Wednesday, March 17, 2021

GOP Moves To Save Biden: We Want Amnesty, Too!

 Ann Coulter

"President Joe Biden’s immigration bill will put virtually all illegal immigrants on a bullet train to citizenship, provided that they meet the onerous requirement of claiming to have entered the country before Jan. 1, 2021. Only terrorists and convicted felons are excluded — at least in theory, but past experience suggests they’ll get amnesty, too. Even illegal immigrants who’ve already been deported will be invited back and given amnesty.

"So far, the Republicans’ response has been to propose their own amnesty, while throwing in some boob-bait for the rubes about border security.

"Even the election of Donald Trump, a ridiculous creature who became president by promising to crack down on illegal immigration and build a wall (promises he ignored), hasn’t put a dent in Washington’s enthusiasm for overwhelming the country with the third world.

"On this, the parties are united! The only difference is, Republicans lie to the voters about securing the border.

" 'Under Biden’s immigration bill, a gigantic number of illegals will be given green cards immediately and will be eligible for citizenship in three years — just in time for the 2024 election.

"That includes all Dreamers (who entered as minors — or say they did); those who came in as temporary agricultural workers (or say they did); and any illegals who have been granted Temporary Protected Status because of some disaster in their home countries.

"Biden’s bill doesn’t even include the usual false promises of border security. That’s where Republicans come in!

"Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., is floating a bill that would grant amnesty to Dreamers in exchange for vague promises of a border wall system.

"A border wall system should not be confused with a border wall. It’s easy enough to write “wall.” So why didn’t he do that?" . . .  More...

A revitalized and restorationist Republican Party will never take shape until white America finally gets off its knees.

Hezekiah Kantor

A new poll of more than 1,000 registered voters released by Echelon Insights offers a startling glimpse into the psyche of Joe Biden supporters. Among Democrats, the top three issues over which they say they are “extremely” or “very concerned” are “Donald Trump supporters,” “white nationalism,” and “systemic racism.” 
"Among the actions Biden took during his first week in the White House was to rescind President Trump’s ban on critical race theory training in the federal government. We can now expect the cultural revolution to resume in the federal bureaucracy, a bureaucracy that will now explicitly demonize huge segments of what is (supposed to be) our country.  
"My purpose, however, is not to criticize our ruling regime. No, I’m here to criticize psychologically conquered white people and to denounce white liberal supremacy. The former constitute so much of the governing class within the Republican Party and the latter are at the top of every major U.S. institution, public and private. It is time to be critical of the innumerable half-truths and white lies that pass for discourse in our decadent age.
                                   Our Dumb, Racialist Civic Vocabulary 
"Who is a “white supremacist” according to our ruling regime? According to students at the University of Washington, it is George Washington. Who is a “white nationalist?” Apparently, it is anyone who objects to open borders, reads Patrick Buchanan, or worked for Donald Trump.

"This is where we are as a people. We are in a world where, after an elderly man who happens to be Asian is killed by a criminal who happens to be black, the regime and its sycophants decide to solve the problem by marching against . . . white supremacy? The generalized outbreak of violence against Asians by non-Asians is the fault of . . . white supremacy? " . . .

The Legends of Our Fall; The left-wing postmodern idea of “truth” as a mere pick-and-choose official narrative is now normal.

 No modern era has changed American life more than three events in the 12 months between February 2020 and February 2021—the COVID-19 pandemic, the death of George Floyd, and the January 6 Capitol assault and riot. Yet in all three cases, legends, not facts still dominate. 

Victor Davis Hanson   "Many politicians at one point or another live by lies—if they can get away with them. 

"Our supposed sentinels, the media—self-defined as independent, cynical, and skeptical journalists—are supposed to separate political fictions from truth.  

Legends As Facts 

"Of course, sometimes they used to do that—if only selectively. There were Communist sympathizers in the Roosevelt Administration and holdovers in the 1950s deep state. But the Red Peril was not always what the demagogic Joe McCarthy claimed when shaking his lengthy, indiscriminate “lists” of “commie” names and crimes. 

"Once U.S. Army counsel Joseph Welch, Edward R. Murrow, and assorted journalists began to demand proof of all of McCarthy’s charges, his public following dissipated.  

"The George W. Bush Administration in its case to remove Saddam Hussein unwisely ignored all the 23 bipartisan writs authorizing the use of the force by the Congress. Instead, it rhetorically bundled all congressional authorizations into one case against Saddam Hussein: the existential threat of huge Iraqi stockpiles of deliverable “weapons of mass destruction.”  

