Thursday, June 4, 2020

EXCLUSIVE: Antifa Marked Richmond Federal Courthouse For Potential Arson, FBI Document Warns

"This was the same place that tried to light an occupied building with a child in it and blocked the firetrucks from getting through. Fortunately, police forced their way through for the firefighters to save the people."  Weasel Zippers

Daily Caller "A federal courthouse in Richmond, Virginia, was vandalized with a mark indicating it had been designated as a “target for potential vandalism/arson” by antifa, according to an FBI Situational Information Report issued Tuesday obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

"On Tuesday, “FBI Norfolk received information indicating the Richmond Federal Courthouse exterior walls were spray painted with a thick black line around the entire exterior,” the report states, adding that the black line “has been used by anarchist/ANTIFA as a marker to designate a target for potential vandalism/arson.”
"The FBI was notified of the marking one day after being notified by an officer of another law enforcement agency that unidentified individuals “believed to be members, or associates, of a local anarchist/ANTIFA group,” were “overheard discussing burning down the Richmond courthouse,” according to the report.
"The Richmond Police Department said it seized fire accelerants along with multiple handguns, gas masks and sets of ballistic body armor after arresting seven individuals early Wednesday morning. It’s unclear if those individuals are connected to the earlier vandalism of the Richmond courthouse." . . .
A federal courthouse in Richmond, Virginia, was vandalized with a mark indicating it was designated as a target for potential arson by antifa, according to an FBI report obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

I Watched Antifa Grow, Let Me Warn You About These Terrorists

Legal Insurrection

"I absolutely knew the Antifa attacks would come one day."

"We may have virtually met; it has been the greatest honor of my professional career to guest host for Rush Limbaugh on multiple occasions. My show prep for Rush’s program, and my own in Seattle, always include Legal Insurrection–as a reader, you know why.
"When Professor Jacobson granted me the great privilege of writing here, I did not know it would come as my childhood home, the birthplace of my own child and my neighborhood of twenty-five years was being destroyed, partly by Antifa.
"I absolutely knew the Antifa attacks would come one day.
"Now, the President is aware these attacks are designed to spread. He is acting, as he must, designating Antifa a domestic terror group." . . .
Because I work in the heart of radical progressivism, I have tracked Antifa for years." . . .

"Antifa: well organized, practiced in street warfare, entering into Phase Two of Mao’s rules for Insurgencies 

"These people are very serious. They are terrorists aligned with the radical leadership of Black Lives Matter, who traded learnings with Hamas, and, the founding philosophy of which Professor Jacobson has exposed, based upon the work of Anne Sorock of The Frontier Lab.
“If you think the Black Lives Matter movement is just or even primarily about ‘Black Lives,’ then you don’t understand the movement.
A new research report, based on detailed interviews with those active in the movement, demonstrates that the organized movement is a vehicle for a radical leftist anti-Capitalist agenda, using ‘Black Lives’ as the hook.”
"Antifa has never had to hide in Seattle, Portland or the rest of the West Coast. When the news media is forced to mention them at all, they obligingly call them “anti-fascists”, which, this week, useful idiots have been touting on Twitter as proof that being against Antifa means one is for fascism, to which I have replied, “why are you against ‘Making America Great Again?”

"Antifa loves guns, they have a militia arm and they have practiced seizing civilian infrastructure, part of Phase Two on Mao’s rules for Insurgencies " . . .

