Monday, May 2, 2011

One Unwary Phone Call Led US to Bin Laden Doorstep/ Photos of his compound

ABC News  "When one of Osama bin Laden's most trusted aides picked up the phone last year, he unknowingly led U.S. pursuers to the doorstep of his boss, the world's most wanted terrorist.
"That phone call, recounted Sunday by a U.S. official, ended a years-long search for bin Laden's personal courier, the key break in a worldwide manhunt. The courier, in turn, led U.S. intelligence to a walled compound in northeast Pakistan, where a team of Navy SEALs shot bin Laden to death."
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie

PICTURES: U.S. Photos of the bin Laden Compound "The Pentagon released photos and an illustration showing the compound where U.S. forces found and killed Osama bin Laden as part of its news briefing."

Picture of the year/ What about evidence of OBL's death?

Burial at sea w/ according to Islamic custom  "I would have preferred his body to lie in state on the National Mall for a few days to allow all Americans to come by and spit on the dirty bastard. The we could have had a national bonfire of reconciliation around his flaming a--. I can only hope that the SEALs who killed him washed his body in accordance w/ Pipehitter Union 69's bodily fluids policies."

Did you think to consider THIS fringe benefit from the raid? INTELLIGENCE! "Radical Islamists are going to want to exact revenge … and they know they need to strike quickly. Why quickly? Because they know that our Navy Seals came out of that bin Laden compound in Pakistan with boatloads of intelligence in the form of documents and computers. Al Qaeda operatives around the world know that they may well have been identified and located through the intelligence gathered during the raid. They are all now targets. In fact, my guess is that there are operations going on around the world right now to take these people out. Perhaps they feel that they need to strike while they’re still able." Neal Boortz
The image of his corpse circulating is a Photoshopped composite.
Fake; disregard these.

Evidence exists  "The Obama administration has actual photographs of bin Laden's corpse, but officials are still struggling over what to do with them, says ABC News. The White House is weighing the benefits of releasing the photos to combat skepticism around the world about bin Laden's death versus the gruesome nature of the photos. (There are blood and brains visible in the head wound above his left eye.)"

CBS reports on the evidence  "Two sources tell CBS News that one of the women in the compound at the time of the raid was one of bin Laden's wives, who identified him post-mortem. An intelligence official said he was also identified by members of the raid team. The official also said DNA from several bin Laden family members was used to verify bin Laden's identity.
"A U.S. official told NBC News Monday morning that the Pentagon is in possession of a "very, very" graphic photograph of bin Laden's body - and that there is a debate over whether to release it. There is clearly an appetite for such a picture: A photograph of what was purported to be bin Laden's corpse circulated online Sunday night - though it was later revealed to be a fake. "

Osama bin Laden's last haven was a Pakistani military town

DEBKAfile  "Islamabad may decide to go with the Taliban rather than the United States because of its overriding fear of Indian expansion and interest in using Afghanistan to gain strategic depth by means of a controlling influence in Kabul. To this end, Pakistani leaders may throw their support behind the Taliban rather than the Americans who will eventually leave. This would confront the US-led coalition forces fight' in Afghanistan with an escalated military challenge henceforth."
Nestled among trees and in the shadow of Pakistans mountains,
 Osama bin Ladens hideaway in the town of Abbottabad stands
 empty today after a helicopter raid by U.S. troops that killed the terror chief yesterday.
Osama Bin Laden’s House In Abbottabad "Here's the information we know so far about the compound Osama bin Laden was living in."

 Buzzfeed has Google Maps views "According to reports from inside Pakistan, this is the location of the compound where Osama Bin Laden had been hiding. New York Times Columnist Anand Giridharadas asks “First images of the #BinLaden den emerging. Accurate?” "  Plus this: The Room Where Osama Bin Laden Was Killed  A bit messy.