"After Saddam’s removal, U.S. forces did not find depots of poisonous and nerve gases. Whether they were nonexistent, or moved stealthily to border dictatorships like Syria or even Iran, or were destroyed no one knew. The public only remembered the government assurance that WMDs, the popular justification for the preemptive invasion, would be there upon U.S. arrival—a narrative that the media originally did not question and then later swore that it always had been skeptical as it led the cheer: “Bush lied, people died.' ”  . . .

 Whether they were nonexistent, or moved stealthily to border dictatorships like Syria or even

Criminalizing Protest at the Capitol

 Andrew Paquette  "For four years, Democrats worked hard to criminalize support for Donald Trump. They investigated Lt. General Michael Flynn, advisor Carter Page, personal attorney Michael Cohen, foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulus, and campaign strategist Roger Stone, among others. Most were arrested for brief periods. None were guilty of anything related to Trump, most weren’t guilty of any crime at all. They were prosecuted because of their affiliation with President Trump.

"Now, our duly re-elected President Trump has been ousted from the office of president by a criminal conspiracy to install Joseph Biden, an usurper, in his place. To do this, a combination of voter fraud, election frauddereliction of duty in the courts, and suppression of conservative speech was employed.

"One of the more perfidious examples of the new intolerance for all things connected to an honest assessment of the 2020 election are the mass arrests of people who attended the January 6th rally in Washington D.C. Two events took place on that day, each initiated by different groups of people on opposite sides of the election integrity issue.

"On one side, Trump supporters gathered on the Ellipse to hear the president speak on the subject of election fraud and to show their support. On the other side, Antifa-led groups met at the Capitol for the purpose of gaining unlawful entry to the building, vandalizing it,and blaming Trump supporters for their actions. As proof of their goals, they broadcast messages on social media that exposed their plans in enough detail to leave no doubt regarding their intentions. The Antifa members, all of whom attended the Capitol riot for the purpose of defaming President Trump, wore pro-Trump merchandise to disguise themselves as Trump supporters. This is well-documented." . . . 

 for their actions. As

Slanted Journalism and the 2020 Election | Sharyl Attkisson

Author, Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism This speech was given at a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar on February 19, 2021, in Phoenix, Arizona.


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

"U.S. military launches coordinated strikes against American TV host."

 Don Surber

. . . "Unless Tucker Carlson (the host in question) made a factual error, the Pentagon press secretary should shut his trap. 
"But our military is politicized and part of this anti-American cabal of Washington politicians, the media, the deep state, and corporate America that are hellbent on destroying everything that made America great.
"We the people are allowed to call out the American military -- indeed, the entire government -- without fear of being attacked.
"The spokesman in question, retired Admiral John Kirby, is a former CNN commentator, which raises questions of ethics." . . .

‘We Are Not Training’ For The Super Bowl: Tucker Carlson Guest Slams ‘PC Demands’ In US Military  "Retired U.S. Army Col. Doug MagGregor said Monday that America’s military is so focused on political correctness that it’s no longer training for “the Super Bowl” like other countries." . . ."Macgregor said this has created “a readiness to accommodate PC demands from policymakers who frankly have a cocktail level of familiarity with real war when otherwise senior officers would put up much more serious resistance … I think these policies are detrimental in most cases and probably divisive.”

"He suggested the result of bringing these policies into a war would be “a real surprise under the circumstances. Many of the assumptions we’re making about what will work or won’t work — they will be destroyed.”

"Macgregor said political correctness and reduced training standards “have had a profoundly negative impact on the American military, particularly on the combat forces that have had to go through these long occupations, long deployments, without clear missions and obtainable objections.' ”

Most American Schools Are Damaging Your Child

 Dennis Prager

No matter how much information accumulates about the perversion of U.S. schooling, parents continue to take risks with their children they would never take in any other sphere. 

"I have been telling parents for decades that sending a child to almost any college is playing Russian roulette with his or her values.

"But it is a different version of Russian roulette. In the traditional version, only one of the gun’s six chambers contains a bullet. In the college version of Russian roulette, five of the six chambers contain a bullet. If your child attends almost any university in America (or Canada or anywhere else in the English-speaking world), the odds are that your child’s decency, intellectual acuity, faculty of reason, character, and moral compass will be damaged, perhaps permanently.

"The worse news is that sending your child to almost any elementary school or high school—public or private—is fast becoming equally toxic. More and more schools are being taken r by left-wing ideologues and by nonideologues who lack the courage to confront the ideologues.

"Once infected with leftism, these schools teach children to hate reason, tradition, America, Christianity, whites, excellence, freedom, and masculinity.

"To cite one example, thanks to a $1 million grant from Bill Gates through his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Oregon Education Department has announced that teaching there is “one right answer” in math—yes, in math—is an expression of white supremacy. Why, then, would an Oregon parent who cares about his child’s mind send that child to an Oregon school?