The numbers don’t support BLM claims about the police

Power Line  "Are black lives in danger due to “systemic racism” in American policing? Are “black and brown bodies” under systematic assault by white racists?
"The numbers from recent years suggest that the answer to both questions is “no.” There are few instances in which unarmed blacks are killed by white police officers. To the extent that, in these instances, the police officer acted wrongfully, the officer must be held fully accountable. However, the low number of instances compared to the frequency of encounters undercuts any claim of a systemic policing problem in this regard.
"Similarly, the statistics on interracial violence undercut the claim that white racists pose a serious threat to black and brown bodies. Blacks engage in violence against whites far more frequently than whites engage in violence against blacks.
"Today, I want to examine the 2019 numbers on police shootings. Daniel Horowitz reports them here, citing the Washington Post’s database.
"According to the Post’s data, nine unarmed black people were shot dead by cops in 2019. Nineteen unarmed white people shared the same fate. These numbers confirm that black lives are not in danger due to systemic police racism. Nine incidents do not demonstrate a systemic problem.
"If the nine killings were all unjustified, that would be nine too many. However, Horowitz cites a series of tweets that analyze the nine cases. If the facts presented in these tweets are accurate, it seems that most of the nine killings were justified.
"To cite a few examples:" . . .

As ‘defund LAPD’ becomes a rallying cry, Garcetti will seek cuts up to $150 million. Bowing ensues

LA Times  "When Los Angeles was plunged into a budget crisis earlier this year, progressive activists demanded that the City Council slash spending at the Police Department, saying it’s wrong to boost funding for officers while cutting other urgently needed services. 
"Activists with Black Lives Matter, Ground Game LA and other grassroots groups say incidents in recent days where officers have used aggressive tactics including projectiles and batons only reinforce the need to defund the LAPD.(Snip)Akili touted an alternative spending plan for City Hall, dubbed the People’s Budget, that would cut the vast majority of the LAPD’s funding. But other community leaders, and at least some elected officials, . . . 
“This crisis that we are facing now, with police violence, has got people thinking, ‘Is this what we want?’” said Akili, an organizer with Black Lives Matter-Los Angeles, who goes by only his last name.
"Akili touted an alternative spending plan for City Hall, dubbed the People’s Budget, that would cut the vast majority of the LAPD’s funding. But other community leaders, and at least some elected officials, say the recent outbreak in looting, vandalism and arson shows precisely why the city needs the number of officers it has." . . .
LA mayor on his knees
Americans are bowing down before the mob because of the Big Lie
"One of the more disturbing images to emerge in the past few days has been of police officers and National Guardsman kneeling – effectively bowing down – before the mob. These men and women who represent the forces of law and order claim that they are kneeling in solidarity, but what they're doing looks remarkably like surrender. The reason they are doing so is almost certainly because they believe the Big Lie that leftists are selling -- namely, that law enforcement is causing a black “genocide.” While it's true that there is black genocide in America, it’s not coming from law enforcement. It’s coming straight from Planned Parenthood, the Democrats’ most sacred organization." . . .
. . . 
"In Hollywood, footage emerged of National Guard troops “taking a knee” along with protesters: . . .
. . . "But what about whites in 2020? Well, that’s where the Big Lie comes in.
"In one of his best segments ever, Tucker Carlson looks at the way white liberals, police as well as ordinary people, are groveling because they believe they’re complicit in a black genocide – except there is no black genocide. The video is long, but you have to watch every minute:

. . . "Thanks to the Democrats' Big Lie, instead of protesting at Planned Parenthood clinics and thanking God that Trump is a pro-Life president, blacks believe that the cops who try to protect them from the predators in their communities are the enemy. And the Big Lie has caused stupid leftists, police officers, and National Guardsmen to think that they lack the moral authority to stand up and face blacks with the dignity inherent in all humankind."

Give The Liberal Mob What It Wants And ‘Defund’ Police  . . . "These rich liberal elites who live in double-gated communities with armed security are demanding funding for police be redirected and police replaced by social workers, so let them see how it would go. More importantly, let the mob see how it would go.
"People like Jane Fonda, John Legend, Megan Rapinoe, even the head of the ACLU, all signed a letter demanding the end of policing. Let them have it." . . . 

