Sunday, January 10, 2021

Trump-hating Lincoln Project announces it's assembling a blacklist

  Monica Showalter

Isn't the victory of Joe Biden enough for them? Not in the least. They're like a monster that just needs to keep feeding and growing, in order to keep the money and contracts rolling in. More about that in a minute.

" Remember the Trump-hating Lincoln Project? That was the big-dollar NeverTrump group that included among its luminaries George Conway, the unhinged Trump-hating husband of the unfortunate Kellyanne Conway. They included many Dubya Bush administration operatives who'd been left out of the Trump administration and wanted revenge. Their loathing of Trump only got greater after that, and they threw their support to Joe Biden, raising $78 million and creating extremely nasty presidential campaign ads to take down Trump. They worked closely with Democrats and took their money, promising to help peel away Republicans to help Joe Biden. When that didn't happen and Trump increased his share of the Republican vote, leftists, such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, questioned giving money to the group as a ripoff." . . .

Andrew Feinberg 
Whoa. ⁦⁩ chief content officer warns against hiring ⁦⁩ ⁦or other prominent Trump flacks: “Hire any of Trump’s fellow fabulists above, and Forbes will assume that everything your company or firm talks about is a lie.”

. . . 

Brit Hume
This will not end well.
Quote Tweet
stuart stevens
At @ProjectLincoln we are constructing a database of Trump officials & staff that will detail their roles in the Trump administration & track where they are now. No personal info, only professional. But they will be held accountable & not allowed to pretend they were not involved

Totalitarian Left Promises Purges And Punishment For All Trump Voters  "If 2020 didn’t already feel enough of a Kafkaesque nightmare, the latest bit of depravity from the “hate has no home here” totalitarian left is a ghoulish scheme announced by three former Barack Obama and Pete Buttigieg staffers on Twitter last week called “The Trump Accountability Project.” Aspiring apparatchiks Emily Abrams, Michael Simon, and Hari Sevugan lauded the website whose stated mission is to “never forget those who furthered the Trump agenda.” . . .

"Hate has no home here!" shouts Antifa kid, left, at Republican, right

Updated Jan 11: Sunday Schadenfreude: Vogue mag treats Kamala ["I'm speaking"] Harris with all the seriousness she deserves

Update: Report: Kamala Harris’ Team Rips Vogue Editors for Cover  Photo ..."Independent journalist Yashar Ali first reported the debacle over the cover photo, both of which were taken by 26-year-old photographer Tyler Mitchell who famously shot Beyoncé for the magazine’s September 2018 issue."...

Monica Showalter   "When two scorpions in a bottle get into a fight, there's plenty of potential for the whole thing to get funny

"So enter Vogue Magazine, and Kamala Harris, with Kamala played for the fool.

"The solidly pro-Democrat media tool took a cover photoshoot of Harris, and in line with standard collaborative media-political practices, agreed upon a photo for the cover issue, something about Kamala in a powder blue suit.

"But Vogue couldn't help itself. After making its agreement with Harris, it ran instead this cover, with Harris looking like a clown in a suit, complete with junky tennis shoes." . . .. . . 

The Harris camp, as reported by Ali, is naturally, pretty furious. How could Vogue, which is probably the ultimate media toady, do this to Harris, making her look like a rube in stupid tennis shoes, when she only likes to be portrayed in a certain way? .

. . . "Nobody made Harris pose for that picture the way she did, standing there against pink bedsheets, recalling her political origins as Willie Brown's mistress, and wearing her signature dark pantsuit and pearls, along with inappropriate tennis shoes. She's the one who did it, and probably signed the releases, so tough toenails for her. She actually did dress like that in her few appearances on the campaign trail, so it is what she looked like. But she didn't want to be portrayed that way, she thought it made her look unserious, which of course, it did. She wanted to be portrayed as glamorous, an actress, a power-suit woman with a pretty face - as if the very act of posing for Vogue didn't automatically make her a lightweight. Truly powerful people don't waste time on Vogue photoshoots." . . .