Animation of the attack from MSNBC

Amanpour Accuses Paul Ryan of 'Reverse Robin Hoodism,' Freeland Urges 'Courage' to Raise Taxes

Media Research Center "Amanpour maintained: “Congressman Ryan is at the center of the storm. It's his plan, of course, that has sparked the outcry. Across the country, the anger is palpable.”
"Instead of adding some light, however, Amanpour fueled the fire by legitimizing left-wing talking points, confronting Ryan: “People who have been studying your numbers very carefully have been saying that the numbers don't add up,” since..."

Victor Davis Hanson: OK, Let’s Decline

“Leading From Behind”  "I remember growing up in the late 1950s and early 1960s, and the sheer amount of wealth creation since then staggers the imagination. I recall my parents taking me in 1962 to a dinner at a judge’s “mansion”: it was a 2000 sq. ft. ranch house in north Fresno — with three, repeat three, bathrooms — an unheard of thing at that time — and a 15-foot kidney shaped swimming pool to boot! The sort of elite home that is solidly now middle class."

Bye-bye, bin Laden. Though you weren't Irish-we presume- we'll toast you at your wake

The Caricature, Cartoon, Sketch, Drawing of Osama Bin Laden, the Dreaded Terrorist of Al Qaeda - shot dead by the US Military.
On Bin Laden’s Death "Though his continued presence damaged President Bush, arguably it damaged al Qaeda more by keeping the organization and its leader in the spotlight.
"The search for bin Laden has sent most of al Qaeda’s skilled troop commanders to hell, Guantanamo, or to scream out their secrets in obscure prisons in obscure countries. Strategic direction over the entire network has not been possible since the fall of Afghanistan.'

Bin Laden now room temperature  "Bin Laden’s elimination vindicates U.S. strategy in the region, started under President George W. Bush, and it will be seen as a major success for the United States, showing the world that America will remain committed to hunting down its enemies as long it takes.
"But while America should take great satisfaction in this tremendous achievement, the United States must remain vigilant against a terrorist threat that is not yet vanquished. Terrorists are trying to attack us both at home and abroad; with 38 terrorist plots foiled since 9/11, these attempts will certainly continue, if not get worse."

 Osama bin Laden killed in U.S. raid, buried at sea  "A U.S. official said bin Laden’s body was quickly transported away from Pakistan and “buried at sea,” in part because the U.S. government did not want an accessible gravesite that could become a shrine to bin Laden’s followers. The official declined to identify which body of water the corpse was taken to, or provide further details on how it was transported or handled.
"The official said the body was buried “in accordance with Islamic tradition,” meaning within 24 hours of bin Laden’s death."

 Muslims' reaction to Osama Bin Laden's death   Harris Zafar's comment :
I hope to see more acceptance, although I don't know if I can expect it. Usama did a LOT to damage the perception of Islam, and people don't really trust Muslims anymore. But groups like al-Qaeda have contributed to that. So as moderate Muslims, we know we have out work cut out for us, which is why we won't stop advocating for a separation of mosque and state, for freedom of religion and speech, and for loyalty to our country. We will still use our Muslims for Peace platform ( to spread Islam's message."
Political Cartoons by Brian Farrington
But, hey, Obama did give the go-ahead

Amish Milk: The Latest Target of the Obama Regulatory State

Heritage "Milk might do a body good, but if it’s unpasteurized milk sold by an Amish farmer across state lines, it’s a whole other story… or at least according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)."....
 "On top of being costly ($1.4 billion in new spending between 2011 and 2015), the necessity of new regulatory powers is questionable. The motivating force behind FDA regulations — and the reason for the crackdown on Rainbow Acre Farms — is a concern over food-borne illness. Katz says that incidents of such illnesses “have actually been declining for more than a decade, in spite of higher consumption of the raw foods that are most often associated with outbreaks of food-borne illness.”"
I'm from the government and I'm here to help you.

