Friday, May 3, 2024

Trump Hails 'Great Meeting' With Ron DeSantis, Says They 'Will Work Together To Make America Great Again'

 The Political Insider

"Donald Trump celebrated a “great meeting” with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis over the weekend and suggested his former GOP rival is now offering support to his 2024 presidential campaign.

"Is this finally a ‘kumbaya’ moment for the formative Republican duo?

"The Washington Post first reported on the meeting which a mutual friend brokered. They describe the meeting as “friendly.”

"Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee, posted on his Truth Social media platform suggesting a collaboration of some sort may be in the works.

“ 'I am very happy to have the full and enthusiastic support of Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida,” he writes. “We had a great meeting yesterday …”

“ 'The conversation mostly concerned how we would work closely together to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN,” adds Trump. “Also discussed was the future of Florida, which is FANTASTIC!' ” . . .  Video  Sure, make it great again until the next Democrat takeover. TD

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