Comma did not escape the notice of Babylon Bee parody:

Kamala Harris Recalls How As A Little Girl She Helped Slaves Escape On The Undewgwound Wailwoad  "U.S.—Kamala Harris chuckles as she tells the story. Not the chuckle of an insincere politician making up a story to appeal to her base, but the chuckle of a warm, loving woman. The kind of chuckle you would chuckle while hanging out with your family or locking up non-violent drug offenders for decades. 

"She recalled in her interview with The Babylon Bee how as a little girl she helped slaves escape to the North on the "undewgwound railroad." (Did we mention how warm and sincere she was? It was like talking to your best bud).

" 'My parents were pushing me in a stroller," she says, cackling -- no, chuckling -- "and I must have gotten loose somehow." (At the time, there weren't any safety regulations on strollers, so this is not her parents' fault, just to be clear). "Anyway, I wandered away down to the Deep South and began helping slaves get to the free states. When my parents found me years later, they were understandably upset. They said, 'Kamala! What are you doing?!'"

"She chuckled again.

""I replied, 'I'm hewping swaves escape on da undewground wailwoad, mommy!'" Harris then revealed that one of the slaves she helped escape grew up to be none other than Albert Einstein.

"Harris, with her likable laugh and authentic demeanor, went on to tell the story of how she helped "Abwaham Winkon" draft the "Emancipation Pwocwamation" and how she refused to give up her seat on a bus, launching the "Civil wights" movement."

Saturday, January 9, 2021

28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists

The Federalist

After excusing and ignoring riots from leftists all year, Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted to fit their narrative.

"Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted to fit their narrative.

"On Wednesday, a mob of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol building. It was an astonishing display of anarchic protest that delayed congressional certification of the Electoral College vote formally handing former Vice President Joe Biden the keys to the White House.

"The scenes from the dark day of disaster demonstrations illustrated a deteriorating country, repulsed millions, and traumatized a nation still recovering from the death, despair, and disruption that came to define the dystopian months of 2020. Above all, what happened Wednesday served as a grim reminder that the institutional stress test of 2020 has followed us into 2021.

"A trip down memory lane chronicling the left’s reaction to last year’s eruption of unrest claiming the lives of at least 30 people not only exposes the hypocrisy suffusing Democrats’ condemnation of political violence, but also illustrates a sobering reality that there’s plenty of blame to go around for the situation in which the United States now finds itself.

1. Kamala Harris Urges Followers to Cover Rioters’ Bail  

Incoming Vice President Kamala Harris encouraged her supporters last summer to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which provided bail money to the militant anarchists facing charges for setting fire to Minneapolis.

"2. Chris Cuomo: Who Said Protests Were Supposed To Be Peaceful?

"CNN’s Chris Cuomo showcased his ignorance of the First Amendment in June when dismissing the idea that militant protests sweeping the nation in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death were illegal.

“Please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful,” Cuomo demanded.  

"Here’s the text from the First Amendment, emphasis added:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Keep reading...

Tucker Carlson: Who will stand up for everyday Trump voters facing retribution from the left?

Tucker Carlson

The Republican Party must look after its voters, not its leaders

. . . "We should be very concerned about all of this right now. Wednesday's riot is already being used as a pretext for an unprecedented crackdown on civil liberties. Just in the last several hours, we have heard people in positions of power demand that those who support Donald Trump should no longer be allowed to publish books or use the Internet or fly on airplanes. Driving cars, holding jobs and staying in hotels will certainly be next and we're barely exaggerating. 
"To justify these mind-bending, terrifyingly un-American demands, they are, as usual, relying on lies and hysteria. What happened Wednesday wasn't simply a political protest getting out of hand after the president recklessly encouraged it (Which is, you know, what actually happened). Instead, they're calling it domestic terrorism and, needless to say, White supremacy. 
"Why are they doing that? Simple. They know that if they keep saying it, history will record it as true. They understand the power of language, and that's why they try to control it. They know that words have consequences. This is scary, and the party that should be stepping in to stop it, to push back, to tell the truth in the face of lies and to protect its voters from this deception and the destruction that inevitably comes next, does nothing. Often, in fact, they join in."