You who hate Mr. Trump, better you should fear Democrats
The Democrat party is at war with America
Lives and our democracy are definitely in danger. But the danger comes from a Democrat Party that is at war with their country and willing to aid and abet a terrorist force, Antifa, whose clearly stated purpose is the destruction of the country.
George Floyd's death reveals the domestic enemies among us  "The current Oath of Allegiance to the United States taken by those who wish to be naturalized citizens of our great country reads, in part:
... that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic ... so help me God.
"The mask has slipped, and the Democrat party and its associated support groups have identified themselves as the enemies domestic of Americanism.  The organizers of the recent burning, pillaging, and violence are leftist organizations, most notoriously Antifa.  Antifa is the Democrats' spawn and satellite organization.  Nary a cross word is said of this instigator organization by a Democrat.  While not yet precisely known, the likely funding and organizing sources for Antifa will naturally trace back to one or more of the web of organizations financed by Democrat benefactors. " . . .  
Leftist rioters coming for you  . . . "Over the years, I have written tons of articles about how everything Democrats and fake news media wants always harms the American people. Democrat policies have destroyed black families. Democrat-controlled cities have record high black-on-black crime. Democrat sanctuary cities coddle illegals who rape and murder Americans. Democrats twisted Trump's commonsense mission to make America great again into an alleged code to spark racial hate. Remember when CNN's Don Lemon justified blacks beating up MAGA cap wearers?
"The George Floyd riots mark Democrats' and fake news medias' new level of sociopathic aggression, instigating the killing of everyday Americans, while claiming the moral high ground."

Branco Cartoon – Fiddle Dee and Fiddle Dum
"Dumb and Dumber"

‘Abolish the police!’? What happened when a major American city tried that a century ago

Thomas Lifson  "Nothing better reveals the depth of the madness afoot in the land than the demands to defund or completely abolish the police. It’s bad enough for airhead celebrities, something worse for the formerly prestigious New York Times, and downright alarming for office holders, state and federal to indulge the fantasy that thin blue line is all the separates us from anarchy, mob rule, and ultimately a dictatorship spawned by the need to restore order.
"The experience of Baltimore following the Freddie Gray riots, when the police there stopped aggressively engaging in minority neighborhoods ought to be enough to close the case. Even progressive thought leaders at the New York Times and Pro Publica called the results a ”tragedy.”
[I]n the years that followed, Baltimore, by most standards, became a worse place. In 2017, it recorded 342 murders — its highest per-capita rate ever, more than double Chicago’s, far higher than any other city of 500,000 or more residents and, astonishingly, a larger absolute number of killings than in New York, a city 14 times as populous. Other elected officials, from the governor to the mayor to the state’s attorney, struggled to respond to the rise in disorder, leaving residents with the unsettling feeling that there was no one in charge. With every passing year, it was getting harder to see what gains, exactly, were delivered by the uprising.
"Mind you, the police were not abolished, or even defunded. They were simply chastened and behaved as the demonstrators demanded – with a light hand and withdrawing at times from neighborhoods where they were denounced as racists." . . .

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Please, Mr. President , listen to General Mattis... are all that is standing between us and people like Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Pelosi, and all those scowling Democrats at the State of the Union and on the House Judiciary Committee.  Once again the White House will be host to the likes of Al Sharpton, friend of white-hating Louis Farrakhan; America-hating socialists like Bill Ayers, foul-mouthed, purple-haired soccer players, and any number of sleazy politicians. Perhaps once again "congenital liar" Hillary Clinton may - once again - enrich herself as a U.S. government official on the international scene. Ukraine may once more grovel before the demands of the Bidens.
Look at the cities run by these people and picture what they will do to America.  All these I fear.    The Tunnel Dweller

James Mattis Denounces Trump’s ‘Path’ — Former Defense Sec. ‘Angry And Appalled’ By Response To Protests
. . . "Mattis directly accused Trump of being the first president in his lifetime who “does not even pretend to try” to unite the country.
“ 'Instead he tries to divide us,” he wrote. “We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership. We can unite without him, drawing on the strengths inherent in our civil society. This will not be easy, as the past few days have shown, but we owe it to our fellow citizens; to past generations that bled to defend our promise; and to our children.”
"In closing, he claimed that “only by adopting a new path — which means, in truth, returning to the original path of our founding ideals — will we again be a country admired and respected at home and abroad.' ” . . .

