Saturday, September 18, 2021

Her Royal Masklessness, AOC's dress and her famous behind


Michael Ramirez

Maskless AOC Wears Dress With 'Tax The Rich' On It To $30,000 Per Ticket Met Gala (   
Dave Portnoy
 commented: “Tax the Rich”……But first I’m gonna go have the time of my life partying with them all at the most extravagant over the top party of the year that is essentially a celebration of richness."

Sorry, AOC: The rich already pay their fair share ( . . . "Polls rarely ask these people what a “fair share” looks like. Is a quarter of someone’s earnings enough? A third? Because the rich have been shouldering an increasingly larger share of the cost of government.
"The United States already has one of the most progressive tax systems in the free world. Those who make over $207,350 now pay 35 percent in income tax. Those who make $518,400 or more pay a 37 percent income-tax rate. At some point, taxation should be considered theft."
No, progressive taxation isn’t socialism. But the justifications made for tax hikes these days certainly are. Ocasio-Cortez is a fraud, of course, but it’s her retrograde economic theorizing that’s the real problem. And in this age of populism, increasing numbers of Americans are accepting Marxist conceptions of American life, in which the successful are parasites and everyone else is a victim of their greed....

 Artist says AOC's 'tax the rich' Met Gala dress was a rip-off (

...AOC was also lampooned for touting James, 36, as a “Black woman immigrant designer” who got her fashion start at a NYC flea market, after it was revealed that the couturier grew up in a wealthy Toronto suburb.

 Bill Maher on AOC's 'Tax the Rich' Dress: 'Let's Not Lie, the Rich Pay a Lot of the Taxes' (  ..."HBO's Bill Maher criticized Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) over her "Tax the Rich" dress she wore at the Met Gala, and her recent comments that alleges menstruating is not exclusive to women.

"Maher first blasted the Met Gala where all of the event staff were wearing masks while the lawmakers and celebrities in attendance did not.

" 'There's something about this that's not liberal to me," Maher said. "Do the germs know who the good people are?"

"He then critiqued the message on Ocasio-Cortez's dress and outlined that "the richest 65,000 New Yorkers out of 8 million people pay 51 percent of taxes.' ". . . 

The Left’s Masked Servants ( . . ".During Monday night's annual Met Gala in New York City, where individual tickets cost $30,000 and tables go for $270,000, socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez showed up in a designer white gown with the words "Tax the Rich" in red lettering on the backside. When asked about the message she was trying to send she said, "What it means to be working-class women of color at the Met." Immediately, she exposed herself as a fraud."...

John Kennedy: Trusting Biden Admin with Immigration Is Like 'Trusting Harvey Weinstein with your Daughter'

 Breitbart  . . . “ 'Look, I regret having to say this, but when it comes to illegal immigration, you just can’t trust the Biden administration. It would be like trusting Harvey Weinstein with your daughter,” Kennedy declared. “When it comes to illegal immigration, the Biden administration lies like they breathe. They’re like timeshare salesmen. I mean, they’re peerless. The truth is that the Biden administration has an open border policy. The truth is that this year we’ll have well over 2 million people coming into our country, allowed in by the president, and we don’t have the slightest idea who they are. And I believe that the reason that they’re limiting drone usage is because they don’t want the American public to know, and I think this is illegal. And I think they are also misreading the American people. The American people support legal immigration. That’s why we welcome about a million of our world’s neighbors every year to become American citizens legally. That’s more than any other country in the world, but we do not support illegal immigration.”

“ '[W]e now have an open border policy,” he added. “The nutjobs are in charge in the Biden administration.' ”

Scrappy Fox News teaches Biden administration's censors a lesson

  American Thinker  "In the crudest crypto-censorship since dictators made newsprint unavailable, the Biden administration tried to shut down Fox News's coverage of the border crisis by cutting off its drone access for camera shots, depriving the network of the ability to broadcast the actual news in pictures as it was happening on the ground.  The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which has never been misused in this way, claimed its two-week shutoff was all about public safety.  Thomas Lifson wrote about the sorry spectacle here.

"Here's the real reason: Fox News's original reporting, done by Bill Melugin (a must-follow on Twitter), documented a historic crisis building at the border as tens of thousands of migrants swarmed into the U.S. near Del Rio, Texas.  The photos were shocking and embarrassing to the Biden administration.  The Bidenites wanted those pictures shut down.  Coverage like Fox's was clearly making an impact on public opinion and had potential to force the Bidenites to take action to halt the unprecedented invasion or else face voter consequences.". . . 

"That's grit.  That's winning.  That's journalism as it ought to be known. And Fox deserves all the kudos out there for outwitting a band of thuggy de facto censors who thought they could shut off news photos from the public, no matter what was going on.

"Fox was practicing what's called "reporting," and it's a refreshing spectacle.". . .  

Byron York's Daily Memo: George W. Bush's dreadful 9/11 speech

Tony Branco

 Washington Examiner   "President Joe Biden was silent during Saturday's 9/11 commemoration events. So were former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. Former President Donald Trump visited a New York City police precinct and fire station, where he made a few impromptu remarks.

