Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Left, From Progressive to Oppressive

Michael Ledeen "As Tocqueville forecast, liberty gets tied down by an endless network of regulation, and we become enslaved without ever seeing it happen. That is because we get to vote, and console ourselves with the thought that our rulers serve US. Meanwhile, the Left has legislated (or, when that is impossible, simply ordered) the big State, and staffed it with their own. History is replete with paradoxes, none more anguishing than the perfection of the oppressive State by people claiming to act in the name of liberty." See Abraham Lincoln's prophecy above.

Jimmy Carter: Abuse of Women? Blame the Catholics and Southern Baptists

Lifesite News "Responding to Carter's nearly identical points in July, John Paul Meenan, Professor of Theology at Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Academy in Barry's Bay, Ontario characterized Carter's points as "ridiculous," noting that there was no evidence of the ordination of women in the early Church. Moreover, Meenan stressed that historically Christianity ought to be credited for promoting the dignity of women. "It is the Church that invariably improved the lot of women in the lands that were converted and Christianized," he said."

How to Watch “The People Speak” on The History Channel on Sunday Night

Ron Radosh "“The Sopranos” had a Columbus Day episode. Tony’s kid informs him that they don’t celebrate it at school, because Columbus was a practitioner of genocide against the Indian natives in the new land. When Tony asks him where he got that from, he tells him it was from their school textbook , Zinn’s People’s History." Hollywood & Howard Zinn’s Marxist education project
Picture from

Garrison Keillor: Our Bias Keeps Right-Wingers Alive on the Road

Newsbusters "Keillor draws on a lifetime of experience amongst the hardworking, God-fearing people of the Midwest and pays homage to the common code of civic necessities that arose from the left: Protect the social compact. Defend the powerless. Maintain government as a necessary force for good." His last show for me was when he shamelessly defended Bill Clinton as a Christian.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Needless climate regulation

Dick Morris "The goals of the climate change crowd are not reduction in global warming but the enactment of a worldwide system of regulation that puts business under government control and transfers wealth from rich nations to poor ones under the guise of fighting climate change."

Is Obama finding humility?

American Thinker "He is being forced back to the center by a center-right people, just not as fast or as easy.He misread the populace and overplayed his radical views. Maybe he is catching a glimpse of how the world sees him - as their weak American presidential novelty that can be moved towards the world agenda with ease, and thus weaken America in the process." The lesson I see is that the Democrat Party cannot be trusted to lead a free people.

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Obama, the empty-suit Nobel laureate
"His "open hand" approach to Iran has been met with disdain by the ayatollahs, and his failure to support Iranian protesters seeking freedom was roundly and justly criticized."

Barack Obama wasn’t ready to be president, and he better figure out what he’s doing before it’s too late.

Daily Beast "His jobs speech demonstrated that he is flexible enough to shift gears when necessary. And his Nobel address was a masterful defense of America's role as the guarantor of global peace and stability. It was a speech any president would have been proud to give, and it's one that Democrats and Republicans have already applauded. "

Clinton to Latin America: 'think twice' about Iran ties

Yahoo News h/t to Weasel Zippers whence cometh this quote: "Pathetic state of affairs when Pant Suits is the most competent member of an administration, sadly as in this case, she has no back up from her boss..... " Competent? How about that "reset" button?

O'Reilly vs. "Law & Order SVU"

Big Hollywood “No accident it happened on NBC, which is propaganda central in the U.S.A. It’s also the lowest rated network.”

Greta Van Susteren on Obama: He’s a Liar

Gateway Pundit "Greta Van Susteren played a number of clips tonight from the 2008 campaign where Barack Obama told supporters that he was going to hold his health care talks on CSPAN. Obviously, that never happened. After playing the video Greta looked at Karl Rove and said, “It was a lie.”"

Get Global Warming Out of Our Schools

American Thinker "We cannot wait for politicians or activists to do any more damage to our future generation. "Global warming" is not just an objectionable and discredited scientific theory. Teachers are grafting the loony climate-change premise onto lifestyle, religion, and politics in "science" classrooms. It cannot stand."