Thursday, September 3, 2020

Dems fume as President Trump moves to halt federal funds from riot-torn, lawless cities

BPR  "President Donald Trump is pursuing plans to “defund” Democrat-operated metropolitans like New York City, Seattle, and Portland over their endless violence, and the Democrats running these cities (into the ground) aren’t pleased.
"In a memorandum issued Wednesday, the president expressed his intent, as announced by the White House, “to hold local politicians accountable for refusing to protect their communities from rioting, looting, and mass property destruction.”

My Administration will do everything in its power to prevent weak mayors and lawless cities from taking Federal dollars while they let anarchists harm people, burn buildings, and ruin lives and businesses. We’re putting them on notice today.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

News in brief

Tony Branco
Rand Paul Calls Out Democrats For Remaining Silent After He And His Wife Were Attacked By A Left Wing Mob  "On Thursday night, after the Republican National Convention, Senator Rand Paul and his wife were attacked by a large left wing mob in the streets of Washington, DC.
"Luckily, some police were nearby and came to their aid.
"Democrats have not said a word about the attack. It’s disgusting." . . .

Maxine Waters Urged People To Harass Trump Officials – Now Complains She Gets Threats  . .  . "Waters, one of the earliest supporters of impeachment, said she can no longer “go to the grocery store anymore by myself” and that she has to “pay for security all the time.”
. . . "just months after @RepMaxineWaters instructed her fans to harass anyone serving in the Trump admin. wherever they are seen, (“department store, gas station, restaurant...”) she complains on @MSNBC that she can’t go to the grocery store without security."

 Speaking of well-off:
‘How Much Are You Worth, Nancy?’: Pelosi Heckled at Town Hall While Slamming Trump Tax Law . . . “Are you in abject poverty?” the woman shouted at Pelosi, who is routinely listed among the wealthiest members of Congress." . . .

D.C. Mayor Considers Removing Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial

Portland Rioter Allegedly Stabs Two to Death Just One Week After D.A. Dropped Other Charges Against Him   . . . "Ronn Blitzer filed a report for Fox News on July 30 that district attornies “backed by liberal billionaire George Soros” are and have been “pushing for new practices that could see sharp reductions in prosecutions and incarcerations.”
"In Cook County (where Chicago is located), Soros-backed state’s attorney Kim Foxx is practically a shoo-in for reelection. However: . . ."
Not Satire: The New York Times Is Worried About the Safety of Portland Antifa Rioters
"On Tuesday, The New York Times published a heinously misleading report suggesting that dangerous “right-wing activists” have suddenly introduced violence into the “protests” in cities like Portland and Kenosha, Wisc. " . . .

Biden Blames Dead Trump Supporter For Being In Portland, Says He Was There To Incite Violence…
PragerU Shares Hilarious 2013 Key & Peele Video: ‘How Leftists Think Police Should Do Their Job’  "The video ends with a harsh 2020 reality: “Americans found this laughably absurd in 2013. Sadly, only some do now.' ”

Michigan Democrat Tells CNN They’re Impressed With Progress Trump Has Made Getting People Working On A COVID Vaccine…  Discussion made over anti-Trump chyron

Pelosi ROASTED by San Francisco Media — Flees from Reporters — After Breaking Local Law and Visiting a Shuttered Salon

The Gateway Pundit
"Rules are for the little people.
"Democrats have no problem putting destroying small businesses but they will do as they damn well please!

"Pelosi later released a statement saying she was unaware of the rules.
"Salons can only see clients outside their business starting in September." . . .
Salon owner Erica Kious, in a phone interview with Fox News on Tuesday, shared details of Pelosi’s visit. Kious explained she has independent stylists working for her who rent chairs in her salon.
“ 'One of the stylists who rents a chair from me contacted me Sunday night,” Kious said.
"A screengrab of the text message she received from one of her stylists, and obtained by Fox News, said: “I’ll be there at 2:45 tomorrow. Pelosi assistant just messaged me to do her hair.”
"Kious replied: “Pelosi?”

