Sunday, May 1, 2011

Red Alert: Osama bin Laden Killed

Red Alert: Hamas and the Muslim BrotherhoodSTRATFOR  "At this early hour, the only thing possible is speculation on the consequences of bin Laden’s death, and that speculation is inherently flawed. Still, the importance of his death has its consequences. Certainly one consequence will be a sense of triumph in the United States. To others, this will be another false claim by the United States. For others it will be a call to war. We know little beyond what we have been told, but we know it matters."

Bin Laden shot in head by US Navy seals  "President Obama said no civilians or American soldiers were injured during the mission that ended in the death of Bin Laden."

Osama bin Laden, the face of terror, killed in Pakistan  "On Sunday, the president said he ordered an operation -- carried out by a handful of U.S. troops -- to kill bin Laden in Pakistan. They did so after a firefight, bringing out the al Qaeda leader's body with them after their mission was complete."

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