Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Trump’s June 27 Debate Strategy In Three Easy Steps

  Issues & Insights (issuesinsights.com)

Toon added by TD

. . ."1. Put the CNNers on the defensive from the word “go.”

Trump, with the best-known brand in America, can dispense with the customary introductory opening statement and instead establish some ground rules. Specifically, he should leverage the near-universally held expectation that the two CNN anchors will favor Biden and the certainty that the Delawarean will toss an insulting, condescending or rude utterance his way.

To wit:

“Four years ago, a so-called moderator allowed Joe Biden to get away with telling me, the sitting president of the United States, to ‘shut up’ on national television, and with personal insults like ‘clown’ and ‘racist.’ And moderators in both debates shut down exchanges about Joe’s corrupt son Hunter, which polls show might have changed the election result. 

“So will you allow outrageous behavior and insults like that, and protect him from tough questions, or play it fair? Tell us now – the American people are watching.”

Then, every time a moderator gives the remotest appearance of taking sides with or shielding Biden, revive the aforementioned Gipper line: “There you go again.” If that approach doesn’t tame the CNNers, it will set The Donald up for an “appeal” to the American public on fairness.

2. Pick the right moments to confront Biden on two points:

Senile – or Suspect? “Joe, a special counsel said you’re guilty of mishandling docs – the same crime I’m falsely charged with since I had the authority to declassify them. But he claimed you are too senile to be tried. So will you release your Department of Justice to charge you? Or are you too senile to face those to be president and must resign? There’s no other choice. Which is it? And will you release the interview transcripts?”

Rinse and repeat till he answers.

Mea Culpa – or More Canards?  “Joe, four years ago you stood on a debate stage and said the following about damning information about you on Hunter’s laptop, and I quote: ‘50 former national intelligence folks … said that what he’s accusing me of is a Russian plant. … ‘(F)ive former heads of the CIA, both parties, say what he’s saying is a bunch of garbage.’ Unquote.

“But that statement of 51 former officials was the real garbage. It was a hoax drummed up by your current Secretary of State, Blinken, so you knew firsthand it was a lie.

“So will you tonight on this stage apologize for misleading the American people? And how can they believe anything you say now in a debate when you told a whopper that big four years ago?”

3. Change the inevitable “Biden outperformed” narrative by extending the debate.

It is a sure thing that Biden will commit multiple gaffes and utter numerous lies, which will be glossed over with claims that he “held his own” or exceeded the low expectations set for him merely by surviving." . . .

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