Pelosi used shuttered San Francisco hair salon for blow-out, owner calls it 'slap in the face'
"Salons in San Francisco had been closed since March and were only notified they could reopen on Sept. 1 for outdoor hairstyling services only. 
'I am sharing this because of what everyone in my industry and my city ... is going through right now.' " — Salon owner Erica Kious

Nancy Pelosi claims she 'fell for a SET UP' when she was caught getting a wash and blow dry in defiance of COVID lockdown rules and demands an APOLOGY from the salon after Trump mocked her
  • Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she fell for a 'set up' by the salon where she had her hair done and that it owes her an apology 
  • 'It was a set up, and I take responsibility for falling for a setup,' she said 
  • 'I think that this salon owes me an apology, for setting me up,' she said
  • Pelosi visited the San Francisco salon on Monday and was caught on video camera footage in the salon and not wearing  a mask
  • She said she wasn't wearing one because she just had her hair washed
  • 'That picture is when I just came out of the bowl,' she said
  • President Donald Trump mocked her for getting caught mask-less at salon
  • 'The Beauty Parlor owner must really dislike Crazy Nancy Pelosi. Turning her in, on tape, is a really big deal,' Trump tweeted  

Where’s ‘The Talk’ When We Need It?

Ann Coulter  "For many years now, we’ve gotten mountains of press about “The Talk,” the rite of passage lecture that black parents feel obliged to give their sons so that they won’t end up getting shot by the police. Apparently, unlike white people who are always fighting with cops and resisting arrest, young black men must be purer than Caesar’s wife.
"The main points of “The Talk,” according to Wikipedia, are the following:

— Pulling over your vehicle right away
— Keeping hands visible on the steering wheel and not making sudden moves
— Not reaching for items in your wallet or glove compartment without informing the law enforcement officer first
— Being as polite as possible, using “Yes sir, officer”— Not arguing, even if you are right
"Having seen video footage of the arrests of George Floyd (fighting with cops), Rayshard Brooks (fighting with cops) and Jacob Blake (fighting with cops), it looks like at least some black men in America could use a refresher course on “The Talk.”
"What we need is a BLM-administered version of “The Talk,” requiring a notarized certificate of completion, acknowledging that the participants: 1) took the course, 2) understood it and 3) pledge to act in accordance with it.
"True, it’s unfair that white people are allowed free rein to curse cops, lunge at them with knives and reach into a car as the police are yelling at them not to move. White people get to play fun “Surprise!” games with the police: I could be reaching for a glock — or it could be a strawberry push-pop! You’ll just have to wait and see, officer.
"A Slate article about “The Talk” complained that white people protesting Michigan’s lockdown “could arrive, armed and screaming, in government buildings and be afforded unending patience by law enforcement.”
"Of course, it’s generally not against the law (in an open carry state) either to be armed or to scream. Some Black Lives Matter protesters have even been known to scream.
"This is despite the media’s firm conviction that any armed white man is, ipso facto, a marauding racist. Reporting on an anti-Obamacare rally in Phoenix, Arizona, in 2009, MSNBC zoomed in on guns slung on a man’s body, as Contessa Brewer ominously warned: “A man at a pro-health care reform rally … wore a semiautomatic assault rifle on his shoulder and a pistol on his hip … there are questions about whether this has racial overtones … white people showing up with guns.”
"There was a reason MSNBC never showed the man’s face: He was African American. And yet, he wasn’t arrested or harassed — other than by MSNBC.
"The only places where white privilege is truly on display are lily-white, left-wing redoubts like Seattle, Kenosha, Wisconsin, and Portland, Oregon. The latter was recently described by the New York Times as “one of the whitest big cities in America.” In these pale cities, white anarchists are permitted to commit arson, vandalism, assault and even murder with abandon.
"Why no antifa activity in mostly black cities, like Baltimore, Ferguson, Missouri, or Chicago?
"Evidently, these bad-ass antifa are too afraid to riot in any majority black cities. They claim to be destroying public and private property on behalf of their black brethren, but are terrified of being around actual black people.
"White antifa have been rioting in Portland (super white!) for more than three months now. "On the rare occasion when they get arrested, they’re immediately released, often bailed out with funds provided by white celebrities like Seth Rogen, Abbi Jacobson and Steve Carell.
"Now that’s “white privilege.”  