"The only president who delivered a formal speech on 9/11 was former President George W. Bush. And it was terrible.

"In two ways. First, Bush's speech was as much about decrying today's political divisions as it was about remembering the events of Sept. 11. But Bush showed an astonishing lack of self-awareness of the role his own actions played in creating those divisions. And second, Bush helped widen those divisions by endorsing a Rachel Maddow-esque argument that an equivalence exists between the plane-hijacking, murderous terrorists of Sept. 11, 2001, and the Capitol rioters of Jan. 6, 2021 — a comparison that has no basis in fact but has done much to sour the national debate.

"Bush spoke at ceremonies for Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. It was the site of perhaps the most heroic of many heroic acts by Americans on Sept. 11. The passengers who fought back against the hijackers sacrificed their own lives to save the victims the terrorists were targeting. In the process, they likely also saved the Capitol, or perhaps the White House, from attack.

"Bush praised their courage. He praised the courage of Americans who volunteered for the armed forces in the years that followed. And he praised the selflessness of Americans who helped one another at the time. There was great unity in that moment, Bush said. "In the weeks and months following the 9/11 attacks, I was proud to lead an amazing, resilient, united people," Bush said. But now, those days seem far, far away, and a "malign force" is at work in American life:". . . 

Is Dubya Really an Effin' Moron? - Greg Crosby (

"When Bush condemns domestic extremists,' he's NOT talking about Antifa or radical BLM rioters. He's talking about the Deplorables, about us," former Trump campaign senior adviser Steve Cortes wrote. "He also assails the very people he sent to fight and die in his disastrous wars," he added. "He's the worst president ever.' ". . . 
. . . "Dr. Sebastian Gorka, radio host and former deputy assistant to former President Trump, wrote, "I didn't think George Bush could disgrace himself any more than he already has, I was wrong,' ". . . 

Friday, September 17, 2021

Biden Administration BUYING American Hostages |

  The Black Sphere   

As predictable as Hunter Biden’s next meetup with a prostitute, the “Big Guy” negotiated a deal for American hostages left in Afghanistan.

"Of course that’s not how the media is spinning this story whereby Biden sent $68 million to the Taliban. But make no mistake about it; incompetent Joey Demento exited Afghanistan like a bitch, and now he must buy back Americans.
"Thus, along with “leave no man behind,” Biden also obliterated “I will not negotiate with terrorists.” Sure. Unless it means saving face politically.

"As The Daily Mail reported,

The Taliban has thanked the world for pledging more than a billion dollars in emergency aid to Afghanistan, and urged the US to show ‘heart’ by donating more.

Amir Khan Muttaqi, the regime’s acting foreign minister, told a press conference the hardline Islamist group would spend donor money wisely and use it to alleviate poverty.

He was speaking a day after the United Nations said a total of $1.2billion in aid had been pledged to Afghanistan, $64 million of which came from the US."...

...On my radio show and elsewhere I said that the Taliban would use the Americans left behind as bargaining chips. And that the Biden administration would say that money sent to Afghanistan was “humanitarian aid” in order to get Americans back. Biden learned this little trick from his hero, Baby Black Jesus. We all know what Obama did with a plane full of money. It was the largest blatant money laundering scheme in American history.   

 Kevin Jackson;

Biden Administration Blacks Out Media Coverage Of Border Crisis –

10,000+ Illegals Flood Into Del Rio Texas, Turning It Into Garbage Dump… | Weasel Zippers

Def-Con News (   "The Biden administration is finally doing something about the border crisis Joe created but it’s not what you think. The FAA has essentially blacked out media coverage of a massive border surge in Texas, banning the press from flying drones that show 10,000+ illegal aliens storming our country. Out of sight, out of mind.

"A few days ago, there were 4,200 illegal aliens at the international bridge in Del Rio, Texas but now that number has grown to over 10,000. Fox News’ Bill Melugin had been using a drone camera to document the scope of the crisis but the Biden administration has put a halt to that:

Biden sued by 12 states over climate executive order: 'Enormous expansion of federal regulatory power'

 Fox Business

Lawsuit argues that Biden does not have the authority to set a 'social cost' for greenhouse gases

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel announced Thursday that the RNC intends to sue President Joe Biden over new COVID-19 vaccine mandates, which directly impact the private sector.

"Joe Biden told Americans when he was elected that he would not impose vaccine mandates. He lied," McDaniel said in a statement. "Now small businesses, workers, and families across the country will pay the price."

" 'Like many Americans, I am pro-vaccine and anti-mandate," McDaniel added. "Many small businesses and workers do not have the money or legal resources to fight Biden’s unconstitutional actions and authoritarian decrees, but when his decree goes into effect, the RNC will sue the administration to protect Americans and their liberties."

"Earlier Thursday, Biden formally announced his plan to force companies with more than 100 employees to vaccinate workers against the coronavirus or test them weekly and dismissed concerns about encroaching on personal freedoms.". . . 


