Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Obama's Iraq Abdication

MARISA COCHRANE SULLIVAN   "Upon taking office in 2009, President Obama inherited a winning hand in Iraq—and yet his administration has played it like a losing one. I recently returned from three weeks in that country, where I had dozens of meetings with Iraqi officials from across the political spectrum. They agreed on very little, except that the Obama administration is dangerously disengaged from the situation in their country.
""U.S. influence is waning," one senior official told me glumly. "Iran and Turkey now have more influence and they are taking advantage of what the U.S. has sacrificed for in Iraq." Another prominent leader joked that Iraq must have disappeared from every White House map."
"Failing to sign a new U.S.-Iraqi security agreement would redound to Iran's great benefit. The Obama administration has a fleeting opportunity that it cannot afford to squander." Article

The only adult in the room
Obama an easy mark on debt ceiling  "“Vintage Obama!” rejoiced Democrats. “I, for one, am happy with a president who is seemingly the last adult in the room,” read a letter to The New York Times. Obama, the thinking went, was following the wisdom of Kenny Rogers: He knew “when to fold ‘em.”
"The problem is that Obama tipped his hand. His professed unwillingness to see hostages harmed — even when polls showed public support for his position — told Boehner that all he needed to do was raise the stakes and Obama would concede."

Why I Read the New York Times

Bruce S. Thornton  "That culture-wide assumption that combat veterans are victims to be pitied rather than heroes to be admired inhibits their reintegration into civilian life as much as the alleged societal myopia about the “horrors of war.” And beyond the impact on veterans, this exclusive focus on the evils of war and its crippling traumas can have a pernicious impact on foreign policy. The obsession with the horrors of World War I led to a “never again” mentality that helped paved the way for the policy of appeasement in the Thirties. A similar brooding over the alleged horrific crimes of Vietnam made our abandonment of South Vietnam more politically palatable, which in turn facilitated American retreat and Soviet expansionism in the 70s. And today the same sort of coverage of Iraq and Afghanistan may camouflage an over-hasty withdrawal from those countries."

New York Times Reader Kills Dozens in Norway

Ann Coulter  "Had anyone at the Times actually read Breivik's manifesto, they would have seen that he uses the word "Christian" as a handy moniker to mean "European, non-Islamic" -- not a religious Christian or even a vague monotheist. In fact, at several points in his manifesto, Breivik stresses that he has a beef with Christians for their soft-heartedness. (I suppose that's why the Times is never worried about a "Christian backlash.")
"A casual perusal of Breivik's manifesto clearly shows that he uses the word "Christian" similarly to the way some Jewish New Yorkers use it to mean "non-Jewish." In this usage, Christopher Hitchens and Madalyn Murray O'Hair are "Christians.""

Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg
Norway PM: After attacks, make country more open
"Stoltenberg strongly defended the right to speak freely - even if it includes extremist views such as those held by Anders Behring Breivik, the 32-year-old Norwegian who has confessed to the attacks and claimed they were necessary to fight what he called Muslim colonization and multiculturalism."
""We have to be very clear to distinguish between extreme views, opinions - that's completely legal, legitimate to have. What is not legitimate is to try to implement those extreme views by using violence," he said in English." World Magazine

But be in no doubt whatsoever that Mother nature will demand they pay the heaviest price for their arrogance and she will not care one iota if the entire white race has to pay too. Mother nature knows not pity as even self-righteous Liberal-Multiculturalists will find to their cost, you can be completely assured of that. From his "manifesto".

Families toss wrench in 'gay' indoctrination plan

WND  "Family leaders in California have thrown a wrench in the public school system's newest "gay" indoctrination plan, with the filing of the paperwork for a referendum on SB48, approved by the Democrats in the legislature and signed by Gov. Jerry Brown, a Democrat, in recent days. "
""This effort will require us all to sacrifice and work together. We cannot afford to stay silent or stand on the sidelines. Californians are extremely tolerant, but we draw the line when history is revised to please a special interest group," he said"

Hat tip to the California Chronicle

Obama's balanced approach

Blitz Britain: Amazing colour pictures of London under siege from Nazi bombers during World War II

UK Daily Mail  "For many, photographs from the World War II have only been seen in grainy black and white. But now, new colour images have emerged that show the full horror of the destruction inflicted by Nazi bombings across London.
"The powerful images were released to mark the 70th anniversary of the launch of Winston Churchill's 'V for Victory' campaign on July 19, 1941." Via National Review Online

White House Switchboard Swamped

American Thinker  "President Obama's speech last night called for Americans to contact their Congressional representatives in an effort to demonstrate their displeasure with the progress of the debt ceiling negotiations."
"President Obama may have been hoping that Congress would be bullied by a cascade of phone calls to Congress making demands for higher taxes on their fellow citizens. As an orchestrated tactic, it appears to have worked. Unfortunately for the President, it seems that his call to his dwindling supporters has also rallied those who oppose him and Speaker Boehner didn't even have to plot a phone call mob on his behalf."
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Obama Shameless as Debt Crisis Looms  "While factually correct, this is bad economic policy, policy that Obama should accept the blame for just as much as he tried to claim credit for it when he and his administration were pretending their efforts to fix the economy were working."

President Obama and the Debt Crisis: Detached, Alone, and Passive   "Politico’s Thrush identified this key vulnerability on Sunday when he wrote:"
Can anyone envision a more devastating line than “Barack Obama, the man who lost America’s AAA credit rating — and brought you 9 percent unemployment”?

•Class warfare, complete with evil corporate jets - check. •One sided shared sacrifice - check. •Blame Bush - check.

Another Black Conservative   "No where in Obama's 15 minute speech did Obama offer a clear cut path plan of action. Instead, it was the usual dump it all in Congress' lap and then take to the podium to play the role of college professor. Of course in doing so, Obama made his usual massive contradictions. Like this gem:"...

"And Boehner mocked Obama's rhetoric: "The president has often said we need a 'balanced' approach--which in Washington means we spend more, you pay more." One might observe that the partisan sniping was mutual. But the president is the higher-status player. He diminishes himself by punching down."

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Identifying a Psychopath

Warning Signs  "Anyone who would blow up a government building and gun down children, thinking that he was going to ignite a revolution against Muslims in Europe is not dealing with a full deck.
"The event initiated a torrent of news coverage and comment. Much of the initial coverage was wrong. Breivik was not a “fundamentalist Christian” and he was not linked to any particular group. He was the classic lone wolf. Like the Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski, Breivik had his own “manifesto.” "
" “What distinguishes psychopaths from normal people? Principally, it is a total absence of what we typically take to be moral qualities; sympathy, empathy, compassion, guilt, remorse, conscience, loyalty, truth telling, and a sense of fairness.”
"“Psychopaths are highly narcissistic. Not only are they extremely self-centered, but they also think of themselves as being of a higher nature than the rest of us,” " By Alan Caruba

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney Beclowns Himself Spinning Obama's AWOL Stance

Joshuapundit  "This has to be one of the most pathetic examples on record of someone openly lying in public since Baghdad Bob during the invasion of Iraq."

"Here's Jay Carney, the president's press secretary actually being sneered at by the normally servile White House press corps as he tries to cover up for the president's total lack of leadership."
There's no real leadership here because frankly, the president is incapable of it.He's an empty suit, and in over his head.

Kinda like lipstick on a pig