Kyle Rittenhouse Spotted Cleaning Kenosha
Graffiti Before Shooting
    There’s been an all-out war on Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old who shot three antifa in Kenosha in what seems clearly to be self-defense, based on The New York Times’ reconstruction of events. Rittenhouse was in Kenosha to protect people and property from violence; he rendered first aid to the protesters; later ended up being chased by antifa goons, heard a gunshot behind him, nearly had his head beat in with a skateboard and was threatened with a gun.
 'The people he killed were: a convicted child molester and a convicted domestic violence repeat offender, both of whom had served time in prison. (It takes a lot to get prison time in America — especially if you’re white, right BLM?) The guy Rittenhouse shot in the arm had a firearms conviction and was coming at him with a gun.   Full Article

The Democrats Explain Their Voter Fraud Plans

Power Line  "I expect that President Trump will be re-elected in November. The Democrats apparently expect that as well. At least, the Democratic Party web site Axios does. Thus, Axios is warning the party’s faithful that President Trump is likely to win–apparently–on November 3. But never fear: weeks remain in which the Democrats can harvest fake ballots!
"A top Democratic data and analytics firm told “Axios on HBO” it’s highly likely that President Trump will appear to have won — potentially in a landslide — on election night, even if he ultimately loses when all the votes are counted.
"Why this matters: Way more Democrats will vote by mail than Republicans, due to fears of the coronavirus, and it will take days if not weeks to tally these. This means Trump, thanks to Republicans doing almost all of their voting in person, could hold big electoral college and popular vote leads on election night.
"An alternative explanation: Democrats are not that much more afraid of the mild COVID virus than Republicans. Rather, fake Democratic ballots are far more likely to come in by mail, mysteriously mailed in by persons to whom they may or may not have been addressed–millions of those people being dead, moved away, or ineligible to vote. The “vote by junk mail” regime established in a number of states by the Democrats opens the door to voter fraud to an unprecedented degree. Which was, of course, the idea."
"Under one of the group’s modeling scenarios, Trump could hold a projected lead of 408-130 electoral votes on election night, if only 15% of the vote by mail (VBM) ballots had been counted.

* Once 75% of mail ballots were counted, perhaps four days later, the lead could flip to Biden’s favor.
* This particular modeling scenario portrays Biden as ultimately winning a massive victory, 334-204.

"Yeah, right. Most people would say the salient point is that on election night, the Democrats know exactly how many ballots they need to fabricate to “win” a particular state–much like the “ballot harvesting” campaign that they carried out in California in 2018.
"Perhaps the most notable feature of this story is that a relatively prominent Democratic Party news outlet acknowledges it is likely that President Trump will “seem” to have won a landslide victory on Election Day, so that “weeks” of post-election fraud by the Democrats will be needed to throw the election into chaos. Will that happen? At the moment, it seems likely."

So much for "The City of Roses".
'Antifa Member' Tipped as Portland's Next Mayor  "A notorious radical-left activist, and self-proclaimed Antifa member, is tipped to be in the running to take over as the next mayor of Portland, Oregon.
"Voters in Portland will decide in November whether to elect Sarah Iannarone as an Antifa mayor, even after President Donald Trump vowed to declare the violent far-left group a domestic terrorism organization.
"Iannarone, a longtime Portland community organizer, has made no secret of her political sympathies.
"Last year, she proudly declared “I am Antifa” and wholly embraced the “Antifa mayor” label." . . .

Mayor Imbecile wants to blame the president for Democrats killing a Trump supporter in the streets of Portland. The media aids him in his lies.  . . . "The CNN division of the Ministry of Misinformation reported, "His forceful comments come one day after a person was shot and killed in downtown Portland after an evening of violent clashes between Trump supporters and protesters denouncing police brutality."
"There is no police brutality in Portland.
"Trump supporters killed no one in Portland.
"The lies continue." . . .