Another Impeachment?

Power Line   "Nancy Pelosi is talking about impeaching President Trump if he isn’t removed (which he won’t be). She might do it. She has the votes.

"However, impeaching Trump would be a meaningless gesture. There isn’t enough time before January 20 for the Senate to have a trial even if Mitch McConnell were inclined to hold one.

"Rich Lowry says it’s “technically possible to impeach an official after he has left office.” But he acknowledges that impeaching Trump after January 20 “would presumably strike people as at the least very odd and perhaps as vindictive.” I think it would strike people as absurd.

"At this point, most Americans want to move on from Trump, not litigate his behavior. But if Chuck Schumer and his gang want to eat up time trying Trump, have at it. There’s no way Schumer could get close to 67 votes, and a trial would be a less destructive use of the Senate’s time than implementing the left’s agenda or confirming many of Biden’s nominees.

"As for Pelosi, she should be worrying about holding onto her majority in the next election. Another futile impeachment of Donald Trump would be a bad start at serving that end."

Friday, January 8, 2021

The Purge Is Here: Twitter Banning Influencers on Right, Removing Followers


"The left and Big Tech have been moving quickly over the past couple of days.

"The President of the United States has been booted off Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram. Shopify has booted MAGA merchandise from their stores.

"Parler is getting pressure by both Apple and Google to ‘moderate’ their site, ‘moderate’ their belief in free speech. So far their CEO is refusing the pressure.

"Meanwhile Joe Biden is thinking up a new law to deal with “ideologically-inspired” “domestic terrorism.” He declared the thousands of protesters who had been at the Capitol were “domestic terrorists,” making no distinction between those who committed crimes and those who had not (which was most of the people).

"Twitter is going after anyone they think is violating the narrative. They’ve now booted a slew of well-know influencers on the right. More pointedly, they took down the people who were not posting anything offensive that would violate the terms of service but were questioning things about the Democratic narrative about the facts.

"Among the people who have been booted:

"Salem Media’s Kevin McCullough, who posted questions about the votes moving backwards in the Georgia run-offs and posted Trump’s video from his rally.

A GREAT supporter of the Truth and Trump is Kevin McCullough, superb talk radio host. Apparently, he’s days on Twitter have come to an end! (We are becoming so much like China it’s SCARY) you can find him on PARLER . I have to set up my own PARLER account soon!

 Twitter Boots Trump After Dems Ask, Now Glenn Greenwald Warns About Troubling New Biden Moves  . . . "Remember how when Trump was talking about prosecuting Antifa for demonstrable crimes against the federal government during the rioting/statue attacks? The left freaked out that he might be going after people for political opinion/ideological reason.
Attorney General Bill Barr made it very clear that it wasn’t about ideology but crime. Here’s Joe Biden literally using the term “ideological inspired” and defining the Capitol protesters, all of them, as “domestic terrorists,” making no distinction on the basis of crime or no crime. “Don’t dare call them protesters,” Mr. Biden said in remarks from Wilmington, Del. “They were a riotous mob. Insurrectionists. Domestic terrorists. It’s that basic. It’s that simple.”

"Democrats seemed to think that was just fine. But those on the right and the folks more on the left, like Glenn Greenwald, raised the warning red flag." . . .

Spare Me. Biden And Democrats Never Cared About Law And Order

Spare Me. Biden And Democrats Never Cared About Law And Order   . . . “ 'At this hour our democracy is under unprecedented assault unlike anything we’ve seen in modern times,” Biden said, adding that what unfolded was “an assault on the rule of law like few times we have ever seen it.”
"To be clear, Americans have seen a protracted assault on the rule of law recently. We witnessed the downfall of law and order in America all summer. For months, American cities were under siege, at the mercy of Antifa and Black Lives Matter thugs. At least 30 people were killed during the BLM riots while the corporate media stood in front of burning cities, characterizing them as “peaceful protests.” Yet never did Biden use the forceful language he did yesterday, calling it an “assault on the rule of law.” One of those cities was Kenosha, Wisconsin, where I spent days reporting on the riots this summer. " . . .