"In addition to perverting education, teachers and their unions have exhibited a contempt for children that has taken even conservatives by surprise." . . . More here... 

The Sovietization of the American Press

The transformation from phony "objectivity" to open one-party orthodoxy hasn't been an improvement

TK News

"I collect Soviet newspapers. Years ago, I used to travel to Moscow’s Izmailovsky flea market every few weeks, hooking up with a dealer who crisscrossed the country digging up front pages from the Cold War era. I have Izvestia’s celebration of Gagarin’s flight, a Pravda account of a 1938 show trial, even an ancient copy of Ogonyek with Trotsky on the cover that someone must have taken a risk to keep.

"These relics, with dramatic block fonts and red highlights, are cool pieces of history. Not so cool: the writing! Soviet newspapers were wrought with such anvil shamelessness that it’s difficult to imagine anyone ever read them without laughing. A good Soviet could write almost any Pravda headline in advance. What else but “A Mighty Demonstration of the Union of the Party and the People” fit the day after Supreme Soviet elections? What news could come from the Spanish civil war but “Success of the Republican Fleet?” Who could earn an obit headline but a “Faithful Son of the Party”?

"Reality in Soviet news was 100% binary, with all people either heroes or villains, and the villains all in league with one another (an SR was no better than a fascist or a “Right-Trotskyite Bandit,” a kind of proto-horseshoe theory). Other ideas were not represented, except to be attacked and deconstructed. Also, since anything good was all good, politicians were not described as people at all but paragons of limitless virtue — 95% of most issues of Pravda or Izvestia were just names of party leaders surrounded by lists of applause-words, like “glittering,” “full-hearted,” “wise,” “mighty,” “courageous,” “in complete moral-political union with the people,” etc.

"Some of the headlines in the U.S. press lately sound suspiciously like this kind of work:" . . .

Full article, followed by this next: No, you're not imagining the media's Pravda-ization  . . . "For Taibbi, the apex of the hagiography that is every major newspaper article today is the Washington Post's recent claim that comedians are finding it impossible to joke about Biden.  You may recall, from the Obama era that the media claimed that it was impossible to parity Obama because he was simply too cool.  According to Richard Zoglin, Biden cannot be parodied, not because he is too cool, but because he is too normal.  His voice, insists Zoglin, is "devoid of obvious quirks," and his manner too "muted and self-effacing" to give comics anything to work with.  Taibbi's response to these risible statements is the following video:

Years ago, I read an old cartoon showing a couple at the breakfast table.  The woman says, "This article says don't believe everything you read."  Her husband replies, "Don't believe it."  That husband represents half the American public.  They've been given proof repeatedly that the media are lying, but they refuse to accept that fact and, instead, continue to believe the garbage they spew.  Now that this garbage has risen to the level of Soviet-style hagiography of a demented old man, America is in a deep dive and needs to pull out soon before it crashes.

Swalwell files lawsuit against Trump over Capitol riots



Lawsuit alleges Trump inflicted emotional distress on Swalwell, a House Democratic impeachment manager

Fox News  Rep. Eric Swalwell, one of the House impeachment managers, filed a lawsuit against former President Trump saying he must be held financially responsible for destruction on Jan. 6 when a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol.

"The California Democrat on Friday filed a 65-page lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., against Trump, his son Donald Trump Jr., his lawyer Rudy Giuliani and GOP Rep. Mo Brooks accusing them of inciting the Jan. 6 riot and demanding they be held responsible in court for the suffering that followed. 

" 'The Defendants assembled, inflamed and incited the mob, and as such are wholly responsible for the injury and destruction that followed," Swalwell said in a statement about the lawsuit." . . .

Swalwell's lawsuit alleges nine counts against Trump and the others ranging from conspiracy to violate civil rights to intentional infliction of emotional distress on Swalwell. 

"The lawsuit doesn't specify the amount of money and punitive damages Swalwell is seeking. He is demanding a jury trial."   . . . 

'The View': Meghan McCain Says Democrats Send 'Hypocritical' Message by Not Booting Cuomo

MSN  "On Monday's episode of "The View," Meghan McCain pointed out that not pushing New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to resign after being called out for multiple sexual abuse scandals is a '"very murky, nebulous, ugly, hypocritical message for Democrats to be putting out."

" 'I just want someone to show a flash image of the images of people talking about Brett Kavanaugh and the images of people talking about Andrew Cuomo. It's a very weird message to go from 'Believe all women, one accusation is enough, to be put in jail and lose your job,' to 'Oh, if his politics are in the right way, you can grope whoever you want because gun control is more important,'" McCain said. "I think that if you're going to hold him not accountable, then it doesn't matter, that he should stay in office because he's a Democrat and democratic policies are more important than sexually assaulting women, that's a very dangerous road for Democrats to go down.""McCain, who has been outspoken about her feelings regarding Cuomo on more than one occasion, referenced his publicized cover-up in nursing home deaths in the early days of COVID-19 in her response."