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Reportedly Fleeing His Condo After Attacks By Antifa
Antifa rioters broke inside a dentist office by @tedwheeler’s condo, stole furniture to set on fire & started a fire in the lobby. #PortlandRiots #antifa
. . . “ 'I urge you to prioritize public safety and to request federal assistance to restore law and order in Portland,”[ Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad] Wolf wrote in the letter dated Aug. 31. “We are standing by to support Portland. At the same time, President Trump has made it abundantly clear that there will come a point when state and local officials fail to protect its citizens from violence, the federal government will have no choice but to protect our American citizens.' ” . . .

Silence About the Violence

Victor Davis Hanson
Biden and his enablers can’t decide whether the mayhem helps or hurts his candidacy. 

"It is not just conservatives at the recent Republican National Convention who wonder why the Democratic Party and its media appendages have not without qualification decried the looting, arson, violence, and occasional killing that have swept the nation’s cities.
"Recently even left-wing CNN’s incendiary Don Lemon wondered out loud why Joe Biden and the Democratic powers have not at least tried to square the circle of deploring police overreach while at the same time going through the motions of condemning the utter lawlessness that often breaks out at dusk in Chicago, Portland, and Seattle, and now in smaller cities such as Kenosha, Wis. What Lemon praised in June, he now seems terrified about in August. But for that matter, most retired generals and media anchors who assured us in June that there were only a “small” number of violent protesters have long grown silent after the occupation of Seattle and the Alamo siege of the police precinct in Portland.
"This fight of voter backlash about crime has infected the entire Democratic elite — glued to volatile internal polls that do not lie — whether it is Nancy Pelosi’s demanding no debates, Michelle Obama’s obsessing with “Vote! Vote! And Vote!” or Hillary Clinton’s urging Biden to never “under any circumstances” concede the election that apparently she now believes he could well lose." . . .
America is both being held hostage by thugs in the street and in reaction blackmailed by the Democratic Party. The street brigades and their various enablers know that they represent a key constituency in the new socialist Democratic Party. And so they will riot and burn until Election Day in the belief, as narcissists, that they are winning converts, but also in their surety that Biden will be elected by the sheer chaos they spawn on Trump’s watch.

14 Mostly Accurate CNN Headlines From The Last 6,000 Years Of Human History

Actually, inventing parody of CNN or MSNBC is pretty redundant. They are the nightly authors of really good stuff of their own

Babylon Bee

"CNN has been there from the beginning, always running toward the important stories and absolutely never covering them up. We went through CNN's archives and dug up these 14 headlines they published while covering some of the most significant events of human history. They are truly a bastion of truth and honesty in journalism.
2348 BC: Watery But Mostly Peaceful Flood Destroys Earth
1025 BC: David Circumcises 200 Philistines In Mostly Painless Medical Procedure
33 AD:     Mostly Peaceful Crowd Demands Jesus Be Crucified
79 AD:     Fiery But Mostly Dormant Mount Vesuvius Erupts
1235 AD: Genghis Khan Attacks China In Mostly Pacifist Invasion
1347 AD: Black Death Peacefully Kills Millions, Trump To Blame
1453 AD: Constantinople Liberated By Religion Of Mostly Peace
1937 AD: Hindenburg Has Mostly Pleasant Flight
1945 AD: America Drops Two Mostly Peaceful Nuclear Bombs On Japan
1959 AD: Chinese Citizens Mostly Don't Starve To Death In Great Famine
1986 AD: USSR Reactor At Chernobyl Mostly Not Exploded
1997 AD: McDonald's Unveils Mostly Functional McFlurry Machine
2008 AD: Obama Runs Mostly Scandal-Free Administration
2017 AD: The Last Jedi Mostly Not A Terrible Movie
"Great job, CNN!"

