Saturday, January 9, 2021

Tucker Carlson: Who will stand up for everyday Trump voters facing retribution from the left?

Tucker Carlson

The Republican Party must look after its voters, not its leaders

. . . "We should be very concerned about all of this right now. Wednesday's riot is already being used as a pretext for an unprecedented crackdown on civil liberties. Just in the last several hours, we have heard people in positions of power demand that those who support Donald Trump should no longer be allowed to publish books or use the Internet or fly on airplanes. Driving cars, holding jobs and staying in hotels will certainly be next and we're barely exaggerating. 
"To justify these mind-bending, terrifyingly un-American demands, they are, as usual, relying on lies and hysteria. What happened Wednesday wasn't simply a political protest getting out of hand after the president recklessly encouraged it (Which is, you know, what actually happened). Instead, they're calling it domestic terrorism and, needless to say, White supremacy. 
"Why are they doing that? Simple. They know that if they keep saying it, history will record it as true. They understand the power of language, and that's why they try to control it. They know that words have consequences. This is scary, and the party that should be stepping in to stop it, to push back, to tell the truth in the face of lies and to protect its voters from this deception and the destruction that inevitably comes next, does nothing. Often, in fact, they join in."


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