FDA Invades Non-Commercial Amish Farm in PA  "The agents – Schafer did most of the talking – said they had a right to be there because “you produce food for human consumption.” Dan asked why they believed that and they said, “Well, you have cows. You cannot be consuming all the milk you produce.” They further stated, “If you get a milk truck in to move all this milk you sell milk to the public, therefore we have jurisdiction.” "
"Dan said, “This is a private farm, I do not sell anything to the public.” "

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Red Alert: Osama bin Laden Killed

Red Alert: Hamas and the Muslim BrotherhoodSTRATFOR  "At this early hour, the only thing possible is speculation on the consequences of bin Laden’s death, and that speculation is inherently flawed. Still, the importance of his death has its consequences. Certainly one consequence will be a sense of triumph in the United States. To others, this will be another false claim by the United States. For others it will be a call to war. We know little beyond what we have been told, but we know it matters."

Bin Laden shot in head by US Navy seals  "President Obama said no civilians or American soldiers were injured during the mission that ended in the death of Bin Laden."

Osama bin Laden, the face of terror, killed in Pakistan  "On Sunday, the president said he ordered an operation -- carried out by a handful of U.S. troops -- to kill bin Laden in Pakistan. They did so after a firefight, bringing out the al Qaeda leader's body with them after their mission was complete."

Ex-President Carter bombs in Pyongyang

PJ Tatler  "Ex-President Carter did not do himself proud in Pyongyang. Dear Leader Kim Jong-il didn’t meet with him and summoned him back after he had left for the airport to carry an “important message.”"
The important message was delivered by a foreign ministry official, not Kim Jong Il. The official read out a written message from the Dear Leader, stating Kim’s willingness for “unconditional talks” for the nuclear issue and holding a summit with South Korean President Lee Myung-bak — neither of which are new proposals.
“Carter was used by North Korea like a fool,” said Toshimitsu Shigemura, an expert on North Korea at Waseda University in Tokyo.
Jimmy Carter's fumble

Saturday, April 30, 2011

DEBKAfile Special Report: Qaddafi escapes NATO air strike which kills his son, three grandsons

DEBKAfile "...The Libyan ruler's determination to fight it out will be strengthened. If until now he refrained from hitting back at coalition allies in and outside Libya, now he is likely to pull out all the stops and starting using missiles and commando forces;..."
Editorial Cartoon: Libya

The Unexamined President and His Media Enablers

Bruce S. Thornton "The enabler and abettor of this studied indifference to the past life of the most powerful man on the planet has been the media. Partly this reflects their rank hypocrisy, the way they protest their Olympian objectivity and exalted status as the “watch-dogs” of the republic, ever vigilant and ready to expose the secret abuses and machinations of the powerful, even as they shill for the Democratic Party and its various clients like trial lawyers, race-mongers, and public employee unions."

Oil Producers or government: Who is "gouging" Whom at the Pumps?

J.B. Williams (Written during the previous administration, but an excellent lesson in economics.)  "But the fact is, the gross profit margin for a gallon of gas in America today, is what it has always been, on average, .08 cents per gallon, (2.5% at $3.00 per gallon). Though retail gas prices fluctuate with crude prices and supply vs. demand, the gross profit margin per gallon remains roughly the same at all times. (No evidence of price gouging here.)
"However the federal government profits approximately .59 cents per gallon through gasoline taxes, 7 ½ times or 750% that of the oil producers themselves and 20% of the price at the pumps. Pay attention here, Washington liberals are attacking oil companies for their 2.5% gross profit margin, while Washington is profiting 20% per gallon. Democrats answer? Tax some more?
"If oil companies cut their profit margins by 50%, it would drop the price of a gallon of gas by only .04 cents per gallon. If Washington law makers cut their take by 50%, gasoline would cost .30 cents per gallon less."
"Based upon a $3.00 gallon of gasoline, the average break-down is as follows."
Gasoline Retailer $.01 cents per gallon
Oil Company $.08 cents per gallon
Refining $.29 cents per gallon
Marketing/Distribution $.32 cents per gallon
Taxes $.59 cents per gallon
Cost of crude $1.71 per gallon (delivered)
"Who is gouging who? "
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez