her nature to complain, hector, and rage. 
"During the pandemic, we’ve seen Karens all over, screeching and nagging about masks, social distancing (both for and against it and on occasion taking both sides simultaneously), and any conduct she doesn’t agree with.
"A Karen is a tattletale and a snob, mean girl who got older but didn’t grow up. And her defining traits, bullying, a desire to subjugate others, and rank hypocrisy, fit snugly with progressive-left politics.
"Biden, guided by the identity politics of his party, has promised that his choice for running mate will be a woman. It’s said he’s looking hard at at least five candidates and maybe as many as eight. So who makes up this field of possibilities?
"Sen. Elizabeth Warren. Maybe the most Karen of them all. Given the pulpit of a vice presidential candidate, and, Heaven help us, possibly the soapbox of the vice presidency, she will constantly howl about economic inequality, Wall Street, profit, and just about any principle that has made America the exceptional nation it is.
“She is a nag. A scold. An ideologue,” . . .

The Kill Shot Against Gen. Flynn Was Not Russia, It Was Iran

“What made Flynn revolutionary is that he got people out in the field,” says Shahbandar, who served in Iraq under Flynn in 2007-08 and in Afghanistan in 2010-11. “It wasn’t just enough to have intelligence, you needed to understand where it was coming from and what it meant. For instance, if you thought that insurgents were going to take over a village, the first people who would know what was going would be the villagers. So Flynn made sure we knew the environment, the culture, the people.”

Noisy Room  "RussiaGate was concocted. RussiaGate was globally choreographed. But it was never about Russia, the real covert truth and story is Iran.
"Lee Smith has confirmed what I knew in my gut to be true. Smith authored titled The Plot Against the President. I read it and Smith was gracious enough to come on my radio show to discuss the book, which you must read. Congressman Devin Nunes knew in his gut the RussiaGate story did not compute either.
"A huge high-five to Nunes and Smith and on with the story. It is a long one. Once you sit back and read it all, the clue, tips and indicators begin to fall into place. But we must go back several years for context, patterns, and the cunningness of politicians and power-players.
"1. Remember the first set of WikiLeaks cables where it was determined that Hillary had her staff collect as much oppo-research as possible on her adversaries and foreign dignitaries such that she had to go on an apology tour after the cables were published?"2. Remember the scandal that surrounded Sharyl Attkisson and the computer intrusion(s) she experienced during the Obama administration that she is still fighting legally? She too wrote a book titled Stonewalled telling that story."3. Remember the journalists that collaborated with Edward Snowden, one being Barton Gellman? By the way I have zero use for what Snowden did but there is an interesting part of the story that Gellman tells in The Atlantic magazine. He too was a victim of major computer intrusions perhaps more significant than that of Sharyl Attkisson."4. Remember when President Obama had to apologize to German Chancellor Merkel and French President Hollande for surveilling their phones?" . . .

Stacey Abrams’ face upon realizing Biden not making surprise announcement she would be VP

Legal Insurrection

Classic, she appears to have thought Joe Biden would pop the question when she was asked to join him on the Lawrence O’Donnell show.

"The “real” governor of Georgia, Stacey Abrams, has been embarrassing herself and the Democratic Party with her campaign to be named Joe Biden’s running mate (if he gets the nomination).
"For some unknown reason, she appears to have been under the delusion that Biden would surprise her, and the world, with the announcement . . . on someone named Lawrence O’Donnell’s MSNBC show." . . .

Who Democrats kill

Don Surber  "His name was Mike. He was 93. He was too young for World War II, but served in the post-war Philippines. Afterward, he became a college basketball star. He later worked for Mine Safety. He developed the safety helmets that are still worn by most miners. "He saved lives.
"Thanks to Democrat Governor Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania, Mike died last month.
"A reader -- an adopted nephew of Mike -- told the sad tale of Mike's death.
"The reader wrote, "I called him on Friday -- he was 93 and crying -- even at his advance age. He hated his room and was always on the move at the nursing home. It just struck me as totally odd when he said he was locked up because of corona virus patients in the building. Why were they still there?
"  'Saturday, he was complaining about the food -- she tried to send him a pizza delivery and it was declined -- not allowed.
" 'Sunday, he had the one nurse take a picture and she texted it to my sister and she texted it everyone.  This is one of those haunting pictures that causes me to feel guilty; I didn't visit him as much as I could. I did see him about six times in the past year. He told the nurse he had a slight fever so she was going to get him tested or schedule him for one.
" 'Tuesday night, my niece called and said she called to check and he was dead. One of the nurses was with him when he passed away. But he deserved better." . . ."