. . . " 'I would ask Gen. Mattis to look at the behavior of the politicians in these cities and see if you can find fault with them," said Graham. "To Gen. Mattis, I think you're missing something here, my friend. You're missing the fact that the liberal media has taken every event in the last three and a half years and laid it at the presidency. I'm not saying he's blameless, but I am saying you're buying into a narrative that I think is quite frankly unfair.' ". . .

AP: Say, Are The Media Encouraging The Riots With Our Coverage?

Tony Branco
Hot Air  "If it bleeds, it leads — and these riots have plenty of bleeding to report. The Associated Press does some navel-gazing today about the coverage of the protests and unrest following the George Floyd homicide in Minneapolis, and raises a few uncomfortable questions. Has the national media’s focus on violence crowded out attention on legitimate protests? Is cable news fueling a cycle of violence by essentially glorifying it in prime time?
. . . Rev. Al Sharpton worried,  . . . "What’s happening in the cities need to be covered, but not at the expense of losing Floyd, he said." . . .
. . . "If anyone’s to blame for “losing Floyd,” it’s the agitators who have hijacked the controversy for their own political ends. Add in the looters who are exploiting the chaos to pillage their own communities, and we have plenty of people to hold responsible for the distraction. The media’s coverage might incentivize some of this, too, but the solution for that would be to choose to deliberately refuse to inform the public by crafting a more desirable narrative.
"We already have too much of that from the media, Andrew Malcolm wrote earlier today: . . ."
Tony Branco

Rebels Without a Logical Clue

America pays a stiff price for the poor education of our latest generations. TD

Charlemagne Institute  (Not ..."Tha God")

"During the weekend riots and protests in Minneapolis, I saw a news reporter stop a young protester on the street and ask him why he was protesting. "Stop, don't shoot," he said.
"The reporter, wanting something more than this, asked him again, trying to make clear that he was asking for the actual reason the young man was there. "Black lives matter," he responded. The reporter made a couple of more attempts to get a rational answer, but all the young protester could do was repeat slogans.
"You can't even have a respectable protest with protesters like this. We have raised a whole generation of people who think in slogans and act on impulses.
"I wonder if it is this that is fueling the riots in many of America's major cities. What started as anger over the brutal death of a seemingly innocent man was picked up and spun out of control by people chanting and burning and looting who don't seem to have a clear rationale for their actions.
"A remarkable thing about the protests is that so many of them have a very white, middle class look. In fact, far from being black and ethnically homogeneous, there seemed to be as many whites as there were blacks. They congregated on the streets not really seeming to know why, other than some vague sense that there is some higher purpose to their actions: that there is George Floyd and Black Lives Matter and Stop Don't Shoot, all of which do have something to do with injustice. The problem is, they can't exactly say why, nor can they say what would satisfy them." . . .  Continue...

How's this for cluelessness?
"Marion Smith, the executive director of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation tweeted images of the vandalism Tuesday. Photos show “BLM” and what looks to be part of another word spray painted on the statue.
"In interesting, if perhaps coincidental timing, this vandalism of a tribute to the dead occurs the same week as the anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) brutal suppression of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, resulting in an estimated death toll of thousands of protesters as the full weight of China’s military descended upon its citizenry.
"The Victims of Communism memorial statue is a duplicate of the “Goddess of Democracy” statue which was a 10-meter tall construct assembled during the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests in China. Work began on May 27 in the Central Academy of Fine Arts, before students there surreptitiously moved the statue in pieces, avoiding state security, and assembled it in Tiananmen Square on May 30.
"She stood for only five days before a People’s Liberation Army tank toppled her on live television on the CCP’s orders." . . .