Black Lives Matter Activist Took Part in Storming of Capitol

The Epoch Times

"A Black Lives Matter activist was part of the group that entered the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.

"John Earle Sullivan, who has advocated for an armed revolution on social media, was arrested in July 2020 for making a threat of violence and criminal mischief. He organized a protest with Black Lives Matter activists and members of the far-left Antifa network. According to the Deseret News, Sullivan damaged vehicles and urged people to block roadways. Video footage captured him threatening to beat a woman.

"Photographs showed Sullivan inside the Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6. Sullivan has since given interviews claiming he took part in the illegal breach of the building as part of an effort to understand supporters of President Donald Trump.

" 'For me, it’s important from the group and the people around me to see that side of things, to see the truth,” Sullivan told KSL-TV. “I don’t care, like what side you’re on, you should just see it raw.” . . .

Despite Big Spending, California’s Highway System Ranks Among Worst in the Nation


"California’s highways rank 43rd in the nation in overall cost-effectiveness and condition, according to Reason Foundation’s 25th Annual Highway Report."

"California’s state-controlled highway system continues to struggle in performance and cost-effectiveness when compared to other states across the country. For the second straight year, California’s highways rank 43rd in the nation in overall cost-effectiveness and condition, according to Reason Foundation’s 25th Annual Highway Report.

"The Annual Highway Report measures the condition and cost-effectiveness of state-controlled highways in 13 categories, including pavement condition, traffic congestion, structurally deficient bridges, traffic fatalities, and spending per mile.

"California is in the bottom 10 states in six of the report’s 13 total categories.  . . .

. . . "But California’s drivers and taxpayers are getting worse highway conditions at higher costs than drivers in other comparable states, especially Texas, which ranks 18th overall in performance in cost-effectiveness. Despite having several of the largest metropolitan areas in the country—Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, and El Paso—drivers in Texas waste fewer hours stuck in urban traffic congestion than Californians. Texas also manages to deliver better pavement conditions while spending far less money per mile than California." . . .

The leftist purge begins

Rush Limbaugh deactivates his Twitter account after President Trump permanently banned  "Radio host Rush Limbaugh's Twitter account has been deactivated. Twitter confirmed to USA TODAY that the account wasn't suspended but "deactivated by the owner."   Limbaugh is considered the leading conservative talk radio host and has been on the airwaves for more than three decades. He has been an adamant supporter of President Donald Trump and his Twitter account, @RealRLimbaugh, had a similar to the style of Trump's @realDonaldTrump. Twitter permanently banned Trump from the social media platform Friday, citing the risk that he would incite further violence. He had 88.6 million followers.Twitter, which had locked Trump out of his account Wednesday for inflammatory posts after a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol, lifted the suspension the following day after he removed the offending tweets. Twitter warned it would suspend Trump permanently if he continued to violate its rules." . . .

Conservative #WalkAway Facebook page removed along with hundreds of thousands of videos and followers   "Conservative activist Brandon Straka announced that Facebook has removed his page with over half a million followers and also banned members of his team.

“ 'FACEBOOK has removed the #WalkAway Campaign and has BANNED ME and EVERY MEMBER of my team!!!” Straka, founder of the #WalkAway movement, tweeted Friday morning.

“ 'Over half a million people in #WalkAway with hundreds of thousands of testimonial videos and stories is GONE,” he added. “Facebook has banned everything related to #WalkAway.”

"Straka also included screenshots of messages from Facebook, including one that said the page was “removed for violating terms of use.' ” . . .

 Great Purge: Steve Bannon’s Podcast Shut Down By YouTube For “False Election Claims”  Via NY Post:

YouTube has banned Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast for violating its terms of service.

