Saturday, June 1, 2024

Democrat world: Soros-Backed DA’s Office Gave Free Consultations to Illegal Aliens Charged With Violent Crimes

 Daily Signal

  “ 'Essentially, DA Krasner is rewarding foreign nationals for committing crimes in the United States.” “And he is doing so at the expense of the city he is sworn to protect,” O’Brien said." Jason Hopkins

"Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner’s office provided free consultations and legal assistance to illegal aliens charged with violent felonies in 2023, documents reveal.

"The taxpayer-funded consultations were provided to migrants charged with various heinous crimes—including rape, robbery, strangulation, aggravated assault, and homicide by vehicle—in an ostensible effort to help them avoid convictions that would lead to their deportation, documents obtained by the Immigration Reform Law Institute reveal.

"Krasner created the position of immigration counsel in 2018 to provide consultations and work on cases involving illegal aliens.

" 'He is directly contradicting the purpose of a district attorney—to prosecute crimes—and using his office to help immigration violators evade the law,” Dale Wilcox, executive director and general counsel of the Immigration Reform Law Institute, said of Krasner. “The last thing the city needs is to keep criminal aliens there who may have earned deportation.”

"The Immigration Reform Law Institute outlined issues with the case list and questioned the objectives of the immigration counsel position in an investigative report published Thursday.

"Krasner first won election as Philadelphia’s district attorney in 2017, after left-wing billionaire George Soros dropped well over $1 million to fund a super PAC to support him in the Democratic primary. Like all Soros-backed prosecutors, Krasner ran on a left-wing approach to criminal justice, which calls for ending mass incarceration and shielding illegal aliens from deportation by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement." . . .

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