Gretchen Whitmer Allows Gay Swinger's Club to Operate While Barber Loses License

Image by Mike Harris
PJ Media "There is perhaps nothing more confusing than Democrat governors’ orders during the Chinese WuFlu pandemic. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is by far the worst. That was made clear with the news that a gay swinger’s club with “glory holes” is being allowed to operate under her nose in Lansing while she aims her business-killing death ray on 77-year-old barber Karl Manke for giving haircuts.
Gay swinger’s club is essential.
"But strangers servicing each other through holes in a basement wall in the state capitol is perfectly fine. I guess group sex is an “essential” activity in the Democrat-run state of Michigan. The underground private club, Club Tabu, has a website that describes what goes on there. (HT: Steve Gruber)
"Unlike Manke, who is sterilizing everything in his barbershop and wearing a mask to cut hair, Club Tabu has no announcement on their social media about what precautions they are taking, if any, to keep people who are engaging in full body contact with strangers safe. In fact, the only messaging they are giving is that they are open. The website FAQ’s says, “Yes, we are still open; if this website is still up – we are open!!!. ” . . .

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Democrat press

The Mainstream Media Brilliantly Summed Up by a Single Cartoon
If you want to see a microcosm of our vile American media, this is it.  "I was looking for articles showing that those who predicted deadly failure due to Governor Brian Kemp's decision to open Georgia were wrong. I found such an article at Business Insider, a widely read online news outlet. Diving into the article, though, revealed that it wasn’t reporting the news at all. Instead, it provided a perfect example of how the media shape and distort the news in service to a Democrat narrative." . . .
What Business Insider is doing isn’t reporting. It’s not concerned with facts. It is, instead, deeply concerned with crafting a narrative that makes people frightened of the Republican governors’ more freedom-oriented policies.  Andrea Widburg
Mainstream Media Is Radical Activism Disguised As News . . . "Anything that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS—anything—they “report” has a purpose and a plan behind it. Media’s purpose is supposed to be informing the public. Mainstream media has transformed their purpose into one of misinformation and disinformation. The tip of the purpose pyramid is to get rid of Donald Trump. But each little thing in-between, like the Parkland shooting, serves as a stepping stone to that ultimate goal.
"If you’re reading this, you know the disruption and political play involved. And that the Stoneman Douglas students are nothing but “useful idiots” for whoever is paying CNN for pushing the unending fake narratives.
"The students aren’t the only “useful idiots.” Even the anchors are being used, and in the long-run will realize their place as “useful idiots” as well. Maybe Anderson Cooper’s family money will keep him in the loop. But do you really think fat and obnoxious Ana Navarro and witless Don Lemon will be hanging out with the Communist billionaires?  No. I don’t think so" . . .

'View' Can't Take It When Meghan McCain Calls Out Left's 'Believe All Women' Hypocrisy  . . . "Read the relevant portions of the transcript . . ."
Carol Brown: CBS White House correspondent unable to connect 2 dots . . . "Are members of the media that stupid, or do they simply pretend to be while thinking they appear smart and bold? 
"In any case, I don't know how the president keeps his cool with these insufferable fools who treat him with utter disdain and disrespect and who try to undermine him every day."

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MSNBC's "Brzezinski called Trump a "cruel, sick, disgusting person."  . . . "Brzezinski, having long been vocally anti-Trump, went on a tirade over the president’s recent tweets suggesting her husband, fellow MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, may have had a hand in the death of a former intern decades ago. Trump tweeted on Wednesday that “Psycho” Scarborough shouldn’t be allowed to “walk the streets.' ” . . .

Miami Herald is a shoo-in for a Pulitzer  . . . "But why let a little thing like the truth get between the Miami Herald and a Pulitzer?
"The governor is doing a good job in keeping his state's economy going while keeping its citizens alive. And he pretty much has had enough from the peanut gallery in the press."