Real information, not parody, relating to CNN headlines:
Ouch: CSPAN Caller Dunks on Brian Stelter and CNN Over Their Lies  . . . " 'You guys always talk about how many times Trump has lied. I've calculated that with your chyrons – you know, I don't know if there's any journalists left at CNN – but if I were to estimate, 300 different distortions or misinformation that we get out of CNN – and you have to watch it at the airport, which is harsh – but if you added all that up to 46 months, it comes out to be 300,000+ distortions of truth," the caller from Minnesota explained. 
"In particular, the caller took issue with how CNN and other mainstream news outlets, like The Washington Post, treated Nick Sandmann, the teenager who was defamed during last year's March for Life.

" 'So my thing here is that you guys, this is how low you'll go. It's that you went out and made lies and defamed a child and then you had to settle out of court, pay this child for distorting information about this young individual. I would say that if anything is happening at CNN and anybody who buys your book, it's really just one of those things that's dividing our nation," he said. "I don't believe in dividing our nation. It hurts our great nation, so CNN really is the enemy of the truth." . . .  Then Stelter blames it on "media-bashing"!

'You're nothing but a stooge': C-SPAN callers go all in on Brian Stelter and trash CNN as 'the enemy of the truth'  . .  . "Another caller poked fun at Stelter's appearance, calling him "Humpty Dumpty" and attacking CNN's credibility as a news network.
" 'There's a couple comments, one about their chyrons that they put underneath while people are watching things, like the other day they put on 'Fiery but mostly peaceful protests,'" said the caller. "Yeah, laugh there, Humpty Dumpty, we all know you're not reliable. You're nothing but a stooge.' " . . .

It's evening again in Joe Biden's America

Simon de Hunderhutte     Complete article here.
. . . "Tonight, more men and women than ever before in our country's history will fear for their lives in what were previously safe neighborhoods -- by dawn's early light their homes and their businesses may be burned to the ground.

"Citizens of this once-great nation have no confidence in the future, because godless thugs who declare that "some lives matter" have no respect for ANY one's life.

"Under cover of darkness, these psycho-sloganists have emerged from their parents' basements -- jazzed on K-cup espressos and month-old Twinkies, armed with frozen water bottles of Poland Spring and rocky pieces of garden gnomes -- they lurch onward into someone else's neighborhood -- or are bused in by the uber-rich who've never once needed to call for an Uber.

"Under the bunker-based leadership of a man who's now no more than a cheap wax-museum figure of his former self, Joe Biden, many of the Democrat-run parts of the country are adrift in self-hatred, tribalism and cancel-culture shenanigans.

"Yes, it's evening again in Joe Biden's America -- but why would you want to continue with four more years of Donald Trump's vision of safety in the streets? What's wrong with you? Only a racist -- like Trump -- would want to do that.

"Check your privilege at the door, pal.

"(Biden Sound-alike) I'm Joe Biden and... what was it I was supposed to approve again?"

As Biden falls in the polls, the media's lies get bigger

Jack Hellner  "The more desperate the media becomes to elect the corrupt, incompetent Joe Biden, the bigger and more numerous the lies.
"We have been treated to Democrat campaign workers, posing as journalists,  and other Democrats throwing crap against the wall for five years  to elect one corrupt Democrat after another. No matter how obvious the lies become the more they repeat them.
"One of the biggest loads of excrement I have seen came out of the mouths of the Washington Post editorial board on Friday when they had the garbage headline “Global Freedom would suffer grievous harm in a second Trump Term.”  They claim this will happen because he embraces dictators and he is rejecting U.S. democracy. They know they are lying because the facts show that it was Obama/Biden who catered throughout their eight years to dictators and they know Trump's policies and actions have been much harsher towards the dictators and tyrants.  If they don’t know they are lying they clearly have had their brain removed as they are rewriting history.
His embrace of dictators and rejection of U.S. democracy can only get worse.
"As for catering to dictators around the World and global freedom:
"Obama and Biden refused to honor the U.S. commitment to provide missile shields to Poland and the Czech Republic to appease Putin. They did not care about the freedom or safety of the Eastern Europeans, only pleasing Putin. Trump gave the weapons systems because he cared about the people, not Putin.
"Obama and Biden refused to provide defensive weapons to Ukraine to appease Putin. They did not care about the freedom or safety of the people in Ukraine, only pleasing Putin. Trump gave the weapons because he cared about the people, not Putin.
"Obama pulled troops out of Iraq and allowed ISIS to build a power base to threaten the freedom of the people in the area. This allowed Iran and Syria to become more powerful. Trump took out ISIS.
"Hillary and Biden enriched themselves and their families with huge kickbacks from foreign parties including from countries run by dictators. They clearly didn’t give damn about the freedom of the people, only themselves.
"The Obama administration approved selling uranium to Russia's Vladimir Putin after the Clinton family got huge kickbacks. They clearly cared more about Putin than the freedom or safety of the people.
"Obama drew a fictional red line in Syria and then refused to enforce it to appease Putin, Iran and Assad. That allowed ISIS and Assad to maintain power. How stupid was it for Obama and Kerry to trust Putin to monitor the chemical weapons in Syria?  Obama/Biden clearly cared more about the dictators than the freedom of the people. We don’t hear much about Syria after Trump destroyed ISIS." . . .