The president’s former chief strategist’s podcast was live earlier Friday before being taken down by YouTube, Washington Examiner Breaking News Editor Daniel Chaitin tweeted.

The alt-right leader’s podcast featured the false claims about missing ballots and voter fraud promoted by the president that drew protesters to Washington that later stormed the Capitol in a deadly uprising Wednesday.  . . .

 Twitter on Friday announced it is taking the unprecedented step of banning President Trump from the platform “permanently.”    “After close review of recent Tweets from the @realDonaldTrump account and the context around them — specifically how they are being received and interpreted on and off Twitter — we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence,” the company said in a statement shortly after 6 p.m."

Attorney Sidney Powell Now Suspended from Twitter – Joins the Growing List of Trump Supporters Being Silenced  "Powell joins General Flynn is the latest in what appears to be a massive purge of Trump supporters from the platform.  Stop the Steal organizers Michael Coudrey and Ali Alexander were both banned the evening of the protest on the Capitol. Lin Wood was kicked off the next day.  The Gateway Pundit’s Joe Hoft was suspended last week for putting up a post about Hunter Biden.

"The purge is hitting both small accounts and those of President Trump and his prominent supporters and allies. They seem to be targeting just about anyone who questions the 2020 election results." . . .

Apple Gives Parler 24 Hours To Implement A “Moderation Plan” Or It Will Scrub It From App Store Permanently…

Federal agents descended on multiple Tennessee Republican House members' homes and state offices on Friday, collecting evidence while executing search warrants as part of an unspecified investigation just days before the legislative session begins.

Democrats Cheer Twitter For Engaging In Political Censorship: ‘Heal And Find A Common Path Forward’  . . . "Democrat Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), who most claim is a “moderate” or a “centrist,” cheered the political censorship, writing on Twitter: “Thank you @twitter for taking this action. We must come together as a country to heal and find a common path forward.' ” . . .  Heal the open wounds inflicted by Democrats?

Found Another Antifa Goon At U.S. Capitol “Riot”…

 Will this get reported? Nope…

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Enough With The Outrage

This could go on and on, but the point is obvious: Democratic Party politicians and reporters have no standing to complain about political violence (let alone mostly peaceful protests) until they get their own house in order.

John H. Hinderaker   "Like pretty much all conservatives, I have consistently criticized riots and other forms of political violence for many years. That includes yesterday’s Washington, D.C. riot. You can’t say the same about liberals, however. Until yesterday, one might have thought that liberals consider rioting and other forms of political violence to be as American as apple pie.

"You could write a book in support of that proposition, but for now let’s cite just a few examples. Do you remember when President Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2017? Leftist Democrats rioted in Washington that day. That riot was arguably worse, more violent and more destructive, than what happened in D.C. yesterday. The liberal rioters destroyed stores, set vehicles on fire and battled with the police. Six police officers were wounded. Here is a video reminder:"

"I don’t recall a single Democratic office-holder denouncing the Democrats’ Inauguration Day riot, and the Associated Press came perilously close to praising the rioters.

"Over the ensuing four years, Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioted countless times, bringing devastation to cities like Portland, Seattle, Kenosha and Minneapolis. Did any Democrats denounce these riots? Not that I remember. Many Democrats endorsed them, or seemed to do so. Kamala Harris, for example, said about the riots in June:

They’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop. This is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not gonna stop. And everyone beware because they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop before Election Day and they’re not going to stop after Election Day. And everyone should take note of that. They’re not gonna let up and they should not.

"This was after 12 people had been killed in Democrat-sanctioned rioting, and billions of dollars in destruction committed. Have any Democrats denounced Black Lives Matter for its role in the riots? Not one. Has any Democrat denounced Antifa? Not that I know of, and some, like Keith Ellison, have specifically endorsed Antifa’s political violence.

"Democratic Party journalists have joined the party’s politicians in excusing riots. The New York Times, for example, published an admiring profile of Antifa. The Washington Post, likewise, has carried water for Antifa." . . .