A Petty Barack Obama Refuses to Participate in Unveiling of Official White House Portrait

PJ Media

     "The unveiling of presidents’ official White House portraits by their successor has been a long-held tradition—until now. Barack Obama is refusing to participate in the ceremony for the unveiling of his portrait, NBC News has learned.
     “ 'Republican presidents have done it for Democratic presidents, and vice versa,” noted NBC News. “Even when one of them ascended to the White House by defeating or sharply criticizing the other.”
     "True enough—Barack Obama hosted the ceremony of the unveiling of George W. Bush’s official White House portrait, despite Obama ascending to the office by being a harsh critic of the 43rd president. George W. Bush similarly hosted the ceremony of Clinton’s portrait unveiling. Bush had been a critic of Clinton’s during the 2000 campaign, promising to restore honor and dignity to the office, sullied by Clinton’s sex scandal with Monica Lewinsky. Bill Clinton hosted the ceremony for George H.W. Bush, whom he’d defeated in the 1992 election.
     "Obama has also broken the custom of refusing to criticize his successor publicly. His pride, however, is too big for him to participate in the ceremony during Trump’s tenure in the White House—a continuation of the rank partisanship espoused by Obama during his presidency.
     "Barack Obama has “no interest in participating in the post-presidency rite of passage” as Trump is in office, according to people familiar with the matter.
     "Obama’s involvement in the spying on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has recently come under intense scrutiny after it was revealed that he was personally aware of wiretaps of General Mike Flynn’s phone conversations. The Obama administration also initiated an investigation of alleged Trump-Russia collusion despite not having any empirical evidence that any collusion existed.
     "President Trump has been harshly critical of Obama, most recently calling for him to testify about his involvement is Spygate. On Monday, Trump called Obama “one of the worst Presidents in the history of our country,” an assessment that fact-checks as true."

WHO Let the Truth out

Tony Perkins  "The Chinese Communist Party must wake up every morning and thank its lucky stars for the U.S. media. While the rest of the world rages at the regime for a virus that’s killed hundreds of thousands of people, America’s press corps only sees one villain: Donald Trump. That’s been an unexpected blessing for China, who knows the media’s red-hot hatred of the president will help undermine anything he does to hold them accountable. Fortunately for America, Donald Trump has had three and a half years of experience ignoring the press — and he’s not going to stop now.
"If you thought President Trump had an impossible job before, it was a picnic compared to the pandemic. Americans are dying, the economy is crumbling, world organizations are taking China’s side — and the press seems intent on blaming the White House for all of it. Surely, New York Post's Michael Goodwin insists, despite their personal loathing of Trump, the media would concede that China is at least partially responsible for the coronavirus’s deaths and devastation. Think again. “For the Left, Trump and America are to blame. That’s where they begin, that’s where they end.”
"Even now, as the president tries to hold the World Health Organization (WHO) accountable, the media is right there — undermining his every move. But that, Goodwin points out, is where they lose. Because this president is “hellbent on [facing off with China and its cronies], even as our nation’s media elites… undercut him.”
“No other living Republican would dare to face off with China if it meant also standing up to the [New York] Times, the Washington Post, CNN, and the establishment of both parties. If anyone else were president, China would… [have gotten] away with causing the most deadly pandemic in a century.  . . .
. . .
American journalism on display:
An Asian Beto O'Rourke, I have to say
Remember Sarah Jeong, who thought it racist to say "Chinese virus"?
In a since-deleted 2014 posting, Jeong wrote: “Oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men.”“Dumbass f–king white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants,” she wrote in another.Some called her remarks racist.

Coronavirus Doesn’t Just Kill People — It’s White!

Are there any non-white authoritarians in the world? Any at all? Yes, but for the left, “white” is nothing but an evil intensifier, a verbal MSG.

Ann Coulter  "I guess now it’s OK to identify viruses by where they came from. Lately, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been calling COVID-19 the “European virus” 1 million times per press conference.
"Here’s Cuomo at a single briefing last week: “… the virus that had attacked us from Europe … the virus came from Europe … the virus was coming from Europe … New York is where the European flights were coming in … Virus came from Europe … we had this European virus attack us … we had people coming from Europe bringing the virus.”
"So “European virus” it is!
"Who cares? It’s like referring to Muhammed the terrorist as “British man.” Verdict: true, but misleading. No one, not even the freaks at The New York Times, testy with Trump for calling it the “China virus,” disputes that “COVID-19” originated in China.
"Yes, the virus carriers who infected New Yorkers arrived on planes from Milan, but they were infected by travelers from China.
"Where did it come from before Europe?
"I don’t know. I’ve lost my notes. Why do you ask?
"To call it the “European virus” simply refers to the last transmitter. Chris Cuomo, the governor’s brother, got coronavirus, then infected his wife and son. He was the proximate cause of his family’s infections, just as people flying to JFK from Europe were the proximate cause of the coronavirus infections in New York.
"How about we start calling it the “Chris Cuomo virus”?
"But New York Times writers were all atwitter about the governor’s stroke of genius in calling it “the European virus.” “[H]is current spin,” Gail Collins wrote, “seems like a smart approach.”
"Please come up with some way for us to blame this virus on white people!" . . . More...

AF Branco