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

From July, 2017: Did billionaire leftist George Soros break his promise to ANTIFA?

Like pirates of old, they get payment from looting and booty


"HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (INTELLIHUB) — Despite that fact that ANTIFA members were labeled “anarchist extremists” by the New Jersey Department of Homeland Security on June 12, the radical leftists continue to operate with impunity all across the United States.
"ANTIFA members usually show up to rallies and marches sporting all black attire with red accents, like masks, dew rags, bandanas, wristbands, and shoelaces, somewhat similar to those worn the skinhead movement. On days of protest it’s not out of the ordinary to spot ANTIFA members either masking up or unmasking themselves in random inconspicuous public areas.
"Billionaire leftist George Soros is the most likely candidate. We know this because back in April a California faction of ANTIFA demanded that they be paid the money which they were promised.
"On April 2, Beverley Hills Antifa tweeted: “Antifa demands George Soros pay us the money he owes. Unite comrades and fight for $15/hour. #Resist.”
Antifa demands George Soros pay us the money he owes.Unite comrades and fight for $15/hour. #Resist— Beverly Hills Antifa (@BevHillsAntifa) April 3, 2017
 "It appears that Beverly Hills Antifa may have been paying protesters “$15/hour” which raises the question: How much was the faction promised by Soros? Just enough to cover payroll, or far more?
"And it appears that Soros may have ponied up because the faction still remains active to this day and even recently posted a video to Twitter offering ‘6 rioting tips for newbs’ which the ANTIFA promises will help ‘take their anarchy to the next level.’ Shockingly, the faction’s spokesman even recommends “doing a little shoplifting.' ” . . .

What is antifa and who funds it?
"Antifa is an umbrella term to describe radical left-leaning militant groups that typically confront neo-Nazism and white supremacists at demonstrations."
That term is loosely applied to any and all who dare oppose Antifa anarchy and the violence they bring with it. They are the same age demographic that gave the world the Communist Revolution of 1917 and all the decades of failure and oppression inherent in the philosophy.

The People's Cube
Oleg Atabashian: An open letter to America. . . "Given a chance politically, those mobs will become the official revolutionary police force with uniforms, weapons, and everything they need to enforce the rule of The Tyranny. What you see now - organized mobs - is simply the form they can get away with at the present time.
"God bless America and give us the strength we need to preserve our country and our liberty, not only for our generation but for all our posterity, as our forefathers before us bestowed it to us."   Karl Marx Treatment Center

"Oleg Atbashian is an American writer and graphic artist. He was born in June, 1960, in Cherkassy, Ukraine, which was then part of the totalitarian Soviet Union. His writings present a view of America and the world through the prism of his Soviet experience. He is the author of Shakedown Socialism and the creator of a satirical website,, which Rush Limbaugh described on his show as “a Stalinist version of The Onion.” His essays and satires have been translated into many languages and his graphics reproduced in various publications around the world." . . .