ON The Other Hand, There's Rodney King

The endlessly played Rodney King video hid the same part of Floyd’s arrest that’s being withheld today. Doesn’t anyone else wonder how Floyd ended up on the ground? Where are those videos?
 Ann Coulter  "Why is this case the one inciting mass protests? Ninety-nine percent of the country is denouncing the Minneapolis police in the most damnable terms possible over the death of George Floyd. The 99% are demanding that the 1% “hear their voices”?
"The arrest certainly looks awful. Everything is going along relatively peacefully as Floyd is walked to a police van, then there’s some commotion out of sight of the camera –- and suddenly you see Floyd pinned to the ground, an officer’s knee on his neck. How did that happen?
"One reason some of us are waiting for all the facts is that we suspect the media may not be extra scrupulous in cases that give them the opportunity to wail about “systemic racism.”
"It turns out, for example, Floyd didn’t die of asphyxiation. According to the Hennepin County medical examiner’s report cited in the criminal complaint charging Officer Derek Chauvin with murder, he died of a heart attack. The autopsy also found Floyd had fentanyl in his system, had recently used methamphetamine, had coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease. Two weeks ago, this would have been another COVID-19 death.
"According to Nexis, these official autopsy findings have not been reported at all on MSNBC and only briefly — to be explained away — on CNN. (The family’s private autopsy concluding Floyd’s death was caused by strangulation has been widely reported.)
"It could still be murder, but the “I can’t breathe” slogans aren’t quite accurate. Aw, they’ve already made their protest signs, and we’d have to re-do the chyrons — does it really matter?
"There also hasn’t been loads of reporting on Floyd’s five years in prison for armed robbery. I know the guy has just died, and he seemed to have turned his life around, but the media isn’t holding a memorial service. They’re supposed to be reporting news. How about an interview with Floyd’s victims? Wouldn’t that be a newsy segment? . . .

The Media Are LYING To You About Everything, Including The RIOTS

Socio-Political Journal
The Media Lied about the Russia Collusion Hoax, about the Mueller Probe, about Impeachment, about the Coronavirus—and now they’re Lying about the Riots.

"It seems no great event or upheaval in our national life can pass now without the media lying to our faces about it.

"They lied about the Trump campaign colluding with Russia in 2016. They lied about the Mueller probe and Brett Kavanaugh and former national security adviser Mike Flynn. They lied about Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president and the impeachment farce that ensued. They lied about the coronavirus and the lockdowns and the White House response. And now they’re lying about the riots.

"In recent days we’ve heard a steady drumbeat of lies, distortions, and disingenuousness from the mainstream media about almost every aspect of the unrest now gripping American cities. The deceit is almost too pervasive and amorphous to describe, but I’m going to try anyway.

"Over the weekend we were told, for example, that the looting and violence was being instigated not by left-wing anarchists and antifa groups but by the media’s favorite villains: white supremacists. CNN, whose Atlanta offices were vandalized Friday, went on and on—without a shred of evidence to back it up—about how white supremacists might be infiltrating the protests and stirring up trouble. The New York Times, in a report that even quoted a senior police official in New York City saying outside anarchist groups were coordinating mayhem before the protests began, nevertheless veered into a long aside about how far-right “accelerationists” were hoping the unrest would bring about a long-sought second civil war.

"By Monday, no one was talking about the white supremacist agitators anymore. The media had moved on to better, more plausible lies." . . .

Over 400 NYC Looters to Be Freed from Jail Thanks to ‘Bail Reform’ Policy

Is this what CNN's Brooke Baldwin calls "a beautiful thing"?
"More than 400 looters arrested in New York City, New York, riots this week will be immediately freed from jail thanks to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D-NY) “bail reform” policy that eliminated bail for many nonviolent and violent crimes.
"As riots rage on in New York City — and Mayor Bill de Blasio has refused to deploy the U.S. National Guard — hundreds of looters arrested for burglarizing shops and stores are set to be immediately freed back onto the streets.
"The New York Times noted that more than 400 people in New York City have been arrested for looting commercial businesses. Almost all of them will likely be released from jail immediately after their arraignments in court.
. . . 
"In March, New York City Police Department (NYPD) officials said that in the first 58 days of the year, close to 500 suspects who would have been kept locked up in jail if not for the new bail reform laws had been rearrested for committing an additional 846 crimes. Nearly 300 of these crimes included murder, rape, robbery, felony assault, burglary, grand larceny, and grand larceny auto." . . .