Vaccinated Man Just Wishes There Was Something That Could Protect Him From COVID | Parody from The Babylon Bee ...“ 'The government needs to round up all those deranged, unvaccinated lunatics and take them far away from us,” said Benjamin Reed, who had the Moderna vaccine. “They have the COVID and could give it to us. I spend all my waking hours worrying about us elite vaccinated people being tainted by the COVID.' ”... "It was important to protect ourselves from COVID before the vaccine, but now that we have it and have become higher beings—the vaccinated—it’s even more important that we be protected.' ”

| The Babylon Bee: Woman Attending Ultra-Exclusive Gala For The Elite In Expensive Designer Dress Lectures Nation On Inequality

 Woman Attending Ultra-Exclusive Gala For The Elite In Expensive Designer Dress Lectures Nation On Inequality | The Babylon Bee

NEW YORK, NY—A rich, politically powerful woman, extremely privileged in her upbringing and current societal status, attended an ultra-exclusive gala for the elite today in an expensive designer dress, sources confirmed.

"The woman attended the $30,000 event in order to wear a message on the designer dress that 99.9999% of women through all of human history could only dream of ever affording. That message was that inequality is a real problem and that we need to tax the rich more. "She is simply stunning her in her beautiful Tax the Rich dress," said one entertainment reporter. "What a powerful message for all of us poors." 

"At publishing time, the woman had momentarily considered that maybe she is actually part of the wealthy bourgeoisie and not an oppressed minority, but she quickly brushed the disturbing thought aside."

Cops Confront Dem Politician Over Ties To ‘Defund Police’…

 Weasel Zippers   "McAuliffe gets angry."

I say he didn't get angry; he used the old politician's trick of using an angry reaction to shut down a challenge. Sadly, it works too often. If you challenge a politician, expect them to pull the old anger card to distract you from his - or her (Jen Psaki, for example) not answering you.  TD

Diagnosing Joe

Letters to the Editor: Can a First Lady Be Held Responsible? | The American Spectator  "Americans are aware that there have been past presidents of the United States who have concealed health problems. Two in recent memory were Franklin Delano Roosevelt

when he could no longer walk because of polio and JFK who concealed celiac disease and a host of other health problems which could have eventually caused a crippling condition. However, I don’t recall a former president who concealed, or tried to conceal, a health issue that involved his ability to reason or to think out necessary decisions that might affect the safety and welfare of our republic. 

"The question that I am asking is whether a first lady can be held responsible for concealing from the public and lying to the press about a husband whose mental acuity might be a threat to the safety and welfare of our nation. And that is the question!". . . 

Joe Biden Is Worse Than COVID

  . . . Despite universal, dishonest media coverage propping up his administration this man has botched everything he has touched for the eight months he’s occupied the White House, culminating in an historic, dishonorable humiliation in
Afghanistan which has driven his approval ratings into the 30’s. Biden’s handlers have panicked, pivoting to the one issue America has yet to recognize his misgovernance in. . . .

Biden and Russia: How to Start a War | National Review 

If Trump was unpredictably blunt, Biden is too often predictably confused. And he appears frail, sending the message to autocracies that America’s commander in chief is not fully in control.

 NBC’s O’Donnell Asks Psaki: ‘Is There an Explanation for Why [Biden] Coughs So Frequently?’ :: Grabien News

“Many of us were in the East Room watching the president,” she said, presumably referencing a speech about the economy Biden gave that morning. “We’ve seen him on many occasions where he has a repeated cough. What is the situation with that cough, and is that a concern?”

Who and What Is Tearing the U.S. Apart?

Intellectual Takeout   "In Shanksville, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, former President George W. Bush's theme was national unity—and how it has been lost over these past 20 years. "In the weeks and months following the 9/11 attacks," said Bush,

"I was proud to lead an amazing, resilient, united people. When it comes to the unity of America, those days seem distant from our own. A malign force seems at work in our common life that turns every disagreement into an argument, and every argument into a clash of cultures."

"Though he surely did not realize it, Bush had himself, moments before, given us an example of how that unity was destroyed when he drew a parallel between the terrorists of 9/11 and the Trump protesters of Jan 6. Said Bush:". . . 

...Americans fear they are losing their country to the uninvited and invading millions of the Global South coming to dispossess them of their patrimony. They never voted for this invasion and have wanted their chosen leaders to stop it. Former President Donald Trump earned their trust because he tried and, to a great degree, succeeded. ...

Joe Biden Tried to Bully Joe Manchin, Here's How That Went –

  RedState  . . . "What was even the thought here? That because Joe Biden once had cordial relationships in the Senate years ago that he could play closer as president? To the extent that Biden was ever truly gifted in rallying support, something that is mostly a myth, he certainly doesn’t have that ability anymore. Since taking office, Biden has shifted radically left, making him one of the worst banner carriers for moderation and compromise. In short, if Biden is your closer, you’ve got issues.

"Besides, why would anyone listen to a president who is currently experiencing his lowest approval ratings to date? The political realities for both Biden and Manchin are really what this comes down to. Manchin has zero incentive to fold here. If he does, he seals his fate back in West Virginia. And for what? To make Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from Queens happy? It just doesn’t line up, and that’s ultimately why Biden’s attempt to bully Manchin failed here."...