Monday, March 15, 2021

UPDATED: Biden finished his speech, turned, then walked away


 LAUGHABLE: Liberal Media Claims Comedians Just Can’t Find A Way To Make Fun Of Joe Biden   "Joe Biden is a walking, talking punchline just waiting to happen. He forgets where he is, he forgets what he’s saying, he has trouble forming a coherent sentence.
"Yet if you believe the liberal media, it’s just too difficult for comedians to find a way to mock Joe Biden.
"No one believes this. Biden is being protected from mockery because he is so awful that if Saturday Night Live and other partisan comedy shows really went after him, they would destroy him.
"Christian Toto writes at News Busters: . . .

If Joe Biden was a Republican, Saturday Night Live would portray him as a feeble minded, bumbling idiot.Their mockery would be ruthless and it would happen week, after week, after week. Everyone knows this is true.

Rick Moran Letterman writer: Obama 'too competent' to make jokes about  "Newsbusters Brent Baker was following the goings on at a comedy writers' panel that took place in Washington recently that featured Letterman joke writer Bill Scheft who had this to say about why Obama is getting a pass from late night shows:

It's not because he's black and it's not because we're afraid. It's just that he's, just so far, just a little too damn competent and we ain't used to that. [multiple panelists say "yeah."]

CNN and MSNBC Built up That Trump Hate, Now They're Drowning Without Him, Brian Stelter Pitches New Hate Object

Red State

"How are the liberal networks like CNN and MSNBC doing now that they no longer have President Donald Trump to attack anymore to feed the TDS of their liberal viewers?

"How they are doing is badly.

"According to a VIP analysis, while all the networks took a hit, the ratings for both CNN and MSNBC have taken a huge dive."

. . .  "So what are their options? They’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. Saying nice things about Joe Biden and trying to spin him as the second coming when people can clearly see how flawed and deficient he is doesn’t really work. It’s not stoking their hate.

"As we wrote, what did CNN’s Brian Stelter do, he went after Newsmax for their alleged ratings drop post-Trump. Their response was to throw it right back on him and do a stomp all over his head.

“Only CNN would do a story on Newsmax’s drop in ratings when its own Nielsen total day impressions fell by 45% last week compared to the week after the election, and Brian Stelter’s own ‘Reliable Sources’ show fell by 44% over the same period with, more recently, his show having lost nearly 1 million viewers since January of this year.”

"But Stelter is trying to hook onto a new person to sell to his viewers to hate: Tucker Carlson.

"He even proclaimed it on his show, “Tucker Carlson is the new Donald Trump,” literally trying to sell Tucker to his audience as a replacement for Trump. “Tucker has taken Trump’s place as a right-wing leader, an outrage generator, a fire-starter.' ” . . .

CNN’s war on Fox News goes nuclear – with a twist   "CNN’s on again-on again war (that’s not a typo – it never ends) against Fox News is getting hotter, most likely because CNN is once again seriously trailing Fox News in the ratings. Brian Stelter, his network’s leading attack dog, was at it again yesterday on his weekly program CNN Reliable (sic) Sources.

"The program led with a full-frontal attack on Fox News’s most highly rated show, Tucker Carlson Tonight, and its host, veteran reporter, editor, and television talk show host Tucker Carlson. CNN’s online transcript of the program offers this headline:" . . . More...

It was CNN, and Stelter’s program in particular, that assisted in promoting the effort that has now reached the halls of Congress to censor and de-platform Fox News from the country’s cable, satellite, and streaming television providers.

BPR: CNN’s Brian Stelter’s campaign of hate: ‘Tucker Carlson is the new Donald Trump’  . . . "Stelter proceeded to give a heavily biased, even distorted take on a series of recent stories Carlson covered last week, to include his little tiff with the Pentagon, mocking Meghan Markle, and the “berating” of a New York Times reporter.

"Again, while sounding envious of Carlson’s success, he called out the Murdochs.

" 'What Tucker wants is attention. What Rupert Murdoch and Lachlan Murdoch want for him is attention — as this headline put it, he’s the post Trump MAGA champion,” Stelter claimed.

 “ 'Fox News is increasingly the Tucker Carlson channel, and the Murdochs recently cut a deal with Tucker to expand his profile on Fox’s streaming service, too,” he ranted on. “It’s ultimately all about the Murdocks and what they want. How they’re going to keep the profits flowing by giving the viewers more and more radicalized content — led by Tucker Carlson.' ” . . .