Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Afghanistan: The Fall of the American Empire

By Zhaogen Chu , China "If [Obama] follows public opinion and gives up on Afghanistan, this will allow Al-Qaeda to come back and the U.S. and the rest of the world will never have peace again."...."It has been pointed out that the failure of the American troops in Afghanistan will most likely be the American version of the Battle of Adrianople in the year of 378. This battle was the prelude to the invasion of the Germans and the collapse of Roman Empire and has resulted in the ill fortune of Western civilization for 1,100 years!"

"Architects of Ruin" hints of why Obama disses medical malpractice caps

By: Mark Tapscott "In short, it wasn't "deregulation of the financial markets" or "out-of-control capitalism," as depicted by purveyors of the conventional wisdom, it was too much politically correct regulation mandating that lenders throw out common sense and decades of experience in order to make loans that were almost certain to go unpaid."

Liberal Lies About National Health Care, Part 5

by Ann Coulter "The way I remember it, Republicans swept Congress in 1994 not because Clinton failed to nationalize health care, but because he tried to nationalize health care. HillaryCare failed because most Americans didn't want it. (For more on this, see "ObamaCare.")"

Obama’s Dilemma

By Max Boot "...give McChrystal what he needs. If he does, he will undoubtedly suffer a short-term hit with public opinion, which has turned against the war. But in the long term, backing the McChrystal approach will allow Obama to burnish his badly tarnished centrist credentials. More important, it will allow him to rescue a failing war effort that he himself has dubbed a “war of necessity.”"

One more Post about Afghanistan - Charles Krauthammer Speaks

Blackfive/ Krauthammer "Here is what Charles Krauthammer has to say about the lack of a strategy - and it's important to watch to get an understanding of RECENT history:"

Afghanistan: Better Be Sure

Blackfive "We'll be carrying all of that weight in Afghanistan for a long time to come. We need to know if the political will exists to do that. That is what the military is counting on to make the projected, very small Afghan security forces workable. "...."Our soldiers and Marines must not be kept out there if we do not mean to win."

Treasury Memo: Cap and Trade Would Devastate U.S. Industrial Base, Trigger Energy Rationing

California Chronicle "The United States gained steel jobs from Spain because the manufacturer's costs under the European Union’s cap-and-trade program chased the jobs to Kentucky, Horner said. However, that foreshadows how cap and trade could cost the United States jobs that move abroad, he said. "

An Obama Treasury of Mother Goose Rhymes

Herman Steinbeck Three blind mice, three blind mice See how they sneer, see how they sneer They all play up to the left wing base They cut off their nose to spite their face Have you ever seen such a total disgrace As three blind mice. (ABC, NBC & CBS?)


Boortz "Worried? Even a little? How far would you want our government to go in trying to get to the bottom of these threats ... and perhaps save lives? Would you care if we poured water on Zazi's head to make him THINK he was drowning, even though he would be in no danger? If not that, could we just deprive him of a little sleep to make him talk? Nope ... can't do those things. That would be torture. Besides, remember that the White House is now in charge of interrogations ... so maybe now you feel even a little bit safer! Right?"


A Devolving, Depressing, and Debased Debate

by Victor Davis Hanson "Jimmy Carter, at 84 no less, of course had his say. In blanket fashion, without qualification, he blasted opponents of Obama as racists. Projection? One of the reasons as a Democrat I did not vote for Carter ages ago in 1976 was his own racist past. During the 1976 campaign, it surfaced that in the 1950s Carter himself as a school board member had tried to block new black schools as part of Byzantine efforts to circumvent integration."

Mike Ramirez cartoon